C :: Compute Permutations Of Any String Entered - Function Will Not Return A Value

Jun 11, 2013

This is my program, for now it is intended to compute permutations of any string entered, but the function ox will not return the final x value. ox is the function that actually computes the permutations so the return of the x value is critical.

int ox(int x);
int main() {
int x;
char input[10];

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Program To Compute Length Of String Entered By User By Class

Sep 30, 2014

I want this program by using only iostream.h & conio.h

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C++ :: Need A Function To Return A String

Aug 13, 2014

I need a function to return a string..i need to pass input as "a,b,c,a,c,d,e" function should return out put as "a,b,c,d,e".

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C++ :: Creating A Function To Return A String

Aug 13, 2014

I need a function to return a string

I need to pass input as "a,b,c,a,c,d,e"

function should return out put as


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C :: Return A String To Then Call It On Main Function?

May 26, 2013

I'm trying to return a string to then call it on main function.

const char* coiso(int chave){
char str [50];
char txt[50] = ".txt";
return str;
int main () {
const char* info = coiso(8);

If I do a printf("%s",str) in coiso function it works but the following code doesn't work.

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C++ :: Use Recursion Function That Return If String Has Same Letters

Aug 12, 2013

I've to use recursion function that return if the string has a same letters:

for example: - fff = true
- fFf = false

I did this but the return answer is always: NOT!

bool iSameLetters(char str[SIZE]) {
return true;
else {
if((str[0] && iSameLetters(str+1) == str[0]))
return iSameLetters(str+1);
return false;

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C/C++ :: Why To Use Return Type For String Function As Char

Oct 6, 2012

If we are using strcpy() for copying the string. As we are passing pointers to it It will copy the string & no need to return the string .This function will finely work with return type as void then why Ritchie has used it as char* strcpy()?

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C++ :: Function To Return String - File Size

Feb 24, 2012

Where i can get ready function, which return string, which describe size of file?

For example
4 = 4 b
1045 = 1,01 Kb
and etc.

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C++ :: Write Program That Uses Function To Compute The Cost?

Nov 1, 2013

Write a program that uses a function to compute the cost of a pizza with given diameter and the number of toppings. Constant will be the cost per toppings and cost per square inch. It will contain a reputable structure as well.

number of toppings=3

//complier directives


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C :: Will Return Root Statement At End Ever Return Value Other Than Value Passed To Function?

Mar 29, 2013

I'm writing some functions pertaining to binary trees. I've used recursion once before while learning quicksort but am still quite new and unfamiliar with it. And this is my first time touching a binary tree. So my question: In my addnode function, will the return root statement at the end ever return a value other than the value passed to the function?


#include <stdlib.h>
struct tnode
int data;
struct tnode * left;
struct tnode * right;


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C++ :: Echo String Entered By User

Oct 3, 2013

* echoString2.c
* Echoes a string entered by user. Converts input to C-style string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char aString[200];
char *stringPtr = aString;

[Code] ....

and these are my errors

212Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
212Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '' in program
212Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
262Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
262Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '' in program
262Untitled1.cpp[Error] stray '222' in program
Untitled1.cppIn function 'int main()':
2125Untitled1.cpp[Error] 'n' was not declared in this scope

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C/C++ :: How To Reformat Entered String With Odd Then Even Place

Oct 15, 2014

The question I am given is this:

Given a line of words (total character number is less than 100,
start from odd position 1,
and end with newline char "

Write a program to reformat it that new output is formed by each char from its odd position first, then its even position char.

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C++ :: How To Recognize Two Words Entered By User For A String

Feb 11, 2013

In my little experiment i am trying to get the compiler to recognize 1 word with 2 parts from a list of names.

For example: if the user wanted to choose "candy bar", from a list of items which include: "candy bar", "cat", "dog"

My current code can recognize words without a space like cat and dog. But how can i recognize candy bar?

I tried using getline but its of no use.

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C++ :: Write Program That Scans Entered String For Keywords And Responds?

Nov 17, 2014

I'm attempting to write a program that will respond to me a lot like cleverbot or Siri. I can take care of making the program do the things I want it to do such as shutdown the computer, play a song, or whatever but I do not yet understand how to make it read strings I say, and make sense of them using certain words in that sentence. I could probably make an endless if statement to see if a string entered (using cin on a string[]) matches a certain other string, covering a million different sentences with a million different combos of words and spelling and capitalization but I want to enter a sentence and have the program search for keywords and then act on them. For example, with "shutdown" and "computer" being the keywords that make the program run the shutdown operation, so that whether I say "Yo, program, shutdown this computer for me!" or "Shutdown this computer", it will use the common terms here, "shutdown" and "computer" to know what to do.

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C++ :: Convert And Return C Format String To String?

Jun 8, 2014

heres the function:

string ToString ( const char * format, ... )
char buffer[256];


these function do the same of the sprintf() function. but instead we use a variable for add the result, i want to return the result. when i use it:

string f;
f=ToString("hello world");
gives me several errors:
"error: crosses initialization of 'std::string f'"
"error: jump to case label [-fpermissive]"

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C++ :: Number Of Permutations

Dec 26, 2014

We are considering a word C containing only lowercase. An anagram of the word C is a word formed by the letters of C in another order eventually. E.g.

'armata' is an anagram of the word 'tamara'
but 'maree' is not an anagram of the word 'amare'
A word is an angram of itself.

Determine the number of different anagrams that a word has. Because this number may be very high, there will be posted its decomposition into prime numbers

The input file anagrame.in contains the word C.

The output file anagrame.out will contain the decomposition into prime numbers of the number of anagrams of the word C. On each line there will be a prime factor followed by one space and then its multiplicity(power). The factors will be written in ascending order.

0 < the length of the word <= 1000


2 2
3 1


2 7
3 4
5 2
7 1
11 1
13 1

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C :: Output Smallest Integer Entered - Loops / Function

Oct 22, 2014

I am trying to find a way to put a getSmallest function in here so that it will output smallest integer entered. If it is just an arbitrary amount of #'s and I don't know what will be entered I am confused. Both on how to do it and how to link my function to my loop.

/* Prompts user and gets integer numbers from keyboard, one number at a time. Ends program when 99999 entered. and displays various results.
Written by:
Date: 10/20/14
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

[Code] .....

Could I take this and just replace all variables a, b, and c with getNumber, where would I link/declare smallest?

/* ==================== smallest ======================
This function returns the smallest of 3 integers.
Pre given 3 integers
Post the smallest integer returned
int smallest (int a, int b, int c) {

[Code] ......

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Visual C++ :: Backward Function - Reversing Words Entered?

Apr 21, 2013

My program , it says there is no problem with the build but when exe. it displays a bunch of backward 'k' instead of reversing the words entered.

Problem: Enter in a C-string and use function to display the word backward. (it might work with a pointer but I am not sure how to go about it)


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C++ :: Generate All Permutations Of A List?

Dec 5, 2013

I know how to generate all permutations of a list like: {'h','e','k','p'}

But I am needing to know how to generate all permutations like: {{'a','b'}, {'h','k','d'}, ..... } such that the first character is either an 'a' or a 'b' and the second character is one of the three in the second list, etc. There will be less than 600 000 permutations.

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C/C++ :: Find All Permutations Of A List

Apr 3, 2012

I need to find all the possible permutations of a list and I am completely stumped. The specification for the function is:

void allPerms(intListType *toOrigList, intListType *answer)  

where *toOrigList is a pointer to a list and *answer is an array of lists. intListType has several member functions and I will post them if you want them, but for the most part they are barely used in this function (which is not a member function). I'm having trouble outputting the permutations because the program keeps crashing. I cannot change the specification of the function. Anyway, here is what I have of the function so far:

#include "allPerms.h"
#include <string>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;  
void allPerms(intListType *toOrigList, intListType *answer)
//Pre: list is not empty
//Post: computes all permutations of a given list

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Function To Count Digits Of Entered Number Doesn't Work

Feb 19, 2013

I wrote a program with function my own function which count the digits of entered number. The problem is whatever i type it shows 0 digits.Why is that?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int cikCipari (int skaitlis, int cipars);
int main()

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Function That Makes Shows Time Entered In Clock Format

Mar 11, 2014

Program should continually have user enter a positive integer, and quits on zero entered. This entered number represents the total number of seconds and after each number is entered a function is called that displays the time in hours, minutes and seconds. Sample output is as follows:

Enter Total Seconds --> 3605 1:00:05

The function needs only one value parameter and should return nothing back to main. If the minutes or seconds are a one digit number then make sure to display a leading zero as the example above shows.

Here is my program. my question is how do i make the numbers appear like this? 1:00:05

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Printing Permutations Of Digits Of A Number?

Feb 8, 2013

I have been trying to write a recursive function to print the permutations of a n-digit number. This is the logic that i am trying to use.

1.call the permutation function,

2.keep the first digit in the first place and send the remaining 2 digits back to the permutation function recursively.

3.keep one of the two digits received and send the remaining digit to the permute function.

4. keep doing this till only one digit remains. this is the smallest solution so return it.

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C++ :: Algorithm For Permutations Of Operands And Operators

Jun 12, 2014

I can't seem to figure out the algorithm to find the right permutation(s) of operands and operators.

We basically have a list of 6 unsigned integers. Using arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), find the arithmetic expression that evaluates to a target integer.

myIntegers = {3, 7, 8, 10, 50, 100};
trgtInt = 315;

Solution is (50 + 10) * 7 - 100 - 8 + 3

We also have the following conditions:

1) Each number from the list can be used only once, but does not have to be used. i.e an expression with 5 or less numbers is acceptable

2) Operators can be used multiple times

I am thinking a parenthesis-free notation like Polish or Reverse Polish notation should be used.

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C++ :: Generate Lists Of Permutations Of Ints

Jul 26, 2014

I am trying to generate some lists of permutations of ints but I can't make std::next_permutation work for me. The problem is I need to include permutations which don't use every number. For example take the array of numbers [1, 2]. I need an algo that will return:


Must work with up to 8 numbers.

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C++ :: How To Generate All Permutations Of Objects Present On List

Mar 13, 2014

I've a big problem. I'd like to generate of all permutations of objects present on my list and i don't know how to do this. I've found a few examples, but i can't use them in my code...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
class Item {


Input file with objects:
2 0 0 4
5 0 1 5
3 0 2 6

and output should be:
2 0 0 4
5 0 1 5
3 0 2 6

2 0 0 4
3 0 2 6
5 0 1 5

3 0 2 6
2 0 0 4
5 0 1 5
etc... 3! so 6 permutations for this example.

I was 'fighting' with this for few days, and I'm so downcast.

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