C++ :: Calling Functions - Vector Of Pointers

Mar 27, 2013

I have a vector of pointers inside a seperate Exam class.

vector <Question* > question_list

The Question class is my base class in which I have derived sub classes for the different types of questions (MultipleChoice, LongAnswer, etc.). I am using my vector to hold the different types of questions.

in each of those classes I have virtual "write" functions in both the base and the derived classes, that write to a file differing for each type of question.

My problem now is calling the write function from a Exam function. I've tried several methods, such as:

for (size_t i = 0; i < question_list.size(); i++) {

but it comes with two errors: "error C2228:left of '.write' must have class/struct/union" along with "IntelliSense: expression must have class type"

I have made a write function for the exam class as well but am not sure what it should include since the Exam class is not a derived class of the Question class.

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C++ :: Left Over Arguments When Calling Function Pointers

May 5, 2014

Say I have a function pointer with this definition:

void ( *pressFunc ) ( void*, void* );

And i did this function:

void functionWithOneArg ( void* testPtr );

And i did this

pressFunc = &functionWithOneArg;

One. Would C actually let me do this? ( Assigning a function with one argument to a function with two )

Two. If so, what would happen to the second argument that is passed the function when its called? Does it just get 'cut off' and only the first argument is passed?

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C++ :: Calling Template Functions

Feb 21, 2013

How do I call these functions from Mechanical.h???

class statics { public:

template<class T> struct Inertia_types {
T Rec(T _x, T _y);
T Tri(T _x, T _y);

[Code] ...

I am trying to create templated functions which I can apply all data types to except for strings and other types such as wchar. Am I also writing these correctly? This is my first attempt ever doing this.

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C++ :: Calling Functions Of Class And Outside With Same Name?

Apr 6, 2013

Just a few moments ago i was just doing foolish things in c++ and discovered something new. Though some of you might have known this, for those who dont know, take a look at the follwing 2 small programs,

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main();
void loop()


so here is my problem. i think u wud have figured out what m trying to do above. am actually calling the main() of the class and from there, i want to call the usual main... the problem is, during A.main()'s run, if i refer to main(); , that call represents itself, that it, it is like it calls itself. How on earth can i call the outside main?

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C++ :: Calling Functions From Templates?

Mar 14, 2013

Having issues calling my arguments from my templates, when i declare x and n in the main it comes up with errors

code below:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int intInput1, intInput2;


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C :: Writing Factorials And Calling Other Functions To Do So

Jul 6, 2013

I am trying to get this statistical equation to work. m! / n! (m-n)!.

#include <stdio.h>
long factorial_M(long); // function prototype //
long factorial_N(long);
long total (long);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Create Two Threads Calling Even And Odd Functions

Mar 1, 2013

I want to create two threads which will be calling even and odd functions where even function should print even number and odd function should print odd number.Can it be possible with condition variable? What is the code in both the cases i.e. two separate function and with condition variable.

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C++ :: Sinking Fund And Calling Functions

Nov 17, 2014

I have to do this assignment but really don't understand the calling and called functions yet. Rewrite your program for computing the value of a sinking fund so that there is a C++ function that is called to calculate the value, i.e., a function that returns the accumulated value based on the number of years with the annual interest rate compounded monthly and a fixed-size monthly deposit.

My program is:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double R, r, t;


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C++ :: Calling Functions From Text Files?

Jan 5, 2015

I'm working on a code that reads a text file and follows the instructions written in that file. An example of the text file:

11 4 61 2
1 2 0 14
17 99 1 1
5 6 7
1 1 1
45 6 9

I want to read the text file line by line, each time I find an instruction (that is, the keywords *sum or *subtract) I want to make a summation (in the case of *sum) of all the numbers in each of the following lines, and repeat until the next instruction appear. So the text file above should generate:


That is:

11 + 4 + 61 + 2 = 78
1 + 2 + 0 + 14 = 17
17 + 99 + 1 + 1 = 118
5 - 6 - 7 = -8
1 - 1 - 1 = -1
45 - 6 - 9 = 30

how can I implement a dictionary(I'm guessing a dictionary is the best way to go here) so that when I read the string *sum i can call a function that does the summation of the following lines.

the size of the text file may be big (several mb) and the number of different instructions to search for may be in the magnitude of hundreds.

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C/C++ :: Calling Functions Inside A Class?

Nov 4, 2014

Im currently working on a class assignment and the pseudo code containing the instructions that I need to complete list:

// CTOR: Point()
// Default constructor. Initializes the point to be at the origin (0, 0) and the color to black = (0, 0, 0).
// Call Init() and pass 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0 as the parameters.

My code for this is:

void Init(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

The code I wrote for the function Init is here:

Point::Init(int mX, int mY, color mColor){
mX = 0;
mY = 0;
mColor = pInitColor;

My problem here is that whenever I try calling this function in the point class, I get an error next to void Init saying incomplete type is not allowed. Also visual studio is telling me that it expects a ')' after my first zero in that line.

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Visual C++ :: Mq4 Platform Calling Functions From DLL

Feb 10, 2013

I have Mq4 platform calling functions from DLL some how it doesnt make any differents when I make the call....

// DLL Code

#define MT4_EXPFUNC __declspec(dllexport)
using namespace std;
std::string My_String;
#define stringify(mymonths ) # mymonths

[Code] ....

I call this function

bool counts = StartRulls(bars);
Print("counts =",counts );
2013.02.09 23:03:242010.03.31 16:37 My_Mq4.mq4 EURCAD,M5: counts = 1

My result always stays 1

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C :: Calling Functions From Parallel (MPI) Fortran Program

Apr 24, 2013

I'm working on a parallel Fortran program by using MPI, which calls a very good random number generator function from C (drand48 and srand48 for seed).

My Fortran program file "Par_PICFort_4.f95" is smt. like:

Code: PROGRAM main
Include 'mpif.h'


I compile the code as: Code: mpif77 -o PIC Par_PICFort_4.f95 drand48.c Program seem to be running, but after checking the simulation results, I see that drand48 is not working in a parallel way. Creating independent random numbers which different seeds is very important for me.

Question: Is it possible to run the drand48.c file as parallel?

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C :: Calling Functions With Arguments Using Pointer Variables As Operators

Feb 2, 2013

There are, or course, better ways to do this, but I need to stick to some rules:

(1) Use only pointer variables and not arrays or structs.
(2) Use the three functions shown--regardless of easier methods.

The program should ask for some input, operate on those numbers, and then display the results. I know I am confused over these things:

(1) All that syntax using '*' and '&' or neither.
(2) How to use the char type correctly.
(3) How to use a char type input as an operator (a + b).
(4) How to use the pointer of the operator variable (+,-,*,/) in an actual equation.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// *** Prototype Functions ***
void Post_Results (float*);
void Calculate (float*, float*, char*, float*);
void Get_Numbers (float*, char*, float*);


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C++ :: Program To Calculate Company Weekly Payroll - Calling Functions?

Jun 9, 2014

This program in not completed. I am creating a large program in order to calculate a company's weekly payroll. For now I am filling in the separate functions piece by piece before the rest of the program is completed.

Right now I am trying to use separate functions to call other functions. I need to ask the user for the file name and then open the file. I am no longer getting any compiler errors however when I run the program all it displays is "Welcome."

So it's not actually calling the NameTheFile function and the OpenTheFile function. It just says "Welcome" and then closes down. Why is it doing this?

/*Program to determine company's weekly payroll*/

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void NametheFile() {

ifstream inputFile;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Loop Through A Vector Of Objects Calling A Function In Each

Apr 18, 2013

I am having a problem with a program. I have a bunch of classes all derived from the same base class. I want to loop through a vector of objects, calling a function in each. The problem is that it doesn't matter which class the objects are, only the function defined in the base class is called.

I simplified the code as far as possible to replicate the problem. As you see, I would like a mix of numbers 1,2,3 as the output, however using the vector the only number output is 1. Here is a copy of the output by the way:

base->num() : 1
a->num() : 2
b->num() : 3
(*it)->num() : 1
(*it)->num() : 1
(*it)->num() : 1

I suspect this is the "slice" problem, because the vector is defined with pointers to the base class so it uses the base class functions? The question is how to get around it? How can I loop through a vector of objects sharing the same base class but calling each by their correct member functions?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Base {
int num() { return 1;}

[Code] .....

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C :: Passing Pointers To Functions

Feb 28, 2015

I have been struggling with pointers. I am trying to write a program that first asks a user to input a filename. It then checks if the file exists and if it does it passes a pointer to the next function. The next function then asks the user for a specific word to look for and the function will search a text file for the word and do some other operations. My problem is that I do not understand how to use the pointer returned by my first function as an input to another function.

The following code has the first function file_check() and the second function word_search() which I think the way I am declaring it is the problem.

FILE *file_check();
void word_search(FILE *);
main(void) {
FILE* check= file_check();
// word_search(check);

[Code] ......

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C :: Pointers As Arguments In Functions

Aug 23, 2013

I'm having some problems with a function. The function is supposed to find the two largest values in an array.


void find_two_largest( const int *a, int n, int *largest, int *second_largest){
largest = a;
int temp;
second_largest = a;
for ( int i = 1; i < n; i++){
if (*(a + i) > *largest){
temp = *largest;


I don't see any mistake with the code of the function, but when I try to call it inside my program it only returns 0 for both largest and second_largest.


int *find_middle( int *a, int n);
void find_two_largest(const int *a, int n, int *largest, int *second_largest);
int main()
int n;


Do I have to declare the variables largest and second_largest as normal integer variables and then pass their addresses as arguments to find_largest or is that incorrect?

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C :: Getting Null Pointers In Most Of Functions

Oct 15, 2014

For some reason I keep getting null pointers in most of my functions, and in my convertTime function the numbers are way higher than they should be.


//Utils.H header file----------------------------------------------

//This function takes the radius of a circle and returns the diameter, the circumference and the area.
int circleStatistics(double radius, double *diameter, double *circumference, double *area);

//This function takes a number of days and returns how many years, weeks and remaining days that is.
int convertTime(int days, int *y, int *w, int *d);

//This function takes a length of time and calculates the dilation of that time at a percentage of the speed of light.
int lorentzTimeDilation(double normalTime, double percentC, double *dilatedTime);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Pointers Passed Through Functions

Dec 14, 2014

I am writing a code that creates a deck of cards using a doubly linked list. One function, newDeck(), is made to create a new deck if the user wants. I don't have any problems creating the deck and it all seems to work fine, but when I run the whole program and a separate function needs to utilize the nodes in my deck, I get an error. Trying to find where there was a problem, I tried displaying the values of a card node in random parts of my code. At the end of the newDeck function, after the whole deck has been created, the card still displays correctly, yet when I return back to main immediately after newDeck has been called, I noticed that the values of my cards changed to either random values or they became null. I found this strange because in between the end of my newDeck function and at this point, there is no extra code so it doesn't seem as if there is any way the pointers could have been changed. Maybe It's because I don't have a complete understanding of pointers yet but is there any way that pointers can change values when returning from a function to main?

newDeck(head, tail, n); //this is how I call the function from main.
void newDeck(Card* head, Card* tail, Card* n) //this is my function body
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)


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C :: Structs - Implement In With Pointers And Functions

Feb 23, 2013

I have a struct and I want to implement in with pointers and functions.

What is the corect syntax? For example:

typedef struct XYZ

int x;
int y;
int z;

int func( using the XYZ_t struct)

[Code] .....

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C :: Functions Which Change Arrays Without Pointers?

Jan 17, 2014

the book I learn from gave a task to write a program which gets a matrix , and we have to write a function that switches 2 columns or rows the user inputs .as far as I know a function can not change variables in the main function without using pointers .so , theoretically, can a function described here can be written without using pointers ? as far as I tried - it can not.

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C :: Using Typedef Struct And Passing Pointers To Functions

Mar 3, 2013

I am having problems with passing my values through functions.

Here is my code:

void test(int**);
void test2(int**);


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C/C++ :: Assigning Functions To Array Of Function Pointers

May 13, 2013

I'm trying to create an array of function pointers and then assign compartilbe functions to them, so I can just call *pf[0](xxx);

The functions are all of the type

void func01(unsigned char*, int, int)

how would I create an array of function pointers and assign the address of the functions to them? So I could call them like

ptrToFunction[i](charBuffer, 10, 20);

I've read a bit on line and I thought I could do it but so far I've failed.

It seems trivial and I feel I'm close but close isn't good enough.

I'd like to assign the fuction addresses like this:
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
if (i==1)
if (i==2)

The actual logic is somewhat different than this but this close.

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C++ :: Smart Pointers In A Vector

Aug 21, 2014

I am new to smart pointers and have a question.If you push a smart pointer onto a vector and then some where later pop it back off it will delete the memory right?

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C++ :: Delete Pointers From Vector

Jul 25, 2013

I have something like this:

class A {

class B : public A {

class C : public A {



int main() {

[Code] ....

And it don't works at all. all i get (when playing with variations of this stuff until it compiles correctlly) is a memory leak.

For example, let say i have b1 address = 1234

I will effectively free the memory at 1234, but for a strange reason, the memory leak is elsewhere, for example, at 2345, and the memory value at this address is equal to... 1234, the address of the pointer i wanted to delete.

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C++ ::  Deleting Vector Of Pointers?

Nov 23, 2013

Currently I am implementing the A* algorithm in C++. I have chosen to use a hybrid of a '2D vector grid' and two 1D pointer vectors to specific places in the '2D vector grid'. I have chosen to do it this way, so I can access the nodes using coordinates and also for iterating over the appropriate nodes(rather than the whole '2D vector grid').

In the below examples I have not included the full code because I deemed it irrelevant to the question.

vector <int> CInGame::AStarAlgorithm(vector<vector<bool>>& resistanceMap, int startX, int startY, int targetX, int targetY, int cutOff) {
vector <int> returnVec;
vector <vector<CNode>> twoDimNodes;
vector <CNode*> openSet;
vector <CNode*> closedSet;


The error is:


do I need to free the pointers or is it done automatically? If not then how would I do this?

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