C :: Using Fwrite And Fread On Structs

Jul 20, 2014

I'm currently working on a program that writes an array of struct to a file and then read back the data from the file to another array of struct. At the bottom is an image of my result.

My goal is to end up with two identical struct arrays but my program fails to do this. My struct have to members: ID and kind (of animals in this case). I declare my first arraystruct africa[] with "monkey" and "giraffe" with their respectively IDnr: 112 and 555. I stream this data to a file and read read them back to the arraystruct get_animal[]. Simply I want the get_animal[] to be identical with the africa[] when the program is over, but that is not so. According to my result(bottom image) it display:

112, monkey (get_animal[0])
112, monkey (get_animal[1])
meaning that get_animal[0] is identical to africa[0] get_animal[1] is also identical to africa[0]

but why? I want get_animal[1] to be identical with africa[1]. meaning I want the result to look like this:

112, monkey
555, giraffe

I've also made the program to print the parameters of my fwrite/fread calls. Why is the 3rd parameter = 1 meaning that only 1 element will be read/written when my program just read/write 2 elements?


FILE *fp;
struct animals
int id;
char kind[20];
} africa[1] = {{112,"monkey"}, {555,"giraffe"}};


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C :: Fread / Fwrite And Fseek (reverse Of WAV File)

Jun 28, 2013

I am trying to write a function to reverse a wav file. The idea is to copy the header as it is from the begening of the input.wav file to the beginning of the output.wav file. After that i have to take count number of bytes(count = numberChannels * bitsPerSample in the wav i use this is 2*16= 32 bits, 32/8 = 4 bytes). With this code i am trying to copy the header( that's working fine) and then copy 10 samples from the end and put them to the output.wav file(after header not at the beginning).

This is the content of the input file:

The last 4 bytes of the header are bolded.

52 49 46 46 24 bd 01 00 57 41 56 45 66 6d 74 20
10 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 44 ac 00 00 10 b1 02 00
04 00 10 00 64 61 74 61 00 bd 01 00 00 10 00 10
ff 00 10 00 00 10 00 10 00 00 ff 10 10 10 00 10
00 00 00 10 10 10 10 00 00 00 10 00 10 00 10 ff
00 10 00 00 10 00 ff 00

This is the content of the output file it suppose to have in my example

52 49 46 46 24 bd 01 00 57 41 56 45 66 6d 74 20
10 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 44 ac 00 00 10 b1 02 00
04 00 10 00 64 61 74 61 00 bd 01 00 10 00 ff 00
00 10 00 00 10 00 10 ff 00 00 10 00 10 10 10 00
00 00 00 10 10 10 00 10 00 00 ff 10 00 10 00 10
ff 00 10 00

void reverse(char **array) {
int i=0;
word numberChannels;//word is unsigned short int , byte is unsigned char
word bitsPerSample;

[Code] .....

The problem is that (having in mind per sample is 4 bytes) instead of copying 40 bytes it just copies 20

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C :: Crypt File With XOR Instruction - Fread / Fwrite Segmentation Fault

Jan 21, 2015

I try to crypt file with XOR instruction, by always receive segmentation fault. What's wrong with it?

#include <stdio.h>
main() {
FILE *fin,*fout;
char buff[40];
int a=0x11;
int i=0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Outputting Data From File Into Structs And Arrays Of Structs

Apr 15, 2013

I am having a lot of trouble being able to get data from a file and input it into given structs and arrays of structs and then outputting the file. We are given a file that contains 96 lines and looks like this:

Arzin, Neil
2.3 6.0 5.0 6.7 7.8 5.6 8.9 7.6
Babbage, Charles
2.3 5.6 6.5 7.6 8.7 7.8 5.4 4.5

This file continues for 24 different people and then repeats with different scores (the second line).
The first number, in this case is 2.3 for both people is a difficulty rating. The next 6 numbers are scores.

We are given this data in order to set up our structs and arrays and my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ifstream inFile;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Fread Every Nth Character

Oct 16, 2013

I am currently reading several values one after another from a file like so:

Code: ifstream f;
double x;
double a, b, c, d;

f.read((char *)&x, sizeof (double));
a = x;
f.read((char *)&x, sizeof (double));
b = x;

//etc ... for several other values Question:

How can I read every (lets say) 3rd value instead of every next value from the file

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C :: If Fread Returns Char Array Less Than Eight Bytes?

Mar 1, 2013

I do not understand how I can implement this.If fread != to at least 8 bytes then do THIS: printf (" your file is near the end of file", fread result);

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C :: Using Fwrite With Text Output

Mar 9, 2013

I have the following code:

void Plot(int nx, int ny, double x[350], double y[350], double C_new[350][350], int iplot){
int i, j;
char fname[50];
FILE *fp;


I am then taking the generated file and importing it into a plotting program (Techplot360). It would speed up the importing process if I created a binary file instead of a like above. I know that I need to use fwrite but I am unsure how to handle lines like

fprintf(fp, "TITLE= ABCDEFG_%d
", iplot); and

Code: fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f
", x[i], y[j], T_new[i][j]);

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C++ :: Fwrite - Calculating Elapsed Time

Jan 24, 2013

I have a question. I would like to actually have some measure of roughly how long it takes to do a fwrite to a drive. When I do the following:

clock_t begin = clock();
unsigned long long size_t = fwrite(send, 1, transfer_size*sizeof(unsigned long long), wpFile);
clock_t end = clock();
double long elapsed_secs = double long(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

Unfortunately, I don't get any different result for different transfer size!!!

My guess is that the clock_t , once it issues a fwrite command, some how stops its measurement, and it comes back again, when I am already done with fwrite. I do get the almost same measure, whether my transfer size is 32KB Byte or 16MB ! Which I was indeed expecting to see a huge difference. I wouldn't really want the exact real timing measure (well off course it will be nice to know); and all I care about is to see some difference in time whether I am doing KB transfer vs MB transfer.

Some rough measurement required of the actual time being elapsed for fwrite function?

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C++ :: Pointer Of Union And Fwrite Operation

Jul 5, 2013

I have union of pointer.

union {
short *two_int;
int *four_int;
double *eight_real;
char *one_ascii;
// void *v;

We have write function which write into file.

fwrite (r.one_ascii, 1, i, outstr);

I found one thing,When we write function, we fill only four int in following way.

r.four_int[0] = x + xoff;
r.four_int[1] = y + yoff;

So my question,we fill four_int but write one_ascii only.As is it union of pointer. So it does not matter. I am using 64bit machine and do not have any issue in 32 bit machine.

For more information: [URL] ....

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C++ :: Fwrite Calculating Elapsed Time

Jan 23, 2013

I would like to actually have some measure of roughly how long it takes to do a fwrite to a drive. When I do the following:

clock_t begin = clock();
unsigned long long size_t = fwrite(send, 1, transfer_size*sizeof(unsigned long long), wpFile);
clock_t end = clock();
double long elapsed_secs = double long(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

Unfortunately, I don't get any different result for different transfer size!!!

My guess is that the clock_t , once it issues a fwrite command, some how stops its measurement, and it comes back again, when I am already done with fwrite. I do get the almost same measure, whether my transfer size is 32KB Byte or 16MB ! Which I was indeed expecting to see a huge difference.

I wouldn't really want the exact real timing measure (well off course it will be nice to know); and all I care about is to see some difference in time whether I am doing KB transfer vs MB transfer. Any other function that will give me some rough measurement of the actual time being elapsed for fwrite function?

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C :: Weird Characters Popping Up In Fwrite Function

Mar 13, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {


this code asks the user to input words/strings until he enters "end."after that, the program must copy the input to a text file named read.txt...I entered 'j' and then 'end' and after that I looked at the read.txt file and here's what's in it.


; end

some weird characters appeared!! the characters in the text file should only be.

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C++ :: Structs And Arrays

Jul 30, 2014

If i want to input (FROM A FUNCTION) information into a struct:

* How do I define/ call/ prototype that function.
* How do I check if that array inside the function is empty?

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C/C++ :: Pointers And Structs

Dec 14, 2014

What the second print statement prints

main() {
struct s1{
char *str;
int i;
struct s1 *ptr;

[Code] .....

I executed the code and the output was some number(for second printf) but it should print a string.

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C :: File Operations - Fwrite Padding Extra Data In File Compare To Data Provided As Input

Oct 28, 2014

I am trying to write my files to another subfolder . Below is my program.

cat th6.c
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SIZE 8
#define NUMELM 8

[Code] ....

I observe my filename along with directory as text in the new file created in sublfolder. This is output.

[cporgs/apue/threads]: mkdir first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: ./a.out test.txt first
test.txt -- first/test.txt
in thread test.txt first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat first/test.txt
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat test.txt

I could not able to get from where this filename and folder is getting added.

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C++ :: Nested Classes And Structs

Mar 12, 2014

I'm working on a project involving nested classes and structs like this:

Code: class A {
public:class B {
{A::C* iCanDoThis; //no errors.
iCanAlsoDoThis->root->.... //this also works fine.}private:A::C* iCannotDoThis //this is what I would like to do.
Has errors
A* iCanAlsoDoThis;};private:struct C

C* root;};

Is it possible make a pointer to struct C a private member of class B?

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C :: Structs With Double Arrays

Apr 19, 2014

The main is not working properly, I get strange missing parenthesis notices and array errors which I am not understanding. How to identify the errors. Functions are included.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int menu ();
double change_value (double * value);

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Structs And Incrementing Output

Apr 3, 2013

How would I be able to have this display the rest of the households without having to have 13 separate cout lines(one for each household)? In other words, how can I set it up to increment the output?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct Household {
int idNumber;
int income;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Passing Structs And Functions All In Same

Mar 8, 2013

I think i am getting confused with passing structs and functions all in the same...When I run through the program (it compiles), the functions that add coins do not add, but rather just replace an old value with a new one.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct coinbox {


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C++ :: Array Of Structs With Constructor?

Apr 1, 2013

I can't seem to remember everything I should about constructors. I'm looking for a way to create an array of structs, using a constructor. My code should explain.

struct myStruct
int structInt1, structInt2;


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C++ :: Using Structs To Define A Function

Sep 27, 2013

What I'm trying to do :

struct foo {int x; int y;};
foo function_example(int x, int y) {
foo temp;
temp.x = x;
temp.y = y;
return temp;

Works as is, however when I try doing it through seperate class files :

//header file for class example_class
struct foo {int x; int y;};
foo function_example(int x, int y);

//source file for example_class
foo example_class::function_example(int x, int y) {
foo temp;
temp.x = x;
temp.y = y;
return temp;

I get an error telling me that foo is undefined, and that declaration of function_example(int x, int y) is incompatible with the declaration of it in the header file.

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C++ :: Pointers To Array Of Structs

Feb 14, 2013

I have an assignment where I need to use pointers to do a few things and I am a little confused on the syntax of it all. My question is how do you use a pointer to point to an array of structs.

For example

struct info{
char firstName[15];
char lastName[15];
main() {
info person[4];
cout << "The third letter of the second persons first name is: "; // ?????

how would I define a pointer to point to the third letter of first name the second person in the "person" array.

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C++ :: Filling A Vector With Structs

Feb 1, 2013

How to fill a vector with structs that are read in from a separate file. Each line in the file would read for example "Doe John M 26" for the name of the person, gender and age. I just need to get pointed in the right direction so I can get this started.

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C++ :: Binary File And Structs

Sep 5, 2014

What is the difference between reading from binary file between the following way:

struct aStrct{
int number;
file.read((char*)&vars, sizeof(aStrct))


file.read((char*)&vars[i], sizeof(aStrct))

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C++ :: Using Structs And Arrays For Grading?

Jul 3, 2012

Write a program for the following problem. You're given a file that contains a collection if IDs and scores (type int) for an exam in your computer course. You're to compute the average of these scores and assign grades to each student according to the following rule:

If a student's score is within 10 points (above or below) of the average, assign a grade of satisfactory. If a studnt's score is more than 10 points above average, assign a grade of outstanding. If a student's score is more than 10 points below average, assign a grade of unsatisfactory.

The output from your program should consist of a labeled three-column list that shows each ID, score, and corresponding grade. Use a struct to store each student's data and an array of structs to store the whole class. The struct should have a data member for id, score, and grade.

I was given the following file grades:


So far, I have this much, but the output is all wrong. I also haven't tackled the grade part yet.



#include <fstream>//required for file streams
#include <iostream>//input/output
#include <cstdlib>//for definition of EXIT_FAILURE
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#define inFileGrades "grades.txt"//grades


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C++ :: How To Qsort Array Of Structs By One Of Its Members

Mar 31, 2013

I am versed in qsorting struct members within a struct instance, as in the example below:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
struct item_database {


What I CANT do however is to sort an array of structs by one of its members. This is a complete different problem even if it sounds similar.

In other words, the problem is this; Say we have a struct:

struct item_database {
int key;
string token;

Then we declare an array of this struct in the heap:

Code: item_database *idptr = new item_database[700000]; and initialize its values.

How would one go about sorting this heap array of structs by its member function "token"?

I used the following call to qsort (standard library) and call to the compare function but it doesnt work:

qsort (idptr, 1000, sizeof(string), compare);

Code: int compare (const void* a, const void* b){
if (*(char*)a >= *(char*)b)
return 1;
return -1;

Or in more lamens terms say we have the following stuct instances:
Key: Token:
1 Hello
2 World
3 How
4 Are
5 You

Then I need those structs to order according to token (alphabetically, increasing or decreasing depending whats in our compare function).....

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C :: Passing A Pointer To Array Of Structs

Nov 20, 2013

what I am trying to do is to pass to a function the address of an array of structs, so I can later modify the items within the struct, within the array

typedef struct { //A struct of name auctionint bidder;float bid;} auction;
void myFunction (auction * auctionItem[]){(*aucItem[x]).bid = y;(*aucItem[x]).bidder = z;}
int main(){auction theItems[10];
myFunction(theItems);} Where x, y, and z can be any number.

When I try to run my code the IDE (I'm using Code::Blocks 12.11) does not give me any errors, but it does give me a warning:

warning: passing argument 3 of '<function name>' from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]

and the note:

note: expected 'struct <struct name> **' but argument is of type 'struct <struct name> *'.Also, when I run the program, it will crash and return garbage.

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