C# :: Switch To End Or Start Of Array Depending On Conditions?

Apr 1, 2015

I have a seat allocation algorithm for an airplane 30 x 6 seats. The plane is 'split' front (1 - 15) and back (16 -30), right (A,B,C) and left (D,E,F). I am placing passengers in window seats front right centre (15A) first then back left centre (16F) followed by (15F) followed by (16A). This will continue for single passengers middle seats then aisle.

Another part of the algorithm is to ensure parties >2 or <=6 to sit together in an empty row, if not possible the party will be split as to not have a person in the party sitting alone firstly. i.e. 6 is 3 + 3 or 2 + 2 + 2 or 4 + 2 or 3 + 2 + 1 or 4 + 1 + 1 or 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 and so.

I have got it working for one person but seating two people is a bit more difficult. I am trying to get 15A,15B then 16E,16F then 16A,16B then 15E,15F then 16C 16D and 15C 15D.

This code only allocates passengers 15 A 15B then 15C 15D then 15E 15F

//seat allocation for two people
public bool[,] seatTwoPerson(bool[,] seatArray, int startCol, int endCol, int directionX, int startRow, int endRow, int directionY)
{ //loop through seatArray section determined by parameters
//for (int col = startCol; directionX < 0 ? col >= endCol : col < endCol; col += directionX)


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C/C++ :: Drawing Array But Breaks Depending On Size

Jul 3, 2014

I am working on a code and first i need to initialize the array depending on the size (min size 3x3, maximum size 9x9). The initialized array will descend in order. Note that it seems like a simple code and seems to work for any size from 3x3 to 7x7, but for some reason i get a strange output in the last few rows for 8x8 and 9x9. Not sure why. The second part to my problem is the very last digit of 0. I did hard code to define it but i would like to make it a character like an underscore...what is the easy way to do this?

* Implements the Game of Fifteen (generalized to d x d).
* Usage: ./fifteen d
* whereby the board's dimensions are to be d x d,
* where d must be in [MIN,MAX]
* Note that usleep is obsolete, but it offers more granularity tha sleep and is simpler to use than nanosleep; `man usleep` for more.

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500

#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// board's minimal dimension
#define MIN 3

[Code] .....

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C :: Use Switch Case As A Menu To Switch Between Patients

Dec 30, 2014

I am trying to make a program which manages the data of 5 different patients (its an uni assignment), and i want to use a switch case as a menu to switch between the patients. All other functions (as for example putting the infromation on a file) work, but i cant figure out to bring the switch to work. First it asks for the number of the patient which should be worked with, this works perfectly, but afterwards changiung between the persons doesnt work as thought. It should ask everytime after it switches to one patient (i removed some functions to make it easier to read) and then asks to which it should jump next. If i put the number of one case (lets say 3) it just stops the program.

user@pc ~/wherever $ ./program
current variables:
jo = 2
a = 0
1 //the entered number
The variable a = 1
patient 1
Enter the number of the next patient2
// and then it closes

The same thing happens if i compile an example code from a book, it writes the first case and then stops.

I looked already through the forum but didnt find a person with a similar problem, maybe i didnt dig deep enough.

I am running Linux Mint 17 and use gcc as compiler.


include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int a=0;
int jo=2;
int main(void){
printf("current variables:
jo = %d
a = %d


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C :: Possible To Switch Two Array Positions?

Feb 12, 2015

I have a fundamental question due to my lack of understanding how arrays work.Let say I have a character array (byte array).

1. do array elements have memory adresses? i guess not but ....
2. if yes is it possible to switch two array positions? For examle:

a[x] change with a[y] for x,y < |a|

as oppose to changing values assigned to individual array positions.

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C :: Switch Statement Array

Apr 15, 2014

so I am trying to have an switch statement array. but every time i complete a case statement the whole process is returned. the thing is i want the menu to stay up even if i complete the case.

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C/C++ :: How To Switch Characters In Array

May 1, 2014

I have tried to search all about strings,I have the occurrences and have worked out what letter corresponds with which. I have searched that much i can remove the vowels and reverse my string but I dont know how to swap them. This is what i have this far. When it compiles it just prints the decipher is:

If i even find out am i on the right track ive used caps when swapping to try and stop the doubles over writing,...

int main(void){
int i,count=0;
char secretText[] = "lopsy, hssepokd wl okrhsowk:


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C++ :: Switch DNA Strand - From Array To Complementary

Jan 25, 2015

How do I convert dna from an array to complementary dna.

void print_reverse_complement(const char dna[]) {

the above function will convert DNA to Complementary DNA.. i.e A=T, C =G, G=C and T=A.

The prompt should look like: (asks user for dna sequence and stores into array) (prints back entered sequence)DNA sequence: ATCGGCATA DNA complement: TAGCCGTAT DNA reverse complement: TATGCCGAT

Then how would I do the same thing, but this time the reverse complement?

*Things declared above and in int main()*

const int MAX_NUCLEOTIDES = 100;


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C/C++ :: 2D Array - Switch Statement To Move Char

Mar 25, 2014

Just making typical console game where hero moves with w a s d.

However, in my code, while a and w work (minusing), s and d dont work (adding). I have used a switch statement to change the char position of the hero based on kbhit.When you hit s or d, the buttons that add 1 to the 2nd dimension of the array, the screen goes crazy!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
const char PLAYER = 'H';

[Code] .....

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C :: If Statement With Multiple Conditions

Feb 26, 2013

I have tried writing a code and come across an issue where I'm not getting the desired result. It is to design a program that tells whether gas emissions from a car are too high, or permissible. The instructions are to design a code where there are four possible choices of pollutant, whether the emitted pollutant ratio is greater or less then a certain value, and the mileage on the car. All of these are supposed to determine whether the emissions are permissible or not, which would be displayed with printf. (The actual conditions of the assignment are described perfectly by the code below, so I didn't think it would be necessary to write it out. The problem is that I'm getting a logical error.) Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int poln, odr;
double gpm;
printf ("(1) Carbon Monoxide

[Code] ....

My error is that the program will proceed with the first four if/else statements, but once the 'poln' value changes to something other then one, it will not display the expected quotation.

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C++ :: Testing Conditions For Consistency

Dec 1, 2013

In the below program, when we have 4 consecutive spaces, the following comparison will not be equal: (x / tabstop != (x + spaces) / tabstop). If we have, let's say, only 2 consecutive spaces, then the comparison will be equal. So we know to print a tab with 4 consecutive spaces and not print a tab otherwise. How do we know this kind of division comparison would work in every case?

#include <stdio.h>
#define TABSTOP 4
int main(void) {
size_t spaces = 0;
int ch;
size_t x = 0; /* position in the line */
size_t tabstop = TABSTOP; /* get this from the command-line

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Best Way To Prompt User Again After Some Conditions Have Met

Mar 9, 2013

Here is a simple drinks machine programm. It basically consists in the user selecting a drink that it's presented, if the user selects correctly the number representing a certain drink, the machine shows the user what was the drink he selected, after his choise the machine asks for money insertion, if the user inserts the incorrect amount of money, the machine shows an error saying that user need to insert the correct amount of money.

My problem is that, if the user selects a different number other than those presentend, the machine displays an error saying that he needs to choose a valid drink, but i can't find a way to reprompt the user again after the error has been displayed. here's the code.

// ***Drinkins Machine*** by Roxmate
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// initializes the variables coca, fanta, iced and drink to be used in switch function,so that the user can choose what drink he wants.
int coca = 1;


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C++ ::  ascending Integer Conditions Not Always Met

Dec 4, 2013

I wrote a code to ascend any three integers. Problem is the code does not output the numbers in ascending order all the time. What am I doing wrong? here is my code :

// This program will prompt user to enter any three integers and then out integers in ascending order
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num1,num2,num3;
cout << "Enter the first number: " << endl;


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C :: Do While Loop Fails When More Conditions Are Added

Mar 29, 2014

I'm trying to write a piece of code that calculates the difference in days between two manually input dates. The part of my code that's causing problems is:


When running the code and prompted to enter the date, if I input for example 31/12/2014, it'll be rejected and send me back to the beginning of the loop. Any date with 31 days involving months 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 or 12 causes this problem. All other valid dates however work perfectly fine (e.g. 30/4/2014).

Something possibly worth mentioning is that, when I take out all other conditions from the loop, i.e.


it works fine (31/12/2014 is accepted), but of course I need all of the other conditions in there too.

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C++ :: Using Enumerations Types In Loops And Conditions - Ignored In Program

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to use enumeration types in my conditions to make a simple program that calculates area of a square or circle depending on users choice then updates the total area and outputs the total area.

The program builds fine. But it ignores all of my loop conditions and i'm not sure why.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Glass Rod - Get Triangle Variable To Increase When Conditions Met

Jun 25, 2012

I'm working on a project, and can't seem to get the project to get the triangle variable to increase when the conditions are met. I need this number to be accurate so I can work out the probability.

Experiments that are either too expensive or too dangerous to perform are often simulated on a computer when the computer is able to provide a good representation of the experiment. Find out how to call the random-number generator (usually a function returning a floating point value in the range 0 to 1) for your C++ system. (Look up the functions rand and srand in the library cstdlib on the website cplusplus.com). Write a program that uses the random-number generator to simulate the dropping of glass rods that break into three pieces.

The purpose of the experiment is to estimate the probability that the lengths of the three pieces are such that they might form the sides of a triangle. For the purposes of this experiment, you may assume that the glass rod always breaks into three pieces. If you use the line segment 0 to 1 (on the real number line) as a mathematical model of the glass rod, a random-number generator (function) can be used to generate two numbers between 0 and 1 representing the coordinates of the breaks. The triangle inequality (the sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle are always greater than the length of the third side) may be used to test the length of each piece against the lengths of the other two pieces.

To estimate the probability that the pieces of the rod form a triangle, you'll need to repeat the experiment many times and count the number of times a triangle can be formed from the pieces. The probability estimate is the number of successes divided by the total number of rods dropped. Your program should prompt the user for the number of rods to drop and allow the experiment to be repeated. Use a sentinel value of 21 to hale execution of the program.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cfloat>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
float doBreak (float, float);
float doProbability (float, float);

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  String Subscript Out Of Range / For Loop Conditions All Look Good

Apr 4, 2014

Im having a problem with my sneaky hangman game I feel like im really close just getting an error I can't fix. When I run it, it says something like string subscript out of range when I goggled it. it says im searching past the bounds of what it should be or something.

Also a dictionary.txt file is needed to run the program

code: [URL]

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int guessesUsed = 0;
int wordlength;


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Managed C++ And C++/CLI :: Opening Forms With Buttons From Form 1 (With Conditions)

Jun 12, 2014

I'm pretty much newbie in creating a successful GUI in C++. Although, i managed to create 4 buttons that should show a certain form. Lets say, Form1 is my main form, therefore - Button 1 will open Form2, and Button 2 will open Form3..... But the conditions is - If there is a form that is already open, clicking again on the Button that should open it, will Close it, but all the forms (form1,2,3,4,5) can be enabled together.

Also, a very important note is that whenever i close a form, in any way of closing it (Not the main form) It will "save" the changes i made (Such as ticking checkboxes and so..) and won't reopen it, it will just use "Visible" i guess ?

Notes :

If i use Form2 ^form2show = gcnew Form2;

and then Form2->Show();

I will be able to simply ATTACK the button and open Billions of form2 ^_^

Although, when i use Form2->ShowDialog();

It won't let me open the form3,4,5.

Which isn't so bad, but when i exit from the form2, it won't save my changes (Such as checkboxes..)

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C++ :: Random Number Generator Isn't Working Correctly - Ignoring Conditions

Apr 12, 2014

My random number generator isn't working properly. It seems to be ignoring my conditions when it compiles and I enter the input. The program is supposed to accomplish the following.

1. Let the user input how many digits he or she would like to have in the random numbers.

2. Let the user type in how many of the numbers that he or she wants.

3. It will then generate the numbers.

4. It will display the minimum or maximum number it can be with the number of digits the user entered. And display the number of numbers that the user wanted. It also is supposed to check and output only up to the max of that digit range.

so if someone entered they wanted a digit of 1(1-9) but said they wanted 300 numbers it would only output 9

the user says that she would like 3 digits to be in the numbers generated. So it will output numbers between 100 and 999. then the user says that they would like only 3 random numbers. So it will output three random numbers in between 100 and 999. Also all of the numbers need to be unique so they can't output more then one of the same number.

I am not sure why but it ignores my conditions. Ill type that I want 7 but it just outputs a bunch of random numbers. it dosen't stay in the ranges.

Class file.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include "TargetGen.h"
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Move Sprite Depending On Rotation

Jan 13, 2015

how I want my sprite movement to work: if my sprite is faced upwards and i press W, it will move up. If my sprite is faced to the right and i press W, it will go right. etc. // It doesn't work like that right now and how to do it.The sprite's rotation works fine.

if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Q)) {
playerSprite.rotate(-0.08 * dt);
} else if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::E)) {
playerSprite.rotate(0.08 * dt);


My question is how do I move the character depending on the rotation?

Also, you might see the "if(havePlayersCollided == false) {playerSprite.move(yadiyada)}" . yes i dont need the haveplayerscollided function because it doesnt work the way I want it to. I might make a thread for it in the future, but right now I need to get the rotation movement fixed before I move onto the collision detection between players.

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C++ :: Loop Depending On User Input

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to get this program to loop the number of times I get it to input. The program compiles alright, and it does loop when I tell it too, but how do I output the grades of the multiple students?

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
int weighted1 = 0;
int weighted2 = 0;

[Code] .....

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C# :: Reorder List Depending On Dependencies?

Feb 23, 2015

I have a list of calculated fields, these fields reference other fields in their calculations. I need to create these fields beforehand as they will not exist.

I was wondering what would be the best approach for this Example List

Field1 has Field2 in the calculation
Field2 has Field4 in the calculation
Field3 has Field1 in the calculation

I'm not sure on how to approach this.

Create list in this order


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C++ :: Returning A Different Data Type Depending On A Variable?

May 2, 2013

Okay, I've been working on this Texture class that's going to be compatible with both SDL and OpenGL with the capability to create an array of textures within one class as opposed to multiple classes and such.

Now I've run into a slight issue if I want to return the value of a texture. There's two different types of textures: SDL_Texture, and a standard GLuint Texture. The problem I have is that one or the other is used, not both which is depending on whether or not the person is using OpenGL.

So when the user wants to get the texture, I need the ability to return either an SDL_Texture, or GLuint depending on whether or not OpenGL is being used.

I tried this with a template class, but it didn't work, but I'll post the code so you can see what I'm trying to do.

template <class Tex> Tex Texture::GetTexture(int TextureNumber)
if (TextureNumber > NumTextures || TextureNumber < 0)


It basically just comes down to the last four lines of code. If the person is Using OpenGL return a GLuint, if the person is using SDL, return an SDL_Texture.

I would prefer to have the GetTexture function to be one function instead of two separate ones so I don't have to call a different function every time to check if I'm using SDL or OpenGL.

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C# :: Creating Controls Which Act Differently Depending On Mode

Apr 24, 2014

I am creating a C# windows application which allows it to connect to our devices and communicate with them.

Often we need to customise this application and I have made this easier by defining its appearance and actions within an XML file which gets read in every time the application starts up. This is working really well.

However editing this XML file can be pretty laborious and often requires many cycles to get everything correct again. So I have started to create a graphical editor which allows for the XML to be generated.

The problem I am facing is that I am using the same controls in the final program and the editor so my question is how should I structure the code so that each control knows when it is in "Normal" mode and when it is in "Edit" mode?

I have started using a simple boolean flag to indicate its mode, however this now means that within every function I need to check this flag and run code appropriate to that mode, this seems a bit over the top. Is there a better/standard way this sort of this is done?

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C# :: Using Different Instance Of Class Depending On User Input?

Jan 13, 2015

Here's the problem I want to intialise different classes based on user input. I've tried using an IF statement but the scope of an if statement would mean the rest main program wouldn't be able to see it.

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C++ :: Creating Function That Outputs Either 1 Or 0 Depending On Input After Checking

Feb 18, 2014

I am trying to simplify my code by creating a function which takes an input then checks whether it is "y" or "n" then outputs either 1 or 0 depending on the input. So far this is what I have

int Choice(string choice) {
while(choice.compare("n") != 0 && choice.compare("N") != 0 && choice.compare("y") != 0 && choice.compare("Y") != 0){
cout << "Please enter a valid input either [y/n] : " << endl;
cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> choice;

[Code] ...

And I call it in the program using

cout << "Do you wish to change the hubble type of any galaxies? [y/n]" << endl;
cin >> choice;
while(Choice(choice) == 1){
cout << "Do you wish to change the hubble type of another galaxy? [y/n]" << endl;
cin << choice;

It compiles fine but displays some bizarre behaviour, I need to end the line twice in order for the program to continue and sometimes it just stops working (doesn't exit just appears to be stuck in a loop).

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C++ :: Calculate GPA - Divide Depending On How Many Times User Inputs A Value

Feb 27, 2014

For example, to calculate GPA, we add all the grade point of a course and divide by the number of courses we are taking. How do I create a program in such a way that when the user enters grade point for two courses, it will add the grade points for the two course and divide by 2. And if another user enters grade points for six courses, it adds the grade points and divides by 6.

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