C++ :: Shortest Path Maze Solver Algorithm

Mar 26, 2014

I'm working on a maze solving program. So far I got the program to solve a maze using the recursive backtracking algorithm. I represent the maze as vector<vector<Square>> where Square is an enum that contains the kind of square (empty, wall, etc.). I use a class Point that contains 2 ints which are used for subscripting the vector of vectors. I have a Point begin and Point end. Now I want the program to solve the maze using the shortest path. I can either use the A* algorithm, Dijkstra's algorithm, or the breadth first search algorithm.

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C++ :: Shortest Path Algorithm Through Sudo-linked List

Feb 9, 2013

I am needing to code a shorted path algorithm through a sort of sudo-linked list. I say sudo because its not a true linked list as in *next *prev. The Data in memory that i need to do this through is in memory via a class.

The important parts of the class is one element is just an int that tells me the current node number, the second is an int that tells me how many neighbors this node has, and the third is a vector of ints containing the number of the neighboring nodes.

The vector was needed because each node type can have a different amount of neighbors.

For example if the class data looks like this:

0 1 1

that means that it is node 0, it has 1 neighbor, and the neighboring node is 1

another example:

8 3 1 2 3

means node 8, 3 neighbors, and the neighbors are nodes 1 2 3

I need to find a way to get from 1 node to another using this linked list, and the shortest path if we plan the data points well enough can be determined by how many nodes there are from start to finish.

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C++ :: Dijkstra's Algorithm - Find Shortest Path In A Dense Graph

Apr 19, 2012

Code that finds a shortest path in a dense graph, using Dijkstra's algorithm in the simple array version. You write a function

struct listnode shortest path(int n, int s, int t, int *dist)
struct listnode f struct listnode * next; int vertexnumber; g ;

Being used to return the list of vertices on the shortest path. Your function has the following arguments:

- n: the number of vertices of the graph,
- s: the start vertex,
- t: the target vertex
- dist: the matrix of edgelengths.

The vertices are numbered from 0 to n -1, so s and t are numbers in that range. dist is a pointer to the n * n matrix of edgelengths; vertices which are not connected will be joined by an edge of length 9999. To access the array element dist[i][j], we can use *(dist + i*n + j). Your function should return the list of vertices on the shortest path from s to t, starting with s and ending with t.

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C/C++ :: Maze Solver Is Not Backtracking Correctly?

Mar 15, 2014

I'm working on a homework problem where we are given a class of functions to traverse a maze and must use those functions to recursively find the end.

The problem I'm having is when the function backtracks it doesn't reset the whole path it came from.

Here is my function that I have created

void solveMaze(Maze M, int path[][MAX])
// << overwritten to print the maze out


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C++ :: Program To Find Shortest Path Between Vertices Using Matrix Power Multiplications

Feb 24, 2013

given matrix A find shortest path between vertices using matrix power multiplications untill u get nonzero values,use adjacency matrix

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C++ :: Simple Recursive Maze Algorithm And Counting Steps

Jun 1, 2013

My maze algorithm must be able to count total steps. He is not allowed to "jump" from a deadend back to the cross-way he originally came from.

int R2D2Turbo::findIt(Labyrinth* incLab, int x, int y){
if ((x == incLab->getExit().x) && (y == incLab->getExit().y))
return 1;

[Code] .....

Due to the nature of recursive algoirthms, he jumps instead of moving the way back from the deadend one by one... The only solutions I could think of are way overloaded...

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C :: Trying To Complete A Word Search Solver

Sep 28, 2013

Been trying for a while now to complete a physics degree first year computing task I've been assigned, which is to create a wordsearch solver to read to an array a wordsearch from a .txt file and find words in all directions (x+,x-y+ etc.).

I have a feeling the program is almost complete, but will stop looking for the word once the first character of the word has already come up. For example, if I'm searching for computer, and a c exists in an array element before it, the program will stop searching. I have included my code and the wordsearch file beneath.


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h> //Used for the'toupper' functio
int main()


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C++ :: Anagram Solver Not Solving All Words

Dec 17, 2013

I'm working on an anagram solver, and started with words 3 characters big. But it can solve some words and not others.

std::string str = "enp";
std::string match = "";
int chk = 0;


With the string "enp", it knows it matches "pen". But if I use "mum", it doesn't match it with "mum".

Is there something flawed with my algroithm?

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C# :: Sudoku Solver Using Loops / Textboxes

Apr 28, 2014

As it is known there are nine boxes and in each box we can put numbers 1-9 without repetition. I am trying to check a given filled Sudoku puzzle whether appropriate numbers are inserted in each of the nine boxes. For the time being I don't consider row repetition and column repetition. I wrote the code using loops and condition

I used 9*9 text-boxes. The names of the textboxes is sequential like for example for the first box

Actually, I used also the controls id to access the text boxes, and each box is checking with the neighboring boxes for equality both in forward -> and backward <-


So here is the code

public void BoxCheck() {
int start = 82, end = 74;
int i, b, f;
for (int p = 1; p <= 9; p++, start -= 9, end -= 9) {
richTextBox1.AppendText("Box " + 1);

[Code] ....

This works pretty fine, but is is the right way to do it? it is efficient? Remember for a full checking I have to include row check and column check as well, this is just for checking within each of the 9 boxes in Sudoku.

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C++ :: Implementation Of Linear Programming Solver

Sep 17, 2013

I am trying to implement the linear programming solver. This is the header file of the linear programming solver :

Representation of a LP constraint like:
(c1 * X1) + (c2 * X2) + ... = K
or <= K
or >= K
Where (ci, Xi) are the pairs in "variables" and K the real "constant".

[Code] .....

I want to parse all the constraints and bounds as inputs and get the maximum value of the objective function as the output using the above lpsolver header file. I have also attached the sample file below.

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C/C++ :: Quadratic Equation Solver - Simplification Function

Jul 6, 2014

So, I successfully made a program that will perform the quadratic equation on three numbers, imaginary or real. however, i am now trying to simplify the result, as to get rid of the "/2a" on the bottom. Hence the simplify() function. I just started to create the simplification function, and am attempting to divide the imaginary part of the solution as well as the real part of the solution by 2a. Somehow, it gives the error, "error:invalid operands of types 'int' and 'double *' to binary 'operator*'" on lines 105 and 106. I suspect it has to do with the pointers and references that i am passing as parameters. Also, just an aside, I have never actually seen "/=" be used. It can be, right? I know "+=" can be.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>//simplify the answer
using namespace std;
int count=0;
double ans_1(double,double,double);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Convert SUDOKU Solver From Depth-First To Breadth-First

Mar 5, 2013

/* Sudoku solver using dept-first search*/

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
struct valpos//structure which carries information about the position of the cell and its value {
int val;
int row;
int col;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Sudoku Solver / Generator - Text Box Change Event

Feb 25, 2014

I am creating a sudoku solver/generator. I have 81 text boxes on the form. I want the form to automatically clean up the input, eliminating alpha characters, and values under 1 or over 10. Anyways I have this method written, but I really don't want to go through and type up a change method for each text box. Is there to write a method that fires when ANY text box is changed, and gets the string value from the changed text box?

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C++ :: Logic Error - Maze Not Displaying

Jan 24, 2014

So I have a program where I solve a maze using stacks. So my display_maze function take two parameters and displays the maze according to where the x coordinate and y coordinate are.

I have an error during my move function, as my maze doesn't display for some reason

void Player::player_move() {
Stack stack;
Maze maze;
Lock taken;
// Monster monster;


[Code] ....

It should be displaying, because after debugging I discovered the problem isn't with the display_maze function.

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C/C++ :: Right Hand Maze Not Working Properly

Nov 1, 2014

I am creating a right hand maze solution, and it actually works for the most part, but it gets stuck at the sixth spot and will not proceed any further. I cannot seem to find my error even though I know it's probably a small one in my code, here is what I have at the moment:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>


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C/C++ :: How To Make Object Move In A Maze

Apr 29, 2013

What c++ code can be used to make an 'X' move through a maze. I have some code, but I'm not sure where to go from there. I have divided the program into three files, A header file, a main file and a .cpp implementation file.

In my implementation file I have:

#include "Maze.h"  
Maze::Maze() {  
} void Maze::mazeTraversal(char maze[][COLS], int row, int col, int direction) {
    enum Direction {DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT};  

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Find Area Of Room In A Given Square Maze

Apr 1, 2013

Area of the room. Your task is to write a program that will find the area of room in a given square maze.

Note. Use recursion for solving this problem.

First line contains only one number N (3 <= N <= 10).The number that describes the size of the square maze.
On the next N lines maze itself is inputed ('.' - empty cell,'*' - wall).
And the last line contains two numbers - the row and column of the cell in the room those area you need to find.It is guaranteed that given cell is empty and that the maze is surrounded by walls on all sides.

Output only one number - total amount of empty cells in the selected room.

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C/C++ :: Word Maze - Find String In Vector

Mar 4, 2015

This program is to solve a word maze and find the number of words in the maze from a dictionary file.

The program runs, but stops by finding 1,2 and 3 letter words.

using namespace std;
int main() {
vector <string> dict,forward,reverse;

[Code] .....

I also tried to find words using the entire vector as a container, the synopsis code that also did not work is below

while(j<dict.size()) {
if(dict[j].size()>2) {
if (std::find(forward.begin(), forward.end(), dict[j]) != forward.end()) {
cout<<"found word "<<dict[j]<<endl;

[Code] ....

Attached File(s)

dumpling2.txt (2.54K)

Dictionary.txt (718.34K)

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C++ :: How To Move A Ghost In PacMan Game Randomly Around The Maze

Oct 1, 2014

I have tried rand() for x and y positions of ghost but does not work. it moves but not randomly it follows same path every time I run the code.

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C/C++ :: Reading From File To Construct A Pointer Based Maze?

Nov 29, 2014

I'm trying to read a "pointer-based" maze .txt. The first letter in each row corresponds to the room letter...then the letters that follow are North node, East node, South node, and West node respectively. The asterisk indicates an empty room or not a valid option.

Here is what I have come up with, what is happening is after the file is parsed by read_maze it is calling my is_empty function indicating that there is no maze because it doesn't go into the else statement here.

I've attached a sample input file:

 maze.txt (130bytes)
Number of downloads: 19

We can't assume the rooms will be in order alphabetically A - Z, We are expecting a maximum of 12 rooms and there is a space between each letter or asterisk.

void Maze::read_maze(string FileName){

string line;
ifstream inStream;
int test = inStream.peek();
int i = 0;
if (!(inStream.fail())){
while (!inStream.eof() && test != EOF){


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Visual C++ :: Can't Make Maze Work Correctly With Arrays

Apr 30, 2014

I have to make a maze with arrays, but i cant seem to move down or up or at all. Here is what I have so far

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>


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C++ :: Increase Sizes Of Queue In A Vector Of Queues And Find Shortest Queue

Feb 20, 2013

I have a paradigm in a loop of queues of a vector,if a condition is true,increase sizes of the queue of that particular queue in the loop of queues, if condition is false, the queuesize is left as such in loop of queues. After this operation i need to search the queue sizes of all queues and enqueue in the shortest queue.

I want to do something like the code given below

#include <vector>
#include <queue>
int min_index = 0;
std::vector<std::queue<int> > q
std::size_t size = q.size();

[Code] ....

How to implement this logic?

will q[i].size=q[i].size+5 increase the queuesize by 5 for the ith queue?

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C++ :: Search And Find The Shortest Queue And Search After Some Condition?

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to implement a Task scheduler where i have n number of tasks. The Idea behind my task scheduler is that in a loop of queues of a vector, task should get enqueued to the shortest queue among the loop of queues, which is done by the following code.

#include <vector>
#include <queue>
std::vector<std::queue<int> > q
int min_index = 0;
task t // implemented in the other part of the program

[Code] ....

Next i am trying to extend this paradigm to reduce the overhead time of the scheduler, Instead of searching the shortest queue every time, search after some condition ie. search the shortest queue after 5 tasks gets enqueued to the shortest queue.

i need to do something like this

#include <vector>
#include <queue>
std::vector<std::queue<int> > q
task t // implemented in the other part of the program
while(q[min_index].size()!=q[min_index].size()+5) // check whether current min_index queue's size is increased 5 more times if not goto enqueue


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C++ :: Read In A Maze File To Move Smiley Face Around In - Stuck On A For Loop Entry

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to get this code eventually to read in a maze file to move the smiley face around in. But right now my current snag is the yes or no to enter the for loop.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int name;
char ans;

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Get Data Path Of Program

Jan 21, 2015

I got a little question about getting the data path of my c program. I heard something like it's already given in the "int main(int argc, char **argv)". But with witch function can I get it?

For example: The program is called Pathfinder and the path is 'D:Path1Path2Pathfinder.exe'.

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C++ :: Extracting File Name From Path?

May 17, 2013

I have a string like this

const char *filename = "C:/Qt/progetti/worlds/fasr.world";

then I have a string like this

char *pathdir = "C:/Qt/progetti/worlds";

I would get this string: "worlds/fasr.world" how should I do ?

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