C Sharp :: Regular Expression To Find A Value In String

Apr 9, 2012

<IMG border=0 alt="UserDeviceId = 70813215">

Above is the sample string object from this i need to find the integer value of UserDeviceId.

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C Sharp :: Regular Expression To Read Multiple Groups Of Text From TXT File

Mar 14, 2014

I have an EDI file whose structure is given below. This file has multiple records, each record contains a header (e.g EDI.DD.0000000001.20130809), then contents (i.e multiple paragraphs of text) and then footer (e.g End of Report/No EDI Activity). I have to read that entire file using regular expression using three groups.

I am using following regular expression to read the file.

(?<header>[A-Z]{3}.[A-Z]{2}.[0-9]{10}.[0-9]{8}) | (?<footer> (EndsofsReport|NosEDIsActivity)) |


That expression reads the "header" and "footer" in respective groups properly but didn't pick the contents between header and footer in "contents" group.

I have changed the font of header and footer in below file to understand the format. I am using asp.net 3.5 framework.

//------------------Start of EDI File---------------------//

ORIGINATOR INFORMATION Company Name: UNITED HEALTHCAR Identification: 9024125001 Originating DFI: 002100002

RECEIVER INFORMATION Receiver Name: HEALTH & WELLNESS DFI Account Number: 0000000000000001 Receiving DFI ID: 434343430 ID Number: Transaction Type: 22 Deposit


[Code] ....

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C :: Building NFA From Regular Expression

Oct 23, 2013

I am trying to create a NFA from a regular expression. I have a grasp on reading in the regular expression and being able to make a stack from it. The part I am struggling on is mapping the characters in the regular expression to an integer indicating the variables order in the expression. I am just not sure how to go about this.

My code so far...
#include "stack.h"
int main(void)
char expression[80];//array to store regular expression

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Find Expression Must Have Class Type

Oct 2, 2013

using namespace std;
class houseinfo{
string name;
string address;

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: Invalid Expression Term Out?

Apr 21, 2013

in this area and I have this error Invalid expression term 'out' and Identifier expected; 'out' is a keyword

public static void userDell(string msi,String filename, String DB_CONN_STRING)
String temp_msisdn = "+" + msi;
bool ima = DatabaseConnection.checkExist(temp_msi);


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C Sharp :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Feb 12, 2013

I am firing an insert query like this in C# to MS ACCESS 07 Database

var expiry = dateTimePicker1.Text;
 string instr = "insert into MST_QUOTATION values(";
instr += txtID.Text;


data type mismatch in criteria expression

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C++ :: Existing Code For String To Expression?

Apr 17, 2012

I would like to get hold of the code for a function that takes a string as input argument and returns a numerical value, either integer or double, according to the the expression represented by the string. For example the string may look like this:

"(256 * d3 + d4) * factor - offset"

then the function would calculate the value of

(256 * d[3] + d[4]) * factor - offset

where d is an integer array, factor and offset are double or int variables or constants. For my application the name for the array can be fixed to be "d", and the names for other variables and constants are known. The closest thing I could find on-line is this:


which only does literal integer calculations, no double, no variables or constants. Are there existing code that does what I need or do I have to write my own?

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C/C++ :: Tokenize Mathematical Expression - Garbage Value In String

Feb 14, 2014

I wrote a program that tries to tokenize a mathematical expression, inserting the tokens in a list of strings. The list is as follows:

typedef struct listOfStrings {
    char **array;
    int size;
} ListOfStrings;

There is even a function to initialize the listOfStrings. The thing is: I'm printing a token every time it is complete and every time it is inserted in the list. The output is okay. However, when all tokens are processed and I call function print_list_of_strings to print the tokens again, the first token is printed with a leading garbage value if the input for the program is "3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3". How is this possible? The code for printing the list is as follows:

void print_list_of_strings( const ListOfStrings *const lPtr ) {
    int i;
    int numberOfElements = lPtr->size;  
    if ( numberOfElements != 0 ) {
        for ( i = 0 ; i < numberOfElements ; ++i ) {

[Code] ....

The list just prints --- if it's empty, although this isn't the case for the program I'm writing. Also, if the input is "1 + 2", everything goes fine. The code for inserting at the list is:

int insert_at_end_of_list_of_strings( ListOfStrings *lPtr, const char *const str ){
    int lengthOfStr = strlen( str );
    int numberOfElements = lPtr->size;  
    if ( ( ( *( lPtr->array + numberOfElements ) ) = ( char * )malloc( ( lengthOfStr + 1 ) *
[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Find Textbox Value In Datagridview

Oct 20, 2014

How to find getthe textbox value in a datagridview & how to delete it?

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C Sharp :: How To Record String From Label To Array String

Nov 19, 2013

I just i would like to know how to record a string from a label to an array string ?

string[] stringArray = labelone.Text

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C++ :: Regular Expressions Not Working?

Aug 25, 2014

I have this bit of code that I found here: [URL] and at first regex would work, but then when I hit "[]" it wouldn't. Here's the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>


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C++ :: Calculate A Person Regular Pay As Well As Overtime

Jun 26, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main () {

[Code] ....

I'm not sure why my loop isn't running right. I've also used if/if and if/else . Nothing worked

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C++ :: Use Boost / Regex For Regular Expressions?

Sep 5, 2013

So I need to use boost/regex for regular expressions. someone told me that it needs to be built. the first problem is boost doesn't tell you how to build it and the second is i did sudo apt-get install libboost something. I don't remember the exact name of the package. it installed but i dont know how i would build it when its installed.

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C++ :: Email Validation Without Using Regular Expressions?

Dec 11, 2013

writing a program for "Validating the e-mail id without using regular expressions in c/c++"?

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C++ :: Declaring Pointers Vs Regular Variables?

Aug 9, 2013

I really do not see the difference between these two declarations:

int myvariable;
int * mypointer;

It is said that when you define a pointer, instead of containing actual data, it contains a pointer to the memory location where information can be found.

But doesn't the other variable declaration do the same? It obviously doesn't have data either. And it must be stored in a memory location as well. So I do not see the difference.

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Visual C++ :: Regular Expressions - How To Get Iterator

May 22, 2014

In order to parse mathematical expressions I am trying regular expressions and a recursive algorithm, but I have a problem with the four basic operations: +, -, *, /.

Trying to analyze a string like "a+(b+c)", if I use the pattern for a sum "(.+)+(.+)" the program matches it recognizing as subpatterns: "a+(b" and "c". How could I achieve the program to try also the other possibility?

I think that it would be great something like an regex_iterator which worked with regex_match instead of regex_search. I mean, an iterator that iterates over all the possible ways to match a given regular expression and a given string. This way I could loop through all these possibilities until the two subpatterns produced were correct mathematical expressions.

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C/C++ :: Find If A String Contains A Quoted String?

Oct 23, 2014

bool isQstr(string const& str)
size_t found = str.find(""");
return found != string::npos;

I am trying to check whether a string contains a quoted string, I used the escape character but it does not even recognize it*/

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C :: Printing Current TIME At Regular Intervals

Aug 22, 2013

Its a code in module of my program, where I need to print current time (HH:MM:SS) at regular intervals.

void delay(unsigned int t){ // loop for some delay.

[Code] ....

But when I am running this code I expect this to print difference in time due to delay. But it doesn't enter the delay loop, why ?

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C++ :: Program For Billing System - Regular Package Function

Jan 5, 2015

I have programmed a program for billing system. I have used parameters and arrays. All the functions are working except a one function. (Regular package function).

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void main(int &minutes, int &minutesd,int &minutesn) {

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Find ASCII Value Of Given String

Aug 25, 2013

I know how to find find ASCII value of given character, but I am not getting how to find ASCII value of given string. For example I want to find ASCII value of string "HELLO",so how to do that.

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C++ :: Find String In Vector?

Oct 15, 2013

So the program reads contents from a text file into a vector and then the user enters in a string that they want to search for. The program iterates through the vector to find the string and then saves that line to another vector to display later(incase there is more then 1 instance of the string found).

Here is what I have atm:

void doSearch(vector<string> &phonelist, string searcher, vector<string> &holdNumbers)
int i = 0;
string value;


I just get an R6010 error -abort() has been called.

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C++ :: How To Find Length Of String

Jul 6, 2014

int t;
string a;
int len=a.length();
cout<<a<<" "<<len;


why is the length 0?what can I do to get the correct length of the input string?

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C/C++ :: Find Length Of String

Dec 15, 2014

I am stuck here.

printf(" Enter a line of Morse Code for decrypting");
for(a=0;a<36;a++) {
if(strcmp(phr, morse[a])==0)
printf("%c", alpha[a]);
};printf(" ");

The output :

[output] Enter line to encrypt:
..... -.... --...

5 [/output]

It should read all code, including null. between coded letter one space, between coded word three spaces.

The output should be:

56 7 [/output]

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C++ :: Find Substring From A String

Apr 23, 2012

I am stuck in some logic and want to write a program to do following tasks : I have three string variables to be compared to each other,a string having sub string & hierarchy string!!

1.) name1=john name2=tom_john_tom name3=alextom_john
thus we need to search john from name2 and name3 and if name1 exists in both name2 and name3 then ok else check for step2

2.) name1=a.b.c.d ,name2=a.b.c.d and name3=a.b.c.d
we need to compare each string seperated by a dot in all three variables and we need to match each string seperated by a delimeter "."
if name1.a==name2.a==name3.a and name1.b==name2.b==name3.b ,name1.c==name2.c==name3.c and name1.d==name2.d==name3.d then its a match
else its a mismatch

Also,the catch is we can have name1 ,name2 and name3 in format name1=*.*.*.* and name2=*.*.*.* and name3=*.*.*.*
where * defines it can be any value to be matched


If operator wants to match only the second field , then the logic should be like:

If the Value is to be matched = (*.#.*.*)
then "matched"
its a mismacth

# => for this field of name2 and name3 shall be same
* => for this field name2 and name3 shall be ignored for comparison

to obtain option1 we can have find function and substr however pls suggest how to approach for second option !!!!

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C++ :: Find First 10 And Last 10 Words Of String Array

Jan 26, 2015

I got a homework that require to count number of words in a text file and also display the first and last 10 words of the text file to the console. I have finished the counter problem and now I struggle showing the first and last 10 words.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int tokenize(string sentence, string tokenizedWords[]);


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C++ :: How To Find Position Of Certain Character In String

Jan 11, 2013

I need to find position of certain character in string, so i made a function but it doesn't do what i thought it would.

Consider this string:

std::string line = "<foo> <foo> <foo> <foo> <foo>"

I need to find position of a third '>' character so i can get:

std::string other = "<foo> <foo> <foo>";

This is my function that fails:

std::size_t find_third(const std::string& line) {
std::size_t pos = 0u;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 3u; ++i) {
std::string tmp = line.substr(pos);
pos = tmp.find_first_of('>');
} return pos;

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