C :: Pull System Information And Compare Results With Predefined List

Feb 9, 2014

How to pull system information and compare it's results with a predefined list.

I know the second part, how to pull system information. Like what CPU/GPU/Motherboard the system that the program is run on has.

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C++ :: How To Compare Two Variables Who Do Not Have A Predefined Type

Feb 3, 2013

How do I compare two variables who do not have a predefined Type (i.e Templates).

If I just do a==b it only works for integers and not for strings. Is there any general method present for comparing templates.

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C++ :: List Of Objects - Read Information From Each Object To Compare To User Input Prompt

Apr 19, 2013

I have a list of objects that I need to read information from each object to compare to a user input prompt.

#include "Passenger.h"
#include "Reservation.h"
#include "Aircraft.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
//Function Prototypes
void flightRoster(list<Reservation>&);

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Replacement Of NtQuery System Information On Win X64

Apr 4, 2014

I am struggling to find a replacement of NtQuerySystemInformation call for 64-bit Windows OS, like on Windows Server 2008 (64-bit). Need getting overall CPU utilization (average) over all CPU cores?

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "CpuMuninNodePlugin.h"
#define SystemBasicInformation 0
#define SystemPerformanceInformation 2
#define SystemTimeInformation 3

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Store Information From A File In Linked List

Aug 28, 2014

I'm trying to open a file (contains member information) and store the information in an object, which is then inserted into a linked list. However, the current code just leaves a blank command window hanging with nothing happening.

main.cpp - [URL] ....
MemberProf.h - [URL] ....
MemberProf.cpp - [URL] ....
LinkedList.h -[URL] ....

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C++ :: Employee List That Holds Information - Add Or Delete Array?

Mar 26, 2013

So I'm trying to make an employee list that holds the information so I can then delete or add from that array. I'm getting some errors regarding overloading function.

#include "employeelist.h"
const Employee & employeelist::operator [](int index) const {
return ( (this->Employees)[index] );
} Employee & employeelist::operator [](int index) {
return ( (this->Employees)[index] );

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Traversing A List Comparing To Compare Values?

Apr 22, 2014

I have a method that traverses a list to compare a number from the list to user input from elsewhere in the program. I have tried a few different things and I am probably overlooking something simple but my problem is my if statement is executing the else statement every run no matter if the input matches. This function is to return the location in the list that the num matches. -1 if no match, 0, 1, 2, otherwise depending on the number of nodes.

int NumberList::find(int num)
int temp = 0, count = 0;
ListNode *nodePtr;


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Visual C++ :: Application Which Stores Information About People Along With Task List

Dec 19, 2012

Basically the question is to develop an application that allows: Create an application which stores information about people, along with a task list.

The user should be able to Store people's information

Telephone number,

-Retrieve information by entering name
- Remove a person's record by entering their name
-Return records for all people, sorted according to an information type other than age
-Enter a task which needs doing, a priority entered for its urgency
-View highest priority task on the list
-User should be able to remove highest priority item on the list

How to develop this application on a console command line interface style or any other style.

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C/C++ :: Compare Two Arrays And Print Out A List Of All Songs Without Repeating

Mar 11, 2014

I have two arrays:

const char *mymp3list[15] = { "Song 1", "Song 2", "Song 3", "Song 4", "Song 5", "Song 6", "Song 7", "Song 8", "Song 9", "Song 10", "Song 11", "Song 12", "Song 13", "Song 14", "Song 15" };
const char *myFriendsmp3list[20] = { "Song 1", "Song 2", "Song 3", "Song 4", "Song 5", "Song 6", "Song 7", "Song 8", "Song 9", "Song 10", "Song 11", "Song 12", "Song 13", "Song 14", "Song 15", "Song 16", "Song 17", "Song 18", "Song 19", "Song 20"};

And I want to compare the two arrays and print out a list of all the "songs" without repeating any.

I've figured out how to print the just the duplicates using:

for (int count = 0; count < SIZE1; count++){
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE2; i++){
if (mysonglist[count] == friendsonglist[i])
cout << mysonglist[count] << "";

But I'm stumped on how to print a full list containing no duplicates.

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C++ :: Use Vector Or List For Database System

Jul 28, 2014

I am making a console based database system. Because I have to keep inserting, editing , deleting data blocks from my record file I have decided to use either vectors or list to store the all records. From the file I shall read the entire vector/list and work with it to add , remove or edit record and then again write the entire vector/list to the file again. I figured it would stop all the weird things that happen when directly working with the file. Is it an efficient way ?Or is it totally unnecessary ?Is there a better way?

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C :: Pointer To N-dimensional Array That Has A Predefined Shape

Feb 12, 2013

dynamically allocated arrays. int (*ttt)[2][10]; If I'm not mistaken this declares a pointer (that's all). This pointer has an intrinsic shape that makes it easier to access row, column without doing my own math to calculate the offset.

ttt = malloc(2 * 10 * sizeof(int));

So I should be able to access elements like this: ttt[i][j].

ttt[i][j] = 123;

But the compiler says: error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'int [10]'...how to go about accessing a monolithic block of allocated memory using 2 or more dimensions, using some sort of casting to a known shaped array if possible. As opposed to doing i * cols + j type stuff.

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C++ :: Fastest Comparison Algorithm Based On A Predefined Container?

Sep 3, 2014

Suppose you have defined a container of elements and you want do define a comparison function between elements based on the ordering of the elements in that container. What algorithm for the comparison would be the most efficient?

master = {tom, sam, mary, sally, bert, frank}
subset = {bert, sam, mary, tom}
goal: change subset to {tom, sam, mary, bert}

My current idea is to simply iterate from the beginning of the container, and whichever of the two elements is found first is the lesser (assuming the second is not the same as the first). It seems kind of naïve though. Any better performing algorithm? This is what I have so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>


Would perhaps forcing the container to have a random access iterator, like vector, and then writing a specialized comparison function based on that perform even faster? Or perhaps force the container to be a map to integers, and compare the elements by comparing the integer mapped values?

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C++ :: How To Pull Out A Value In String And Store In Variable

Oct 7, 2014

Like if the user enters "38 F" how do I take out the 38 only and store it in a variable? So far my program goes like this:

string text;
double temperature;

cout << "Enter temperature: ";
getline(cin, text); // user enters 38 F
temperature = text // store 38 from string into double

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C Sharp :: How To Pull Comment Tags From VB Or CS Files

Jul 3, 2012

In my project I have commented all the available funtions in a systematic way. Following is the commenting system in my project:

''' --------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary>
''' ************************************************** ******* ''' FUNCTION:
''' VAR NBR:
''' ************************************************** ******* ''' </summary>
''' <VariableName> loadApp </VariableName>
''' <VariableDiscription> loads the Application </VariableDiscription>
''' <Author> Author Name </Author>
''' <LastModifiedOn> 01/09/2012 </LastModifiedOn>

[Code] .....

Now I would like to extract the data inside these comment tags and insert into excel sheet. Need to extract the comments in the xml tags shown in the able format? For example I want the value inside the <Autor> tag.

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Visual C++ :: GetPixel Won't Pull From Java Programs?

Jun 4, 2013

I'm building a simple little program for minecraft to reduce the repetitiveness, I'm using getpixel, it's slow, but i only need to grab about 6-12 pixels.

but the problem is, I can get the pixel data if I capture from the entire desktop display, but as soon as I tell it to grab from the active window (wich goes MUCH faster) it doesn't return any colour value's.

I'd rather not have to use getDIBits or program in java or anything since I want to keep it fairly kiss, and if it can't be done, then.. ah well, I'll just grab from the entire desktop, speed isn't to much of an issue, but it'll be a pain to keep the window at the same place.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// vvv Ignore this, it's just used for retrieving the handle of a window without giving the full window name vvvv
struct results {

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Push / Pull Of Modeling Like SketchUp

Jul 8, 2014

See the push/pull of modeling in SketchUp, it is very convenient, I would like to achieve in my own programs, Is it possible?

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C :: Using Struct To Pull Records From A Colon Delimited File

Dec 15, 2014

I'm trying to write a C program that will take a file that is delimited by colons and separate it out in to 5 sections:


I have the struct code in place but not sure how to actually store each of the 5 parts in memory. Here is the code below:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
struct contents
int source,destination,type,port;
char data[50];


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C++ :: Iterate Through Char Array And Pull IP Addresses To Test If They Respond

Apr 8, 2013

I am trying to write a loop that will iterate through a char array in C and pull the IP addresses and test them to see if they respond. My ultimate goal is to have the first one that responds returned in the function, but the loop is not running correctly. It will run through right the first time, but then will start over again.

const char * getServer(char *svrList) {
char *srList;
srList = strtok(svrList, " ," );
printf("Contents of srList b4 loop: %s
", srList);
printf("Server List: %s
", svrList);

[Code] ....

Code output:
Contents of srList b4 loop:
Server List:
result is ""
Hitting else loop
Contents of srList in else:
result is ""
result is ""
Contents of srList b4 loop:
Server List:
result is ""
Hitting else loop
Contents of srList in else: (null)

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C :: Accept Information Of 5 Students And Display Information Of First 3 Students - Unable To Get Output

Aug 15, 2013

Code to accept the information of 5 students and display the information of first 3 students......

main() {
struct stud {
char name[20];
int rollno;
float per;
char grade;

[Code] ....

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C :: Loops That Would Generate Same Results

Nov 20, 2013

Using loops that would generate the same results. I need to use a loop that would make the syntax less lengthy ....


float check(float s);
void load(float*);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Do Operation Of Two Integers That Gives Results

Feb 25, 2014

How do I do the operation of two integers that gives you the results?

I'm supposed to write a program that:

Asks the user for an integer
Asks the user for one of '+', '-', '*', or '/' (as a character)
Asks the user for another integer
Performs the given operation on the two integers, and prints out the result of

Please enter an integer: 4
Please enter an operation (+, - , *, /): *
Please enter another integer: 5

4 * 5 = 20

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x;
int c;
int d;
char e;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Pause After Outputting Results

Feb 19, 2013

I mean on the executable file. It just displays the results and quickly flashes away, cin.get() has no effect and system("PAUSE") is undeclared.

I never found a single sure way to pause effectively. Is there a method that works all the time? Sometimes cin.get() gets skipped even in the code itself. The IDE I am using is Code Blocks if that matters any.

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C++ :: Console App - Outfile Results

Aug 5, 2013

I have created a game that functions correctly, however, for balancing and future changes, I would like to record results .txt document (its 1v1 btw). I already have code to determine who won and what I am looking for is some way to keep track of different match-ups for the different characters. Im looking for something like this:

Winner char1 char2 char3
char1 3 2 5
char2 2 5 4
char3 8 1 2

the numbers are the amounts of wins a given character has over another character. I'm looking for code to open the .txt file and add 1 to the respective win total so I can do balance changes and such.

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C++ :: Excel XLL Returns Different Results?

Feb 1, 2015

I am using Excel 2013, Visual Studio 2015. I began learning about Excel XLL. I wrote simple function which tests whether the argument is missing. Here's code:

#define DllExport __declspec(dllexport)
static LPWSTR rgFuncs[1][7] = { { L"GetSum", L"BU", L"GetSum" } };
DllExport double WINAPI GetSum(LPXLOPER12 arg)
if (arg->xltype == xltypeMissing) return -1;
return arg->xltype;

This code works as expected: if I miss argument, it gives me -1, and the type otherwise. But when I change code to this:

DllExport double WINAPI GetSum(LPXLOPER12 arg)
return (arg->xltype == xltypeMissing) ? -1 : arg->xltype;

then, when I miss argument, it gives me 4294967295. Why?

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C++ :: Adding Results Of Incremented Value?

May 11, 2013

The point of this program is to calculate how many cents the user would have after a certain number of days. The user is given .01 cent on day one, and this amount is doubled with each passing day. I cannot seem to figure out how to add all of the results. Currently, my program simply outputs them to the screen. How do I tell it to add all of the results and store the sum in one variable?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
using namespace std;
float totalF = 0;//total amount earned after number of days specified by user have passed


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C++ :: Can't Total Up The Results Calculated

Apr 8, 2013

i am doing a sales commission program to run a counter on the commission calculated, but the answers can't show on the counter

here's what i've done so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>


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