C++ :: Multiplying Matrix Using Algorithm

Jun 3, 2013

Trying to multiply to matrixes using the following algorithm,

n=A.rows; //n must be multiple of 2
C is a new n*n matrix.

[Code] ....

but the code doesn't work !!!

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C :: Developing Native Matrix Multiplication Algorithm For 53 Bits

Mar 24, 2014

I am actually working on IEEE Arithmetic especially the IEEE 754 specification where the IEEE double only have 53 bits of precision. I am working on Z/nZ matrix multiplication that works on 53 bits specs. How to write a matrix multiplication algorithm that works well on 53 bits IEEE precision standard.

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C++ :: Specifying And Multiplying Two Variables

Feb 23, 2014

I'm very new to C++ so I've been trying to run through some code examples to begin to learn basic structures and syntax, but I've recently run into a problem using examples from the 7th ed. of Sams Teach Yourself C++. I'm using the code provided within one of the examples that allows you to specify and multiply two variables, but when I compile and run the executable the final output seems to only show the first variable and b/c of this the multiplication operation does not work.

Here is a my example code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "This program will multiply two numbers" << endl;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Multiplying Array By 10?

Apr 19, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;


I am trying to initialize int x[] = {10, 100, 1000, 10000} into a loop and give me four different numbers for something. I was trying to get creative and just do

myArr[j] = j * 10; with (int j = 1; j < 10000; j++) ,

But that doesn't work. It still gives me an output of 10 11 12... How to make an array punch through a loop and give me

10 Press any key to continue...
100 Press any key to continue...
1000 Press any key to continue...
10000 Press any key to continue....

I'm thinking I must set the for loop to < 10000.1 or < 10001 to output the final value in the array.

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C++ :: Multiplying All Values Of Array

Nov 16, 2013

I have an array as such and need to multiply all the values of it by each other and put that as a variable.

//for example
int array1[100]
//assume i have already input the values of each element properly up to, say, element 4
//I need to now multiply all of those values together. I think I need the size of the array to control what it multiplies (I know how to find size) ....

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C/C++ :: Multiplying Two Member Of A Class?

May 1, 2014

we have to make a Invoice class which has a function called computeInvoiceAmount() which multiplies the price and the quantitiy which are private member of the class.

double computeInvoiceAmount(){
return quantity * pricePerItem;

This is my function, but if i compile it i get the following error:

"Invoice.cpp:53:11: error: "quantity" was not declared in this scope" and "Invoice.cpp:53:22: error: "pricePerItem" was not declared in this scope"

I tried it with the get functions but i get the same error.

Full code is here: [URL]

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C++ :: Multiplying Matrices And Arrays

May 14, 2012

Two different matrices will be read from text files (input1.txt, input2.txt) and they will be stored in two dimensional arrays (matrix1, matrix2) and one dimensional arrays (array1, array2). Our aim is to obtain the matrix multiplication using two dimensional and one dimensional arrays.

You are asked to write the main and the following functions. The definitions of the functions are given in the skeleton code.

int read_file(ifstream& in_file, int &row, int &col, double *array, double **matrix)
int write_file(ofstream& out_file, int row, int col, double **matrix)
void print_matrix(double **matrix, int row, int col)
void print_array(double *array, int row, int col)
void multip(double **matrix1, double **matrix2, double **result, int k, int m, int n)
void multip_array(double *array1, double *array2, double *array_result, int k, int m, int n)

You are going to obtain the input and output files as command line arguments

input1.txt :
3 4
2 3 4 5
1 3 5 4
0 4 4 7

The first element in the first line represents the number of rows (3) and the second element represents the number of columns (4) of the matrix (the result file will have the same format).


input2.txt :
4 5
1 2 3 4 5
2 9 43 44 21
32 32 32 43 54
1 3 3 4 5

thats my homework and here is the code i wrote from the sceleton code they gave me :

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int read_file(ifstream& in_file, int &row, int &col,/* double *array,*/ double **matrix)

[Code] ....

I didn't understand the array part but even when i exclude the array part i get the program has stopped working message. My os is windows7 ultimate with mingw installed and i compile the program using g++ command in cmd with the arguments input.txt input2.txt resultt.txt

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C/C++ :: How To Find Multiplication From 1 To 20 By Adding Not Multiplying

Sep 11, 2014

I have code the following but result is not ok.

int main()
int i,j,m;
m = 0;


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C++ :: Multiplying Variables In Program The End Result Comes Up As Null

Jun 4, 2013

So I have this program to calculate the types of meat, I have fixed the system errors but the actual program when I run it comes up with <null>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define beef 1 /* multiplication factor of beef*/
#define chicken 1.5 /*factor of chicken*/

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Adding And Multiplying Polynomials - Linked List And Operation Overloading

Mar 3, 2013

I am having a bit of difficulty with implementing an object oriented program that uses both linked lists and operator overloading. The program calls for adding and multiplying polynomials together, with each single polynomial being represented as a node of a linked list (which is further a data member of an object of a class I have defined to implement this program). For example:

polynomial A will be: 3x^4 // 1 node of a linked list
polynomial B will be: 5x^2 // 1 node of a linked list
polynomial C will be blank for the time being. // empty list

Now, I need to use operator overloading so that this following line of code can be implemented:

C = A + B;

C should now be: 3x^4 + 5x^2.

The checklist of which parts of my code that work:

constructor works;
copy constructor works;
destructor works;
operator= works;
print function needs work but i can worry about that later;
operator* work on later

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct termNode {
int exp; // exponent
int coef; // coefficient
termNode * next;

[Code] ....

For the time being I need to add multiple nodes together (with the result being in descending order). So for example:

polyType a(2,3), b(4,5), c(6,7), d;
d = a + b + c;
d.print(); // should print out 7x^6 + 5x^4 + 3x^2, but it will only print out: 3x^2 + 7x^6

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C++ :: Using OOP To Implement Matrix Class That Provide Basic Matrix Operations

Mar 27, 2013

i want to know how i can solve this question? do i need to create a class or write the program codes.

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C++ :: Accept Matrix As Argument And Display Its Multiplication Matrix

Jun 1, 2014

I just want to know the code of the program: Write code to accept matrix as aurgument and display its multiplication matrix which return its multiplication matrix.

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C++ :: Find Voltage By Multiplying Resistance And Current Array By Using Function And Pointers

Nov 11, 2013

I am suppose to find voltage by multiplying a resistance array and a current array by using a function and pointers. This is what I have so far:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <iomanip>

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Assign A Matrix To Submatrix Of A Bigger Matrix?

Feb 27, 2012

I want to assign a matrix to submatrix of a bigger matrix.

ublas::matrix<int> A(8,5);
ublas::matrix<int> B(2,5);
for(size_t i=0;i<A.size1();++i)
for(size_t j=0;j<A.size2();++j)
for(size_t i=0;i<B.size1();++i)
    for(size_t j=0;j<B.size2();++j)
ublas::matrix_range<ublas::matrix<int> > a(A,ublas::range(0,2),ublas::range(0,5));

and it works.

but if the matrix is compressed_matrix type, there's something with it. the error log as below:

Check failed in file boost_1_48_0/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/matrix_assign.hpp at line 1078:
detail::expression_type_check (m, cm)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::numeric::ublas::external_logic'
what(): external logic

I'm not sure this is a bug or not.

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C++ :: Find Matrix P For A Square Matrix A

May 25, 2014

I have to prepare a project. But I don t know how can I do this. Program will find a matrix P for a square matrix A such that P^-1 A P ....

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C++ :: Having Negative 0 As Result After Multiplying Zero With Negative Number

Aug 27, 2014

Having error . I multiplied 0 by -4 and my result is -0 instead of 0. I tried to change the data type put It won't work. This is my code:

#include <iostream>
int main () {
double b, c;
std::cout<<"b: ";
std::cout<<"c: ";
return 0;

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C++ :: How To Convert Compact Form Of Matrix Into Matrix Form

Oct 4, 2014

3 3
2 1 3 2 3
1 0 2
1 2 6

First line shows row and column number

First index of the second line tells the number of non-zero entries of the first row and second index tell the column number where the non zero entry is placed

for 1st row of matrix:

non-zero entries=2
column number=1
non-zero entry=3
column number=2
non-zero entry=2

covert this in the given form
0 3 3
2 0 0
0 0 6

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C :: Can't Get Tic-tac-toe Win Algorithm To Work

Apr 9, 2014

I am writing a simple console-based tic-tac-toe game. I am trying to write a function to check whether someone has won the game.

The board data is saved in an array called board: Code: int board[3][3] with each element corresponding either to an empty spot, an X, or an O, using the numbers 0, 1, and 2, respectively. For clarity:

#define EMPTY 0
#define X 1
#define O 2 Here is my function: Code: int check_state(int board[3][3]) {
int winner = 0;


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C++ :: Algorithm For All Possible Combinations?

Mar 7, 2013

A few days ago I got a "bright idea" to see if I could match a string, with an arbitrary length from 1 to 12, to its formulated sequence by using an algorithm to find all possible combinations of the integer combinations from 0 to 9 at each length (1 to 12).

Example: Desired numerical combinations from integers 1 to 3:

At Length 1:

1, 2, 3

At Length 2:

11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33

At Length 3:

111, 112, 113, 121, 122, 123, 131, 132, 133, 211, 212, 213, 221, 222, 223, 231, 232, 233, 311, 312, 313, 321, 322, 323, 331, 332, 333

And so on until the nth length (in my case a length of 12).

First off, I would like to say that this is not as easy as I thought. I clearly underestimated the problem seeing as I've spent hours attempting to write a working algorithm, but feel like I've made no progress.

Here are a few of my attempts:

Attempt 1:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>


I can't exactly explain this one. It works if the length is 2 or less; however, the order of the output is horrendous.

Attempt 3: I tried using recursion, but only found myself getting more and more lost the further I tried developing my function. Cannot find my work for this attempt.

I would really like to figure this out on my own, but I am very stuck as you can see. I also lack time that I can spend working on this since im a full time student.

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C++ :: Extending STL Algorithm

Jul 24, 2013

I wrote a version of find_all() which searches through containers for matches and returns another container that holds iterators pointing to each match. When I compared what I wrote to what the authors of Professional C++ wrote, I found the two find_all() functions to be very different.Here they are:

template<typename Iterator, typename Predicate>
std::list<Iterator> find_all
(Iterator front, Iterator back, const Predicate& match) {
std::list<Iterator> toreturn;
for(; front != back; ++front) if(*front == match) toreturn.push_back(front);


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C++ :: VRP Algorithm - Run EXE In Website

Jun 27, 2014

I have VRP algorithm written in C++, run with command prompt Windows. input (command line) -> VRP.exe -> output (txt file)

Now I want to built a website to run it as SaaS. How to run an exe application(compiled c++) in server used as Saas? What kind of programming do I have to use? Ruby or html5 or others? I don't know how to start.

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C++ :: Frame Per Second Algorithm?

Aug 27, 2013

i was trying to achieve a better way of game looping. so i have a game loop algrithm. but i dont think its quite good. i want it to be better.

here is my algorithm

bool quit = false;
while(quit == false) {
while(blah blah events)//here we hold events {
if(the user want to quits) {
quit = true;


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C# :: Algorithm With Recursion Use

May 12, 2014

To construct and write down algorithm of determination of the sum of squares of consecutive integers with recursion use. I tried to do something:

public static int RecSumSquare(int x, int n)
if (n < 0) throw new ArgumentException("n should be greater than zero");
if (n == 0) return 0;
else return x*x+RecSumSquare(x, n - 1);

But I don't know as the beginning and the end of this algorithm will look.

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C++ :: Simulated Annealing Algorithm

Mar 10, 2014

I'm still a beginner at C++ programming, I have tried to implement some optimization algorithms (related to database) in C++, I cannot say it is going as far as I thought it will be, some errors does not even make sense, I will cut to the chase, I need to implement SA (Simulated Annealing) in C++, SA, which is an example of the Randomized Algorithms, functions on the concept of randomness and probability. In addition, I searched the internet with no (let say "accurate") code that might give me insight on how to begin, I only found one code for SA that I could understand, and edited it (which will be shown below), still looking to enhance and correct it more.

The code for SA is as follows:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>

[Code] .....

If the concept of Simulated Annealing is not clear, you may refer to the following papers which can be found in a simple Google search: Simulated Annealing Algorithms: an overview.An Introduction to Interacting Simulated Annealing. Query Optimization (there is a sub-section for Simulated Annealing in this paper that explains SA briefly) ....

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C++ :: Algorithm To Roll A Rectangle

Sep 17, 2014

I'm trying to draw and pivot a rectangle. How to get the new coordinates if I turn it 90 degree for example?

From this:

To this:

This is not good because it will reduce it in size.

int size = 50;
if(b) // draw rectangle
POINT points[4] =
{{xCoord, yCoord},

[Code] ....

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C :: Algorithm To Calculate Highest Value?

Aug 3, 2014

Now I know there's a simple way to calculate highest value. But here i have this algorithm which i understood part of it.

I know that *largest is point to the first element of begin which is 5. so in the first if statement its 5<5 at the first iteration ?

// i marked the parts i didnt understand with " //"

#include <stdio.h>
int *print(int *begin ,int *end ){
return 0;
int *largest = begin;

[Code] ....

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