C# :: Manipulating Images Colors With ColorMatrix?

Feb 6, 2015

I found this elegant looking code on the net that claims to be able to manipulate an images colors using ColorMatrix.

When I run it, it does nothing! I used the code exactly as is with no editing, except to feed it my own image to do its work.

private void ApplySaturation(float saturation) {
float rWeight = 0.3086f;
float gWeight = 0.6094f;
float bWeight = 0.0820f;
float a = (1.0f - saturation) * rWeight + saturation;


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C :: Manipulating Data In Memory

Jan 31, 2015

So, it seems I have a bug in my code:


char *mem = malloc(9), *bottom = malloc(3), *in = "abc";
int position = 2, i;
mem = "onetwo";
printf("OLD mem = %s
", mem);


What I'm trying to do is insert "abc" in the 3rd position of "onetwo". Results would be "oneabctwo", but all I get is crashing.

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C :: Manipulating Data In A File

Sep 28, 2014

How can I manipulate a data in a file for example the saved file is like this:

code name Price Quantity
001 hammer 100 4
002 screwdriver 100 4

what i like to do is:

1. the user will be ask to enter its code
2. will output the searched code and then
3. the user will be ask to enter how many pcs he/she will buy.the formula should be

pcs=pcs-users_input if the user selected the code 001 and enters only 1pc it should be updated to only 3 pcs left in the file.

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C/C++ :: Manipulating Data Through Own Iterator

Apr 10, 2014

We were given a task to use lists and iterators. We were supposed to make them from scratch. I'm done with that. The problems that I'm having are as following:

1. I'm not able to access the list made of Course datatype which is present in each Student instance. Does this mean I need to make an iterator for that course list inside the student class?

2. Similarly since I don't have direct access to The course list so I added the course into the Student list through the student objects not through the iterator. How can I do it through the iterator?

3. Printing of a particular student and his courses is not happening as my iterator made for student only prints out the students, not the courses present in their courselist. How to do that?

Here's the code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int ILLEGAL_SIZE = 1;
const int OUT_OF_MEMORY = 2;
const int NO_SPACE = 3;
const int ILLEGAL_INDEX = 4;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Reading Data From File And Manipulating It?

Jul 7, 2012

File Data format


And so on ... it could be up to any alphabet. The number of As and Bs and Cs and Ds in first column depends on the number of unique alphabets used in the first column. For example the unique alphabets used in this case are 2 (A,C) hence each alphabet appears in the first column of consecutive 2 rows.

Which means

D:D, ,F,G (E is missing)

Actual Data

Final Solution: Add each integer value to its previous value and store the resulting value.

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C++ :: OS Agnostic Library - Manipulating Files

Jul 11, 2012

I am writing a little OS agnostic library for my team for manipulating files.

One such function is used to move/rename files (only files, not dirs). I got into a little argument with a colleague about naming: "rename" or "move"?

"move" makes more sense, but the c api calls it rename.

Is there any historic (or actual) difference between a "rename" and a "move" we could base ourselves on? Or is this purely an Apples vs Oranges?

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C :: Strings To Be Printed In Different Colors

Aug 21, 2013

I am currently using Dev-C++ compiler for creating a C project. I need few strings to be printed in a different color.

int main(void)
{ textcolor(RED);
cprintf("Hello world

While I use " textcolor(RED) " it says: 'RED' undeclared, first use in this function.

If i make it: " textcolor(3) ", it says: [Linker error] undefined reference to textcolor & undefined reference to cprintf.

have been searching for a solution on google since morning. At last I could make out that it is not the correct compiler with suitable library or outdated <conio.h> header file.

I had switched from turbo(or borland, I don't remember) to Dev-C++ compiler due to some kind of library issue. Now I guess I'll have to switch to some other IDE. Which one is that, I don't know yet. There was another thread also about this topic, but didn't provide any solution.

Is there any method to upgrade certain header file (I don't think so)? What would be the best IDE with updated libraries?

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C++ :: How To Draw Lines With Different Colors

Nov 8, 2014

I want to write a function called DrawLineSegments.This function must change the color of lines at every corner where the corner angle is greater than 60 deg (Assume that there is a function called checkangle). The color sequence must be black, red, green, blue, and repeat this sequence after the fourth color.

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C# :: Colors - Integer Value For Alpha

Jul 14, 2014

I want to use a new color for BaseColor in iTextSharp.

I can easily set a new color using RGB values from 0 to 255.

However, if I want to adjust the alpha value (and I know alpha ranges from 0 to 1), I can't make the alpha 0.5 because it's not an integer in the definition of BaseColor.

public BaseColor(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);

So I can set my BaseColor like below:

static BaseColor newColor = new BaseColor(192, 192, 192);

but I can't use a non-int value for alpha. How can I easily convert double alpha values to integer values? What would be the range for alpha in int values and how do I, e.g., set the alpha value to 0.5 in int values?

EDIT: btw, I found online something like this: int alpha = (pixel >> 24). I don't understand why 24 and how can I break that into chunks I understand?

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C :: Implementing And Manipulating Polynomial ADT Using Linked List

Sep 23, 2014

Implementing and manipulating a Polynomial ADT using a linked list.

So far I have:

Code: typedef struct nodeT{
int coef;
int powr;
struct nodeT *next;
} node;


I need to create a function that creates the polynomial using input first.

poly *poly_create (num,...) ;return a new polynomial with num terms terms are listed in order of lowest ordered-term to highest. i.e., to initialize poly 15x^6 + -9x^4 + 3x^2 call poly_create(3, 3,2, -9,4, 15,6 );

Once I do that I need to implement various functions that can manipulate the polynomial itself but I'm having trouble just with creating the polynomial itself, how to do that using a linked list and nodes?

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C :: Working With Files / Struct And Manipulating Data

Dec 17, 2013

I have the following code and I am trying to do simple math calculations to the data. I need to take the car price (y) minus down payment (z) and then divide that quantity by 12 times "yearsx" That answer is then assigned to x. The problem is that x will not print the correctly!I also noticed that if I increase the "count" to amnything higher than the number on lines in the file, I get the correct value for x but only on the last set of the struct..my file reads as follows:

last_name first_name car_price down_payment years
johnson bill 10,000 2,000 3

When I printf the struct to the screen, i need to do the following:

x = (10,000 - 2,000)/(12*years);

but this is the math part that wont work. I have checked and doubled checked number types and I cant get it right.


#define FILENAME "file.txt"
#define SIZE 100


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C++ :: Manipulating Set Of Containers - Vector Of Vectors Of Objects

Mar 5, 2013

I need manipulating a set of containers. I created a vector that contained vectors of objects:

std::vector< std::vector<Terrain> > mapArray(num1, std::vector<Terrain>(num2));

where num1 and num2 are arbitrary numbers. and Terrain is the class of objects I'm trying to store.

I want to be able to use push_back on both the main vector and the vectors within the mapArray vector but I'm unsure of how to target the inner vectors with push_back. How to dynamically store a 2D array of objects.

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C :: Check How Many Colors Terminal Supports

Feb 17, 2013

I'm generating all ncurses color pairs like this


void generate_all_color_pairs(){ int foreground;
int background;
int i = 0;
for(foreground=0; foreground<8; foreground++){
for(background=0; background<8; background++){


but according on several sources, some terminals suport more colors.Is there any way to determine how many colors the current terminal supports?

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C++ :: Detect Colors In The Black Rectangle?

Oct 5, 2013

I want to detect colors that in the black rectangle. [URL] How can I do? What library should I use?

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C++ :: Make Colors Transparent Using 3rd Party Library

Jan 19, 2014

I'm trying to make colors transparent in c++ using a 3rd party library. I've successful made my background transparent but I feel I'm cheating by not understanding how I entered the value.

"0xff, 0xff, 0xff" is the color white but i'm not sure how it's the color white like with RGB values.

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C++ :: Assigning Colors To Individual Characters In Array?

Aug 31, 2014

Basically I am making a console RPG (isn't every beginner nowadays?) and I am having an incredible amount of trouble assigning specific characters their own color. e.g. monsters being red, cash being green, etc.

I took out Left, Right, and Down controls because of character constraint.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
//%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COLOR CALL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
void setcolor(unsigned short color) {


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C :: Why Most Examples Pass Double Pointer When Manipulating Linked Lists

Mar 1, 2014

Why do most C examples pass a double pointer when manipulating linkedlists? Why can not we just pass a single pointer to the struct?I think using an external reference accessor for a linked list would be a more appropriate solution, yes or no?

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Visual C++ :: Moving Mouse Cursor To Certain Colors On Monitor

Apr 22, 2013

I am currently starting to attempt to make a program that can move my cursor to certain colors on my monitor. The problem is this seems like it will be 10x harder than I first thought.

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C++ :: Print To Console Contents Of A File Using Foreground Colors And Other Attributes

Jun 29, 2013

Suppose I have a txt file that I want the contents printed to the console in such a way that every five words are colored blue and the following five are red. How do I accomplish such a task? I am currently only able to print the contents of the file in regular color using ifstream.

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C# :: Customize Font Styles / Colors / Size In Custom Message Box

Jul 15, 2014

I made my own custom message/dialog box.

I have a template mock up view using xaml. I have a viewmodel that raises the message property. I binded the message property to a textblock inside my xaml.

Since my messages are different for every viewmodel I have.

E.g.in every viewmodel, I have something like

messagewindow.Message = "This is a new message";
dialogService.ShowDialog(Success, messageWindow);

In one of my messages, I want to make the font bold and different color for a specific message segment.

How can I do that without messing up with the other messages that inherit from the xaml or code behind?

Currently, I'm not using any code behind and a lot of the examples online I've seen use code behind and/or don't have dynamic message textboxes.

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C++ :: Images Don't Display?

Oct 6, 2013

My code is:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>


The problem is that the images don't display and the window doesn't respond.

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C :: Library For Loading Images In PNG?

Jan 29, 2015

What's the best performance library for loading images in PNG?

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C :: How To Import Images In Program

Feb 21, 2013

I want to import images in my program and what function I will use.

Compiler: Turboc 3.0

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C++ :: How Does SDL Load Bitmap Images

Apr 8, 2013

I don't mean how do I load a bmp, I mean how does SDL manage to do this?

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C++ :: SDL Rotating Images Function

Jun 9, 2013

Since SDL doesn't have it's own function for rotating images and I'm tired of storing multiple angles of the same sprite in a file, I created my own function for doing so:

//XY Class
class XY {
XY(float x, float y);

[Code] ....

The problem is while Spin does spin the surface correctly, some pixels are rotated to the same new position so gaps appear in the returned surface. I need a way of filling in the gaps so the returned image looks better. A link to a program I made that uses this function is below so you can see the problem that I'm talking about. [URL] ....

I currently use SDL 1.2. Could my problem be fixed if I used 2.0? For example, does SDL 2.0 have a built in function for rotating surfaces?

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C++ :: Some Algorithms For Compressing Images?

Feb 16, 2014

RLE(Run Length Encoding)
using namespace std;
class Bitwriter{


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