C++ :: Long Double Datatype - Output Always 0

Nov 11, 2014

My code:

using namespace std;
main() {
long double j;
scanf("%Lf", &j);
cout<< j;
return 0;

If I give any number as input, the output is always 0. why? where's the problem ? p

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C :: Convert Scanf Output To Long Double And Discard The Last Newline

Apr 18, 2014

My goal is to read a one line file of a comma separated numbers into a floating point array. The numbers have up to 25 positions after the decimal. I'm having two issues with the following code.

1) atof() seems to be returning zeros every time. Why?

2) The last number includes the new line character. How do I get rid of it?

Note that I adapted the scanf command from here: The power of scanf() - [URL], and don't completely understand it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
//The following will be calculated in the real program.
#define DIM 1
#define N 8
int main()


In the "real" program, N is calculated and known before reading in the file and the file will always have 2 times N numbers.

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C++ :: How To Cut Off Zeroes From Double Datatype

Nov 30, 2014

I just wanted to know a way to cut off any remaining zeroes from a double data type. I' trying to calculate cost and output it but it keeps adding a bunch of zeroes on the end. I know there must be a way to

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C++ :: Converting String Into A Long Double

Mar 11, 2013

I have a problem with converting a C++ string into a long double. In order to do this, I used the function strtold, but the result I get is only the integral part, that is: if for example the input string is 12.476, I only get 12 as the converted long double value. This happens with atof too.

Here is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
string test = "12.345";
long double test_longd = strtold(test.c_str(),NULL);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Converting String To Long And Then To Double

Jun 15, 2014

So I have problem with my code, I'm trying to convert string to long and then string to double, but I get this when I compile it:

terminating with uncaught exception of type std::invalid_argument: stod: no conversion

I was thinking if there is a way to do this without using (stol) or (stod)

Market::Market(string filename)
string line, word, date, stockprice;
long realdate;


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C++ :: Simulation Of Motion Of Magnets On A Rod - Long Double Not Working

Apr 25, 2013

I'm currently working on a simulation of the motion of magnets on a rod. As part of it, there are arrays of the properties of the magnets:

long double *accelerations; // These will later be dynamically allocated depending on the number
long double *velocities; // of magnets
long double *positions;

However, when I go to compile this, the compiler gives me these error for the pointers:

error: two or more data types in declaration of 'accelerations'
error: two or more data types in declaration of 'velocities'
error: two or more data types in declaration of 'positions'

Apparently, the compiler isn't recognising long double* as a type and is instead reading is as the two types long and double*.

My compiler is MinGW 4.4.3

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C++ :: Returning Datatype Other Than The Declared Function Header Datatype

Jun 6, 2013

I have designed a class called matrixType that has some overloaded operators (+, -, *, and <<); the arithmetic operator functions of which are overloaded as member functions of the class. As an alert mechanism, I want a message displayed when two matrices of dissimilar sizes are added/subtracted OR when two incompatible matrices are being multiplied. Displaying this error message is not the problem. However, I want a scheme where on detecting two matrices’ incompatibility, the operator function returns the error message (a string datatype) instead of what would be an erroneous result (the expected matrixType object).

In other words, what I may be essentially asking is: Is it possible for a function, say,

matrixType matrixType::operator+(const matrixType& otherMatrix) const

to return a dataType (like a string) other than the expected matrixType?

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C++ :: Long Division Output Using Vectors Of Chars Outputs Garbage

Jan 20, 2014

This code works very oddly.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>


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C++ :: How To Reverse Nibble In A Long Long Int Variable

Apr 1, 2015

I have a long long int k=0x0000888804eaad0e

And i need the reverse of this (nibble wise) in other long long int variable.

That is i want the result to be = q=0x0000e0daae408888;

Or the result also can be like this = q=0xe0daae4088880000;

How to accomplish the above?

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C :: Can't Get A Double Type Output

Apr 1, 2014

this is what I got so far

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {


he problem is that when I print out the three sums at the end of the program I dont get any decimal points but just zeros like something.00 instead of something.50 etc

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C++ :: How To Add Two Numbers In Own Datatype

Nov 27, 2013

I have made a new data type which named LongDouble

it takes 16 byte to save the number
the first bit for the sign
the next 15 bit for the exponent
the other 112 bit for the mantissa

I have to apply four operation on these numbers , but i have a problem in addition , when the sign for any of the numbers is negative ,how i can perform the operation , also if there is a Mantissa how i can also perform the operation?

if i try to save mantissa in a variable there would a loss of precision ... Here's my code

LongDouble LongDouble::operator+(const LongDouble& olong) {
LongDouble temp;
if (this->sign == 0 && olong.sign == 0) {
temp.exponent = this->exponent + olong.exponent;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Thread Can't Ignore Void Datatype?

Mar 31, 2013

the compiler doesnt accept void functions used with threads (for the first time and all of sudden!?)

#include <cstdlib>
#include <thread>
#include <windows.h>


this is a sigment of my code. Compiler says that the error occurs in line 47 (marked by ***). Leaving out the braces makes it even worse.

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C++ :: LinkedList Based Abstract Datatype For Pairs And Such

Feb 28, 2013

coming from Java, my experience with the Classes in C++ is quite limited.

Thats why I am having trouble converting the following (simple!) Java-Program.

Most examples with linked lists I found on the web describe how to implement the LinkedList class itself. But my problem is different: I want to use such a Class (I have a LinkedList class available on my system which is presumably OK).

Code: package main;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BoxList<String> sl = new BoxList<String>(
new ArrayList<ABox<String>>());
new BoxPair2<String>(new BoxPair2<String>(


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C++ :: Static Constant Datatype For Fraction Class

Aug 4, 2013

My Fraction.h class looks like :

class Fraction {
int num;
unsigned int den;
Fraction(int = 1,int =1);
//Constants of Datatype

[Code] ....

The implementation Fraction.cpp is as follows :

#include "Fraction.h"
Fraction::Fraction(int n, int d):num(n),den(d){
cout << This is double param constructor <<endl;

And the application main.cpp is

int main(){
Fraction f1(3,9);
f1 = Fraction::sc_fUnity; // how to implement this ?

How can I write the Fraction.cpp for the constant static member ?

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C++ ::  Common Datatype (Char And Int) Operator Overloading

Aug 11, 2014

How you would overload an operator for Common Data-types like "char" and "int".

I often use bool arrays to create a multilevel-trigger-systems, when iterating over multiple containers or waiting for two events to occur at the same time.

For example:
I would define..
bool trigger[2] = {0, 0};

And when doing work via a loop, I use it like so:
while(trigger[0] != 1 && trigger[1] != 1)

You can probably see where I'm going with this. I want to be able to use my bool array with the "!" operator.

So if "trigger == 0" (as a whole), it returns false.

How can I achieve this?

Can you create custom operators? Say if I wanted to create "or-gates" or "xor-gates" etc.

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C Sharp :: How To Use Static Method And Datatype In A Class

Apr 3, 2013

How to use static in a class, function and variable.

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C Sharp :: Convert Dropdown List To Int Datatype

Mar 16, 2013

I am need to compare 2 items from 2 separate drop down lists. These values are of int type. Say for example 2 drop down lists showing years. Now i need to find out these 2 years selected is greater or nearer to the current year.

I tried converting the values i receive from the drop down lists to int variables. But i am getting error then. I gave it like below.

int tmp = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_1.SelectedItem.Text);

this gives an error like this - Input string was not in correct format.

I need to know how to put an item from a drop down list to a variable of int data type.

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C++ :: Template Class Instance - Proper Datatype

Oct 20, 2012

I have a class that is a template, I have to declare it in my main but i want the user to choose what type of data they will use in the class, I cant just declare myclass my, i have to use myclass<int> my, how can I change so user can select the proper datatype to use in the class.

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C++ :: Passwords Must Be At Least 7 Characters Long

Dec 4, 2013

I've written a code that request for a password and its suppose to look like this.

Sample Output (inputs in bold)
Please enter a password: pass6
Passwords must be at least 7 characters long
Please enter a password: TarrantNW
Passwords must include a digit or dollar sign (0-9, $)
Please enter a password: Tccd-03

But when I run the program it stops at "Passwords must be at least 7 characters long" and the box closes and where I should put the loop=

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 7;
char password[SIZE + 1];


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C++ :: Define Long Variable And XOR

Aug 15, 2013

I want to write encryption algorithm.first af all I need to define variable( binary input ) that it is 256 bit but I dont know what should I use...then I want to XOR this to variable ( a & b ) ( each of them is 256 bit)

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C++ :: Why The String Provided For Initialization Is Too Long

May 9, 2014

I'm not understanding why the string provided for initialization is too long?


int main()
char array[1] = "A";
return 0;

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C :: Convert A Long Int Into Char Array?

Feb 21, 2013

Without lossing information?

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C++ :: Integer Max - Long Data Type

Jan 4, 2013

Working on a Project Euler problem and the question asks for the largest prime number that is a factor of 600851475143. As you can see, this is significantly larger than the maximum of a long data type, which maxes out at 2147483647.

I'm running on Windows 32, so int64 is not a valid option for me. It seems like I'll likely have to use a different language to solve this problem.

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C# :: Regex / Getting Integer As Long As Its Not In Quotes

May 9, 2014

I am trying to highlight integers in a textbox.

The problem, is that I dont know how to make Regex get Integers no matter what (e.g. even if an =, >,<,>=,<= sign is in front or anything) unless it is encased in a string e.g. "'s or whatever.

My current code does this:

I do not want the numbers to be highlighted if they are in a string.

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C++ :: Selection Of Interesting Point From Long List

Mar 29, 2013

I have some codes which are not efficient enough to get the answer faster.

Q: Tom is looking for a car with high miles per gallon and high horse power.For example:P1--Toyota with MPG=51,HP=134, the P2--Honda with MPG=40,HP=110, P3--Ford Fusion with MPG=41,HP=191,P4--Nissan with MPG=35,HP=195,P5--Volkswagen with MPG=30,HP=140

Since,p2 is worse than p1(in terms of MPG,HP) and p5 worse than p4(MPG,HP), thus they are cancelled. The leftover 3 cars are considered interesting cars.Tom wish to find all interesting cars from the list but there's too many of them. Thus write a program to find this list as fast as possible.(C++)

int SimpleAlgo2 (int &n, int &d, vector< vector<float> > &point) {
vector<bool> isBest(n+10, true);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {

// We will check if point[i] is strictly worse than point[j]
// no need to check if we already know that point[i] is not the best
if (isBest[i]) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Display Words Splitted From A Long Sentence

Apr 8, 2013

How can i display words form a long sentence.

example :(lets assume that if u find two spaces that is word)

INPUT: the Indian school boys are very good compare to other countries.

OUTPUT: the Indian
school boys
compare to
other countries

I am solving these way but it takes only one space to divide a word.

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::vector <std::string> words;

[code] .....

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