C++ :: Limited Purpose Calculator Which Finds Value Of One Of Five Operations

Jan 9, 2015

I just started learning C++ a week ago and have been stuck on a project for the past 2 days now. I am building a limited purpose calculator which finds the value of one of five operations. Visual studio doesn't underline any errors in my program but every time I try to run it I get an error message. I believe it has something to do with the if/else but Im not sure.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int a;
int b;
int sum = a + b;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Make Special Purpose Libraries

Apr 30, 2014

There are many libraries in C++, but how are they made?

For example: SDL, SFML, Open CV, STK

There are no special functions in C++ from which we can create such libraries, If I wanted to create a library that processes sound signals, how would I do that? How can I access the mic, speakers and process the signals.

Open CV processes videos but which functions does it use?

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C++ :: VC Thread Arguments Number Limited?

Mar 2, 2013

I am using thread on VC 2012 (very close to VC 2010). When the argument list is short, it works fine. However, when I add a function with more arguments, the compiler indicates "no thread constructor match the argument list....etc", and when I reduce the number of arguments, it works.

Is there a limit about thread constructor? I didn't see this in ISO C++11 standard. How can I fix this limit?

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C :: Comparison Is Always False Due To Limited Data Type Error

Feb 16, 2013


do {
printf("Edit the entry's cellphone number:");
scanf("%s", addressbook[4][num]);
length = strlen(addressbook[4][num]); //gets the length of the input (should be 10)
//checks if the input is composed of 11 elements wherein the first 2 are 0 and 9 respectively
for(i=0; i<11; i++){

[Code] ....

why do I get an error here?

if ((addressbook[4][num][0] == '0') && (addressbook[4][num][1] == '9') || (addressbook[4][num][i]>='0') && (addressbook[4][num][i]<='9') && (length=='11'))

And how do I fix this?

The error message is: comparison is always false due to limited data type

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C++ :: Ioquake3 Engine - Accessing Limited Struct Fields

Feb 29, 2012

I'm currently working on the ioquake3 engine . The ioquake3 engine is separated into 2 different main threads at runtime: the gamecode and the engine. Both are communicating but not all information and my problem resides here.

In the gamecode, there's a struct called gentity_t which contains a lot of fields:

typedef struct gentity_s gentity_t;
struct gentity_s {
entityState_ts;// communicated by server to clients
entityShared_tr;// shared by both the server system and game
struct gclient_s*client;// NULL if not a client

[Code] ....

This whole entity is passed to the engine at runtime, but only the first two fields are declared for the engine:

// the server looks at a sharedEntity, which is the start of the game's gentity_t structure
typedef struct {
entityState_ts;// communicated by server to clients
entityShared_tr;// shared by both the server system and game
} sharedEntity_t;

My problem is that I need to access the health field of gentity_t from the engine. Technically, this is possible, but the health field is not declared in sharedEntity (which is the same memory address than gentity_t in the gamecode), so this is not straightforward.

I am looking for an elegant way to do this, and my constraint is that I must not edit the gamecode, only the engine.

The solutions I've thought:

- Just copy the whole gentity_t fields into sharedEntity_t. This would work I think but would be redundant, and I would like to avoid copying this huge set of fields.

- Include the two headers files declaring the gentity_t and sharedEntity_t structs, and create a Getter and a Setter functions that would cast a gentity_t over a sharedEntity_t and return/set a field. The problem is that I can't simply include them because they are both including some common headers files and this produce a recursive include error (and I can't modify the files to add a check, these are normally in the gamecode).

- Directly access the health field using a clever memory pointer, but I don't even know if that's possible given the huge number of fields prior health with many different types?

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C Sharp :: How To Add Local Database In Install Shield Limited Edition

Nov 26, 2014

I have small Project In Vs 2013.i have to deploy it.but i did through Installshield. Project is working same PC but when i try to deploy another PC i cannot loin in to my project.it seems to me that i didn't add database .

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C++ :: QTCreator Finds Error Outside Of Program

Sep 20, 2014


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Child;// incomplete type
struct Parent {
string name;
vector<Child *> children;// we don't need to know the details heres

[Code] .....

Why this program wont compile?

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C :: Write A Program Which Finds Difference Between Two Arrays

Mar 9, 2013

My tasks was to write a program which finds difference between two arrays (elements which are in first array but not in second and vice-versa). Program works, but something wrong is with the memory allocation for array.

My code is:
main.c Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "header.h"


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C++ :: Writing A Program That Finds The Probability Of Moves?

Sep 13, 2013

I'm writing a program that finds the probability of moves a Knight can make on a chess board. The program asks the user to enter the row and the column and the program is supposed to output how many possible moves the Knight can make, but the output is wrong. Example(if I enter row 1 and column 1 the output is 8 and it should be 2) I know the problem is with my if statements.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int chess(int a, int b) {
int x =a;
int y = b;
int sum=0;


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C :: Function Which Finds Largest Contiguous Values Of Char In 2D Array

Nov 5, 2013

I am required to write a program which, when given an nxn 2D array of char, and the specified coordinates of a specific point in that array, returns thelargest number of horizontal, vertical or diagonal contiguous (side-by-side) sequence of points of that same char value that intersects with the given point.

The way I took on this problem was to:

1) First find out the number of points with the same char value up, down, right, left, north-east, north-west, south-east, and south-west of the given point.

2)Add up+down+1(the one is for the point itself), north-west+south-east+1, etc...

3) Finally I compared the four values (updown, rightleft, NESW, NWSE) and returned the largest one.

Well, that's how the program is supposed to work in theory but as you can probably guess it doesn't work. In addition to telling me what I'm doing wrong, is there a simpler way to do what I am trying to accomplish?

Here's the code:


int findLongest(char **board, int n, int row, int col)
char current;
int rightleft, updown, NESW, NWSE;
int r, c, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, c4=0, c5=0, c6=0, c7=0, c8=0, d;
int t1=1, t2=1, t3=1, t4=1, t5=1, t6=1, t7=1, t8=1;
//check Above: col remains the same
//with the condition r>=0 I made sure not to accidentally check values outside of the array


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C :: Program That Takes Multiple Integers From User And Finds Minimum Value

Jun 11, 2014

Write a C program that takes multiple integers from the user and finds the minimum value. The numbers entered by the user are positive integers. When the user is done entering all the numbers, the user enters the sentinel value of -1.

This is a sample output. Notice how the program prints a counter (1, 2, 3, ) for user keep track of how many numbers were entered so far. Include this feature in your program.

I have tried different ways to get the result from while loops, do while, and if-else statements. We have not done any max/min problem in class and the book was kind of vague. We have not learned arrays yet in class and I can't figure a way to compare the integers the user inputs as it is an infinite(from what I am reading) amount aloud. The problem I am seeing is the loop works and stops with the sentinel value but the INT_MIN is using the sentinel value. I also have not addressed the input of negative numbers yet with the first program I wrote, maybe one of my problems.

A C program that takes multiple integers from the user and finds the minimum value. The numbers entered by the user are positive integers. When the user is done entering all the numbers, the user enters the sentinel value of -1.*/
/*header files*/
/*****start program*****/
int main() {

[Code] ....

I have also tried this way as well, min value still comes back as -1 the sentinel value, and the else statement is being ignored. I am sure it is something silly but I am lost and confused at this point.

A C program that takes multiple integers from the user and finds the minimum value. The numbers entered by the user are positive integers. When the user is done entering all the numbers, the user enters the sentinel value of -1.*/
/*header files*/

[Code] ....

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C :: Write A Function That Finds Integer In Array And Returns Its Corresponding Index

Mar 20, 2013

I have an assignment which requires me to do the following:

Required to write a function that finds an integer in an array and returns its corresponding index. The function must be called findNumber. It must have FOUR parameters:

- The first parameter is the array to be searched
- The second parameter is the integer to be found within the array
- The third parameter is the size of the array
- The fourth parameter is an integer that indicates whether the array is sorted. A value of 1 means the array is sorted; a value of zero means the array is not sorted.

Since a function can only return one value(To return the position of a required integer in an array in this instance) I have tried to make use of pointers to try and return a value stating whether the array is sorted or not.This is my code : (It compiles perfectly but it does not produce any outputs)


#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 10
size_t findNumber(int *sort, const int array[],int key,size_t size);
int main(void){
int a[SIZE];
size_t x;


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C/C++ :: Frequency Distribution - Finds All Numbers In Array That Show Up Exactly 5 Times

Oct 9, 2014

Create a program that finds all numbers in an array that show up exactly 5 times. I am trying to solve this issue by making a frequency distribution via two loops and two arrays, but I am having trouble getting my loop to not recount a number it has already counted.

For example, if you enter ten 1's into the "entered Numbers" array I want it to store a count of 10 in frequencyarray[1]. Instead it is storing


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void enternumber(long[], int);
int main() {
int size;
int numbers5=0;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Serial Communication In Windows - ClearCommError Finds No Data In Read Buffer

Dec 13, 2013

I want to send data from a laptop (windows 7, processor 2.60GHz) to a desktop (windows xp, processor 3.10GHz) using serial communication (using a USB to RS232 convertor). The WriteFile function is able to send the data from the laptop (NumberOfBytesWritten is correct). But on the desktop side, ClearCommError detects no data in the read buffer.

This is the relevant code in my desktop:

while(1) {
if (commStatus.cbInQue != 0) ReadFile(hPort,&data,1,&dwBytesRead,NULL);

The if condition is never satisfied. The baudrate and other parameters in the DCB struct are the same on both sides.

The same code works when I write and read in the same system by shorting the RX and TX pins in the RS232 connector.

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C++ :: Operations On Enumerations

Mar 12, 2014

I'm used to writing enums for enumerated types. However I have this:

enum Colour
BLUE = 0x01,
BLACK = 0x02,
WHITE = 0x04,
GREEN = 0x08,
RED = 0x10

Now each of the enumerated types are not exclusive, so I'd like to do this:

Colour c = BLUE | BLACK;

Of course that doesn't work. gcc gives "invalid conversion from 'int' to 'Colour' [-fpermissive]".

typedef int Colour;
static const Colour BLUE = 0x01;
static const Colour BLACK = 0x02;
static const Colour WHITE = 0x04;
static const Colour GREEN = 0x08;
static const Colour RED = 0x10;

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C++ :: Turning A Limited Float Into Another Float?

Nov 20, 2013

I can do the folowing:

float var1 ;
var1 = 9.12345 ;
printf("%.2f",var1) ;

the output will be 9.12. What if I wanted to save that as another separate float with displaying it on screen?

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C++ :: Nested Conditional Operations

Feb 4, 2014

So I think I am having syntactical problem with my code.

int main() {
vector<int> ivec;
int score;
[Code] ....

I get an error from my compiler on the ?10th? line (Nested condition line) that says |19|error: invalid operands of types 'int' and '<unresolved overloaded function type>' to binary 'operator<<'|

The purpose of the program is to take input and store it in a vector and then change the value to be between 1-6. I made this for the purpose of learning about nested conditional operations.

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C :: Floating Point Operations

Mar 16, 2014

void main()
float i;

[Code] ....

If i do run the above program in turbo C/C++ complier, it outputs "h". But,if i change the code as i=0.6 and if (i<0.6), it outputs "w". Even if i change it to i=0.8 and if(i<0.8), then also it outputs "w".

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C++ ::  bitwise Operations On Numbers

Dec 8, 2014

Trying to write 4 bytes ints in a binary file and extract them after... I'm using the exclusive or (^) to isolate single bytes to write to and extract from the file since the write() function accepts only chars, only the beginning and end results are not the same...

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C++ ::  how To Handle Async Operations

May 29, 2013

I've been thinking over this for long time... For example, when a button is clicked, print a string "clicked" after 5 seconds. (the button won't be blocked)

Thread should be the only way to do this:

btn.on_click = []() {
thread thrd([]() { sleep_5_seconds(); cout << "clicked" << endl; });

the local variable thrd is destructed right after it starts, which may cause a crash, so use new operator:

btn.on_click = []() {
thread* thrd = new thread([]() { sleep_5_seconds << "clicked" << endl; });

The thrd never get deleted

How would you solve problem like this?

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C++ :: Logical Operations Not Working?

Oct 7, 2014

int main()
char rORc, choice;
int sizerc;


when I input the character which is the underscore, and the row # it should display the table and sort that specific row. Why is the if statement skipped? This is not the complete program but has everything needed.

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C++ :: Validate Unsigned Operations?

Oct 12, 2012

I've sometimes encountered unexpected runtime issues caused by unsigned values being decremented below zero.

Example 1: "unsigned_value += negative_integer_value;"
Example 2: "for( size_t i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i )"

My compiler doesn't provide any compile-time or run-time warnings.

As far as I know, it's not possible to overload operators of primitive data types to check if the unsigned value is decremented below zero.

Any clever strategy to trace such cases at debug runtime, without having to add asserts all over the code? It's important that it does not affect performance in release mode.

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C++ :: Variable Length Integer Operations?

Aug 25, 2013

I intend to reference this thread from another thread so I do not clutter that thread with code

/* This code is relied on by some of the functions I will post */
typedef unsigned long long zxumax;
typedef signed long long zxsmax;


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C++ :: Mathematical Operations With Digits In Strings?

Feb 11, 2015

I'm working on a class project, and I'm having a difficulty. Suppose I have: string a = "21" and string b = "30"; normally, a+b=2130 (i.e concatenation of the characters in the string) but suppose I want a+b=51 (i.e. numerical addition) how do I go about this?

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C/C++ :: Console Input / Output Operations

Oct 27, 2012

How we can write coloured text to a text file in c? Can I use cprintf funtion with any kind editing

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C++ :: Incorrect Result In Bitwise Operations?

Oct 30, 2014

I'm doing a bitwise operations on 2 bytes in a buffer, then storing the result in a variable. However, I sometimes get a non-zero value for the variable even though I'm expecting a zero value.

The relevant portion of the code is as follows.

unsigned int result = 0;
long j = 0, length;
unsigned char *data;
data = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*800000);

[Code] ......

I'm expecting result to be zero when my data[j] and data[j+1] are 0xb6 and 0xab respectively, which is the case for most of the time. However, for certain values of j, my result is strangely not zero.

j = 62910, result = 64
j = 78670, result = 64
j = 100594, result = 64
j = 165658, result = 512
j = 247990, result = 128
j = 268330, result = 512
j = 326754, result = 1
j = 415874, result = 256
j = 456654, result = 1024
j = 477366, result = 512

It appears that these strange result values are all powers of 2, with a 1 bit appearing somewhere in the unsigned int.

I'm not changing the value of result anywhere else in the code, and when I print out (unsigned int)(((data[j]^0xb6)<<8)|(data[j+1]^0xab)), I get 0, but somehow when it gets stored in result, it's no longer zero.

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