C++ :: Intermediate Input / Output Buffer For Objects

May 6, 2014

The documentation of the class filebuf in the reference of cplusplus.com says:

Objects of this class may internally maintain an intermediate input buffer and/or an intermediate output buffer, where individual characters are read or written by i/o operations. These buffers are synchronized with the contents of the file once filled up, when explicitly requested to do so (sync), or when the object is closed.

Objects of this class may be explicitly made unbuffered by calling member pubsetbuf with both arguments set to zero (see member setbuf): Unbuffered file stream buffers perform the i/o operations directly on the file, without an intermediate buffer.

The C++ standard ensures that filebuf objects have an intermediate input/output buffer/s (i.e, the default constructor of the class filebuf creates the intermediate buffer/s)?

The standard C++ library only allows unbuffering filebuf objects (as the above quote says) but doesn't allow forcing filebuf objects to be buffered.

I have been seeying the concrete implementation code of the standard C++ library in my Windows Operating System (Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits Service Pack 1) and it seems that fielbuf objects never uses intermediate input/output buffer/s, they use FILE streams of the standard C library instead to do the work. Are this FILE streams always buffered? If true, are they fully-buffered or line-buffered? what is the size of the buffers (perhaps macro BUFSIZ from <cstdio>)? and can I change this size?

I am worried about performance in reading and writing from/to files: if the default behaviour offers the best performance (perhaps if files are too large is better force buffering and choose a larger buffer size).

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C :: Getchar - Clear Input Buffer For Next Input Through Scanf

Aug 13, 2014

I would just like to know what does

while( (c =getchar())!='
' && c !=EOF );

do ? and how it do it?

I have see it in a example to clear the input buffer for next input through scanf but does not know its working clearly.

it is used in this example :

struct linklist {
char value[20];
struct linklist *next;
struct linklist *head,*curr;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Clearing Cin Buffer - Output Window

Jul 10, 2014

I am having some issue with clearing cin buffer. The following code does not wait for me to see the output window and till I hit return character.

#include "iostream"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "string"
#include "sstream"
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

I tried
cin.flush, cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '
'); cin.clear(); fflush(stdin);.
None of them worked

I am working on Microsoft visual studio express 2013 for windows desktop.

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C++ :: Input Does Not Enter Buffer When Sleeping

Aug 7, 2014

When the program is processing/sleeping, those char input at that time would not goes into the buffer until the next input request (such as calling istream::get). The program below shows this.

#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
int main() {
std::cout << "Sleeping...

[Code] ....

I wonder if there is a way to distinguish between the input comes from the time that does not request it (i.e., during processing or sleeping) and those comes after the time does request it (in the example, after "Input something: ").

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C++ :: Pushing Characters Back Into The Input Buffer?

Mar 29, 2013

I plan to read one character at a time from a very large text file.

The tokens that I would like to extract are basically words and they are delimited by varying numbers of spaces or tabs.

For example, the first line has two words separated by five spaces:

Joe Mark

Problem:I apply get() each time advancing towards Mark. For me to know ive reached the next token, Mark, I merely have to get() until it equals 'M'. The problem by then its too late as Ive already captured 'M'. I somehow need to capture the fifth space and the code must "know" the next character is 'M' without getting() it.

Kernighan and Richie offer us a function getch() and ungetch() whereby the ungetch pushes back the last character into the input . The problem with this is that I believe is that the buffer is not the actual input buffer stream but rather a simulated character array which contains the input. I dont think itll be as efficient on a text file so large.

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C++ :: Program Breaks If Copy Stuff With Multiple Lines Into Console - Clearing Input Buffer

Apr 16, 2014

Using cin.sync() works great so far, but my program still breaks if you copy something with multiple lines into the console.

string test = "";
while(true) {
getline(cin, test );
cout << endl << "test: " << test << endl;

However, if you were to copy this:

and paste it into the program, the output would be1

test: 1
test: 2

And if you press enter one more time:1

test: 1
test: 2
test: 3

The 3 finally pops out.

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C/C++ :: If Statement Only Evaluates With Intermediate Variable

Jul 10, 2014

Odd problem.

if (n <= a.size())
evaluates false, despite n being -1 and a.size() (where a is a std::map) being 2913
int test = a.size();
if (n <= test)

evaluates true. why does the first one not work?

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C++ :: In What Type Intermediate Result Of Expression Is Stored

Jan 8, 2013

my doubt is :- in what data type the intermediate result of an expression is stored? like for expression 2+3*1/2 , i think the intermediate result for 1/2 is stored in the form 0.5 but for expression 2+3*1/100 , i think the intermediate result for 1/100 is stored in the form 0.01 so i am not sure if the compiler use dynamic type ie, changes with need. or it always stores in high precision like:- for 1/2 its 0.5000 and for 1/100 also 0.0100 or something like that.

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C++ :: Intermediate File Multi-process Safety?

Jul 21, 2012

I have a compressor that takes a file and first compresses it to an intermediate file "temp.lz", before compressing it to the final format. Immediately after that the file be removed by calling c's remove(char*). The problem I am afraid of is if calling this compressor from different processes is safe because of the intermediate file created which has the same name for all. (say temp.lz). Will I have problems when callinga sytem call from different process something like: system ("compress -i test.txt -o test.z") ?

I was thinking of rewriting the compressor to avoid the use of the temporary file but that is a bit awkward. I just need to use a temporary stream (file) different for each process to avoid race conditions.

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C++ :: Overloading Input Operator For Rational Type Objects To Work

Nov 13, 2014

I cannot get my function overloading the input operator for rational type objects to work.

lab9.cpp: In function ‘std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, const rational&)’:
lab9.cpp:186:20: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘std::istream& {aka std::basic_istream<char>&}’ from expression of type ‘rational’
return (inputFrac);


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class rational {
rational(int a, int b);

[Code] ......

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C++ :: List Of Objects - Read Information From Each Object To Compare To User Input Prompt

Apr 19, 2013

I have a list of objects that I need to read information from each object to compare to a user input prompt.

#include "Passenger.h"
#include "Reservation.h"
#include "Aircraft.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
//Function Prototypes
void flightRoster(list<Reservation>&);

[Code] ....

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C :: Redirecting Input And Output

Sep 14, 2013

I have this code:


#include <stdio.h> //printf
#include <stdlib.h> //exit
#include <unistd.h> //fork
#include <sys/types.h> //pid_t
#include <sys/wait.h> //waitpid


I would like to, when running cat, send in some data like "testing" to its stdin, and then catch the output of stdout, and put it into a character array variable.Currently the parent stalls till the child is done.I imagine the parent has to some how detect that the child executed 'cat', and then send in input to stdin?Then somehow detect that 'cat' is done executing, and read the output from stdout? I have looked around and found "dup2", but I don't understand how to send in and get data to the child from the parent, especially since the "file descriptors" is not pointing to any files in the first place..

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C++ :: Audio Input / Output?

Feb 5, 2015

So I have a project in which I am processing audio signals in real-time. I want to create a class to do this using the ASIO driver. I don't want to use a cross platform library nor do I want to use windows API as it is very slow.

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C/C++ :: Console Input / Output?

Sep 7, 2014

I'm trying to write something that when a user is at the command line, the user can type and it displays of list of commands the user can use to run the application.

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C++ :: Zero And Output The Input With A Setprecision Of 2

Mar 31, 2013

I have a program that needs to output the input with a setprecision of 2 but when it outputs 0, it has to be "0", not "0.00"

How will I go about that?

Here is my code:

void PrintAllSales(double sales[][SLSPRDT]) {
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << endl;
cout << "ALL SALES
WriteLine('=', 63);

[Code] .....

And here is how it comes out:

Product # | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Salesperson 1 | 2000.00 | 0.00 | 299.00 |
Salesperson 2 | 0.00 | 2543.98 | 95.99 |
Salesperson 3 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 19.99 |
Salesperson 4 | 0.00 | 3854.75 | 0.00 |

But it should be like this:

Product # | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Salesperson 1 | 2000.00 | 0 | 299.00 |
Salesperson 2 | 0 | 2543.98 | 95.99 |
Salesperson 3 | 0 | 0 | 19.99 |
Salesperson 4 | 0 | 3854.75 | 0 |

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C/C++ :: How To Save New Input Using Output

Sep 11, 2012

I have a project, a montly paycheck. So it checks the monthly paycheck of each employees. but my problem there is how to add a new employee when u are a user or in the output of program?

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C++ :: String Integer Value - Input / Output

Aug 14, 2013

Prompt the user to input a string,
and then output the sum of all the digits in the string.

Sample Run 1:
Input -> A111B222C
output -> 9

Sample Run 2:
Input -> ABC123XYZ32100000005555555555zzzzzz
output -> 62

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C++ :: File Input And Output Structure

Jul 17, 2013

How to structure the input of one .dat file and outputting into another one. I have to loop through a file structured "doe, john, 1500", check for errors and then increase the mp by 50. You also have to do this through using a person class too. I think I need to use a while loop to go to eof and use getline to input correctly, but im not sure how to structure it.

Data file:

[Code] ......

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C :: How To Arrange Input / Output Order

Sep 22, 2014

for our school project, we have to make a program which involves three students and the prices each of them paid for the meals. The program has to calculate how much each of the students has to pay/receive to/from the others. Most of it, we got from our teacher. The error we are getting is that we have to 'take care of the input/output order'. So if you type in the names/numbers of the students in a different way, so for example if you type first number 1, then 0, then 2 and 0 and 1 have to pay money to number 2, number 0 has to be in front of 1. Our output is that number 1 is in front of number 0.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>


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C++ :: Get Input From Ports And Send Output

Jul 30, 2014

I'm learning C++. Is there some way to make program function on input from a port like usb port and can I send bits through the port? For example A usb cable connected to a circuit. I press a button and an AND gate on the circuit gets activated by a bit from the usb port and a fan in the room turns on.

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C++ :: Assigning Input To Value - Random Output

Jul 24, 2014

I'm using getline, and stringstream to assign an input to a value. How to do something similar with a random output.

//Battle with Samer
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

const char* PokemonSamer[6] = {
"Charizard", "Umbreon", "Mew", "Arcanine", "Espurr", "Luxaray"

[Code] ....

When I run <PokemonSamer[rand() % 6]>, I want to be able to save whatever that output may be, and save it to <string Samer>. Is this possible?

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C++ :: String Input AND Output To File

Sep 15, 2013

I'm trying to write a simple program that will prompt for a string typed in by keyboard and save it to a file. I've tried lots of variations and this is just the latest version.

//Prompt for a string input by keyboard and save it to a file

#include <string
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Input And Output Array Using Function

Apr 25, 2013

I want to create a function that will accept input from the user and return the input, to be used for further calculation. I know how to accept and return with integers as parameters , but how do i do it with arrays?

Suppose there is an array of numbers arr[]. Now, i want a function that accepts the input from the user, and return the array for further manipulation.

For example, if the array is arr[5], then i should call a function and accept the values from the user. Then, i should return the imputed values and print the same. How can i do this.

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C++ :: Merging Input And Output Files

May 2, 2014

Write a program that opens two text files (input1.txt and input2.txt) for input and one for output (output.txt). The program should merge the two input files in the output files. While doing the merge, it will read one line from input1.txt and one line from input2.txt and write those in the output file one after other. Then it will read the next line from input1.txt and next line from input2.txt and write them one after other in the output file.

This is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream myproject;

[Code] .....

I need to:

1. how to get the second line in the input1.txt file and so on.
2. After the writing in output.txt, count the number of lines in output.txt.
3. write the number of times term ‘line’ appears in output.txt file.

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C++ :: Console Input And Output At The Same Time

Mar 4, 2014

Alright, so to better myself with network logic I've decided to make a small net game.

I need to input commands to the console as well as output status updates at the same time. I'd prefer to write a gui interface for that, but I'd rather work with WinAPI as little as possible (I mean, look at the way it's designed...).

I'd like to do this with standard operations, limiting dependencies is a must for me.

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C/C++ :: Output Is Not Correct - Squaring Input?

Feb 6, 2015

Ok so This is what the output of the program should be.

enter the count of input integers: 1
The count of the integers must be two or more. Please enter a valid number : 3
Enter integer #1 : 2
Enter integer #2 : -1
Enter integer #3:5

The positive numbers entered and their squares are:

2 4
5 25

My Code :

//header files


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