C++ :: Implementing Single Threaded Asynchronous TCP Server

Jan 12, 2012

I need implementing asynchronous single threaded TCP server using boost asio..

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C++ :: Cooperative Multitasking System - Single Threaded Application

Jan 19, 2013

I'm trying to get around the concept of cooperative multitasking system and exactly how it works in a single threaded application.

My understanding is that this is a "form of multitasking in which multiple tasks execute by voluntarily ceding control to other tasks at programmer-defined points within each task."

So if you have a list of tasks and one task is executing, how do you determine to pass execution to another task? And when you give execution back to a previous task, how do resume from where you were previously?

I find this a bit confusing because I don't understand how this can be achieve without a multithreaded application.

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C# :: Replace Method From Synchronous To Asynchronous

Aug 25, 2014

Method which i use to Webrequest requests doing the job well but very slow i need to wait on every foreach item finish a lot of time. I run Execute method inside foreach statement unfortunately it takes a lot of time. I would like to convert it to asynchronous.

//this is in foreach statment and call for every request
public static void Execute(string xmlFileRequest, string xmlFileResult, string InventoryElement, string TimeOutFile, Server server)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(server.ServerIP);
request.ContentType = "text/xml;charset="utf-8"";

[Code] ....

Unfortunately i got error (Webrequest timed out)on that line:

using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream()) {

This is strange because i know for some elements i am expecting timeouts and i am getting them - but if they are then the line which is occuring should be: (this is without my tries) and that should be :

using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())

Then I am saving that element to

`sw.WriteLine(InventoryElement);` inside catch.

So the code is working ok in case my code before tries.

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C :: Returning Value From One Threaded Function To Another

Apr 15, 2013

I am using two threads and i want to take value of a function from one thread and use it in other. I am not good at the concepts of threads. Here is the following code:

void ThreadA(void const *argument){
uint32_t status = I2S002_FAIL;

status = I2S002_Config(&I2S002_Handle0, &I2SConfig_U0C1_A);
if (status != DAVEApp_SUCCESS) {

[Code] ....

So, i want to use the return value of temp_buffer from ThreadB into Thread C and want to put this value to TXBuf in ThreadA...

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C++ :: Multi Threaded Insertion Into STL Map?

Aug 25, 2014

Suppose multiple threads are are trying to insert into a STL Map, both are trying to insert with same key. As per my understanding it will not cause any issue till you invalidate the iterator. Here as per me it will not invalidate the iterator.

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C :: More Packet Received Than Threaded Sender Sent

Dec 15, 2014

Questions : I am running a client Server Program whose Sender and Receiver loop is given below .I have multi threaded Sender using OMP .As per My logic Receive should receive same amount of data send by Sender ,But its receiving more packet than Sender sent .I am not able to identify the Bug !!

Running As Follow :
gcc UTGen.c -o Sender
gcc UTGen.c -o Receiver

./Receiver -m 0 -p 5000 -z 256 -P t

./Sender -m 1 -s localhost -p 5000 -z 256 -T 10 -P t

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Exit Two-threaded Program With User Input?

Sep 9, 2014

// clang++ -g -std=c++11 main.cpp -pthread
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>
void thread1(void) {


Thread 1 does some background work, and thread2 is waiting for the user's input. If I join thread1 then the app can never exit. If I neither join nor detach thread1 then I get "terminate called without an active exception Aborted" which is not a good thing to have. If I do detach on thread1 does thread1 ever terminate? If not, how to terminate it? Also, how do I check if it's terminated or not?

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C++ :: Exit Two Threaded Program With User Input?

Sep 8, 2014


// clang++ -g -std=c++11 main.cpp -pthread
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <unistd.h>
void thread1(void) {
while(1) {
int i = 88 * 2;


Thread1 does some background work, and thread2 is waiting for the user's input.

If I join thread1 then the app can never exit. If I neither join nor detach thread1 then I get "terminate called without an active exception Aborted" which is not a good thing to have.

If I do detach on thread1 does thread1 ever terminate?
If not, how to terminate it?
Also, how do I check if it's terminated or not? -- I realize it's platform specific, I am on Linux.

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C++ :: Handle Exception In Multi-threaded Environment

Oct 24, 2014

Here is the code,

void foo() {
Acquiring lock
do something...
Releasing Lock

If the function Func throws an exception, there is potential deadlock issue. Then I handle exception like this,

void foo() {
Acquiring lock
do something...

[Code] ....

Is this a good practice? I wonder how I can apply RAII in handling exception here.

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C :: How To Change MPI Broadcast Into Asynchronous Point To Point Communication

Jun 26, 2013

I have one code that use MPI broadcast and I want to change it into Asynchronous Point to Point communication. I am newbie in Parallel programming. Looking for implementation of one simple same program in broadcast and P2P ?

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C/C++ :: Implementing T9 Using A K-ary Tree?

Dec 17, 2014

I'm trying to implement a T9 (predective text) project in c++ using k-ary Tree.

I would like to understand how can I add the words in the Tree and how can I display them later.

inside each node of the tree I have a linked list (for the words) and a vector of pointers to access the next node

Here are my structs :

struct NodeList{
string data;
NodeList * next;
struct List{
NodeList *head;


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C++ :: Implementing Adjacency List?

Mar 1, 2014

Today I am refining my skills on graph theory and data structures. I decided to do a small project in C++ because it's been a while since I've worked in C++. I want to make an adjacency list for a directed graph. In other words, something which looks like: 0-->1-->3 1-->2 2-->4 3--> 4-->This would be a directed graph with V0 (vertex 0) having an edge to V1 and V3, V1 having an edge to V2, and V2 having an edge to V4, like this:


I know that in order to do this, I will need to create an adjacency list in C++. An adjacency list is basically an array of linked lists. Okay, let's see some pseudo C++ code:

#include <stdio>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct graph{

[Code] ....

This pseudocode is currently far from the mark. And that is what -- pointers and structs in C++ have never been my strong suit. First of all, this takes care of the vertices that a vertex points to -- but what about the vertex itself? How can I keep track of that vertex? When I loop over the array, it will do me no good to only know what vertices are being pointed to, rather than also knowing what points to them. The first element in each list should probably be that vertex, and then the elements after that are the vertices it points to.

But then, how can I access this first element of the list in my main program?. I would like to be able to loop over this adjacency list to do some cool things with graphs. For example, to implement some graph theory algorithms (sorts, shortest paths, etc) using the adjacency list representation. (Also, I had a question about the adjacency list. What is different than just using a list of arrays? Why can't I just have a list with an array at each element in the list?)

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C :: Implementing GUI On Linux Platform

Jul 6, 2014

I am an experience C programmer but never implement GUI.

I need to make a demo implementation that will be run on Linux and will implement GUI.

I searched the WEB and found lot of information, among is implementing the GUI in HTML and run the API through web browser.

How can I make such implementation in C?

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C++ :: Implementing Ksmall As A Function

Mar 19, 2013

Implement ksmall as a C++ function. Use the first item of the array as the pivot. This is what I have so far, but everytime I compile it crashes ....

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int kSmall(int k, int anArray[], int first, int last);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Implementing Dfa For A Binary String With At Least Two 0 After Every 1?

Feb 24, 2013

i want to implement dfa that accepts the binary string with at least two 0's after every 1 .....

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C++ :: Implementing Stack Using Class Template?

Dec 5, 2013

The following program is designed to demonstrate class templates. The program will evaluate postfix expressions input to the console by pushing them in a stack, and then popping them and evaluating them as such, (ex. entering 3 4 + would equal 3+4 = 7).

The code is below. We are not to modify it, but to fill in the blanks, the places filled in indicated with two asterisks for a line, and one on each side for a part of a line. If I didn't know what to enter (if anything), I put three ?s. If you want to copy and compile for yourself, look for all the *s and ?s.

1) I'm turning up all sorts of errors in the main program file (prog5.cpp) having to do with stacktype.cpp. It has been removed from the program, as it is included at the end of stackType.h. Most of them are "cannot convert 'this' pointer from StackType to StackType<stack> &'. How do I fix that?

2) The program supposedly lacks a default constructor, and it keeps turning up that 's' is an array of unknown size (do I call StackType or stack or what?).

stackType.h Code: #pragma once// Catherine Stringfellow and Trey Brumley
// A Stack is a data type, which stores values in an order where values are added to the top of the stack when pushed,
// and when popped, remove and return the value from the top of the stack.
// Class specification for Stack ADT in file StackType.h
using namespace std;
static const int MAXITEMS = 50;


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C :: Implementing Custom Behaviour But Something Fails

Jan 2, 2015

I am creating a special struct with unknown functions. I use this approach:

Callbacks.h Code: #ifndef CALLBACKS
struct Callbacks;
struct Callbacks* getNewCallback();


When I ran it only the calls from doers array is called 7 times normally, and donters only one time. Why is that? When I call doers from the second loop, it prints the doers functions again....and only one call to donters is made to the first static inline donter functions __dont1()...

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C :: Implementing Selection Sort Algorithm

Jun 14, 2014

So i'm trying to implement the selection sort algorithm and it seems that the code is fine but...

#include <cs50.h>
#include "helpers.h"
sort(int values[], int n) {
// TODO: implement an O(n^2) sort

[Code] ....

I keep getting these errors and i don't understand why:

/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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C++ :: Direction On Implementing Alegrabic Functions

Apr 30, 2013

implementing an algebra function.(a+b)(a-b).does c++ support this sort of function.Did a quick search on google and all of them suggested using libraries like boost. is there anyway to do this without a library?

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C++ :: Implementing Stack Data Structure As ADT

Mar 7, 2014

So I've been working on implementing a stack data structure as an ADT, the program compiles, but when I try and push elements on top of the stack, for some reason the stack is full.

#ifndef H_stackADT
#define H_stackADT
template <class Type>
class stackADT {
virtual void initializeStack() = 0;
virtual bool isEmptyStack() const = 0;


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C++ :: Implementing Collision Detection Correctly

Sep 10, 2014

I'm making a 2D Terraria-like (side-scrolling RPG with destroyable blocks) game with SFML 2.1, and I have no clue how to correctly implement collision detection. Meaning that I have been successful at making it work, but it's not clean and definitely not dynamic.

By example, I mean design wise. What parameters should collision functions take? Where should these functions be located? The same 2 questions for collision reaction. Since I have multiple things that need to collide with each other (player with enemy, player with items, enemy with items, enemy with enemy, player with player, etc...), and the world has to be treated differently, things get complicated. There is no block class, just a vertex array, so collision with the world is based purely on coordinates taken from that array in the world class, which, considering it's the world and not something like a player or an enemy, doesn't inherit from the same base class that they do.

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C++ :: Implementing Functions In Priority Queue

Oct 28, 2014

I know queue but with priority queue i am really amateur. How to implement some functions in priority queue.

template <class T> class PRIORITY_QUEUE {
T *items; // array of queue items
int rear;
int maxSize; // maximum size of queue

[Code] ....

and what does heapify mean???

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C++ :: Implementing Class To Simulate A Disk

Oct 1, 2013

So this code compiles without any problem but it is not producing the correct output. I know there's a problem in either my getBlock or putBlock functions but I can't see it.

Currently the output is "Should be 32 1s: "
"Should be 32 2s: "

There should be 32 1s and 32 2s and nothing is coming out.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Sdisk {
public :
Sdisk(string diskname);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Implementing A Binary Search Tree?

Mar 20, 2014

I'm working on a programming homework that asks us to implement all the functions of a Binary Search Tree using templated classes. I'm almost done with it but I'm sort of stuck with the last part which is the `search` function. For this part the homework asks for the following requirements


Node<T>* search(T value, Node<T>* subtree)

if the current node's value is the one we're search for, return a pointer to itif the current node's left and right subtree's are empty (both m_left and m_right are looking at nullptr) then return the nullptr to indicate we didn't find the valueif the value is less than the current node's value, return the search of the left subtreeif the value is greater than or equal to the current node's value, return the search of the right subtreeMake sure to only traverse a subtree if it's not null

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C/C++ :: Implementing Tree From Array - Use Of Pointers?

Jan 23, 2015

I'm trying to implement a tree from an array an first I used add_left_node() and add_right_node methods (as requested in the problem I have). But I'm a bit confused about the use of pointers in this. Is using &node the same as defining *pointer=node and then using "pointer" in place of &node?

I get only the value of the first node I created. For the node's left and right values I get long numbers displayed, so I think I have interfered with the addresses.

This is my main method:-

int main(){
bintree_node q = bintree_node(1);
bintree_node *poin=NULL;
poin = &q;
add_left_child(poin, 5);
add_right_child(poin, 6);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Implementing Signature Block Class

Sep 29, 2013

For class we are required to implement a signature block on all our assignments. To do this I've created a Signature Block class, but I'm having trouble implementing it. When I try to compile in Dev C++ I get this error:

[Error] request for member 'toString' in 'myblock', which is of non-class type 'SignatureBlock()'

Here is the code:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "SignatureBlock.h"
// Assignment 1: Requests user's name and says "Hello."
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
string name;// string to store user's name
SignatureBlock myblock();// create a signature block object

[Code] ....

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