C++ :: How To Use Multiple Terminals In Getline Function

Sep 11, 2014

I am reading a file of text. I want to read in every word, but no spaces or newlines. "word" is a string, and "c" is a char (used for getting rid of white space. The problem: I can get rid off spaces perfectly, but newlines remain in "word" if it comes before the terminating character ' '.

My code:

while(infile.good() && !infile.eof()) {
while(infile.peek() == ' ')
infile >> c;

while(infile.peek() == '

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Multiple Of CSV File Used As Input / Extracting Data To A Output File - Getline Function

Jun 4, 2013

I have written a C++ program I have multiple of CSV file used as input, which I open one at a time and close it after extracting data to a output file which is the only file.

I run getline(inFile,line);
outFile << line << endl;

I run this code, and only part of it is goes to the output file I got, also have spacing randomly to specific file and inconsistent

But when I slower the code, like system("Pause") in the loop, I can get extract what I want perfectly....

Is my program running to fast, why getline would be skipping part of what things I want?

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C++ :: Using Getline Multiple Times On One Line Of Input

Sep 15, 2014

I've been stuck on this for hours, and have scoured the internet for any insight on this particular issue with no luck.

I'll simplify the problem here. I have a lines in an input file:

John Smith 1234 Main St New York
Carol Thomas 5678 5th Ave Columbus
and I am reading into character arrays using code like this:


but when I print the output using something like this:

outfile << "Owner Name: " << name << endl;
outfile << "Address: " << street << city << endl;

(let's pretend I included spaces between the address components, which I omitted to save space)

I get an output file of:

Owner Name: John Smith

The output stops after the name variable, which I believe is stored correctly. I don't think anything is storing in the address pieces, this is the problem.

I think it's because I'm not using getline() properly in this case. Can you string together multiple getline()s like that?

If this was my design, I'd read in strings instead, but that is not possible in this case.

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C++ :: Getline Function Does Not Seem To Activate

Feb 26, 2013

I have just started working through "Jumping into C++". I am at the section on appending strings. The tutorial mentions the getline function but I can not seem to get it to activate. There is no mention of any other inclusions.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

I note that the getline function color remains black while other functions are green. I presume this means that Codeblocks has not associated it with any of the listed header files. Has the tutorial omitted this detail?

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C :: How Getline Function Works

May 15, 2013

How the getline function works.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {

[Code] ......

getline(&inputstr, 128, NULL); getline gets a line in a data file.

I assume that inputstr[128] is the name of the file? why is the number of the array in the getline function....

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C++ :: How To Use A String As Delimiter In Getline Function

Feb 4, 2014

How do I use a string in place of a character in the function getline?

For example,


This works fine, but I want the delimiter of } to be "};", but I can't do this as it only takes in characters, not strings.

I want:


Any way to get around this?

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C++ ::  String Termination Using The Getline Function?

May 28, 2013

I came across a strange problem while writing a program using the getline function. I understand that when using the getline function an input string will terminate when the "enter" key is pressed and in the following program it works as one would suspect.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string str;
cout << "Enter: ";
getline(cin, str);
cout << str;

However when I use it in this next program (below) that I have been working on it will only terminate after pressing the "enter" key if the first character is a number, otherwise it will not terminate. So the question is: How do I get it to terminate the string regardless of the input order?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int i = 0, j;
int numValue;


Additional Info: the purpose of this program is to change a character, which is extracted from a string, into an equivalent numerical value, if the character is an integer, and assign it to an int variable. I plan on eventually adapting it to return the correct value of a multi-character integer such as 123.

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C++ :: Getline Function Adds Another Line To Output

Aug 10, 2014

Taken from Accelerated C++ book, I modified those code to use getline() instead of std::cin >> only to find out that the output has extra line. Why is that so?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::cout << "What is your name?" << std::endl;
std::string name;

[Code] .....

What is your name?
* *
* Hello, Naruto
* *

Notice one asterisk after the greeting where it should be in the same line as the greeting.

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C++ :: Reading In Data From A File And Using Getline Function?

Apr 19, 2013

I am trying to create a program that reads data about different songs in from a file and displays the total length of all the songs and the average rating of all of them. Here is an example of the data that I would be reading in:

Just Give Me A Reason|P!nk Featuring Nate Ruess|4:22|4.0

When I Was Your Man|Bruno Mars|3:33|3.5

Thrift Shop|Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz|3:55|4.5

I think my program is close to being done but for some reason it is not returning the correct length and average rating of all of the songs.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
// Structure declaration
struct Song {


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C# :: GetLine Function Which Returns Strange Characters

Mar 11, 2014

I have a big problem with a function, I wrote this function in order to get a line from an HTML (Or XML) file, until a specified delimiter (not always or
... It can be everything..)

Here is my code :

public static String GetLineUntilChar( String url , char delimiter , String postData, String referer, String cookie ) {
try {
Uri uri = new Uri("");
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(referer))
request.Referer = referer;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: File IO Inside A Class - No Instance Of Overloaded Function Getline Matches Argument List

Jan 24, 2012

Hey I am trying to use the getline() function to read a line from a file. For some reason Visual Studio 2010 gives me the following error. "No instance of overloaded function "getline" matches the argument list". The piece of code that produces the error is in a class in a separate .h file and is executed as a method of the object. I'm almost certain it has something to do with either the compiler thinking I am calling another getline in a different namespace or my parameters for the function are incorrect. Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class InsultGenerator

[Code] .....

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C :: Function With Multiple Arguments

Jan 15, 2015

I am actually developing an nginx module in C.I am not to bad in C, but i got a big problem to pass argument to a vadiadic function.This function look like the well good old printf, but you put a buffer as first argument, the last address to stop to put data as second argument (in my case it is the last adress of disponible memory), a string that look like one in printf, an the other argument after.Here is the problem, the 4th last argument does not have the good value. In fact, It seem to be random value from memory. I Use gcc (Debian 4.9.1-19) 4.9.1.


/* ngx_html_log.h */
#ifndef NGX_HTML_LOG_H
#define NGX_HTML_LOG_H
#include <ngx_vasm.h>


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C :: How To Bypass Multiple Function Definitions

Feb 27, 2014

I am using a library X that has functions x,y,z plus some others. also i am using a library Y that has those same functions (x,y,z) plus some others. (so both libraries have certain objects that are shared). libraries are designed to do different things and i need them both . However when i load them both i get

sem.c.text+0x2c10): multiple definition of `upper'


libraries are big and rewriting is not an option for me. Question: how do i bypass this problem?

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C :: Function That Tests If A Number Is A Multiple Of Another

Oct 10, 2013

How would I write a function that determines if a number is a multiple of another number.ex. (is 147 a multiple of 7?)

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C++ :: Multiple Nested Member Function?

May 15, 2014

In the below code I'm having trouble calculating the algebraic equation on the line marked with &&&. I attempt to calculate it both within the member function Energy(x) and within find_kin_en(x), but in the latter I find the result equal to zero, which is wrong and disagrees with the correct value calculated in Energy(x). I think the problem might be having multiple nested member functions, i.e. operator() calls Energy(x) which calls find_kin_en().

#include "/u7/tolsma/Numerical_Recipes/nr_c304/code/nr3.h" // these are numerical recipes libraries, not important for the problem below I believe.
#include "/u7/tolsma/Numerical_Recipes/nr_c304/code/mins.h"
#include "/u7/tolsma/Numerical_Recipes/nr_c304/code/mins_ndim.h"


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C++ :: How To Return Multiple Value From Function To Main

Feb 25, 2013

Get user input should be done in a function. The function should read the product number, price per unit, and quantity sold and return them to the main().

Display the value of product number, price per unit and quantyty sold in main().

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C++ :: Define A Function With Multiple Types?

Dec 10, 2014

I have a function, int teleport_to_game(int,float,float); in my class. My question is should I change the int to define a function to a different type?

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C/C++ :: How To Pass Multiple Values From One Function To Another

Mar 4, 2015

I need to pass multiple values from one function to another and how to do this. Here is my code so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//Function Prototypes//
int charString(string, string, string);
string reverseString(string, string, string);


I basically need to take line1, line2, and line3 and return them to the reverseString function. Also, I am not allowed to do anything like make my own classes. I have to stick to the basics and no higher level programming techniques since we have not learned them yet.

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C++ :: How To Return Multiple Values To The Main Function

Oct 13, 2013

in a function how do you return multiple values to the main function.

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C++ :: Passing Multiple Array To Function Sum Using Inheritance

Dec 17, 2014

Write a program using inheritance allow user to enter grades of his students 5~8 students as a base class and compute the sums for each students in derived class and compute the average of sums in another derived class. I created 3 classes in 1 header file and 1 cpp file how ever i cant seem to get the sum or the average to show up on execution time

header file
class Grades {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Returning Multiple Variables In 1 Function To Main

Oct 22, 2013

I am trying to return 2 numbers from my function to main(). They are both read in from an input file but it is not working out.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
ofstream outfile;
void heading(int);
int stuid(int,int);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Call A Function With Multiple Pointer Arguments

Nov 3, 2013

In my code, I have a function like such: int function1(int* a, int* b). I am wondering how to call it in int main.

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C# :: How To Store Multiple Function Calls In Array

Oct 9, 2014

My function "MatrixMul" returns an int array with multiple values Let's say, res[0] and res[1]

When I'm calling the array in a for loop for multiple times, and when I'm storing the results in another array, in each iteration the results are over-written with the new results.

If the first call returns [0,1] the array will store [0,1] at index [0] and [1], which is fine, but when I'm calling the function again, the new results are stored at the same indexes [0] and [1] How can I avoid that?

The code is:

class Hill_Cipher
public string Hill_Cipher_Enc(string input, int[,] key)


For example, my outPut contains the following: "TH","IS","AT" when I'm calling the function with the first element of array "TH", it converts "T" to its equivalent number and apply some calculations and same with "H". Let's say the final answer is 20 for "T" and 30 for "H". The problem is that every time, encChars will store the values at index 0 and 1: encChars[0]=20 encChars[1]=30 When I call the function again it will store the new values at 0 and 1.... That's because I'm not changing the index value for encChars on each call, so how do I do that?

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C++ :: Multiple Objects Passed As Reference To Function

Apr 23, 2013

Essentially, the 'Sequence' below uses linked lists to store data. If 'result' refers to the same sequence as 'seq1' or 'seq2', I want 'result' to refer to a new sequence. This new sequence can be default constructed (no copy of 'seq1' or 'seq2' is required). I can't seem to do this correctly. Also, the prototype of the function cannot be altered.

void fun(const Sequence& seq1, const Sequence& seq2, Sequence& result) {
// Check for reference to same sequence. If they are the same,
// create new sequence for 'result' to refer to
if ((&seq1 == &result) || (&seq2 == &result)) {

[Code] ......

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C++ :: How To Test Multiple Boolean Using A Switch Function

Oct 21, 2013

I don't know that a Function is the right word for switch/case but it seems like this would exist, is there a way to test multiple booleans using a switch function?

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C/C++ :: Multiple For Loops - Independent Function Change

Feb 28, 2015

I'm new to writing C. While doing for loops I have found that when I try to do functions and have multiple for loops, even though I have different counters, the independent functions change. For example:

int factorial(n) {
return fact;

[Code] ....

The cosine function works out fine but the factorial one spits out crazy numbers, more specifically, 6^1 through 6^10. In my head, the factorial should be a constant throughout the second loop for I guess I am wrong. Why this happens?

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