C# :: How To Create Exe File Along With Database Using VS 2005

Jun 10, 2014

I have created a desktop application using c#.net in visual studio 2005 and sql server 2005, i have created a setup file also but i dont have database in it.. how to include or attach the database file into the project so that it works well in the client machine.....

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C++ :: Create A Program That Is Able To Save Database Of Items To File On Hard Drive

Mar 18, 2013

Write a program that is able to save a list of items such as books, CDs, or DVDs and the items that are saved must have attributes associated with them. For example a book has a title, author, publisher, and ISBN.I would like to create a program that is able to save the database of items to a file on the hard drive and also retrieve it from the hard drive.I have this for a start of how to set up a storing program.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main () {
const int arraySize = 10;
int a[arraySize] = { 2, 6, 4, 10, 12, 89, 68, 45, 37 };
int i, hold;


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C++ :: How To Create A Database

Feb 28, 2013

I'm trying to make a database that stores the information without overwrite it. I want this program to store the client’s selection in somewhere that doesn't change and also that creates a new storage for the new value any time the client enters a new selection instead of overwriting it. I did something like that in my code but any time the program runs again and the client enters a new selection, the client’s selection is overwritten with the new value. I don’t know if it’s possible to do that (store the client’s selection in somewhere where doesn't change) with C++. I've been reading and I think I can create a database for my program.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Create And Amend Database Using SQL Server?

Nov 1, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to create and amend a database using the SQL server. How to do this. I just know it's included with the VS Express package.

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C# :: Create Online Application Without Revealing Database Credentials

Jan 26, 2014

I want to make an online application which will connect to my database to do the stuff, but I don't want the credentials to be stored somewhere in the program or in an external file somewhere in the computer or hardcored in anyway in the code.

I think that a good solution is (but I don't know how to implement it): on program execution, the credentials will be downloaded from my website somehow in an encrypted type maybe, from an api or so.

I've not tried before to make an online application, it's the first time. But I do have knowledge of SQL and PHP and I want to try a project like this.

The technology I am going to or can use is:
* Visual C# (in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate)
* MySQL Connector/NET
* MySQL Database on a shared host
* PHP (if needed)

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Visual C++ :: Sending Email With Attachment From 2005?

Oct 4, 2013

I am currently working on a MFC application and need to send (non-document) files created by the program over email. (either with SMTP client on the machine or web mail)

I have searched the web and some forum and cannot find a code that work. They either have errors, or not Unicode compliant, even when converted they still don't work.

Everything code example seems to use MAPI, but like I said non of them worked.

see here


A simpler approach would be to modify or override the event handler OnFileSendMail() that is built into MFC document view framework and use the menu id ID_FILE_SENDMAIL.

To get this feature all you have to do is give any menu item the resource id ID_FILE_SENDMAIL and MFC will call the installed mail client for you. The problem is MFC will attach any open document that is in focus when you select the menu item. The file that I wish to send is not associated with the document so I was wondering if there is a way to find the OnFileSendMail() handler and modify it to send my file instead. I am not too keen on how MFC route command handler such as ID_FILE_NEW, ID_FILE_SENDMAIL etc. These methods/functions are hidden from view or I don't know where to find them.

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C++ :: Program Code To Create Database Add Delete Record In Ubuntu

Feb 13, 2014

i want programcode which can be executed for create database add delete record in ubuntu

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C Sharp :: How To Display Multiple Images From SQL Server 2005 Into C# At Runtime

Mar 26, 2013

I stored multiple images in MySQL SERVER 2005. Now I want to retrieve particular category of images into multiple picturebox at runtime in C# Windows application. i used the following code in my final result form at form_Load using c# windows apps.. But it displays only one picture at run time.

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=ttt-PC;Initial Catalog=Query_Image;Integrated Security=True");
SqlCommand cmdnew = new SqlCommand("select pic from Image_Category 
where IMG_Cat='" + searchvalue.ToString() + "'", con);

[Code] ....

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C# :: Create Project That Create Automated Backup Of File

Apr 10, 2014

I need to create a project that create a automated backup of a file.

i will get the file from C:/Folder/file.exe and move for a other created folder, but.. in every time that user make this backup, a folder will be created with year, month and date, like: C/Folder2/2014/April/16:42/file.exe.

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C :: How To Import TXT File Into SQLite3 Database Using API

May 6, 2013

Any tutorial to learn?

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C :: Book Database - File Output

Feb 7, 2013

Book database. I use scanf to store book name,author name and year when is book written. Example:

scanf(" %[^

I have problem when i want to printf all books from database with this:

fscanf(f,"%s %s %d",k[i].bookname,k[i].author,&k[i].year);
%d %s %s %d",(i+1),k[i].bookname,k[i].author,k[i].year);} Output:

Number Book name Author name Year
1 King John 0
2 William Shakespeare 1590

How can i fix this?

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C :: Code To Hit Database And Check File Size

Jan 13, 2015

I have been given a task of checking the size of file in Linux machine using C Program. Below is what I came up with

#include <stdio.h>
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *fp;
char ch;
int size = 0;

[Code] .....

But Now I have been asked to modify this code in a way that instead of passing the file name as parameter, I have to make a database connection and fetch the value of the filename and location from the database table and check the size . My program has to repeat this process every ten minutes, which means every ten minutes my program has to hit the database, fetch the value and check the size in the file system.

I heard like I Have to create a Fork Call, and have the child instance run every ten minutes.

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C++ :: Save Images In Database Or File System?

Aug 22, 2014

Which is best option to save images in database or file system, I am developing c++ server client app. I want to save the images in server using file system or database. I am confusing to choose which option?

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C# :: Viewing And Changing Data In DGV With SQL Database File

Mar 4, 2014

Background: I've created a projected and added a mdf database file to it.

I am attempting to fill my datagridview with data from a table that I've added to my mdf file.

I am having a hell of a time figuring out the correct connection string and datasource file path for it.

I've decided on using OleDB because that's what I am most familiar with.

I clearly see the rule "Don't tell us to give you code!" but I cannot find a good tutorial from START to FINISH on how to do what I am trying to do.

As stated, I think my connection string is wrong. Even if I change it to

OleDB (string conStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Database.mdf"

I get a new error saying it cannot recognize the database format.

public partial class DataViewer : Form {
string conStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=Database.mdf";
DataSet dS = new DataSet();
DataSet tdS = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection con = null;

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Connect With Particular Database File (MDB) While Loading App

Aug 3, 2013

I am developing a win form application with sq l server2005, in client system after install the application I created the folder for storing the database of running application, like that I have every year database separately, My doubt is how to connect the particular year database while loading the app?

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C++ :: Sqlite - Error / Unable To Open Database File

Nov 10, 2012

I am receiving error: "unable to open database file" using sqlite3_open function. I am using sqlite3.c (included amalgamation files). It happens only during ARM compiling/run. If I do the same at x86 compile/run everything works fine...

I am using MAC Osx 10.7.4., Xcode 4.3.2.

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C# :: Upload MS Access Database File To Server From Client Program

Sep 29, 2012

i have to upload a ms access database file to the server from my client program. The server program should connect to this database and read the data. What's the easiest way to upload the file? Is it FTP? i tried sockets, but it only allows like 9kb of data transfer capacity.

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C Sharp :: Upload Excel File With Value Save In Database On Server?

Feb 27, 2013

how i upload excel file with value Save in database on server without show error.

Actually i have code who work correct on local host but not work on server then show error who write down Below

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered local machine.

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C++ :: Shop Database - Take Customers ID And Scan Through A Text File Then Print Out Info

Apr 10, 2013

I have to create a small data base for a shop. One of the functions i am creating is taking a customers ID and scanning that through a text file and to print out the info about that customer. What i am having trouble with is where do i insert the string compare in my program?

//declaring array for input of customer ID
int customer_ID [20];
printf("Please enter the customer ID:");
gets( customer_ID ); //users input stored in the array

[Code] .....

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C :: Create File To Write Text And Read Back The File Content

Mar 15, 2013

The Objective Of This Program Is To Create A File To Write Text And Read Back The File Content. To Do That I Have Made Two Function writeFile() To Write And readFile() To Read.The readFile() function works just fine but writeFile() doesn't.

How writeFile() function Works? when writeFile() function Execute It Takes Characters User Type And When Hit Enter(ASC|| 10) It Ask "More?(Y/N)" That Means What User Want? Want To Go Next Line Or End Input?

If "Y" Than Inputs Are Taken From Next Line Else Input Ends.

But The Problem Is When Program Encounters ch==10 It Shows "More?(Y/N)" And Takes Input In cmd variable.If cmd=='Y' I Mean More From Next Line Than It Should Execute Scanf Again To Take ch I Mean User Input.But Its Not!!! Its Always Showing "More?(Y/N)" Again And Again Like A Loop.

#include <stdio.h>
void writeFile(void);
void readFile(void);
int main(){


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C++ :: Create File With Given Size And Then Randomly Access File To Populate It

Feb 17, 2015

I am interested in creating a file of a given size and then randomly accessing the file to populate it. Is there a way to quickly create, for instance, a 4 GByte file in C++, initially populated with garbage?

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C/C++ :: Pass Path In File Handling To Create Or Open A File?

Jul 14, 2012

I have a folder "pics" in g: drive. There I want to create some text.txt file. Thus, the final path is "g:pics ext.txt".

How can I do that?

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C++ :: Create Save File For A Game That Is Not A Separate File?

Oct 10, 2014

How do you create a save file for a game, that is not a separate file? Specifically I am using code::blocks and sfml 2.1 to make a game and it saves to a text file at the moment. My problem is that it is very easy to modify the text file, and it is annoying to have to copy and paste several files if you want to use a copy of the game. I have a feeling that it may be to do with resource files, but I'm not exactly sure how to get these to work or whether you can modify them dynamically.

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C++ :: How To Create A New TXT File

Sep 30, 2014

I think this code should create a test.txt file but I cannot find it ?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream ofs;
ofs.open ("test.txt");
return 0;

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C :: How To Create A Program That Take AVI File

Jan 26, 2015

I want to create a program that would take an AVI file, alter each frame (ex: change contrast, invert colors, etc.) and dump a new AVI. I've wrote a simple program for this experiment that loads up the header information from the video and dumps it. It also dumps a list of the frame data chunks within the 'movi' chunk.

The info I've gathered from coding this:

1. The recommended buffer size for each type of stream (vids, auds, etc.) is the size of the largest frame of corresponding type, plus 1 or two extra bytes.

2. numFrames in main header is the total number of frames for all types of data (video,audio,etc.) The 'length' value within stream header of type 'vids' is the number of video frames. The sizeImage value within BITMAPINFOHEADER is 921600 (==640*480*3) and the specification states that, quoth, "This can be set to 0 for uncompressed RGB bitmaps."

3. This video uses DIVX encoding.

Now my problem is this: How do I get the data within each video frame in a simple BMP like format? Even the uncompressed frames (with chunk id 'nndb') have variable sizes...let alone the compressed ones.

Information about a software that converts AVIs to a format with fixed sized uncompressed frames. Or at least some information about the frame decompression techniques.

Here's a dump made by the program for a 9 sec, 640x480 video I recorded from Pokemon. (Without the frame dump that is, it'd have made the post too long.)


size = 56
usecPerFrame = 66666
maxBytesPerSec = 7680000
padSize = 0
flags = 0x00000810
numFrames = 162
initialFrames = 0
numStreams = 2


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C++ :: How To Create Data File

Jul 26, 2013

How do i create a data file?

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