C++ :: Get User Name And Surname In Active Directory?

Sep 11, 2013

I have a logined user and my running program as system process (not user process).

I want to get user name and surname from AD.

1. GetUserName() dont useful becouse it gets name for current process owner(for SYSTEM in my case).

2. There are userLogin, userName, userSurname and userDisplayedName in user properties of AD. Its possible to get userDisplayedName by NetUserGetInfo(), but
I want to know is it possible to get userName and userSurname?

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Visual C++ :: Passing Message Using Active Directory?

Jan 29, 2015

I have a DLL developed using pure VC++ (all unmanaged code that doesn't use .NET framework). This DLL will be deployed in different client PCs within a network and will act like an agent.

Now I have establish a communication between this DLL and a WCF web service, that will be deployed in a server PC. The Service will first get a list of PCs either name or IP Address within a network using LDAP (Active Directory) and once, we get the PCs, I have to establish a communication between the web service and the agents that reside in these client PCs,

How can I accomplish this?

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C :: How To Get User Home Directory

Oct 20, 2014

I want to obtain the user's home directory. I know it can be done with getenv("HOME"), but if I'll inspect the value of the enviroment variable HOME, it might work when I run it now, but it won't work on Windows, since windows uses HOMEPATH to save the user's home directory.

Is there a different, more cross-platform way to do it?

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Visual C++ :: Accessing User Directory In Win 7 Pro?

Jul 12, 2013

I have been using the code below to extract the current user directory in order to read and write to certain files, presumeably independent of whether or not the user has administrative privileges. This has been necessitated in Win 7 because applications installed in the customary C:/Program Files(x86)/ are not allowed full access to files in the installed app root directory. This was working just fine until just this week when suddenly, for the first time, I found that the user directory retrieved was different when the app was run without administrative privileges in 'Start without debugging' configuration, both in Debug and Release configuration. Note that I have tested the identical app on Win2K and Vista and in neither case is it a problem on those OS machines. More mysterious is the fact that this ONLY happens on Win7 (VS2010 Ultimate) when run in the IDE. Run from the windows explorer double click, the app runs just fine in release and debug mode and monitoring the debug version using DbgView indicates that the expected 'Roaming' User directory is retrieved.

For example:

- without debugging (both Debug and Release configuration) the code below produces:

m_csUserDirectory =: C:UsersMPLIAMAppDataLocalPliaTechUeberKrypt

- with debugging (both Debug and Release configuration) the code below produces:

m_csUserDirectory =: C:UsersMPLIAMAppDataRoamingPliaTechUeberKrypt

Either this has been the situation from the outset and I just never noticed it (hard to imagine as I've been on this project for 6 months with 50+ builds), a recent Windows update has changed things, a bug, or I'm just plain stupid (not hard to imagine at all).

From a practical standpoint, if this is the way things are to be, my installer will need to install necessary files in both user directories and the app will need to access both depending upon user privileges.

/// This routine retrieves the process's environment block
/// using GetEnvironmentStrings, parses that block pointed to
/// by the generic international text pointer LPTCH, and returns
/// the requested string lpszVarStr as a string.
/// Note that the block lpvEnv environment variable substrings
/// are separated by NULL byte, and the block is terminated by a NULL byte.
/// The header files <windows.h>, <tchar.h>, <stdio.h>, <string>, and
/// <iostream> need to be included.


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C :: Make A File In Directory That Cannot Be Deleted By User Out Of Program

Jul 4, 2013

I have two questions about C programming here :

1. I want to make a file in the program directory that can't be deleted by user out of the program make that file.for example if I make a file named "123.xyz" by the program named "text.exe" and then exit test.exe ,if I tried to delete the file 123.xyz I faced the error and I could not do it but by the test.exe program that make that file.

2. I heard about a function called "Parbegin()".any way i want to know is there any possible way to run two or more functions of a file.c together,like the parbegin function did an do in OS?

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C++ :: Allow User To Select Arbitrary File From Working Directory?

Apr 28, 2014

I know how to open a specific files by using

ifstream infile("something.txt");

but how do you let the user select an arbitrary file from the working directory?

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C/C++ :: Sorting By Name / Surname

Apr 15, 2014

I have a text file containing the names and surnames of enrollment numbers and grades of students

(looks like this:
RIKI Rikic E2345678 10
JUPI jupic E1232345 9
Etc ......)

I'm interested in sorting by name and surname, registration number and grade.My example:

struct student {
string name;
string surname;
string enrollment;
int grade;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sort By Name / Surname / Registration Number And Grade

Apr 15, 2014

I have a text file containing the names and surnames of enrollment numbers and grades of students , looks like this:

RIKI Rikic E2345678 10
JUPI jupic E1232345 9
  Etc ......)
I'm interested in sorting by name and surname, registration number and grade.My example:
struct student {
string name;
string surname;
string enrollment;
int grade;
and in the main program
int main () {
Student STUDENT;
/ / Code to read a text file that I wrote so I have ...
switch ()
case '1 ': / / sort by name
case 2: / / by surname
Case 3 / / by enrollment
Case 4 / / by grade
this sort we are not going very well .

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Visual C++ :: Enter First And Surname And Then Display Full Name

Sep 21, 2012

I'am new to C++, program is : enter first and surname and then display the full name:

code below:

// Enter first and surname and then display the full name.
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Sort And Print Out Object By Surname In Alphabetical Order

Oct 2, 2013

A link list problem, i need some how to sort and print out an object by surname in alphabetical order.

i have a try to do that by this code not working for swamping i should i go about that?
May another way of swapping using pointer instead?

void functions::printdata() {
for(node* temp1=head;temp1!=NULL;temp1=temp1->next) {
for(node* temp2=head;temp2!=NULL;temp2=temp2->next) {


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C/C++ :: How To Get Active Application Title Through API

May 2, 2012

Actually i am using one timer, in that timer i am trying to displaying one dialog box nane as ABC, for if condition is success, there in the same condition i need to put one more query like for the perticular application is active then only display this dialog box ABC, i need which API is using for getting active application in c++.

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C++ :: How To Find Out Which Member Of Union Is Currently Set / Active

Jan 16, 2015

how to find out which member of union is currently set/active.

union myunion{
int i;
float f;

if i set myunion ob{7}, it set ob.i=7;

my q? is how to find out i is set f is not set/ not acrive

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Visual C++ :: Getting A List Of Active Processes?

Apr 14, 2015

how to get a list of the active processes on a computer?

What I need to do is check for a specific process to see if it's running on the system.

I just need to know if a certain process is present.

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Visual C++ :: How To Tell If Windows Partition Is Active

Nov 24, 2014

My goal is to know if Windows is installed on an active disk partition.

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C++ :: Call Stack Should Include All Active Sub-routines?

Feb 4, 2015

I have a general question on Call Stack of Embedded uCs.

The Call Stack should include all the Active Sub-routines.

For example, in the following sequence:

Func 1 Starts -- Call Func2 --> Func 2 Starts -- Call Func3 --> Func 3 Starts --> YOU ARE HERE

The Stack should include the Return Addresses of Func 2's Body and Func 1's Body, Right?

At any certain moment (e.g. when the uC experiencing a SW Bug), Is it possible to have the uC to get all the Active Sub-Routines from the Stack and print them (e.g. for knowing it at the moment of Bug)?

It'd debug failures, when I don't work with a Debugger.

I know that Debuggers do that - i.e. show you the Call Stack at each moment - So I am wondering if I can get the uC to to it for me every time a bug occurs.

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C# :: Select Text When TextBox Gets Focus Or Becomes Active

May 9, 2013

I can select the textbox #2 text with this.

this.tB2.Click += new System.EventHandler(tB2_Click);

private void tB2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {

What would be the simplest way to do the same for all textboxes on the form, preferably on both click and enter events.

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Visual C++ :: Get Active URL In Google Chrome From V.29 With IAccessible?

Oct 29, 2014

Based in some examples of source codes as this [URL], I'm trying get active url on address bar from Google Chrome with IAccessible, but it always return NULL (0).

Here is my last attempt:


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Oleacc.h>
#pragma comment( lib,"Oleacc.lib")


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C :: Program For Infinitely Looping After And Testing For Active Process

Mar 23, 2013

What I have: A basic program for infinitely looping after and testing for an active process. It has a delay system built in to make it so it is not constantly iterating.

What I need: A way to get process IDs from other Processes other than my program. With a way to use that ID to detect if that process is active on the computer or not.

Parts of my code that need changing:

/* Code for handling the process would go here */

/* Code for detecting the target would go here */

What the goal of my program is: Perform operations to terminate the process of cmd.exe when it is active on the user's computer. Then output the status of the process and the time it took to find that process to the user.

It contained functions that I needed, but I need more information on how to apply them to other processes instead of the parent of my program and its' children.

Here is the code I prewrote for this so far:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ZERO 0
#define INFINITE 1000000000000000

[Code] .....

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C++ ::  Creating A New Directory?

May 11, 2013

How do you create a new directory in C++? I would like to do this using the standard library and no external, third party or non standard libraries/headers. I need to do this without calling system() or system("mkdir").

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C++ :: How To Change Directory

Apr 24, 2014

How to change directory in c++ ( windows ) I want to go to the folder "example2" and I delete some files and then return to the original folder c++ - windows

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C++ :: How To Protect Entire TMP Directory

Mar 13, 2014

The general design of my app work-flow:

My application is processing a large amount of data (approx. 50 - 100 GB of txt data). given the machine regular user usually has, my app is writing some tmp data into a local tmp directory. and this is working just fine until users get comfortable with my software and start changing that content of local tmp dir (while the program is running). which does not give any problems like crashing a program if handled at the right time but produces wrong results in the end. now this is not my problem but i would still like to somehow restrict users from even peeking into the tmp dir. I am just tired of getting emails saying my software is cr.... (maybe it is but i don't think it is because of that)

So is it possible to somehow encrypt the entire dir so that only the program has access to it . it would be even better if the dir could look as some encrypted index file so that when user sees the warning :

"tmp" may be a binary file. See it anyway?

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C :: Merging All TXT Files In A Directory

Dec 6, 2013

I'm writing a program to merge all .txt files in a directory. I had the code working and then made small change. It started crashing and I couldn't get it back to working.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

[Code] ....

It's crashing around the

Code: while(!feof(in)){ .

If I comment that section out, the code still works. But, I know that portion of the code works to copy text from one file to another! It's actually from the Schildt complete C reference and I have tested it several times on it's own.

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C :: Using Process ID As The Name Of File Directory

Jan 31, 2015

I need my Unix program to generate a directory with a format like this: "hinesro.<pid>". I have some code that mostly works, except for the directory ends up with a question mark on the end, like this: "hinesro.12345?". I need it to just display the directory without this question mark. Here is my code:


// Using headers sys/types.h, sys/stat.h, unistd.h, and stdio.h
int pid = getpid();
char prefix[] = "hinesro.";
char fileName[0];
sprintf(fileName, "%s%d
", prefix, pid);


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C++ :: Opening A File Within A Directory

Apr 26, 2013

I have problems opening a file within a directory.

#include <dirent.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

[Code] .....

Error Message:
$ ./dirsearch ~/Documents/College/textfiles/
Error : Failed to open entry file - No such file or directory

Here are my current file permissions:
textfiles$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-rw-rw- 1 jav jav 7 Apr 26 13:14 moretext.txt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 jav jav 10 Apr 26 12:38 yomama.txt

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C++ :: Listing Files From A Given Directory

Aug 5, 2013

I tried listing files using the code given in "[URL] ..." the program listed all the files present in the current dirctory but if i change the drive and the directory to such as

"C:UsersBaaooDownloadsdirect.h function"

the program does not list files name.

#include <iostream>
#include <dirent.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {

DIR* dir;
dirent* pdir;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: DLL Search Directory Order

Aug 29, 2013

I was working on a program. "hey if this program were to be published it would be bad for people to see all dll files are in the exe directory"....

So I wondered if there is a way to make compiler see a folder in the same directory with exe file which holds all dll files?

Also look at some programs and saw they have a dll folder which holds dll files....

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