C++ :: Dynamically Changing Property Of A Class?

May 27, 2013

Working on a console application and I am trying to figure out a way that allows users to enter an object property along with a value. For example

class Box{
int height;
int width;
int length;

[Code] .....

For example if a user inputs "height" for Name and "13" as value I would like to find a way to change ab's height to 13. I want to make this work so that one can add another class and get the same functionality.

I tried looking online and I think maps are a way to do this and I tried doing that but I don't know how to proceed after/what code to write that would allow me to change it.

Note: I can't use if else statements or hardcoding to match the input to member as I want to make this extensible.

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C++ :: Changing Object Property Through Console?

May 27, 2013

Working on a console application and I am trying to figure out a way that allows users to enter an object property along with a value. For example

HTML Code:

class Box {
int height;
int width;
int length;

[Code] ....

For example if a user inputs "height" for Name and "13" as value I would like to find a way to change ab's height to 13. I want to make this work so that one can add another class and get the same functionality.

I tried looking online and I think maps are a way to do this and I tried doing that but I don't know how to proceed after/what code to write that would allow me to change it.

Note: I can't use if else statements or hardcoding to match the input to member as I want to make this extensible.

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C++ :: Holding Function In Variable And Changing It Dynamically

Jun 30, 2014

I need a variable that will just hold a function that I can change in the middle of the application, even to different function type with different amount of parameters ... is this even possible? At the moment I have this

struct REPLY {
string *sReply;
function<int()> special = [](){return 0;};

[Code] .....

And then change it back to blank function returning 0 after calling it

reply.special = [](){return 0;};

This works fine (there is no reason why it should not, right? Now, if I want to have another function, let's say

void test2(string str) {
MessageBox(NULL, str.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

How do I point this one to the variable special, when I want to call it like that (or something similar)

(reply.special)("test string");

is this even possible? if so, how? i tried to create function pointer (didnt compile at all) or use template (neither did this) and how to do this as I discovered functional lib just a while ago.

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C++ :: Dynamically Changing Array Elements Inside Of Structures?

Feb 1, 2015

I have run across what I believe to be a syntax problem which I don't understand. I have a structure with two character array and I need to be able to change the size of those array dynamically. I have to use character arrays and I think the dot notation. I am not sure if I can use arrow notation. I can not do this problem using strings and vectors.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;


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Visual C++ :: CDHtmlDialog - Changing HTML File Dynamically

Apr 9, 2014

I am using CDHtmlDialog in my MFC application to create a UI with HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

In my project there's one dialog created from CDHtmlDialog and a corresponding HTML file for that dialog.

Now during run time i want to change the contents of the HTML file.

Not just the HTML part, i want to change the CSS & JavaScript too.

So basically what am trying to do is, change the entire content of the default HTML file.

Is this possible? If yes, how can i do that?

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Visual C++ :: MFC Dialog / Changing Images (JPG / PNG) Dynamically In HTML Page?

Sep 6, 2013

I created a MFC dialog using CDHtmlDialog and added a HTML page with many controls and one of them is a IMAGE tag. I got a default image loaded from the hard drive displayed in the HTML page. Up to this part, everything works fine.

Now what i want to do is, dynamically change the image based on the user click on one of the HTML buttons. I don't want this image source to be hard coded in the HTML nor the image source send from the MFC app.

What i want is for the MFC app to send the image data to the HTML in some (binary) format and then the page to display the image.

The possible option i was thinking of was to read the image file which is already in my hard drive as a binary file and send the binary data across to the HTML as a memory buffer, and then use JavaScript to decrypt this binary data and display the image.

Basically what i want is for the HTML page to display a image from the memory. how to do this?

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C++ :: Creating A Property (Get / Set) Class?

May 16, 2013

I've just recently moved from Visual Basic 6 over to C++ and decided that I would try and write a class to mimic the Get/Set behavior seen in a variety of other programming languages. So instead of just using an overloaded function, i.e:

class NoProp {
LPCWSTR m_Title;
void Title(LPCWSTR NewValue) {m_Title = NewValue;};
LPCWSTR Title() {return m_Title;};


So far this code only works with the LPCWSTR type (const wchar_t*). Unfortunately I got to this stage using only that type, and now when I try another type, such as int, it fails. When using the int type I believe it creates an error because the constructor of InitProp expects a type of pointer to be parsed. When I try using it with int* type (the private variable then becoming int **m_Variable) it compiles, thought I cannot access the property like a normal int.

My best guess from here is that I probably have to overload the InitProp constructor in a way that it can setup the Property classes for base-types and pointer-types, and then also modify the Property class to handle both.

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C Sharp :: How To Change Name Of Property In Derived Class

Jun 1, 2012

I have base class with some properties(variables).I want to inherit that class and want to change name of that properties in the derived class using concept of Shadowing.

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C++ :: Creating Array Of Pointers To Base Class To Point To Derived Class Objects Dynamically

Jan 16, 2013

Please consider the following code :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class superclass;
class subclass1;
class subclass2;

[Code] ....

As you can see I want to create a dynamically allocated storage of references to a parent class each of which can then point to a child class, how ever I do not know how to extract the child class out again from that array so i may access its variable b.

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C# :: Definition Errors After Changing Name Of Class

Jan 31, 2014

I changed the name of my Invoice class to 'Application' and then it generated errors such as follows

Error9'Invoice.Invoice' does not contain a definition for 'Documents' and no extension method 'Documents' accepting a first argument of type 'Invoice.Invoice' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)c:userskeildocumentsvisual studio 2013projectsinvoiceinvoicewritefile.cs1840Invoice

Error3'Invoice.Invoice' does not contain a definition for 'Run'C:UsersKeilDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsInvoiceInvoiceProgram.cs1921Invoice

I have added my classes here, lso I have added the sln to this post.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;


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C++ :: Dynamically Create Class Objects?

Nov 3, 2013

regarding dynamic vector.

void Shape2DLink::InputSensor()
string shape,type;


So i'm actually using polyphormism for calculating the area of the cross and other shapes. so how do I actually make use of dynamically create an object this way?

do I create them in my Shape2DLink or in my individual child classes?

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C++ :: Dynamically Increasing Array In Class

May 2, 2014

class Album{
char albumName[100];
Song* List;
int numSongs;

[Code] ....

And everytime I create the class it can have only one song because I set numSongs to zero.

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C++ :: Changing Class Type Of A Vector Element?

Aug 16, 2014

I am programming a 2-D platformer video game. The stages are composed of an array (really a vector) of 16x16 px^2 tiles. I have defined a base class "Tile" and several derived classes, e.g., "Ramp", "Door", etc., which have their own attributes. The idea is that upon entering a room, the program will load all of the necessary tile data for that room into a vector. So, I have a vector that looks like: vector <Tile*> room_tiles, and resize it based on the total number of tiles in the room: room_tiles.resize(Tile_Count). I then want to read in certain info from the data file containing all of the tile information for that room. For example, if the data file says Tile 5 should be a ramp, I want to change the 5th element of the room_tiles vector to the derived ramp class. This is really where I'm having trouble. I've worked with vectors of base and derived classes before, but those were always of indeterminate size and I always used something like: (Vector).push_back(new DerivedClass()) to specify the derived class of that element. The problem is that that method only seems to work if you are appending elements to the end of a vector.

how I can do this?

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C Sharp :: How To Change String To Property Name

Apr 23, 2012

I want to change the string name to property name..

for example
public class Code {
public int RD{get;set;}  
public Code() {
private void GetCode() {
string cd= "RD";
cd=1; // cd represent to property name "RD" 

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C# :: Intellisense Not Displaying All Element Property File

Jan 28, 2015

It's a shock to me seeing the partial display of variables being picked by intellisense. I am working in VS2013 environment. I have a project, in the project Settings file I created string variables of about 100 to be accessed across the files for the project, like this:

A example of thew variable it worked for

public static String TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitutionManagement = Settings.Default.[b]TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitutionManagement[/b];

An example of the variable it did not work for

public static String TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitution = Settings.Default.

So, does it mean that the Settings file has a limit of variables that should be declared in it?

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Visual C++ :: Cannot Find The Property Settings File

Jul 31, 2013

Here the max sdk plugin is looking at X:projects rather than x:program files (x86)autodeskmaxsdk Inside the autodesk folder, there is a projectsettingspropertysheets subfolder where the plugin is looking for.

Now an error pops up saying it needs X:projectsprojectsettingspropertysheets....How can I fix that?

<Import Project="........ProjectSettingsPropertySheets3dsmax.general.project.settings.props" />

I find it hardcoded / How do I set where visual studio to search the correct property setting files automatically?

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Visual C++ :: Property Sheets On Main Dialog

Jul 17, 2014

I have been playing around with property sheets/property pages and have been successful in getting them to work in a secondary dialog by calling the property sheet using DoModal().

How to get the property sheet to display on the main dialog of a dialog application.

I am using VS2008 and CMFCPropertySheet and CMFCPropertyPage.

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Visual C++ :: Create Own Property Which Passes Parameters

Apr 4, 2013

Is it possible to create property which I can pass parameters? Here is what I would like to do:

__property double a = {read=getA("a"), write=setA("a")};
__property double b= {read=getB("c"), write=setB("c")};

double getA(char *a);
void setA(double value, char *a);

double getB(char *a);
void setB(double value, char*a);

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Visual C++ :: Creating MAPI Property With CreateIProp

Apr 17, 2013

I have a problem creating a MAPI property. I have code like this:

intSetProperty( LPPROFSECT lpProfileSection, LPSPropValue lpPropValue) {
SPropValue spvEID;

[Code] .....

I want to create the choose_directory_Automatically property if its not exists. But I don't know how. If the CreateIProp method returns me a pointer in lpPropData how can I put the PropTag and the Value in it?

I have already implemented change the property if it exists already but the Outlook Addressbook stays on automatically until I or the user creates this property. I took a look with OutlookSpy at this property but I could not come any further.

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C Sharp :: Declaring Navigation Property In Entity Framework

Nov 3, 2012

I developed a sample application in EF which has 3 tables

PersonDetails, BankDetails and FixedDepositDetails.

Please find the table structure below

create table PersonDetails
(PersonId int Primary Key,
PersonName varchar(30))  
create table BankDetails
(BankId int Primary Key,
BankName varchar(100),

[Code] ....

But when I run the application I get an error as

The navigation property 'Bank_Id' is not a declared property on type 'FixedDepositDetails'. Verify that it has not been explicitly excluded from the model and that it is a valid navigation property.

If I am not wrong I think I have made some mistakes when creating the model.

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Visual C++ :: How To Set Property For Using Static Lib File (2003 Version)

Jan 15, 2013

Later i used trial version of vc2010 and created a static library using the below link. Its worked. [URL] .....

But now I'm using VC2003.Details as follows,

Microsoft Development enviroinment 2003 Version 7.1.3088
CopyRight @ 1987-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 Version 1.1.4322
CopyRight @ 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

I used the same procedure & created the Static lib. But couldn't use this lib file in my main project.B'cos the project's property window doesn't have the :

Common Properties -> Framework & References

Couldn't find. Here with i attached missed property in VC2003. How can i set this property? Is any other way to use static lib in main project (application)?

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Visual C++ :: Resize Property Sheet / Page Dialogs

May 17, 2014

any easy way to resize property sheet/page dialogs automatically or semi automatically?. have tried too many stuff, but none were fruitful.

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Visual C++ :: Skip And Rotate View A Page In Property Sheet

Feb 19, 2015

When i click the back button, I like to skip some old pages & rotate pages view in my property sheet.

I have 5 pages, when i clicked the User button in my MainDlg the below function called like,
User Button Clicked -> Page1 Opened
Next Button Clicked
-> Page2 -> Page3 -> Page4 -> Page5
Back Button Clicked
Page1 <- Page2 <- Page3 <- Page4 <- Page5

This work done. working good.

void MainDlg:: onButtonUserClicked()
CSheet oSht(this);
Page1 p1;


My requirement is,
User Button Clicked -> Page1 Opened
Next Button Clicked
-> Page2 -> Page3 -> Page4-> Page5 -> Page1(Again called 1st page automatically - rotate pages view)
Back Button Clicked(Cur Page loc is Page5)
(Start the prev Process)Page5 <- Page1 <- (Skip the Page2 & 3)Page4 <- Page5

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Visual C++ :: Include Library Paths In VS 2012 Through The New Property Pages?

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to include library paths in VS 2012 through the new property pages.I downloaded and installed mpich2-64 bit libraries under "C:Program FilesMPICH2include" and set the include path in Microsoft.cpp.x64.user property file so the path now looks like

"$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfcinclude;$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:Program FilesMPICH2include;"

But somehow it fails to find the files.


fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mpi.h': No such file or directory

The file is definitely there, so what could be the problem ?

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Visual C++ :: Fill / Show And Revalue Property - Return Pointer

May 21, 2013

The code below is supposed to fill, show, and revalue property. The fill function is supposed to return a pointer that creates a range of property values. The show function is supposed to show the property values entered and the revalued property values. I think part of the problem is the returned pointer from the fill function. Once that is cleared up, I think I will find more problems.


#include <iostream>
const int Max = 5;
// function prototypes
double fill_array(double ar[], int limit);
void show_array(double * begin, double * end);

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: How To Get Text Property Of Link Button Inside Repeater Control

Jun 14, 2012

I am working with repeater.. Actually i have placed a linkbtn in item template.. In that linkbtn i am displaying names from database.... And i have created an event for the lnkbtn.. In that event i want to get the text property of linkbtn....

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