C++ :: Deleting Specific Class Object In Array

Jan 23, 2013

I am trying to delete a speific element in an array of class objects. i am overwriting the element i waant to delete with the element after it. My algorithm works but the output is not correct, after debugging it seems my objects just dont copy, is there a way to copy a class object, i have looked up copy constructors and attempted to write one but it does not seem to have any effect on the output.

below is my code

class user {
string firstname, lastname, currentteam, position, status ;
int age ;
user() {};

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Deleting Array Of Derived Class Objects Through Base Class Pointer

Mar 21, 2015

In this book, item 3 is about never treat arrays polymorphically. In the latter part of this item, the author talks about the result of deleting an array of derived class objects through a base class pointer is undefined. What does it mean? I have an example here,

class B
virtual ~B() {

[Code] ....

This sample code does exactly what I want. So does the author mean the way I did is undefined?

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C++ :: Deleting Object From A Container?

Nov 21, 2013

I have a container in c++11 and i must delete first object and i don't know how...

for (const prob& p : *static_cast<vector<prob>*>(list.listData)){
// i must delete the first object

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C++ :: Deleting A String Object In Vector?

Sep 21, 2013

Here's my code so far:

std::cout << "Game to remove from list: ";
getline(std::cin, gameTitle);
for (iter = gameList.begin(); iter != gameList.end(); ++iter) {


It deletes the text from the string but not the index it self.

It deletes the text but when I print the list of game titles it has it there blank. I want it to completely remove the object from the vector from where it was deleted

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Visual C++ :: MF Dialog App - Deleting HBITMAP Object

Mar 6, 2015

I have a little demo of a bitmap button that simply uses CButton and resource bitmaps in an MFC dialog app. The intent is to click on the button and have the bitmap image change. My code works ok the first time around, but crashes on repeat clicks. I have interpreted this as failure to properly delete the HBITMAP object, though I could be mistaken. In any case the app works ok in Release configuration but violates assertion in Debug.


ASSERT(m_hObject == NULL); // only attach once, detach on destroy[code]
// dialog header
// Attributes
HBITMAP m_hBitmap1;
HBITMAP m_hBitmap2;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Non-static Member Reference Must Be Made Relative To A Specific Object

Mar 4, 2012

class A
std::map<std::string, Unit*> aMap;
class B

[Code] .....

This code snippet results in "A non-static member reference must be made relative to a specific object". When I make callA() static, this error goes away, but there is problem with aMap.

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C++ :: How To Get Object Of Original Class From Function Of Other Class Where Other Class Object Is Member Of Original Class

Jan 21, 2013

The case is like

class B{
class A{

in somefunction i want a pointer to current object of class A m new to c++

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C++ :: Importance Of Static Object In A Class And How They Are Different From General Object

Dec 13, 2012

#include "B.h"
class A {
public :
s_b = new B();
b = new B();

[Code] ....

In my project i have seen static object as above . But not able to know what is the exact use of it and how they are different from general object .

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C++ :: Deleting Class Pointer Arrays?

Feb 3, 2015

If i have a pointer array of classes, e.g. MyClass *foo; and if i try to delete this pointer delete [] foo; does it call a destructor of a class, or wahat happens? this is because i have another pointers in that class which are cleared in destructor.

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C/C++ :: Simple Arkanoid Game - Deleting Instance Of A Class

Mar 24, 2015

I am making a simple arkanoid game. When the ball hits the block, i want the block to disappear. How would i go around this? i am working in visual studio. I got the collision and everything working.. Here is my code;

int main(int argc, char** argv){

SDL_WM_SetCaption("Graphics Window",NULL); //set name of project

//variable declaration
float startTime;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Finding A Specific Instance Of A Class

May 22, 2013

So I have a class that is like this:

class card {
int id;
int val;
card card1;
card1.id = 1;
card1.val = 2;
card card2;
card2.id = 2;
card2.val = 45;


So my question is firstly, is there a better way to implement this? (a vector of classes or something maybe?) and how can I call up a specific instance of the class. For example, if I want the val of a specific instance of the class, how best can I do that?

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C/C++ :: Implement String Class And Modify Specific Char

May 4, 2014

I tried to implement a string class and i want to modify a specific char in my string . I did operator over load but this code crash in this line

name [2] = 'k' ;

Why ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is my code

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <assert.h>
class String {
public :
char *content ;
int size ;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Transfer Values Set In Privates Of Base Class By Object Of One Derived Class To Another

Apr 26, 2014

I have my main.cpp like this:

#include <iostream>
#include "curve1.h"
#include "curve2.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
Curve1 curve1Obj;
Curve2 curve2Obj;


Base class Score has two derived classes Curve1 and Curve2. There are two curve() functions, one is in Curve1 and other in Curve2 classes. getSize() returns the value of iSize.

My base class header score.h looks like this:

#ifndef SCORE_H
#define SCORE_H
class Score {
int *ipScore;
float fAverage;
int iSize;


You can see that I have used curve1Obj to enter scores, calculate average and output. So if I call getSize() function with cuve1Obj, it gives the right size that I took from user in enterScores() function. Also the result is same if I call getSize() in score.cpp definition file in any of the functions (obviously).

The problem is when I call curve() function of Curve2 class in main (line 23) with the object curve2Obj, it creates a new set of ipScore, fAverage and iSize (i think?) with garbage values. So when I call getSize() in curve() definition in curve2.cpp, it outputs the garbage. .....

How can I cause it to return the old values that are set in curve1.cpp?

Here is my curve2.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "curve2.h"
using namespace std;
void Curve2::curve() {
cout << "getSize() returns: " << getSize() << endl; // out comes the garbage

Can I use a function to simply put values from old to new variables? If yes then how?

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C++ :: Using Member Function Of A Class In Another Class And Relate It To Object In Int Main

Aug 21, 2013

I am writing a program which is using SDL library. I have two different classes which one of them is Timer Class and the other is EventHandling Class.

I need to use some member functions and variables of Timer in some Eventhandling Class member functions, Although I want to define an object of Timer in int main {} and relate it to its member function that has been used in Eventhandling member function in order that it becomes easier to handle it, I mean that I want to have for example two objects of timer and two objects of Eventhandling class for two different users.

I do not know how to relate an object of a class from int main{} to its member function which is being used in another class member function.

Lets have it as a sample code:

class Timer {
int x;


[Code] ....

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C++ ::  How To Access A Specific Protected Inherited Member Depending On Class

Dec 30, 2013

I have `MainShop`(base class) then `SwordShop` and `BowShop`(derived classes) and another derived class called `Inventory`. I have a vector under protected in my base class, and when I access it from my derived classes it's okay, but each one has its own value. How can I set them all to have the same value?

#pragma once
class MainShop {
//some variables
vector <string> WeaponInventory;


Here every time I run it, it goes straight to the `else` and it displays that I do not have any items. I want to just have one vector for both my bow and Sword shops because vectors take up a lot of memory and my teacher said keep them to a minimum. So I just want one vector that takes in items from my bow class as well as my sword class, but for some reason it's acting as if I have multiple vectors, each with its own set of items.

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C++ ::  Deleting Two Dimensional Array

Oct 21, 2014

Consider the following code snippet:

GLfloat box[4][4] = {
{ x2, -y2, 0, 0 },
{ x2 + w, -y2, 1, 0 },
{ x2, -y2 - h, 0, 1 },
{ x2 + w, -y2 - h, 1, 1 },

Do I need to call a variant of

delete [] box;

Against this float array?

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C++ :: Deleting Element Of Array

May 6, 2014

This is a program to get an 10 characters including a-z, A-Z, and _ .

Then this program will cout the text with out _ !

cin >> sd_fd_e_dd
cout << sdfdedd
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char a[10],m;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Deleting Entries From Array?

Nov 2, 2014

I'm creating a program that holds three arrays one for the persons last name, one for the points scored and one for the player number, now I've got all the arrays and everything done but I'm not sure as to how I'm going to delete an entry for multiple arrays.

static Int32[] ProcessDelete(Int32[] playerNumbers, String[] playerLastName, Int32[] playerPoints, ref Int32 playerCount)
Int32[] newArray = new Int32[playerNumbers.Length - 1];


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C++ :: How To Make Specific Character Show Up Specific Amount Of Times

Mar 5, 2013

How do I make a specific character show up a specific amount of times?

Like I am generating a random number then I need to make "|" show up that many times on the screen.

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C++ :: Deleting Elements In Dynamic Array

Nov 22, 2013

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to delete elements in a dynamic array of objects. I tried to delete elements by shifting that particular element and the ones that follow over one element and then assigning the last one to NULL.

cin >> input;
while (input != -1 || k == 7) {
for(int i = 0; k < numberOfRecords; i++) {
if (input == records[k].id) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Deleting A Record From Struct Array?

Aug 31, 2014

I want to delete selected records from struct array using cstring reading from files. Here I read my records to stud struct then assign non-deleted to stu struct but its not deleting as desired...strcmp is giving 25

cout<<"Enter student ID to delete: ";
cin.getline(id, 15,

[Code] ....

I did some debugging effort and I found here is the problem..the stud[0].ID and id is not same but why? I am giving in same id and both char array lenght is 15

cout<<"Enter student ID to delete: ";
cin.getline(id, 15);
cout<<strlen(stud[0].ID)<<" "<<strlen(id)<<endl;///---> lenght 1 is 10
///---->lenght 2 is 8
cout<<strncmp(id,stud[0].ID, 10 )<<endl;

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C++ :: Creating One Class Object In Constructor Of Another Class

Sep 20, 2013

Suppose I have two classes A and B so how to access object of class A in constructor of B's class as a parameter.

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C++ :: How To Create A Class Object Inside Another Class

Feb 20, 2015

My thought is that I would need to establish a variable for the class in the header and call the class within the .cpp file

//class A.h
B b;

Then in class A, to create the object and use a method from the object I would -

//class A.cpp
int someAmethod(){

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C++ :: Initializing Object Of Class Inside Another Class?

Mar 7, 2014

I have a class MySeqBuildBlockModule that I am inheriting from: public SeqBuildBlock. Other than constructor and destructor, this class MySeqBuildBlockModule has a method: prep.

class MySeqBuildBlockModule: public SeqBuildBlock {
friend class SeqBuildBlockIRns;
MySeqBuildBlockModule (SBBList* pSBBList0, long TI1_In, long TI2_In)// more arguements in this constructor of derived class
: SeqBuildBlock (pSBBList0)


I would have like to intiantiate an object "myIRns_3" of a class defined in third party library

SeqBuildBlockIRns myIRns_3(pSBBList2);

and would like to access it from the prep function as:

double dEnergyAllSBBs_DK = myIRns_3.getEnergyPerRequest();

I tried to instantiate following in either private section or in constructor; but w/o any success:

SeqBuildBlockIRns myIRns_3(pSBBList2);

ERRORS encountered:

When I tried to do it inside the constructor, I get the following errors:

MySBBModule.h(113) : error C2065: 'myIRns_3' : undeclared identifier
MySBBModule.h(113) : error C2228: left of '.getEnergyPerRequest' must have class/struct/union type
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2065: 'pSBBList' : undeclared identifier
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2227: left of '->prepSBBAll' must point to class/struct/union

When I tried to do it in private section, I get the following errors:

MySBBModule.h(106) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'pSBBList2'
MySBBModule.h(113) : error C2228: left of '.getEnergyPerRequest' must have class/struct/union type
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2065: 'pSBBList' : undeclared identifier
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2227: left of '->prepSBBAll' must point to class/struct/union

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C++ :: Debug Error When Deleting Dynamic Array

Feb 18, 2013

I get this error when I'm attempting to delete an array. I'm new to dynamic arrays, and from what I have learned, arrays must be deleted after use. I plan on using this in a function later on, so deleting the array is a must.

Here's the error message: Debug Error!

HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after Normal block (#154) at 0x007E55A0.
CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after the end of heap buffer.

Here's my code:
int main() {
//Declare variables
char persist = ' ';
int* primes = NULL;
int size2 = 0;

//Declare array
primes = new int[size2];

[Code] ....

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C :: Array Of Structs (adding / Deleting Elements To A File)

Sep 20, 2013

I want to write a program to record my neighborhoods's name and address by using an array of structs and file.

my array of structs is

#define SIZE 30
typedef struct{
char name[30];
char address[100];
Detail neighbor[SIZE];

And I want to make adding,deleting, and searching functions.Something like


void add();//Add name and address to a file,
//and add more to the same file if I want to.
void del();//Delete or Change some neighbor's name or address
//in the same file(Can I?)
void search();//Search name and show detail

So I started to code adding function first, but I don't know that I need to use pointer to code each functions relations, and I don't know how to check that my input's already exists yet. But I started some code below...

void add() {
int i=0;
FILE *fp = fopen("neighborhood.txt", "at");
if ( fp != NULL ) {


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