C# :: Define DataGridView Column Type Programmatically?

Aug 28, 2014

I have looked into this and I've also read that I should be able to Config Each column Accordingly.

I'm Currently using this piece of code:

//Change the Headers on the DataGridView2//
dataGridView2.Columns["cashQTY"].HeaderText = "QTY";
dataGridView2.Columns["cashDescription"].HeaderText = "DESCRIPTION";
dataGridView2.Columns["cashSupplier"].HeaderText = "SUPPLIER";

[Code] ....

Currently it does not error, but it also does not Show the DateTime in the GridView when running either..

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C# :: DataGridView CheckBox Column

Apr 24, 2014

I cannot check the checkbox in my datagridview.

Here is my code.

First, I added a checkbox column.

private void addCheckBoxColumn() {
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn checkColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
checkColumn.Name = "clmCheck";
checkColumn.HeaderText = "";
checkColumn.Width = 100;
checkColumn.ReadOnly = false;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Add Datagridview Column To Listbox Using For Loop

Apr 18, 2014

I need to take a single column and all the rows in the column from a datagridview to a listbox using a for loop. My code is giving me no errors just not showing any data in the listbox.

private void frmProject6_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'enrollmentsDataSet.Enrollments' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

[Code] .....

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C# :: DataGridView - Context Menu To Show Up When User Right Clicks On Fifth Column

May 22, 2014

I have a datagridview with many columns. I want a context menu to show up when user right-clicks on the fifth column (column index = 4).

private void dgv_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) {
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
DataGridView.HitTestInfo hit = dgv.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
if (hit.ColumnIndex == 4) {

The problem is, the hit.ColumnIndex value is either 0, -1 or 1, no matter where I click. So the condition never met and the context menu never shows up. Why the values 0, -1 or 1?

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C++ :: Define A Class For A Type

Apr 29, 2014

Define a class for a type called CounterType. An object of this type is used to count things, so it records a count that is a non-negative whole number.

Include a mutator function that sets the counter to a count given as an argument. Include member functions to increase the count by one and to decrease the count by one. Be sure that no member function allows the value of the counter to become negative.Also, include a member function that returns the current count value and one that outputs the count. Embed your class definition in a test program and run sufficient tests to verify it all works correctly.

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C++ :: Proper Way To Define A Variable Type

Sep 17, 2013

I just compiled some code I've been working on at a different OS/compiler and realised that Code: sizeof(unsigned long) returns 4 in one pc and 8 in another.

I've heard that bytesize conventions for basic variables were not particularly "universal" before but this is the 1st time I've had a problem with it.

how do I make a typedef that clearly indicates to whatever compiler compiler I want u32 to be an 32bits unsigned and u64 to be 64bits?

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C :: Define Array Type With 4 Elements?

Jan 18, 2015

How can I define type MARKS which will be able to hold 4 elements just like array? I want to access it just like normal array elements using brackets []. In the following struct I want to use such type.


typedef struct {
MARKS ** pointers;
void main(){
ARGUMENTS arguments;

[Code] ......

Purpose of the struct ARGUMENTS is to hold 4 pointers to string. I want to mark few positions in string so I can simple access them. E.g. name=John

arguments[0][0]=0; // begin of the param name
arguments[0][1]=3; // end of the param name
arguments[0][2]=5; // begin of the value
arguments[0][3]=8; // end of the value I mean not to save int but the pointer to the corresponding position.

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C :: Error To Define Data Type File?

Mar 21, 2013

I program unix sokcet programming , and part of my code is ti open file from server and open it , but i surprised with this wierd error i dont have any reason for it ?

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

[Code] ....

File name is : myHeader.h
myHeader.h:24:1: error: unknown type name "File"???

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C++ :: Define A Class For A Type Called CounterType

Apr 29, 2014

Define a class for a type called CounterType. An object of this type is used to count things, so it records a count that is a non-negative whole number.

Include a mutator function that sets the counter to a count given as an argument. Include member functions to increase the count by one and to decrease the count by one.

Be sure that no member function allows the value of the counter to become negative.

Also, include a member function that returns the current count value and one that outputs the count. Embed your class definition in a test program and run sufficient tests to verify it all works correctly.

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C# :: Programmatically Add Dll References?

Jan 11, 2014

I am trying to make a utility program for work that will update multiple projects with local dll references. Basically I work with two solutions (for talk sake solutIon1 and solutIon2). Generally solutIon1 will reference the dll's built In solutIon2 which reside on a server. However for debugging proposes I sometimes need to D/L the solutIon2 projects and build them local-ally, so that I can reference the solutIon2 dll's local-ally (this Is so that I can easily attach the dll and step Into the code). However this require changing the reference paths, so that I am pointing to the local-ally built dll's, which Is quite a laborious task.

So the question is how would I update references in solution1 from the program that I am making. I don't really know what to start reading about as I have never done anything like this before.

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C Sharp :: How To Shift From One Tab To Other Programmatically

Apr 24, 2012

when we are trying to shift one tab to other one event should occur, can any one tell what is the event,how and where we have to write the event? give example. if he successfully login in first tab only then second tab will open,if he doesnt login in first and tries to open the second tab message should appear...

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C# :: How To Remove Tab-pages In Tab-control Programmatically

Mar 8, 2014

I wanted to remove previous tappages from tab control and add new tab pages on button click, but previous tab pages are not getting removed

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;


Update:i have added the below code on button click and i am able to create a new tabpages


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C Sharp :: Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added

Feb 15, 2013

I'm getting an error when I want t add a file to my dataGridView that I can't add any data because it is databound. I've been working around this but still gives me the same error. heres the snippet of the code:

       private void btnOpenLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                String sLine = "";
[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Save CDocument Programmatically

Feb 21, 2014

How can I save an CDocument programatically, without to bring him to the top, only if I get a pointer to that document ? I mean if I have several document opened into a MDI app, and if I have a pointer to one of them, to save it without to turn them as active childs ?

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C++ :: Calling Mount Function Programmatically

Jun 7, 2012

I'm trying to get my C program to perform a few shell commands in a Linux environment, one of them being mount. The specific command is:

mount -o rw -t ext3 /source /destination

If I put the above command in a system() call, it works. However, i tried to call mount directly, as defined in sys/mount.h, as follows:

mount("/source", "/destination", "ext3", 0, "rw");

This doesn't work - it throws me back the error "Invalid argument".

Did I translate wrongly? What's the correct syntax?

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C/C++ :: How To Programmatically Find If The Code Is Recursive Or Iterative

Apr 8, 2014

Is there any way to programatically find if the given code is taking recursive approach or iterative apporaoch using concept of files in C programming.

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C# :: How To Change Subitems Back Color Programmatically

Mar 18, 2014

I wanted to change the Backcolor of subitem to Red, while inserting data in Listview from List<string> result. After executing the below code Data from List<string> are well placed below their respective column in listview, only their Subitem Color doesn't change.

Here my Code

//Here result is List<string>
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i += 5) {
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
item.Text = result[i].ToString();
for (int j = i + 1; j < i + 5; j++) {

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Add DLL File In Project Reference Programmatically

Oct 27, 2012

I have a dll file and i want to add this dll file in my c#.net project reference through a program. I know I can add it by clicking copying and paste ,but i want to add reference programmatically.

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Visual C++ :: Setting Slider Position Programmatically?

Jan 31, 2014

I have a problem to set sliderposition programmatically. This is my try:

//pointer to my slider control:
// On the begining the range ist 1 to 10
// and the position is on 5
// change the range:
pSliderCtrl->SetRange(1, 100); // ok no problems

Now, how to "move" btw. how to redraw the position of the slider thumb programmaticaliy with c++? Need to send some message, if yes what message i need to send to slider control to move (reposition) the slider thumb?

I try with
// first:
::SendMessage(pSlider->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, TRBN_THUMBPOSCHANGING, 0);
// then with:
::SendMessage(pSlider->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE, 0);

but nothing happens?

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C# :: Programmatically Install / Remove INF Driver Through Button Event

May 14, 2014

How to install/remove an INF driver though a button click event. So far I have some code for installing the driver, however it doesn't work.

private void installDriversToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (SetupCopyOEMInf("./PS3MCADriver/PS3_Memory_Card_Adaptor.inf", null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0, null)) {
foreach (string device in devices) {
UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices(IntPtr.Zero, device, "./PS3MCADriver/PS3_Memory_Card_Adaptor.inf", 0, false);

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: Programmatically Expand Url Link To Its True Location?

Nov 28, 2012

How do you programmatically expand a url link to its true location?

Do you know about tinyurl.com and baidu.com? Baidu.com is a search engine that tries to discourage people from using their web site to make metasearch engines by hiding their links in a way that is a lot like how tinyurl.com works. TinyUrl.com is a web site where, if you want to present someone with a link to something and that link is long, you can use tinyurl to produce a tiny url for presentation purposes.

Anyway, what I want to do is to find a way to programmatically take the link [URL] (the first link in a search for Jessica Alba using baidu.com) and have it return the actual link, [URL] . That is just one example. What I want to do is not specific to Jessica but for using Baidu.com as part of my group of search engines in my meta search eneing project.

Maybe there is a way of using the WebBrowser class but I did not see a member that was the URL.

Maybe there is a way of using WebRequest and WebResponse.

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C Sharp :: Programmatically Start A Process And Enter Required User Name And Password?

Apr 21, 2013

Using C#, is it possible to programatically start an application and enter a required user name and password

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C# :: Delete A Row From DataGridView

Jun 11, 2014

How would I delete a row in a datagridview (and in the database) if the datagridview control does not show the primary key? ie the SELECT statement we used to load the DataGridView does not include the primary key column (since it is not relevant to the user)

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C# :: Linking Progress Bar With Datagridview

Feb 25, 2014

I am running a windows forms project. on the form there is a datagridview, a progress bar, a textbox and two 2 buttons.

The two buttons are used to navigate through the records(one for next record and the other for previous record) the textbox displays the record that is being currently viewed.

How can I link the progress with the database or in this case the datagridview and when the next button is pressed it increments and when the previous button is clicked it decrements and also the progress to be fully filled when the last record is reached ?

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C# :: Checkbox Columns In DataGridView

May 3, 2014

Ok so I'm working with a windows form in C# and sql server database. I'm trying to do something like what is in the image below using a datagridview. My question is how do I 1) ensure only 1 checkbox is checked per row 2) do math that 'links' a checkbox column with another column, and add the totals. I understand that asp.net and web forms would be easier but we have not reached that point in the course yet. Would this be on the right track:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView.Rows)
if ((bool)(row.Cells["Checkbox"]).Value || (CheckState)row.Cells["Checkbox"].Value == CheckState.Checked)
// Do something
Attached image(s)

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C# :: How To Use Datagridview With Textboxes Or Labels

Jul 16, 2014

How you can touch a datagridview and it would insert the name it has for a product into a label or textbox.... As I have looked all over and I can't really find a proper way it is mentioned or maybe I am not applying it correctly.

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