I'm currently trying to code a sorting algorithm program.
let's asume I have a string given: aa, aaa, bbb, bas, zya!
I first of all want to split the given string on commas and '!' tells the program the string ends here and is no part of the last word. lower and upper case is not important at the moment. trying to implement everything with standard libary
output should be like that ofc: aa aaa bas bbb zya
I already looked into the bubble sort algorithm and I think it benefits my needs. Just wanted to know how I should start out with the string split.
Consider I have a vector of strings and then I use an istringstream to read each word of each element in the vector, why do I nescessarily use an istringstream?
This is the code that does what I just described (I think)..
I have to convert my netpay which is a float to a string So if I input a value of say, 356.26 it should output "the sum of three hundred fifty-six and 26/100 dollars" . My program function works for the sum of three hundred but after that it spits out garbage.
How will I add the existing content of the text file to the newly inputed date(hoursworked & minsWorked) to compute the total number of hours works. I'm just a beginner in using Visual basic C++.
I'm trying to find a way to accuratley convert a double in the form of a bank account number stored in a file into a string representing the number returned by a file.
BASICALLY, I have to convert netpay (float to string). Theoretically if I have 666.66, my program here should output the sum of "six hundred sixty-six and 66/100 dollars".
i think i need to convert a double to a string, we are working in visual studio doing a program. when i run the calculator i'm not getting the answer i need instead its giving me 0.0 when it should be reading 0.5, here is the code i'm using
{int width; int height; int area; double gop; String ^strWidth; String ^strHeight; String ^strArea; String ^strGop; strWidth=width1->Text;
Write a program that prompts the user to enter three integer values, and then outputs the values in numerical sequence separated by commas.
So, if the user enters the values 10 4 6, the output should be 4, 6, 10.
If two values are the same, they should just be ordered together.
So, the input 4 5 4 should give 4, 4, 5.
Code: #include "std_lib_facilities.h" int main() { cout << "Enter three integers, separated by space: "; int a, b, c, temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0; cin >> a >> b >> c;
[Code] ....
My first solution has a bug, so here's the corrected solution, written using only features I have learned in the first three chapters:
Code: #include "std_lib_facilities.h" int main() { cout << "Enter three words, separated by space: "; string a, b, c, temp; cin >> a >> b >> c;
I have a file with data in lines separated by commas and im trying to print out specific lines and specific parts of data from that line. I need to isolate lines where the first column of data reads '$CPGAR' and print out specific data columns.When I print out the strings I get random data and my strcmp to isolate lines isnt working? Im very new to this, heres a sample of my program:
while (!feof(gpsH)) { char word1[10],word2[10],word3[10],word4[10],word5[10],word6[10],word7[10], word8[10],word9[10],word10[10],word11[10],word12[10],word13[10]; char a[6] ="$CPGAR"; /* read data line */ fgets(gpsS,10,gpsH);
In this program, I have to ask the user for an employee, then the program will check to see if the file for that employee exist, if it doesnt then it will automatically create the file.
ReadNew function reads the file....check to see if it exist
CreateNew function creates a new file.
In my code I have no problem with the first part of reading file.. and my createnew function works in other programs where I am asking for input of file name to create the file name. However in this code I cannot figure how to automatically pass the input filename from the ReadNew function to the CreateNew function. I can't ask the user to enter the name a second time, so I have to pass the input filename into both functions. Here is my code.
//Create a file, append to it, and read it. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; char filename[256]; string n; string filelist; void CreateNew(ofstream & FileNew);
I have a problem with converting a C++ string into a long double. In order to do this, I used the function strtold, but the result I get is only the integral part, that is: if for example the input string is 12.476, I only get 12 as the converted long double value. This happens with atof too.
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include <sstream> string test = "12.345"; long double test_longd = strtold(test.c_str(),NULL);
For Example, it the entered string is: 0324152397 I want it to get stored in an array like-[0] [3] ...[7]. Secondly the string entered may be of any length that is defined only at run time. So, I also need to calculate string length. How could I do that.