C++ :: Code Reading From Online Dictionary Rather Than Offline Txt File?

Aug 14, 2014

I have a script that checks and compares two lists from an offline dictionary. Dictionary.txt which has a lot of words in it. input.txt will compare to dictionary.txt and print out anything that matches in CMD.

However, instead of using an offline dictionary is there anyway to make a code check an online dictionary? If so, would this process be slow or fast?

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C++ :: Program Working On Online Compiler But Not On Code Blocks

Jan 26, 2015

This program works on an online compiler but force closes on codeblocks after entering the elements.

using namespace std;
int two_print(int x, int one[999]) {
int two[999][999];
for(int k=0, r=x; k<=x; k++, r--)


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C :: Encryption Code File Reading Error

Dec 3, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int encrypt_data(FILE *);

[Code] ....

I am trying encrypt the file "encrypt" when I enter it I get "Error in reading file"

I think its a problem with the fgets() and scanf()...I tried both fgets out and then scanf but I get the same error.

I look in the directory and see that when I enter a file to be encrypted a blank file with a "?" at the end is created in the directory. so I try to encrypt "encrypt" it shows error then creates "encrypt?"

I then tested it by entering a random file name that does not exist


Please enter file to be encrypted: fakefilename

Error in reading file.

I look in the directory the non existent file now is listed "fakefilename"

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C++ :: File Reading And Code Modularity Using Ifstreams

Aug 24, 2013

How to compact my code. I have a file that my program will read several times. Each time a different test will check it for something specific. I can't check it all at once because I let the user specify what to check. I'm currently using an ifstream with a while loop to read until the end of file.

Here are three approaches :

1. I keep a static ifstream in a function and call it each time I want a new line to read. The function will "remember" what line is at and returns a new line each time (I suspect this can work but I'm not 100% sure). Each function can then be separated and call readline to get a new line back.

2. I make one giant while loop and make case statements that call the correct case and pass the string all the way down to the test function that is being run.

3. Write everything to some sort of array buffer. The file isn't terribly big about 1000 lines.

What should I do? Is the first approach even worth the effort to cut down a few lines of code? The second case doesn't seem to be much better as I cannot reuse anything.

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C++ :: Autocomplete From Dictionary File

Mar 15, 2013

Anyway, I am working on a project and have compiled a dictionary text file of english language words. I want to use this dictionary for an autocomplete feature that I would like to add to the program.

I am having trouble finding anything about either
1) an autocomplete library I can #include into my code.
2) how to write my own.

I need it to be in either C or c#. If i can get the algorithm in C then I can just convert it to c#

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C/C++ :: Read Dictionary File Into Array And Check Spelling?

Jan 27, 2015

finishing my program which needs to do the following:

(i) Write code to read in the dictionary into an array of words

(ii) Write code to check the spelling of a word entered by the use

(iii) Like Scrabble / Countdown the user enters the letters they have and my code must find the word using the highest number of those letters

I have completed a good bit so far but I'm stuck on my checkSpelling() and findWord() functions as well as part (iii)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "string.h"
int countCharOccurence(char *string, char c);
int getOption();
int checkSpelling();


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C/C++ :: Interactive And Animated Real-time Offline Map Application

Apr 25, 2015

I want to develop a interactive and animated real-time offline map application. For example if user puts mouse on the map, it should the latitude, longitude and name of the location.

There should be animation for example blinking of a location. And it should work offline without internet. I want to use google maps data but I don't know how.

I know following languages:
C/C++ (Advanced level)
PHP (intermediate level)
Java ( beginner level)

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C++ :: Dictionary - Display Definition Of Searched Word From Text File

Oct 20, 2014

I am now making a Dictionary using C++. My goal is to search the word and display the definition of the searched word from the text file. I have a code but it is not working. How can I search a word and display the definition of the word from a text file?

void searchFile(string word) {
ifstream ifile;
ofile.open("dictionary.txt", ios::in);
string line;
string search;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Method Of Mapping Text File Dictionary To Class Fields

Jan 21, 2014

So I'm rewriting an old project of mine, and I'm trying to determine if there's truly any better way to map the data taken from a text file "dictionary" into the correct class fields for further processing. For example:


In each of these, I'd need the "value" (MY_FIRST_NAME, MY_LAST_NAME, etc) from the "keys" (FNAME, LNAME, etc) to be mapped to the proper class fields. Say, for example, I had this:

Class DataProcessing {
public string Address;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public int TotalCalls;

I would need DataProcessing.Address to be set to the value in the ADDR key/value pair. The same would be true for each other field. The problem is that based on the text file's source (which isn't under my control, and won't be changed anytime soon), the key/value pairs are not always in the same place...so a second file could have the data as such:


Any smarter way to do this than looping through each line that was read in from the file, and determining where it belongs, such as (pseudo code follows):

//Assign to TotalCalls field
//Assign to Address field
ELSEIF FieldName == (You get the picture...)
//Do thing N_Field

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C++ :: Spell Checker - Check If Inputted Word Is In Dictionary File On Computer

Jul 31, 2013

Over the last few days, I've been trying to implement a spell checker in c++ that checks if the inputted word is in the dictionary file on my computer. However, as I'm nearing completion of the project, I keep running into more and more errors, some of which I do not understand. My program is complete, albeit, with some minor bad practices (I hard coded a few things just to get the program up and running.For some reason, everything works well until I output spelling suggestions. I type in "mses" (attempting to spell mess) and it returns some strange characters. It does definitely recognize that there are two permutations that match words in the dictionary (however they are both mess due to the algorithm implemented), and I don't understand why? I will work on removing the duplicates after.

// Spell Checker.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

[Code] .....

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C :: Reading Pseudo Code For Car Robot?

Sep 12, 2014

I'm doing a practice problem where I need to read pseudo code and understand what it does.

For this code, I believe it will move the robot forward while i<650, so it moves it forward for 650 steps in total. Then it sets the motors to 0 when it's finished.

{ rotateCW(2);
LATD=0x00; //Set all Port D to 0

This code I'm having the most trouble with. So while(1) the pot(potentiometer) read's the ADC. Then it scales the adc, not 100% sure what the +20 and *.22 mean, I think it has to do with binary conversions?

Now it sets pin 1 of port 1 to 0, delays based on pot above, and sets it back to 1, and delays again. I assume something to do with controlling motor speed based on the potentiometer.

void main(void){TRISD = 0x00; // Setting port D to outputs
LATDbits.LATD0 = 1; // Setting bit 0 of port D to 1
while(1) {
pot = readADC();
pot = pot * 0.2297 + 20;

[Code] ......

My best guess is: The car moves forward 400 steps, stop, turn right for 230 steps, stop. At this point it would begin moving straight, and it would turn left/right as needed to keep the robot in the center of the track.

void main(void) {
for(i=0;i<400;i++) {
rotateCW(2,motor); //Rotate motor two (one step)
rotateCCW(1,motor); //Rotate motor one (one step)


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C++ :: Reading Source Code From Uncompleted Files?

Jun 9, 2013

I know it sounds strange but I've seen things that have files which contain source code (usually in something in Python or such) and how this is read on run-time?

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C++ :: Online Shop - Serious Logical Error

Nov 15, 2013

My project is on an online shop in which you can manage a shop(adding ,deleting ,clearing and modifying items) also you can switch to different shops(all shops are same)


[Code] ....

The logical problem is serious because i am not able to find the error!!! There is some problem with display lines in void shop()-->if(mode=='s') and if(mode=='d'). I add only one item but in output screen i see two items(sometimes >2)
*note* to run the above display lines in the output screen....first register--->add atleast one item--->see your shop

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C++ :: Network Programming - Multiplayer Online Game

Oct 1, 2014

How to use c++ to program network for a multiplayer online game or how would i go about this?

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C/C++ :: Segmentation Fault On Online Judge Compiler

Sep 12, 2014

#include <string>
using namespace std;
int check (const char *c,len) {
char ch='a';

[Code] ....

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C# :: Create Online Application Without Revealing Database Credentials

Jan 26, 2014

I want to make an online application which will connect to my database to do the stuff, but I don't want the credentials to be stored somewhere in the program or in an external file somewhere in the computer or hardcored in anyway in the code.

I think that a good solution is (but I don't know how to implement it): on program execution, the credentials will be downloaded from my website somehow in an encrypted type maybe, from an api or so.

I've not tried before to make an online application, it's the first time. But I do have knowledge of SQL and PHP and I want to try a project like this.

The technology I am going to or can use is:
* Visual C# (in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate)
* MySQL Connector/NET
* MySQL Database on a shared host
* PHP (if needed)

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C Sharp :: Coding For Quantities In Online Shopping Carts?

Jan 11, 2013

I am trying to create an on-line product store. I'm having trouble with setting up the code to correctly acknowledge quantity desired per product item in the shopping cart at check-out. I want to be able to capture multiple impressions/hits/clicks per item and increase the # in the quantity box each time someone clicks on the same item. For example, if product A is clicked 3 times, then the quantity in the shopping cart should show "3". If it's clicked 5 times, it should show "5" and so on ... However, right now, it's showing the product multiple times in the shopping cart with a quantity of "1" for each time the item was clicked. How can I correct this?

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C Sharp :: Copy Files From Local Computer To Online Server

Feb 10, 2015

I have a desktop application in which i want to copy files from my local computer to an online server. I have the user name and the password of the server. is there any way like


to copy the files where the destinationPath will be something like

"192.168.x.xx/files" ..

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C# :: How To Reset Dictionary

Apr 17, 2014

How to reset/clear dictionary?

I've already tried:

var keysToRemove = new List<string>();
foreach (var e in someList)
foreach (var key in keysToRemove)

And keep getting the error: An item with the same key has already been added. I'm using VS 2012.

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C# :: Dictionary User Input?

Jan 30, 2014

how to see if what the user says is in the dictionary. I do not know what to put in ContainsKey() or after the information in console.writeline. I just want the user to type in the key then see if it is in the dictionary then print out the value if it is.

while ( Console.ReadLine() != "exit" )
Console.WriteLine("Type in word");
if (clothingDictionary.ContainsKey()== true)
Console.WriteLine("key is {0}, value is {1}", );

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C# :: Display Items From Dictionary

Jan 18, 2014

I am creating a student management system (using classes) for my assignment and am stuck with designing UI. I made the classes but am not sure what the best control is to display items from a Dictionary<> object. Right now I am using the ListView because of the columns in details view...just want to know if there is a better, simpler control I could use if i want to display data (without using sql)...or is the good old "next" and "previous" option the simplest?

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C/C++ :: Dictionary Logic - Searching For More Words?

Nov 18, 2014

I need to create code based upon the following pseudo code:

file containing words to search for=external file

While there more words to search, for search the dictionary if the entire dictionary is searched and the word is not found, return the word, search the dictionary for the next element (and so on)

I cannot for the life of me figure out the sequence of loops to do this. The following code returns all of the words instead of just the ones not found in the dictionary, but it's all I've got after countless changes:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string dictword;
ifstream dictionary;

[Code] ....

And it returns every word in the external file.

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C++ :: Medical Dictionary - Spell Check Terminology

Sep 28, 2013

A friend of mine is taking classes currently and using open office. He asked if I could create a program that would spell check medical terminology. He said that he has a program that works with Microsoft word but it will not work with open office.

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C# :: Random Select Dictionary Values Not Displaying

Apr 10, 2014

I am having trouble getting values of a dictionary to display in a label and radio button text after the dictionary key is randomly selected.

I first created a class called TheoryQuestions and created a new instance of the class for each dictionary entry. Each entry contains strings for Question, RadioButton Text(x4), and Correct Answer.

The random generator is actually selecting a random number as I can display the generated number in a label. The problem is that the dictionary string values held in the dictionary position represented by the random number are not being displayed.

Here is my TheoryQuestion Class

public class TheoryQuestion {
bool BeenAsked = false;
public string Question

[Code] .....

Its probably some mistake I have made but I just can't see it.

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C++ :: Simple Dictionary Search - No Contents Found

Feb 8, 2013

There is no content when i search word in the dictionary.txt....this is my example of dictionary.txt...in the add case it is working,,only in search case...

dictionary.txt content.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int counter=0;
char op;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Assign Unique Integer Values For Words In Dictionary

Mar 25, 2013

I need to assign unique integer values to words in a dictionary that have the same alphabets, for example 'act' and 'cat' should have the same integer value. Would just adding the ascii values of the letters be sufficient?

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