C++ :: Checking If Variables Are Pairwise Distinct

Jul 23, 2014

If I want to check if all the variables are pairwise distinct, i.e. they're all different. Here's a code I wrote to do this:

if (s!=e&&s!=n&&s!=d&&s!=m&&s!=o&&s!=r&&s!=y&&e!=n&&e!=d)
if (e!=m&&e!=o&&e!=r&&e!=y&&n!=d&&n!=m&&n!=o&&n!=r&&n!=y)
if (d!=m&&d!=o&&d!=r&&d!=y&&m!=o&&m!=r&&m!=y&&o!=r&&o!=y&&r!=y)

Is there perhaps some function that would let me do this in a lot shorter way, i.e. something like this (that would act the same way my other code does): if (different(s,m,d,e,o,n,y))

What is the best way you can think of? Without having all those variables in an array. Otherwise it wouldn't be so hard to create a function.

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C++ :: Bit-checking Across Multiple Classes Private Variables

Oct 6, 2013

I am writing a bit-check function just to make it easier on myself to check status flags in my classes. I use char variables and each bit represents something on or off. Since I have numerous classes that will use this functionality, it makes sense to write and compile the code only one time rather than for each class. I was thinking of writing the function and including it as a "friend" function to each class that needs it. Is that an appropriate way to do it?

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C/C++ :: Maintaining Two Distinct Linked Lists?

Mar 21, 2015

The assignment is apparently pretty classic: given a starting state and a goal state, show the optimal path to solve a 3x3 sliding puzzle.

I have the code in place.Where I'm experiencing major issues is in maintaining two distinct linked lists. One should contain the frontier of the A-star algorithm and the other records the optimal path. In execution, however, it seems that only one list is in local memory in any one function. Therefore, when my function recurses, the lists begin to get confused and the whole algorithm veers off course.

Here is my structure definition in list.h:

typedef struct node {
int value;
int state[3][3];
struct node *next;
} Node;
typedef struct list {
int count;
Node *first;
} List;

Here is my List_create function in list.c (do I need malloc here?):

void List_create(List *list)
list->first = NULL;

And here's how I'm declaring the lists in main.c:

int main(void)
List open;
List closed;

Here's the general flow of the program, without posting a wall of code: both lists are passed to another function in main.c, expand(), with this line:

expand(current, gState, &open, &closed);

The lists are later passed from expand() to another main.c function, generateOptions(), in this line:

generateOptions(&array, goalState, open, closed);

generateOptions() returns back to expand(), which recurses on itself with the first item in the open list and continues the expansion:

expand(open->first, goalState, open, closed);

Strangely, the open list prints out correctly before generateOptions() returns to expand(), and the closed list prints out correctly after generateOptions() returns to expand(). But when I try to print the open list in expand(), I'm instead given the closed list. Like I said at the outset, it appears that only one list exists at a time!

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C/C++ :: Counting Number Of Distinct Values

Mar 5, 2014

I am trying to write a function that will count the number of distinct values in an array of N size and return that number. For example array a[n] = {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1}. My code won't look exactly like this because I am using an array that can be modified by user input. it is part of a bigger program that will also has a function for finding the Equilibrium Index for that same array. This is what my Code looks like:

void findDistinctValues() {
int t = 0;
int j = 0;
int disValue = 0;
for( i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {

[Code] .....

This function works but the problem is it returns 16, or the number of times that the number being compared does not equal the one it is being compared to. how do I get it to only return the number of distinct values? The data set mentioned above is what I am using for input data so it should only have 3 values.

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C :: Calculate Number Of Distinct Values Entered Into Array

Sep 12, 2013

I'm trying to calculate the number of distinct values entered into an array. If i enter the followings "3,4,5,6,7,7,6,e (anything that's not a number)" . I get a total of 7 but in reality it should be a 5.


#include <stdio.h>
//---------function to find the distinct values----
int find_distinct(int list[], int size)
int i, j,size2, distinct = 0;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)


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C++ :: Count Number Of Distinct Edges Using Set Based Algorithm

Sep 8, 2014

So I have this set


now using sba or Set Based Algorithm I have to pair it out and towards the end find the size of the resulting set

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
int main()


this is the code just reads the edges that's 3... that is when we input the code. But what if its in a file? how do I read from there and show the paired count and the time taken?

Also I have the file that works and reads any txt file..but how do i get the code from it?


this is the file..you have to run it as ./edgecount for it to work

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Visual C++ :: LINQ Query To Select Distinct Value From Datatable

Oct 29, 2013

I entered to Visual C++ 2010. Now my intention is to prepare a LINQ Query to select a distinct value from a datatable...

In C# My Query
var ProjLnkQry = (from P in MyClass1.ProjTbl.AsEnumerable() select P["proj_name"]).Distinct().ToList();

The above query I try to convert it into VIsual C++

auto DistDepQry=(from v1 in MyGlobalData::ProjectTbl::AsEnumaerable() select v1["depart_name"])->Distinct()->ToList();

But not succeeded.... I found the error like : "from" undeclared Identifier.....

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C :: Bit Checking - Stack Overflow

Sep 19, 2013

I usually check if a bit is set using:

Code: bit = (number >> n) & 1; where `n` is the bit I want to check...

But I came across a stackoverflow answer saying:

bit = number & (1 << x); will not put the value of bit x into bit unless bit has type _Bool (<stdbool.h>).

Otherwise, bit = !!(number & (1 << x)); will..

So why is this? why the double !?

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C :: Checking Whether A String Is Palindrome Or Not

Nov 4, 2013

Everything seems to be correct from my perspective. heres the program: Code: /*c program to check whether a string is palindrome or not*/


int main(void) {
char str[30];
int i,j,flag=0;

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Turn Up Error Checking On IDE

Dec 8, 2013

The reason being is that it says that my program is right

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NFlights 10
struct date {
int month;
int day;
int year;
int hour;
int minute;

[Code] ....

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C :: Language Syntax Checking

Jun 15, 2013

Q. In context of C language syntax checking, which of the following can be modeled using Finite Automata?

(A) Detecting proper termination of an instruction.
(B) Detecting balance of parentheses.
(C) Detecting initialization of a variable.
(D) None of the above.

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C++ :: Checking If Key With Modifier Pressed?

Jan 31, 2015

I am new to C++ , i want to know how to check if a key with modifier is pressed.

When I use GetAsyncKeyState() it gives me error identifier not found.

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C++ :: Checking For 3D Primitive Collisions

Aug 4, 2013

I think I may have found a new way of checking for 3d polygon collisions, but I'm not sure. The method involves...

1. finding the planes that the primitives lie on
2. finding the line where the planes intersect
3. if both polys have points on both sides of the line AND have points that overlap on the 1d space of the line, then they intersect.

I have some half done code testing this, and so far it seems to be sound and fairly fast. These are some average time-tests done on my machine for each part:

1. 30 microseconds (both)
2. 7 microseconds
3. TBD

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C++ :: Checking If A Program Is Running?

Jun 17, 2014

I have a question, how can I check if a program is running using c++? For example

if (notepad.exe is running) {
.... ..... ....

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C++ :: Checking For Deallocated Memory?

Jul 20, 2014

How would I go about checking for deallocated memory?

For example, let's take this into consideration:

// Unsigned 32-bit / 64-bit integer: uint32, uint64
uint32* Pointer = new uint32[ Size ];
uint64 MemAddr = ( uint64 ) Pointer;
delete[] Pointer;

The above code would proceed to create a new array, store it in a pointer and retrieve the memory address of the array before finally deleting the array.

So let's assume we re-build the pointer and try to access the now deallocated array:

Pointer = ( uint32* ) MemAddr;
Pointer[ 0 ] = 0;

Based on the above snippets of code, how would I check "Pointer" after rebuilding the memory to check if the rebuilt memory has actually been deallocated. Without a check we'd get an exception error.

A bit of detail on why I am trying this:

Before thinking up how to do this, I was storing the addresses in a list and check the list for the addresses to see if they existed or not. However this requires an O(n) search, which isn't exactly what I am wanting. So instead if I used a check for deallocation method, I can go for an O(1) time check and reduce the total time it would take to check for memory allocation/deallocation.

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C/C++ :: Checking For A Space In Scanf

Jan 23, 2014

I have created a prompt which prompts the user for an integer and I have set up a loop to check for if it is an integer or not. My "bug" is that a user can enter an "integer" and "space" and "enter" and it does not give any error and assumes that "All is FINE!". I have gotten the value from the ascii table of 'SPACE' and put it as a check in my parameter of while, but it does not work.

Here is my code:

int x, y, boolean, i;
char buff[256];
printf("Enter the first integer value: ");
scanf("%s", buff);
i = 0;
boolean = 0; //initializing our boolean var that will eventually decide if we have an error or not


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C/C++ :: Checking Typename In Templates

Mar 6, 2014

Suppose you have a templated class, such as

template <typename T>
class Matrix {
// some stuff and some methods

and let's say that you have some methods that need to do some type-dependent stuff, like, for example,

template <typename T>
Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::transpose() const {
// get this->rowCount, this->columnCount
// create a Matrix that has rowCount amount of columns and columnCount amount of rows
// copy (*this)[j][k] to theMatrix[k][j] (for all of the entries in *this)
// if the entries are complex, take the complex conjugate of them all

Would it be good practice to check explicitly for the typename parameter (or is this, somehow, defeating the purpose of templates)? std::cout << "I know that this is a design question, but it needs to be asked... ";

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C/C++ :: Strtok And Null Checking?

Mar 1, 2015

I'm playing around with parts of code and am coming across some errors. Most of my concern is related to strtok(). I've used it before but with a char* named token. I used a while loop to continuously check whether token was equal to NULL. In the following code, however, there aren't any checks. I was wondering if that is why this code prints (null) while running. Also, I would like to know if it is possible to read input like this code attempts to do - assigning tokens to each variable one after the other.

The format of the input:

Zucchini, Squash, pound
Yellow, Squash, pound
Tomatoes, Ugly Ripe, each
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C++ :: Checking Type With Iterators

Oct 13, 2013

Assuming I have a list of pointers to a generic type T:

#include <vector>
list<T*> myList;

Now assuming I want to go on the list, and if T's type is matched to the type I'm looking for, then cast it to this type and do something. List shown here:

list<T*>:: const_iterator iter= myList.begin();
for(; iter!=myList.end(); ++iter){
if( typeid(*iter)==typeid(Something*)) //RUN-TIME ERROR

how do I fix this run-time error?

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C++ :: Checking To See If Integer Is A Character

Feb 14, 2014

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int x;
cout << "Enter character:";
cin >> x;

[Code] ....

If i type in:
How come it says that "this is not addition?

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C Sharp :: Checking If ID And Reg Already Exists

Jun 5, 2013

I have this table Profile which has fields with user_Id and regNo and I want to check first if id and email are already exists before proceed to inserting datas. In my codes, I am able to validate only one row (either id or reg number), but if I am going to validate the two of them, it gives me an error, saying "Must declare the scalar variable @userid". I dont know if it is with my select that is wrong or something in my codes

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=GATE-PCSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=dbProfile;Integrated Security=True");
    SqlCommand cmdd = new SqlCommand("select * from Profile where user_Id = @userid AND RegNo = @reg", con);  
    SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter();

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Checking For IDConfig In Makefile?

Mar 29, 2012

How do I check for ldconfig in a makefile? This makefile errors because it tries to run ldconfig, even though OS = Darwin

ifeq ($(SHARED),1)
install: banner install_headers $(lib_target)
@echo "Install shared library"
cp -f ./$(lib_target) $(inst_path)
cd $(inst_path) ;

[Code] ....


/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `Darwin,Darwin'
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `ifneq (Darwin,Darwin)'
make: *** [install] Error 2
make: ldconfig: No such file or directory
make: *** [uninstall] Error 1

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Visual C++ :: Checking Denominator Zero Value

Dec 21, 2012

To calculate line slope I am using formula ,

line_slope = (meanxy - (meanx * meany)) / (meanyy) - (meany * meany));

All the variables are floats.

How to check whether the denominator .. (meanyy)- (meany * meany)) is zero ? Cause its float.

can I check with ..

float f1 = (meanyy) - (meany * meany) ;

if (f1 == 0.0) ..

Will this work surely ? I am using this formula in project based on winXP but it survived. As soon as I ported the code on DPMI based code , I observed a system hang after some time if all the points I supply are (0,0) while drawing a line.

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C++ :: Checking If A Filestream Was Properly Opened

Apr 9, 2013

I' used to check if my streams are properly opened with a simple:

if (!file)
std::cout<<"Error message";

However I just realized this is only a valid test if they are initialized with a wrong string and when I tested it:

int main() {
ifstream f_one("input.txt");
ifstream f_two("not_a_file.txt");
ifstream f_three;

[Code] ....

I didn't get the f_three error message, only the f_two.

how should I check my streams in order to prevent this?

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C :: Checking What User Has Entered (City)

Mar 9, 2013

I am using Dev C++ on a windows computer.

In my code, the user enters the name of a city, and then according to what city it is, the program displays the coordinates of that city

I can't find a way of figuring out and checking which city the user has entered so the code can displays its appropriate latitude and longitude.

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C# :: Tool For Checking Functions In Assembly?

Oct 15, 2012

is there a tool to find all functions and classes in an assembly?

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