C++ :: Chain Of Command?

Jan 12, 2014

a) Write a C-program that creates a chain of 10 processes and prints out their process ids and relationships. For example, process 1 is the parent of process 2, process 2 is the parent of process 3, process 3 is the parent of 4 and so on. Each child has to print out all her ancestors identified by the process ids.

b) Write a C-program that creates a fan of 10 processes. That is, process 1 is the parent of prcocesses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on.

I'm assuming that he means c++ since that's what we've been using. how to start this and what it means? Or where I can learn how to do this.

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C :: Search Chain In String

Mar 23, 2013

i have a work to do that consists on a given char pointer to a chain and a also given char pointer to a string. i have to search that chain in the string, and return the position where the beginning of the two it's equal. but only if they are equal.

example: string is "abcd" and the chain is "bc". want to find the chain, and if it exists, the position return will be 2. in the work it says that we should use sprintf() too. here is my code, which is incomplet yet.


char* pos(char* C,char* S){
char *str = S;
char *chain = C;
int i, j, temp;
int lengthStr = strlength(C);
int lengthChain = strlength(S);


my doubt is how to use sprintf() and where. if i have to use malloc() and free(),

other examples:


1 5

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C :: Multiple Expression Arguments In If Else Chain

Jul 9, 2013

Ok, I got everything else to work in a two part exercise except for the 2nd part.

The first part had me take up to 20 grades, calculate total, average, and then list the grades with a '*' next to ones that were lower than the average... good to go.

Now in the 2nd part of the exercise I have to also associate a letter grade with the grades in the list. I have done a "if else" chain, but am having an issue with multiple arguments and not sure if I have gone the right route.


//Cameron Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAXARRAY 20


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C++ :: Add Or Remove Integer To A Chain Of Integers Created By User

Mar 25, 2014

I got everything in this code running except for my remove function. What the project does is adds or removes an integer to a chain of integers created by the user. My add function works the first time but after that if I try to remove or add I believe it is pointing to the improper location and I don't know how to fix this....

Here is my code:

// adds "number" to the array pointed to by "arrayPtr" of "size".
// Note the size of the array is thus increased.
void addNumber(int *& arrayPtr, int number, int &size);
// removes a "number" from the "arrayPtr" of "size".
// if "number" is not there -- no action

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Execute Command In Command Prompt From Specific Path

Feb 15, 2013

I am facing a problem in C++,I want to execute a command in Command prompt from a specific path.I am able o select a path and execute cmd.exe using the function ShellExecute but the problem is after selecting the path I am not able to execute the command, the command is appearing on another command prompt.

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C++ :: How To Make Dll And Lib Using G++ Command Prompt

Mar 6, 2015

1. What is dll and lib?

2. How do I make dll and lib using g++ command prompt?

Also, how do I link libraries using g++?

Any good websites that covers my questions,

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C :: How To Implement A Generic Command

Jun 11, 2013

I have to make a prgrama using the C programming language that is able to read several lines of commands entered by the user and interpret it as a command to run.

I have to implement the following command:

a) Command generic - program should be able to read any one command and execute the same command on the operating system through primitives for implementing generic processes (eg "ls-l/etc").

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C :: Command Line Arguments

Jul 28, 2013

I am using visual studio 2010 c++ express for C/C++ programming but is novice here to take command line arguments..i did went to project->properties->debugging and specified there the command line arguments but it didnt work..i think i need to know the format to enter the arguments.

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C :: Adding A Command To Program

Dec 2, 2013

I'd like to add a 'command' to my C program. For example if someone types 'get out' it closes the shell and quits. I want the 'get out' command to work like 'exit'. How do I write a code like this

char entry[15];
]", &entry);
if (entry = "get out")
do "exit";

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C++ :: Command To Get A Line From The User

Sep 16, 2014

int get_command_line (char * sa) {
char * s;
char * l = fgets(s, 300*5, stdin);
int i = 0;
int j;
int n;

[Code] ....

The aim is to have the function return the number of arguments made after assigning each of the arguments to a c string stored in an array of five pointers. This is how I declare this:

int main(void)
int n;
char s0[300];
char s1[300];
char s2[300];
char s3[300];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Using File From Command Line

Apr 13, 2013

I'm trying to read in a file specified in the command line but I'm having some trouble. The command line entry specifies the inputfile preceded by '<' and the output file preceded by '>' like so

./program -v < input_file.cmd > output_file.cmd

This is what I've got so far.

int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
string strv="-v";
string input="<";
string output=">";
string str;
string input_file;
const char* in=input_file.c_str();

[Code] .....

This compiles ok, but when i run it using :

./program -v < test1.cmd

I get a segfault, if i cout argc it returns '2' where i would expect for this command line entry, I 'd get 4.

I'm not yet outputting to file, just to the screen so im not specifying an output file yet.

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C# :: How To Send A Command To Another Form

Oct 12, 2014

I've been trying to send a command to another form, but it didn't work. Here's what I've done:

I have a listview.

I have a textbox and button.

I want to write something on the textbox from Form2, click on the button and let it appear on the listview on Form 1.

Here's my code, but doesn't work />

public void UpdateListBox(string data) {
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(data);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Form1 frm1 = new Form1();

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C/C++ :: How To Use Command Prompt In Windows 8.1

Jul 1, 2014

I am studying C How to Program book and want to run GuessNumber Game.

My system command prompt gives C:UsersAcer>_. And GuessNumber path is C:UsersAcercode_examplesGuessNumberWindows.

I am getting below error after pressing enter. How I can run this program.

‘code_examplesch01GuessNumberWindows’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

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C/C++ :: How To Know Command Line Is Empty Or Not

Mar 13, 2013

I am writing a c++ program in Linux.. I am reading a line from commandline at run time using "getline(std::cin,str);". now, what i want is if i left the commandline as idle (terminal as idle), then i want to know that the commandline is empty... is it possible ???

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C++ :: Compiler Command Line Arguments

Jun 15, 2013

I have found this C++ online compiler (to use when I am at work): Compile and Execute C++ online

When you write and compile a program, on the right side (the "output" side), you can read this command line arguments:

$ g++ main.cpp -o demo -lm -pthread -lgmpxx -lreadline 2>&1

What is the meaning of the following arguments? -lm [link the math header file, right?]


Any book (ebook, tutorial, printed book, whatever) where I can find all (absolutely all) these and other possible arguments?

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C++ :: Execute HTTP Command From Code

Jun 17, 2014

I'm working on a project that's got a lot of moving parts, from feedback from a position sensor to real-time video editing. The script that runs the sensor is in C++, and the API for the video editing software (vMIX) is executed with HTTP protocol. I'm hoping to use that C++ script to control the video software (as some of the editing is dependent on particular feedback from the sensor), and wanted to see how to execute a HTTP command from a C++ script.

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C++ :: Make Command In Bash Terminal

Nov 27, 2014

I've recently refreshed my mac by reinstalling the operating system. Uploaded the previous C and C ++ source scripts I was working with but when I go to compile them through the bash terminal it says command not found? Im not sure whats going because I thought that all the gcc files were already available? What am I messing here.

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C :: Reading A File Through Command Line

Jul 11, 2013

I'm currently working on making a program that is run through a GUI run through the command line. The program basically takes an app file and a boot file and runs it through a bunch of functions and generates a new outfile. Anyway I'm new to C and can't figure out how to code it so I can type the two file paths into the command line and read them into the function. Is it possible to do this within the "if else" statement?

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
const char * const SrcFilePath;
const char * const SRecordPath;
const char * const FopIspFilePath;

[Code] ....

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C :: Simple Command Line Arguments

Jan 22, 2013

I tried the exercise 5 on page 312 of King's Book C programming A modern approach second edition. Write a program named sum.c that adds up its command line arguments which are assumed to be integers . Running the program by typing :

sum 8 24 62 should produce the following input

Total : 94

Use the atoi function to convert each command line argument from string form to integer form

My solution is :


int main(int argc , char *argv[])
int i , sum=0;


It is running good without problems but I am wondering because it is very small solution with few lines of code.

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C :: Program Stalled At System Command?

Dec 22, 2014

I am trying to recreate this bash command in c code:

Code: bash-4.2$ exec 3<<<teststring
bash-4.2$ cat <&3

I've written a small program to do this as shown below:

Code: bash-4.2$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>


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C :: How Command Line Arguments Work

Aug 17, 2013

I want to see how the command line arguments work. However I don't know how to enter this input. show me a method to see if my code works?

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C :: Running A VBS Script Int Without Command Window

Dec 19, 2014

I have created an scientific calculator application and I have a VBS script that runs some of the files. I want to create a C program that runs that VBS script. however, a command window flashes before the application opens. So basically I need a short C (or C++) program that runs a VBS script without a command window popping up. I am on Windows 8 and my compiler is GCC/G++ under cygwin. Here is what I have now that DOES NOT work.


#include <windows.h>
int main()
ShellExecute( NULL, NULL, "StartUp.vbs", NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE);
return 0;

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C++ :: Console Application Should Be Like A Command Prompt

Feb 10, 2015

my C++ console application should be like a command prompt. There are "command lines" to execute in the command prompt.Here are my main prompts for spotlight:

Encode - New data entry
View - Read data from text file
Search - Find record from text file
Update - Save changes per text line from the existing text file
Delete - Delete lines from the text file

Now, I manage to do the tasks for Encode, View, and Search..But unfortunately, not in Update..I've been working this for a week already..

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "string"
#include "fstream"
using namespace std; //to omit the std


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C++ :: SMTP Error With Data Command

Jul 6, 2014

I work currently on the program and I need send a mail. I have a problem with a data SMTP command. Indeed, this command return this error message:

503 5.5.0 <DATA>: Data command rejected: Improper use of SMTP command pipelining

This is my source code (just the interesting part ;)):

char data[] = "HELO smtp.yopmail.com
"MAIL FROM:<test@gmail.com>
"RCPT TO:<zaegffhgjhgfghjtertfgd@yopmail.com>

[Code] .....

I don't understand why it don't work because the same command work when I use it manualy in console. I'm on Ubuntu ....

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C++ :: Program That Executes A Command Between Computers

Jul 28, 2014

I'm currently making something with C++ for a computer at my house. I have a program in which I let run minimized and hidden on my home computer which will save any application that is opened. It will log it so I know if my kids are on my office computer (they shouldn't be.).

I'm curious as to if I can make the program linked to a program I make on my work computer (at my workplace) and execute a command. I'm interested in making it so I can always be connected from the Workplace app to the Home Office App.

My idea for the program is to have a sort of administrative way of shutting the computer down or locking it remotely. If I see they are using the PC in my office, I want to be able to simply type a phrase and shut the computer off or lock them out.

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C++ :: How To Execute One Command Using Batch File

May 20, 2013

I want to execute one command using batch file but non of below code is working. Following are codes for executing batch file, First trial:-

ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
si.cb = sizeof(si);
ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) );
if( !CreateProcess( NULL,
"cmd /C sa.bat",


Non of above code is working for me but when open same batch file using double click it work like I expected.

Following is content of the file,

C:windowssystem32wusa /uninstall /kb:2718695 /quiet /forcerestart

Command use to uninstall internet explorer 10 an install internet explorer9.

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