C :: Search Chain In String

Mar 23, 2013

i have a work to do that consists on a given char pointer to a chain and a also given char pointer to a string. i have to search that chain in the string, and return the position where the beginning of the two it's equal. but only if they are equal.

example: string is "abcd" and the chain is "bc". want to find the chain, and if it exists, the position return will be 2. in the work it says that we should use sprintf() too. here is my code, which is incomplet yet.


char* pos(char* C,char* S){
char *str = S;
char *chain = C;
int i, j, temp;
int lengthStr = strlength(C);
int lengthChain = strlength(S);


my doubt is how to use sprintf() and where. if i have to use malloc() and free(),

other examples:


1 5

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C++ :: Chain Of Command?

Jan 12, 2014

a) Write a C-program that creates a chain of 10 processes and prints out their process ids and relationships. For example, process 1 is the parent of process 2, process 2 is the parent of process 3, process 3 is the parent of 4 and so on. Each child has to print out all her ancestors identified by the process ids.

b) Write a C-program that creates a fan of 10 processes. That is, process 1 is the parent of prcocesses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on.

I'm assuming that he means c++ since that's what we've been using. how to start this and what it means? Or where I can learn how to do this.

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C :: Multiple Expression Arguments In If Else Chain

Jul 9, 2013

Ok, I got everything else to work in a two part exercise except for the 2nd part.

The first part had me take up to 20 grades, calculate total, average, and then list the grades with a '*' next to ones that were lower than the average... good to go.

Now in the 2nd part of the exercise I have to also associate a letter grade with the grades in the list. I have done a "if else" chain, but am having an issue with multiple arguments and not sure if I have gone the right route.


//Cameron Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAXARRAY 20


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C++ :: Add Or Remove Integer To A Chain Of Integers Created By User

Mar 25, 2014

I got everything in this code running except for my remove function. What the project does is adds or removes an integer to a chain of integers created by the user. My add function works the first time but after that if I try to remove or add I believe it is pointing to the improper location and I don't know how to fix this....

Here is my code:

// adds "number" to the array pointed to by "arrayPtr" of "size".
// Note the size of the array is thus increased.
void addNumber(int *& arrayPtr, int number, int &size);
// removes a "number" from the "arrayPtr" of "size".
// if "number" is not there -- no action

[Code] .....

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C :: Search File For String

Aug 22, 2014

I should state that I am recently new to C programming. I have dabbled with Python in the past, but nothing formal. I am taking a C programming class, but it is an introductory course. As such, the instructor is moving extremely slow through the material.

With this program, I am trying to search a given text file (line-by-line) for user-submitted data. I then want to be able to store which line that data was found on. The program runs, but it always results in "Sorry, couldn't find a match." Even if it shouldn't.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


I should probably explain my overall goal with this program.I would like to write a program that will calculate the molecular weight of a compound. I expect the user entered molecular compound to be something like this: CH3COOH (An equivalent entry could be C2H4O2)Also, it needs to be case sensitive because the chemical formulas are case sensitive.

The output will be "The molecular weight of CH3COOH is xxx.xxxxx grams".I have two text files as well. One contains a list of all chemical symbols, and the second is a list of all atomic weights in the same order as the first. I want to place the user inputted data into an array, then search for each element of that array in the chemical symbol text file. It will show which line it was found on, then I can use that line to grab the atomic weight from the second text file.

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C :: Binary Search With String Algorithm

Oct 3, 2013

I'm trying to use the biSearch function to search for a keyword in the dictionary.

int biSearch(Dict DictEntries[MAXENTRIES],int start, int finish,char *keyword) {
int mid = (start+finish)/2;
int index = strcmp(DictEntries[mid].key,keyword);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: BAC Calculator - String Stream Search

May 14, 2013

I am working on a project which is a fairly simply BAC calculator. I am attempting to grab data from a text file, which contains state abbreviation, maximum BAC before aggravated, and minimum license suspension. The text file looks like

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

float MALE_RATE = 0.68, FEMALE_RATE = 0.55, LEGAL_LIMIT = 0.08;
//percent of body weight which holds alcohol

[Code] ....

The code I am struggling with is the getline and stringstream which is near the bottom.

The output I am getting is

The maximum BAC before aggrevated DUI in AL is .15
The minimum penalty in AL is 90 day suspension of license

I get that for every state I type. I know it is reading the first line, but something in my code does not allow it to read the other lines

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C++ :: How To Search For A Specific Character In A String

Feb 4, 2015

i'm doing a validation exercise program. Just a question, how do i search an inputted string for a certain character?

For example:


I wanna determine and find out the where the '.' sign is.

I'm doing an if-else conditions, i need to determine where the character is located and make sure it doesn't repeat.

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C# :: Search / Highlight And Replace String

Jan 11, 2014

I am a beginner of c#.. i have try to made a windows notepad and face some issues. I want to add find string from open file... and also want to replace it with a new string... Is there any simple and easy solution to this problem??

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C :: Strstr Function / Search And Replacing New String

Sep 23, 2013


#define MAX 25
int main(void)
int ch;


i think that cause this program to be error.because when i using the reference from internet, the program was executed for sure.This code what i mean

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 10
int main () {
int ch;
char str[] ="This is a simple string";
char str1[MAX];
char str2[MAX];


and rather than that i didnt have anymore idea to make that replacing string.

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C :: Search A Requested String And Output Into 16 Byte

Mar 20, 2013

So basically here I have a menu in my C program and if I were to select option 2, I would enter a string up to 30 characters and it would output each block of 16 bytes should be shown which contains a character in the requested string. However, when I compile and run the program and search for the string, nothing happens. what I may be doing wrong?


else if (select == 2){
printf("Enter a string of up to 30 characters: ");
scanf("%s", &userstr);
//Compares both user's string and file string
for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
if (strcmp (buffer, userstr) !=0){


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C++ :: Binary Search Of String In Array Of Objects

Oct 20, 2013

I need to search for a string in an array of objects, this is what I have but it does not seem to work, it always gives me the second string in the array instead of the one that i search for.

void binarySearch(Student S[], string name) {
int first = 0;
int last = 9;
int middle;
int position = -1;
bool found = false;


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C/C++ :: Strrchr Function - Search For A String From The Reverse

Feb 27, 2014

I understand that the strrchr function is supposed to search for a string from the reverse. Unfortunately, mine isn't doing that.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main() {
char userinput[100] = "null";
char searchchar;
char *s;
char try_Again;

[Code] ....

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C :: Linear Search Function Accessing String In A Struct?

Apr 5, 2013

I currently have a file which allows inputs to record different transistor types. I then have the task of accessing this structure, find a certain manufacturer ID, and print the information about this particular transistor.

My problem is accessing the array to search through.

Here is my code:

#include "stdio.h"
const int IDLEN=30; //All constant values defined
const int POLARITYLEN=3;
const int MAXSTOCKITEMS=10;
//First structure defined
struct TransistorRec {


The errors I am currently getting are on line 54 'expected primary-expression before "struct"' and on line 60 ' 'maunfacturersID' undeclared'

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C++ :: Search Dynamic Array For A String And Return Indices

Feb 20, 2015

I need it to search a dynamic array which I build from an input file. When it finds the user-input string, I want it to store the line number, and continue searching, and record all lines that contain the user-input string.

Here is a link to my complete main.cpp, header file, and implementation file. The function I am having trouble with is "Bagger::lineSearch"

[URL] ....

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C++ :: Search In A Vector Array From User Input String?

Sep 30, 2013

How would you search in a vector array from a user input string?

ex: user input : "Hello"

output: search vector array and find the line that has the string "Hello" and output the array "Hello" is on?

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C++ :: Search And Find The Shortest Queue And Search After Some Condition?

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to implement a Task scheduler where i have n number of tasks. The Idea behind my task scheduler is that in a loop of queues of a vector, task should get enqueued to the shortest queue among the loop of queues, which is done by the following code.

#include <vector>
#include <queue>
std::vector<std::queue<int> > q
int min_index = 0;
task t // implemented in the other part of the program

[Code] ....

Next i am trying to extend this paradigm to reduce the overhead time of the scheduler, Instead of searching the shortest queue every time, search after some condition ie. search the shortest queue after 5 tasks gets enqueued to the shortest queue.

i need to do something like this

#include <vector>
#include <queue>
std::vector<std::queue<int> > q
task t // implemented in the other part of the program
while(q[min_index].size()!=q[min_index].size()+5) // check whether current min_index queue's size is increased 5 more times if not goto enqueue


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C++ :: Binary Search And Sequential Search Algorithm

Sep 16, 2013

Write a program to find the number of comparisons using the binary search and sequential search algorithms

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "orderedArrayListType.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "." << endl;


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C++ :: Binary Search Or Linear Search For 3D Array

Oct 7, 2014

inputting a search array. I tried putting a binary search but I can't get it to work. everything else works up until I put the value I am searching for in the array, then it just crashes.

How it suppose to work: input 2 coordinates with a value each then it calculates the distance between them then it suppose to let user search the coordinates for a value and state if found which coordinate it is at.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> //for setprecision
#include <math.h>


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C++ :: Convert Binary Search With Int Array To Use String Array

May 8, 2014

I'm having trouble converting this binary search with an int array to use a string array..


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Function prototype
int binarySearch(string [], int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Search For Certain Value

Mar 28, 2013

I am having difficulties doing this program. i dont know how to search for the value 80.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class SortArray {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Search For The Value 80

Mar 29, 2013

i am having difficulties doing this program. i dont know how to search for the value 80.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class SortArray {
int randomArray[];
int find(int randomArray[], int len, int seek);


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C :: How To Do Search In Struct

Jul 9, 2014

So i create a simple structure,that has a firstname, lastname, age, dateofbirth.I would like it if i type what I am searching for print out there is one or not.But i have some trouble with equals(in array).. i type in the same "keresettnev" as "tanulok[i].Firstname" but it thinks not the same. (it works with age..)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct student {
char *Firstname[40];
char *Lastname[40];
int age;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Search For The Key Given A Content In Map?

Jan 7, 2014

In a C++ map, is there any way to search for the key given a content? Example:

I have this map:

map<int,string> myMap;
myMap[0] = "foo";

Is there any way that I can find the corresponding int, given the value "foo"?

cout << myMap.some_function("foo") <<endl;

Output: 0

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C++ :: How To Correct The Search In The End Of Program

Jun 1, 2013

class air_line {
char name[5][100],name1;
long double opt,opt1,opt2,cnic[5],ticket_number[5],ticket_number1,cnic1;
void input()


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C++ :: Search Binary Tree

Aug 12, 2014

It has been a while since I built a binary tree from scratch so I decided to do it. Everything works fine but this one function. When I enter a number to search it just keeps running and allowing me to keep enter numbers.

void tree::search(int key,Node* leaf) {
if (leaf == NULL) {
std::cout<<"The tree is empty

[Code] ......

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