C/C++ :: TCPIP Socket Client Programming In Redhat Linux Using Eclipse CDT

Mar 16, 2014

This is my sample socket tcp ip program , problem here is when i give working ip address and port number, it is showing default ip address as and it is Waiting on (1978=port number) i.e., "connection on %d...", SERVER_PORT.

void socket_server_demo(void){
int iserver_socket = -1;
int iclient_socket = -1;
unsigned char bTemp[1024];
unsigned int iTemp = 0;

[Code] ....

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C :: Netstat And PS Commands For Client / Server Socket Programming

Mar 3, 2013

I made client server program with fork ,without using signal handler because I want to see the status zombie for parent server, but when i execute "ps" command i didn't see anything for server or client pid or ppid ,i wonder about how to show the server and client process coz when i execute commad "ps" i saw only ps and bash processes???

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C :: Address Family Not Supported By Protocol In Socket Programming In Linux

Oct 31, 2013

I am writing on C simple socket programs in Linux. I wrote client and server C programs. My client program is Code: #include<sys/socket.h>//for socket(), connect(), sendto() and recvform()

#include<stdio.h>// for printf() and fprintf()


I am just testing whether can connect or not. I run server program first and client later. But when I run client, it showed that "Address family not supported by protocol".

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C/C++ :: Client To Client Communication Using Network Programming?

Feb 8, 2015

I am trying to make kind of a messenger using Socket/Network Programming

My program should allow clients to register or sign in, after they are signed in they should see a list of the other signed in people whoever I select from that list I should be able to implement using multiple threads as well.

I have done this much:

User.txt file



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>


Now issue is in this code I am getting error SEGEMENTATION ERROR, CORE DUMP

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C++ :: UDP Socket Library On Linux

Jan 29, 2014

I'm attempting to write a little UDP socket library in c++ on linux so a user can just create a new instance of a UDPSocket class, specify destination ip and port, and just connect. Then the user should be able to call send() or receive() in any order they want.. and here I encounter a little problem..

Most of the tutorials for udp socket sending out there include a bind() call when you create your "server" that is supposed to receive data, but the code that send data does not need one. Because I also want my library to support unicast/broadcast/multicast, I have read that I need to set the socket option SO_REUSEADDR on my sockets (since multiple sockets will need to be connected to same destination IP/port for broadcast/multicast)

My question is.. do I need to create 2 socket handles per "UDPSocke in order to make this work? One for sending and one for receiving data? In my code when I try to work with only 1 socket, it is only able to receive stuff from itself on unicast.. Or should I just remove the SO_REUSEADDR when in unicast mode, then try to bind with both sockets, accept that the bind will only work on the 1st socket, and take it from there?

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C :: UDO Socket Programming

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to test my client-server socket program wherein the client connects to the server,client sends a message, server receives it and echo back to the client.So far, in the program server receives the message from the client, prints it BUT when it tries to send the message back to the client it shows an error.

sendto(): Invalid argument.I am new to socket programming.


#include<stdio.h> //printf
#include<string.h> //memset
#include<stdlib.h> //exit(0)
#define BUFLEN 512 //Max length of buffer
#define PORT 10003 //The port on which to listen for incoming data


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C :: Socket Programming Getting Segfault

May 22, 2013

I am trying to send a packet across a client/server communication. I am getting a seg fault (while running the program(It compiles fine)) when I try to read the neighbor file, You should be able to see this below the comment /***** Read neighbor file***/ :


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>


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C/C++ :: Sending And Receiving Struct Over TCP Socket In Linux

Apr 4, 2012

I am trying to code a C program for sending a struct over TCP Socket in Linux! The code is as follows:

** sravan_server.c - a stream socket (TCP) server Program 
#include <stdio.h>

[Code] ....

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C :: Socket Programming And Console Control

Jan 4, 2014

I would like to make a program for final project, which can let me send any file to my computer at home, and i can access any files in my computer when i am not at home.sending and getting file will be with socket programming.

i would like to reach all folders in computer, not only the folder, where client program exist. how can i access other folders at remote computer by using my program?

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C++ :: Client Server Programming Using TTcpServer?

Jun 23, 2013

I am using the following code that I copied from a website to send some numbers using TTcpServer in C++.

void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) {
//Creating a stream
std::auto_ptr<TMemoryStream> myStream(new TMemoryStream);
for (byte i = 0; i < 9; i++) {


I do not understand what is being sent in the byte variable, nor why a byte variable was used. I want to send some strings instead of numbers, but I don't understand what's taking place so I can't identify what to change.

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C :: Linux Socket Multiple Connections But With Different Time Rate

Feb 6, 2015

i want to write a server and a client as below:

The server(and not the clients) will connect to the clients and just send a message. The idea is to be able to connect at each client a different time.

every 10mins connect at client 1
every 2mins connect at client 2
every 1hour connect at client 3
and so on...

So how to implement this ? Should i create a new child process for each connection and what about the timing ? A pseudo code also will work.

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C++ :: Image Transfer Between Linux Server And Windows Client

Jun 27, 2014

how send and receive images from linux server to windows client?

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C :: Socket Programming Support Multiple Ports - Defined Variables

Sep 3, 2013

I want to put my socket programming example of how it can support multiple ports. I want to make the process more requests from distributing particles to create non-blocking structure

ports support ports defined variable.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "unistd.h"
#include "errno.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "sys/socket.h"

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Make Transition From Console Programming To GUI Programming?

Nov 30, 2013

my a book or website where I can make a transition from console programming to GUI programming. I'm totally confused about this. I know how to program in console and can make a whole program based on console. I also know the OPP programming, but it's clear that nobody uses console programming anymore.

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C++ :: How To Create And Use DLL In Eclipse

Nov 21, 2013

I'm trying to find out how to create and use DLL's in eclipse.

I know general C++, library but i cannot figure out DLL's.

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C++ :: How To Compile With Eclipse

Oct 4, 2014

I have 2 c++ source files to put into my eclipse project and also a header file. How do I compile all of it to make an .exe file?

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C/C++ :: GUI Developing In Eclipse

Dec 19, 2014

I want to create GUI applications in eclipse CDT(minGW compiler). Are there tools/plugins integrated with eclipse cdt which can let you develop GUI by drag&drop for the following libraries: wxWidgets, GTK+, QT or even WinAPI ?

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C :: How To Compile Programs On Eclipse CDT

Aug 27, 2013

I just installed eclipse cdt for linux but i dont know how to compile programs on this IDE

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C :: How To Generate DLL File In Eclipse

Nov 16, 2013

I just re-installed my OS some days ago,which contained Visual Studio.But I don't want to use the VS any more(at least in my computer) as the interminable installing process.Then I take Eclipse as my C/C++ IDE by MinGW and CDT. My Java program need to load an DLL file which wrote by C.But when I generating the DLL file,I got some errors.It seems that the compiler cannot find the header files. By the way,I just want to implement the hello-world program in C and invoke it in the Java program.This is my Java testing program:


public class HelloWorld{ public native void printHelloWorld();
public static void main(String[] args){
new HelloWorld().printHelloWorld();

And this is the header file generating by "javah HelloWorld":


/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */#include <jni.h>/* Header for class HelloWorld */
#ifndef _Included_HelloWorld
#define _Included_HelloWorld
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


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C/C++ :: Compiler Configuration With Eclipse

Jul 7, 2014

I am using Eclipse to write C program. I download the CDT. However, I wrote the code but when I build it, I got an errors.

Make:*** No rule to make target all, Stop

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C++ :: Setting Up SFML With Eclipse CDT

Aug 12, 2013

I am having trouble setting up SFML 2.1 to run with the eclipse IDE for c++ development. I use MinGW for my compiler.

When I link my include folder, lib folder and dll's it will not run a simple SFML program.

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C++ :: Program Will Not Compile In Eclipse

Sep 18, 2014

This is my problem. What should I do to be able to compile this program?

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C++ :: Running Eclipse And Getting A Bunch Of Errors?

May 8, 2014

Im making a program on eclipse(linux), and getting a bunch of errors...

type string couldn't be resolved
symbol std couldn't be resolved
unresolved inclusion <iostream>
invalid preprocessing directive #include

know whats going on? I'm pretty sure it must be something with configuration..?

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C :: Program With Fscanf Keeps Crashing - Using Eclipse Kepler

Oct 13, 2013

So this program I have to make keeps spitting out an error report when I try and run it. I am using eclipse C kepler.

The file it is supposed to read has the following text;

R1 N001 N003 20
R2 N002 N001 5
R3 N001 0 10
R4 N002 N003 10
R5 N003 N000 5
I1 0 N002 10

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C/C++ :: Eclipse Terminating Executable After Adding A Bit Of Code

Feb 3, 2014

I have the following code

#include "../header/FileIO.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
std::string FileIO::ReadTXT(std::string filePath){
std::ifstream input(filePath.c_str());

[Code] ....

When I run it in Eclipse, it does not open an SDL window, and simply says <Terminated> Test.exe [C/C++ Application]. I can build the project successfully, but it simply won't run. There are no errors displayed.

HOWEVER, if I replace the above code with the code below, it runs fine, and creates an SDL window.

#include "../header/FileIO.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
std::string FileIO::ReadTXT(std::string filePath) {
std::string output;
return output;

To make things weirder, if I run it in debug mode, even with the first piece of code, it will run and open an SDL window.

On an unrelated note, what does " Can't find a source file at "e:pgiawsrcpkgmingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-srcld/../mingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-src/src/libcrt/crt/main.c"

Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location." mean? I am using Windows 8, MinGW, GDB 7.6.1-1, G++ 4.8.1-4, and MSYS 1.0.1 with Eclipse CDT.

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C :: Debugging A Code On Linux OS

Apr 11, 2013

I have a code that I'd like to debugg it.

1 - What is the correct command line to use the debugger ?
2 - Do I need to install additional software for the debugger ?

if yes what it's name?

I use ububtu 12.4compiling command: gcc abc.c -lpthread -o abc

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