C/C++ :: Stringstream Doesn't Pass Its Value Along

Dec 21, 2014

I just wanna have a very simple function that reads values from a text file row by row. The first value is passed along from the stringstream to my float data[] but after that it doesn't pass along anything. The strange part (for me at least) is that the stringstream contains the values it should contain, but they doesn't wanna end up in data[].

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>


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C++ :: How To Add Integer Value To Stringstream

May 19, 2014

How can I add integer value to a stringstream or read an integer value from it?

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C++ :: Getline Out Of Stringstream Should Not Cut Leading Whitespace

Jul 1, 2013

I have a std::stringstream sstr I read data from with getline(sstr, s, ',').

Now I don't want it to cut off the leading blanks. How can I do that?

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C++ :: Stringstream Consecutive White Space

Oct 1, 2013

So I have a text file named test.txt on the root of my c:/drive.

I finally managed to arrays working and reading into them, but when I started looking at the data in the array I noticed that stringstream was not "grabbing" a specified space. LINES 83-88

The text file contains the following (note that there is an intentional space after the first word):

I ' m s o r 0 y 4 D a v e , 5 12 12 12 3 7 f 11 2 i d 5 8 1 c 5 n 10 t 5 7 17 2 3 h 7 2 .

I need that space to be caught in the steam, there will always be only one space after a various first word, but I need it in my array and stringstream doesn't catch it.

if you need to run it, just copy the text to a file named c:/test.txt

When you run the code, you will see after the 3rd iteration it skips the space, is there a way to change this, so I can focus on the decryption algorithm??

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
bool is_number(const std::string& s){
std::string::const_iterator it = s.begin();

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Read Text File To Stringstream But Keep Line Feed

Jun 6, 2013

I build this function in my C++ code. I run the on a UNIX box, build HTML file to use in Windows.

In HTML file building code, I have only a string variable hold the contents of this text file (from unix) & add it into HTML file.

The issue is that when I view the HTML file on windows, it shows all the lines in the text file as one line. I think it lost the CRLF.

My question is when I add lines from text file (reading one line at a time) in UNIX, how do I maintain CRLF ( ) in the stringstream variable so that it will display on HTML in Windows properly, all the lines as it is in unix.

I am aware UNIX uses for line end.

string TextFileToString(string filename) {
string line;
stringstream dosString;
ifstream inFile;

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Passing Multiple Variable To Function That Has Stringstream And Text

Dec 24, 2013

I have a quick question about passing multiple variable to a func that has (stringstream & text). Here is the code:

void PrintText(stringstream & txt) {
cout << txt.str() << endl;
void main() {

[Code] ....

How to make second one work?

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C++ :: Stringstream - Split User Input Into Words Separated By Space

Apr 20, 2014

I trying to get input from the user and split into words that separated by a space.

string s = "1 2 3";
istringstream iss(s);
int n;
while (iss >> n) {
cout << "* " << n << endl;

The code above works fine but i want to get the string from user. the code below only prints the first word and trashes rest of the words in the sentence.

string s ;
istringstream iss(s);
string n;
while (iss >> n) {
cout << "* " << n << endl;

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C++ :: What Is The Difference Between Pass By Reference And Pass By Pointers

Jan 23, 2013

I've been given an assignment with the below questions.

1. What is the difference between pass by reference & pass by pointers?

2. What is the use of the initialization list in the constructor?

3. What is meant by a reference & its advantage?

4. Class has a reference, pointer and a const. Is it possible to write the copy constructor & assignment operator overloading funciton? how? ( Since reference is there, I'm not sure on how to write for it)

5. Example for a variable decleration and definition? (I know for function but for variable don kw how)

6. static and const static what is the difference??

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C++ :: Difference Between Pass By Value And Pass By Reference?

Jul 2, 2014

// explain difference between pass by value and pass by reference

void addOne(int i)
void addOne(int& i)

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C++ :: Pass By Value And Pass By Reference?

Apr 17, 2013

i think i understand both concept. i know that pass by value is that the function receiving those values makes actually a copy of those parameters. Passing by reference makes the variable in the main function to actually see those changes in the other function, instead of a copy, and apply them to the variable in the main function. my question is, why would i pass it by reference if i just can make a return type function.

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C/C++ :: Pass By Reference And Pass By Value?

Nov 27, 2014

I need to put my Dice() function as pass by reference and something as a pass by value, it can be in the same function.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Program Compiles But Doesn't Run

Apr 28, 2013

My program compiles but doesn't run, Here is the screen shot of debugging

//DynBag.cpp : Implementation File
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include "DynBag.h"

[Code] .....

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C :: Calendar Doesn't Work

Sep 24, 2013

I just dont see what the issue is here. I have stared at this thing forever. Im trying to make a calendar from scratch so I can be prepared for my second test on Friday.

int main(void)
int i, n, s;


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C :: Array Doesn't Seem To Be Working

May 26, 2013

I am writing a program that expands array list whenever they get too full...so far i have this:


#define DEFAULT 10
typedef struct ArrayList {
//array of strings
char **array;


So, ArrayList *myList should return a pointer to the new arraylist or null if malloc fails. what exactly I need to set my maximum to, I know that it shouldn't be 0 and array[i] doesn't seem to be working either. I also am not sure if I am properly setting up null correctly for my array.

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C++ :: Do While Statement Doesn't Work

Nov 21, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std ;
int main() {
string bored ;
do {
cout << " program" <<endl ;

[Code] .....

I made this as a simple do/while program, and if i run it, the second do/while statement will keep on going forever, without the [cin >> bored;] line working?

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C++ :: QuickSort Code Doesn't Work

Jun 9, 2014

I've implemented it a bit differently: I create 2 temporary arrays, one for the numbers lower from the pivot , an done for numbers greater then the pivot. in the end of each iteration the 2 arrays are copied to the original array:

Code: #include <iostream>
void QuickSort (int* A , int start, int end){
if (end-start<3){
int mid=(start+end)/2;
int pivot=A[mid];
int lA[end-start] , rA[end-start], rCounter=0,lCounter=0;
int curr=0,i=start;


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C :: Printf Doesn't Print On Screen

May 23, 2013

This code runs. However, when I run it, the text from printf doesn't appear until after I type in the two numbers.

I use Wascana, will it run correctly on other compilers?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {


And this is how it turns out on the screen:



What size is the die:

how many dice to roll:

Numbers are 3d6
Rolling die no.1...
RolledDie: 4 DieTotal: 4
Rolling die no.2...
RolledDie: 5 DieTotal: 9
Rolling die no.3...
RolledDie: 5 DieTotal: 14

The total is: 14

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C++ :: Application Release Doesn't Work On Other PC

Dec 9, 2013

I am trying to release my C++ app to run on desktops that dont have VS installed and have created an install shield app to install on the desired computer. my issue is even after packaging it, it still requires certain DLL's...I read online that I had to copy 'msvcr120.dll' and a few others to syswow64 and sys32 folders but now when I try run my app it just crashes before starting.

I think it sucks that Microsoft no longer packages required DLL's like it used to in 2010.

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C++ :: New Project Doesn't Cout Any Values?

Apr 11, 2014

I'm trying to build a new project and i installed some new libraries in it but when i try to compile any code it doesn't give me any value just press any key to continue, i didn't make any files but one and even if i tried to do this simple task it doesn't cout any result:

using namespace std;
int main() {
cout <<("ha");
return 0;

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C++ :: Ifstream Doesn't Read From The File

Aug 14, 2014

I wrote a program which was supposed to decrypt a file encrypted with the XECryption algorithm. Now, I know the decryption algorithm, but I have a problem with my ifstream object. It doesn't read anything at all, and the ofstream object just outputs a single random byte in a never ending loop. I've tried using cin, which works correctly, but it's not what I want.

Here's the code:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream in("file.in", ios::in);
if (!in.is_open())


I'm doing this on a Windows 8(.1) pc with Code::Blocks 13.12. In the file (file.in) I have replaced the points with spaces. What is wrong with the code?

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C/C++ :: Code For Bin File Doesn't Work

May 14, 2014

Ive been having a hard time creating bin file. Whenever I append data, the data wont show in browse function. And this program works good without the bin file code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C/C++ :: Why Doesn't String In Vector Change Value

Apr 22, 2014

I am trying to change the value of of time in my vector of structs. The result should output 1430 as the value of shares[1].time though I get something different.

unsigned convTime = 1430;
std::stringstream out;
out << convTime;
shares[1].time = out.str();
std::cout << shares[1].time;

But my shares[1].time stays as its original value and not 1430.

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C++ :: Program Doesn't Alphabetize Strings

Jan 18, 2015

I can't seem to get my program to alphabetize a vector string. It displays the names, but not in a sorted order.

void sort_names(vector<string> &nameList) {
int i, minIndex;
string minValue;
int size;
size = nameList.size();

[Code] ....

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C# :: Array Doesn't Return Values

Jun 26, 2014

While working on another issue I started memory cleaning and refactoring. While refactoring I decided to create an array Resize Array Reize and Null Count:


public int NullCount(string[,] Original) {
try {
int returnInt =0;
for(int x =0; x<= Original.GetUpperBound(0);x++) {
if (Original[x,0]==null )


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C++ :: Osstream Doesn't Flush Or Clear

Dec 15, 2012

std::ostringstream ss;
ss << v.x;
std::string buff(ss.str());
XMLString::transcode(buff.c_str(), tempStr, 99);

[Code] ....

The buff at "Z" are stringed together with previous values. How do I resolve that?

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C++ :: Program Doesn't Read The End Of File Sequence

Aug 16, 2014

i have a question, i'm studyng the string library type and i have to write this program :


std::string word;
while (std::cin >> word) {
std::cout << word << std::endl;
why if my input is :

hi my name is ^Z

the output is :


why the program doesn't fall out from the while loop ?

why my program does not recognize my sequence of end of file ?

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