C/C++ :: Removal Of Non-alphanumeric Characters From A File?

May 9, 2013

The output should also give a file which doesnt consits alphanumeric. I tried this

while( ( ch = fgetc(fp) ) != EOF ){
if(isalpha(ch)||ch==' ')

Is this correct.than how to complete it.

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C :: Program That Reads Alphanumeric Characters And Computes Average ASCII Value

Feb 16, 2015

Write a program that reads alphanumeric characters from the keyboard, and computes the average ascii value of the alpha numeric characters, the average alphabetical character, the average numeric character and the average uppercase character. Outputting each, you program should terminate reading once it read a non-alphanumeric character.

Here's what i have so far.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(void) {
int value = 'a';
int digit_loop = 0;
int alpha_loop = 0;
int upper_loop = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: String Character Removal

Dec 25, 2013

I know how to remove certain characters from a string by using something like this:

Code: string str ("Hello world!");
erase (0, 6);

That's great if I want to do that manually, but say if someone entered a string, how would I automatically remove every other character they entered?

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C++ :: String With Vowel Removal?

Mar 5, 2014

I'm trying to write a program that uses a loop to remove vowels from words. I'm really bad at this programming thing, I am getting an error code "[Error] expected unqualified-id before '{' token" when compiling, so there's no telling at this point if the code will even work. But, I need to get rid of that blasted error.

Here's my code:

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <string>
3 #include <vector>


how to take an image to post in the forums. So I had to copy/paste/edit to fit :/.

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C :: How To Check If String Is Alphanumeric

Feb 20, 2013

my program only checks the first character of the string.. D:

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C :: Check String Is Alpha Or Alphanumeric

Jul 9, 2014

I made this function to check in string is alpha only or alphanumeric but always give me alfa way ?

int checkIfStringisAlfa(const char str[]){
int lenStr = getStringLength(str);
int i = 0;
int ret;
for(i = 0; i < lenStr; i++){
if(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z' || str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z'){
//printf(" alfa

[Code] .....

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C :: Check To See If String From Standard Input Is Alphanumeric Or Not?

Dec 25, 2014

I'm trying to check to see if a string from standard input is alphanumeric or not. I feel as though there may be a function for this but...

for(test_pass = i; test_pass < i; i++){
if(test_pass[i] == ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'))
printf("Your password is alphanumeric!

The compiler wasn't too happy with this.

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C :: Write A Program That Converts Alphanumeric Phone Number Into Numeric Form

Mar 6, 2015

i m learning c programming and i m stuck with this program for some reason.Write a program that converts alphanumeric phone number into numeric form:

Enter phone number: CALLAT 2255288
here is the code i have written:
/** compilers shows no error **/
and O/P I get is
Enter phone number: CALLAT
/**blank space***/


int main(void)
char ch;
printf("Enter phone number:");


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C :: Reading Characters From A File

Mar 19, 2013

if i start reading individual characters from a text file having the following content: "music, Indian classical dance, and other aspects of Indian culture.It is also a movement with chapters in over 200 towns and" what are the characters that will be read after the word 'culture.' ?

will it be '
' , '
' , 'I' and so on

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C :: How To Read Characters From File

Dec 29, 2014

I'm new with C language. I got task to do . Actually there are 2 points. Both should be done with reading text from file. write down all letters from text in reverse alphabetic order (each letter 1 time).write down all words in random order.

I'm stuck with first point. Below code gives me entire text, but i need unique characters only. Text file contains few sentences.

void main( ) {
FILE *in;
int ch;
if ( (in = fopen("test.txt", "r") ) != NULL ) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Odd Characters From A File

May 20, 2014

I have some files for input that look like this:

Carlitos, Gauleses , Terra das Vagabundas, SN., 350, 12, 5.83
EMPIRE STATE, Gauleses , EMPIRE STATE, FÊNIX™, 298, 12, 7.00
bigorna, Gauleses , Aldeia d bigorna, DDT@D, 318, 12, 10.44
akemif, Romanos , Aldeia Akemif, DDT@D, 19, 12, 13.04
Black Mason, Gauleses , Kindorim, DDT@D, 424, 12, 15.03

[Code] ....

I get this data from a site and I copy paste them to create a .txt file for input (I do this my self, no program involved).
When the program runs it ends up like this on netbeans:

0 [main] program 2336 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to program.exe.stackdump

When I type the input file my self it works fine. When I copy the data from the site that the problem occurs, it looks like those strange characters are causing the problem (notice the ????? are some drawings on text).

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C/C++ :: Read UTF-8 Characters From Xml File?

Nov 27, 2012

how to read UTF-8 characters from a xml file in c++, not using XMLCh type?

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C/C++ :: Reading Characters From File

Dec 6, 2013

I searched for a code to read characters from file and i found this one

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  
int main() {
   char ch, file_name[25];
   FILE *fp;  
   printf("Enter the name of file you wish to see

[Code] ....

but when i run it, and give the path of file in the cmd, this appears

stack around the variable 'file_name' was corrupted

given that i put the path in cmd as shown

D:CSEProject est1.txt

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C++ :: Counting The Number Of Characters In TXT File

Feb 22, 2015

I have recently hit a stump with C++ and have been getting pretty frustrated with this assignment. I just can't seem to find out how to start the assignment. Basically for the first part of the assignment, I need to find the number of characters in this .txt file my teacher provided for me. The only exception is that I can only count the actual letters themselves, not spaces or punctuation. How would I go about doing this? I have read about functions like isalpha but can't figure out on how to fit them into code to do the first part of this assignment.

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C :: File I/O Reading In Characters And Numbers

Dec 1, 2013

I think it comes from having to align the data in the output file. How to start this is to use a function to read in all the characters using a while loop. Then read in all the digits in a separate function. When it comes to outputting the data in the correct format I'm lost, so for now if I could figure out the functions that would be awesome. A final note we have not gotten to using strings so the I'm trying to use getc, fgetc, and ungetc.

Write a program to compute average grades for a course. The course records are in a single file and are organized according to the following format: Each line contains a students first name, then one space, then the students last name, then one space, then some number of quiz scores that, if they exist, are separated by one space. Each student will have zero to ten scores, and each score is an integer not greater than 100. Your program will read data from this file and write its output to a second file. The data in the output file will be the same as the data in the input file except that there will be one additional number at the end of each line: the average of the students ten quiz scores.

The output file must be formatted such that first and last names appear together in a left justified column that is 20 characters wide. Each quiz score should be listed in a right justified column that is 4 characters wide, and the average should appear in its own right justified column that is 10 characters wide.

Note that if a student has fewer than 10 scores, the average is still the sum of the quiz scores divided by 10; these students are assumed to have missed one or more of the quizzes. The output file should contain a line (or lines) at the beginning of the file providing appropriate column headings. Use formatting statements to make the layout clean and easy to read.

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C++ :: Reading From A File With Characters And Numbers

Apr 17, 2014

I need to open a file that has multiple lines that look something like this, " black box 100.01 33.5 78.93". What this shows is the coordinates of the black box. Lines will have different objects with different coordinates. I need to create a loop that will read this file and tell me when a black box is found by displaying a message. I don't need to know how to create this file. I don't need to display the entire file but rather have it search for black boxes.

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C/C++ :: How To Read And Write Certain Characters From A File

Oct 12, 2014

How to read some characters from file, I know we can move a pointer to some position using seekg() & seekp() function, get current position of the pointer through tellg() & tellp() functions. By moving the pointer to appropriate position using seekg(), we can read the whole line using getline() function. But is there any function which read certain characters from the current position of the pointer and write certain characters from current position of the pointer.

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C++ ::  How To Read And Write Certain Characters From A File

Oct 12, 2014

How to read some characters from file, I know we can move a pointer to some position using seekg() & seekp() function, get current position of the pointer through tellg() & tellp() functions. By moving the pointer to appropriate position using seekg(), we can read the whole line using getline() function. But is there any function which read certain characters from the current position of the pointer and write certain characters from current position of the pointer.

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C/C++ :: Removing Characters From CSV File That Should Contain Only Numbers

Apr 3, 2014

I currently have a .csv file that should only contain numerical values however there are errors in some columns that mean there is text included. I am wondering what the best way of going about removing these characters would be.

I am looking at using : str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), 'xxxxxxx'), str.end());

For this I will need to read my data into a string and then remove the alphabet from that string. I am currently doing this like so (I use the '?' as a delimiter because I know there are none in my file).

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
string Weather_test;
char chars[] =

[Code] ....

The problem with this is I don't know what to do around the chars[!eof] part.

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C/C++ :: Counting Characters In A String / File

Jan 19, 2015

I have the following program

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "ctype.h"
/*selection sort*/
void swap(int A[], int j, int k) {
int p = A[k];

[Code] ....

Theoretically it should cound the number of apperances of each character in a string, but:

1) It is counting characters from letter "j" upwards thus all asci characters below "j" are not counted, why is that?

2) I want also to make this code calculate the number of apperances of each character in a txt file. How to do that, i know i have to open a file in read mode, that's all (I am new to c programming)?

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C/C++ :: Reading Unicode Characters From File?

Feb 28, 2012

I need to read Unicode characters from a file. The only thing I need to do from them is to extract their Unicode number.

For example if file has u I need to extract its corresponding Unicode number.

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C :: How To Print Characters But No String Just Array Of Characters

Mar 20, 2014

so my question is i want to print characters,no string just an array of characters,i do this but it s not working,maybe i have to put the '' at the end?


int main() {
int i;
char ch[5];
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {


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C/C++ :: Find The Common Characters Between Two String Characters

Jul 6, 2014

Im supposed to find the common characters between two string characters, assuming that the user wont input duplicate letters like ddog. When I run my code I get an output of a question mark upside down. Here is my code with comments on what each part is supposed to do

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char str1[20], str2[20],remp = '';
int size1,i,j,temp;
printf ("Input the first string");


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C :: How To Count Total Characters From A Text File

Mar 21, 2013

I'm supposed to write a program to read a text file and display the following:

a) alphabetic letters //finished with
b) digits // finished with
c) other characters that are not alphabetic letters and not digits //finished with
d) total characters read

The bold part above confused me, by total characters, does it mean the alphabetic letters + other characters? how would I put that in my code?

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
int curCh;
int countCh = 0;


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C :: Counting Number Of Characters Copied To File

Jul 21, 2014

I'm trying to copy a file into another file and copy the number of characters copied but my while loop doesn't even enter into a loop indicating the file is already at the EOF file character. I've confirmed this by placing the printf() statement inside the while loop, which doesn't print anything and by keeping it out of the while loop and changing the chars_copied to something like 9, it prints 9 for number of chars_copied. I don't understand why the file is already at the EOF character, I've tried this with a few more files, it's the same result.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
FILE *input_file, *output_file;
int c, chars_copied=0;

if((input_file=fopen("C:workmarks.txt", "r"))==NULL)
perror("input file open failed");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Parse A String Containing Number And Characters From File

Feb 20, 2015

I have a text file which contains many sentences. I am trying to extract only the numerical values from the string that conatins characters,numbers and white spaces from the file. I want to seperate the characters and numbers into different parts.

for example: the file contains sentances as given below.

I have to go to school for 10min.
You will come here in 15min.
He stayed here for 20min.

from the above sentances, I want to seperate " I have to go to school for " and "10" and put them into two different variables and also 10 should be in integer format.

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