C/C++ :: Prevent Duplicate Entry When Insert Age

Oct 17, 2014

I created program that insert employes data and then print their data but never accept duplicate age if user entered duplicated age prompt him to enter another age (age must be unique)

Here is my code

#define size 3
struct emp {
int age,overtime,dedcution,netsal;

[Code] .....

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C :: Prevent Duplication When Insert Age

Oct 17, 2014

I created program that insert employes data and then print their data but never accept duplicate age if user entered duplicated age prompt him to enter another age (age must be unique)

#define size 3

struct emp
int age,overtime,dedcution,netsal;
float salary;

[Code] .....

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C++ ::  Algorithm To Read Duplicate Array Elements - Return First Duplicate Value Only

Oct 23, 2014

I have an algorithm which uses nested for loops, which looks for duplicate elements in an array. However, as soon as one duplicate element is found... the program will stop looking for more duplicates? My program continues to look for more even though one is found? I know there is a break command but I can't get it to work. Code is below:

output of program: Repeating element found first was: 2, 1

Although I want the outcome to be; Repeating element found first was: 2

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printRepeating(int arr[], int size) {
int i, j;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Insert Variable For Size Of Array And Prompt User To Insert Elements

Dec 1, 2013

how to insert a variable for the size of array and prompt user to insert the elements for the array?

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C++ :: How To Prevent Loop Running Over

Feb 18, 2014

i am writing a function that takes a delimited string and splits the strings into it's respective words according to the delimeter.

1) iterate through string and store delimeter position in vector array.

2) iterate through again and use substr to split into words and store again in a vector.

I then have a dictionary file, and am comapring each values in the string with each in the dictionary, problem is that it overruns the loop and obviously gives a subscript out of range error.

#include <iostream>#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//Start with string inputString
//Find delimeters ::pos as ints and stores positions in vector <int> array
//Run though string using 'find' and seperate string by positions of char32s
//Build vector<string> array of individual words in string
//Open dictionary file and loop though testing each words in vector string array against each word in dictionary


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C :: Prevent To Type Zero As The First Digit In Value

Apr 4, 2013

I want to prevent to type zero as the first digit in value in c code

char next_buffer[ 5 ];
int frame_counter;
int digit_counter;
memset( cmd->next_buffer, 0, sizeof( cmd->next_buffer ) );
cmd->frame_counter = 0;
cmd->digit_counter = 0; Code: if( arg && isdigit( arg[ 0 ] ) {


this write in text box numbers from keypad for example

5 0 2 4 9

After each typed digit, here is a underscore line waiting for the next to type next digit. I want to prevent users to type zero as the first digit in value.

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C++ :: How To Duplicate String Array

Sep 8, 2014

I'm trying to duplicate a string array. I created a function called duplicate but, when i run it, it gives me an error... what is wrong with it?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <array>
#define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof((array))/sizeof((array[0])))

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Removing Duplicate Values From Map?

Mar 1, 2015

im working on a homework assignment t that should print all pairs of integers that sum to val. I have so far finished except It prints duplicate values (ie (3,1) and(1,3) for values that add to 4) . how can i remove these duplicate pairs of values?

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void printPairs( vector<int> numbers, int val){
int i;


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C++ :: Null Statement - Prevent Optimization

Dec 7, 2014

Recently I was looking into embedded programing of AVR microcontrollers.

At this site [URL] ....

I have encounter some code that implements delay

asm volatile ("nop");

From what I understand it is assembler code that creates delay - one processor clock long.

For C/C++ language it should be like ; or {} = null statement.

Now my question is how to implement this C/C++ code and prevent my compiler (WinAVR: AVR-GCC) to delete this command during optimization (-Os or -O2). Or is it simply better to use the assembler function.

I know I can use for-loop

volatile uint8_t foo
for(foo=0; foo<2; ++foo){}

but for that I have to create a variable = wasting 1 byte of RAM; correct?

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C++ :: How To Prevent The Main Thread From Blocking

Feb 14, 2014

I have an issue where I iterate through devices and make driver API calls. Unfortunately, these calls take too much time and they are interrupting my real-time scheduler. I have 12 cores, of which one is 100% and the others are < 1%.

I'd like to multi-thread this thing. So far, I've replaced:

for (DeviceIterator d = devices.begin(); d != devices.end(); ++d) {
d->Write(words, numwords);


void* ThreadedWrite(void* p) {
WritePackage* wp = (WritePackage*)p;
wp->device->Write(wp->words, wp->numwords);
delete[] wp->words;
delete wp;


My problem is that this didn't improve performance at all. The main thread still takes too long to execute. Is there something I need to do to prevent the main thread from blocking?

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C/C++ :: Prevent Endless Output Of Sentences?

Nov 16, 2014

After I have compiled and executed code below, and I have made an input of a string, the while loop takes over the control and outputs an endless flow sentences. How can I make sure when an input of string is made, such a thing does not happen? In Python, one can make a type check by the use of type() command, but such a command does not exist in C, so how can I prevent an endless output in case a string input is made by the user?

(The code below is supposed to check whether the number entered by the user is divisible by 7 or not.)

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 0;
printf("Input a number!");
while (1 < 2){
scanf("%d", &a);
if (a % 7 == 0) {

[Code] ....

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C# :: Prevent Sending Multiple Emails

Dec 10, 2014

I have some code which triggers an alarm when an ascii number is read in on the com port:

In that code, i have it send an email to let me know i have an alarm. The problem is it keeps sending the email over and over until i cancel the alarm. Inbox gets full real quick!

Im having trouble implementing a way to send the email just once! Ive googled as much as i can find but i cant get any way to work.

if (ALARM_TYPE_Value == "5") {
ALARM_TYPE_tb.BackColor = Color.Red;
ALARM_TYPE_tb.Text = " **ALARM**" + Environment.NewLine + " ";
ALARM_TYPE_tb.Text += "

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Prevent Executable From Running?

Aug 30, 2013

I would like to programmatically monitor a directory for new files, and if the file happens to be an executable, I want to prevent it from running. Something like a AV program.

However, I don't know where to start. Simple is best.

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Visual C++ :: Prevent DLL From Being Loaded / Injected

Dec 12, 2012

If you're writing a .dll you can prevent that dll from getting loaded into some processes by returning false from the dllmain.

I'm looking for a way to do it the other ay around. I have an exe, and I want to prevent a certain hook dll from getting loaded/injected into my exe.

A customer is running some software which loads a hook dll into our exe, and this is subsequently preventing our application from running as intended. Both our software as well as the third party app is required, and there is no way to get the third party dll changed. (no longer supported).

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C :: Removing Duplicate Elements From Array

Nov 4, 2013

While removing duplicate elements from an array, if more than 4 array elements are same then removal does not work. however my logic seems to be alright. i reckon there is a problem with the conditions and assignments in the three for loops that i have used. the program is as follows:

/*c program to remove duplicate elements in an array*/
int main(void)
int array[30],i,j,k,n;

[Code] ....

Take for instance if the input elements are 1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,5 then after removal of duplicacy the array is 1,1,2,3,5.

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C++ :: Removing Duplicate Strings In A Vector?

Sep 1, 2014

I'm trying to create a database/search engine program and I'm having remove duplicate strings from a vector. I'm mostly just trying to make it so that if 2 or more movie have the same title in the database, it will remove the duplicates and just print out one copy of the movie console. I tried using the unique() command, but it doesn't seem to work.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>


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C++ :: Finding Duplicate In 2D Vector String

Apr 5, 2013

I want to find that whether the 2d Vector table having duplicate or not. I can see lot of programs for removing duplicates by using unique STL algorithm. Which is the best way to find " is Duplicate or not " for 100,000 Records.

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C# :: How To Avoid Duplicate Updates In SQL Query

Jun 13, 2014

I have table called leavetable where in i have the fields eid, lfrom,lto, reason,status an employee will insert these fields in the leave form except status, status will be updated by admin but there is no unique field in the table so when the admin updates the status as cancel for an id emp001 so whereever this id is present in the table its getting updated to cancel even though it is approved previously.. How to avoid this duplication ?

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Connectionstring);
string sql = "update leavetable set status = '"+status+"' where eid = '"+textBox1.Text+"' and noofdays = '"+textBox5.Text+"'";

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Prevent The Loop From Reading The Last File Line Twice?

Oct 19, 2013

I know how to do it in C, but in C++?

Here is my code. Let the variables be of type double.

while(infile) // Will read the last line twice
if(!N)//Read first line of file
infile >> d;
infile >> N;
infile >> epsilon;
infile >> t;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Prevent Someone Passing Classes To Function Template

Sep 13, 2013

Let say i have a following scenario:

a function like this.

template <typename T1>
print (T1 x){
cout << x << "

How do I prevent user passing a class or a structure or aanoter function to my function print. I mean i know if a wrong thing is passed that i'll get an error eventually but is there a way to explicitly check what has been passed. How is this done usually ?

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C :: How To Prevent Fgets From Reading The New Line Character

Mar 12, 2013

i am trying to read a string using fgets and storing in an array i want to prevent fgets from storing the new line character on the array using the shortest means possible..

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Visual C++ :: How To Prevent A Window From Being Moved Or Resized

May 20, 2014

I know I can set the window properties on creation, but I'm trying to figure out how to prevent a window from being able to be moved or resized. I've been looking online and it looks like it involves overriding the WM_SIZE, WM_SIZING, or perhaps the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message handlers. I want to be able to have a menu option that "locks" the window position, and of course allows normal window behavior when the option isn't checked.

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C :: Remove Duplicate Strings From Char Array

Apr 15, 2014

The goal is to merge two files of names, sort them and remove duplicates.I've managed to merge the two files into a single char array and sort them with a function so they are alphabetical.I'm having problems removing the duplicate entries from the array. Here is my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NUMSTR 10
#define STRLNG 9


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C :: Scanning 2 Dimensional Array For Duplicate Values

Mar 26, 2013

I am trying to scan a 2 dimensional array to see if there are any duplicates within a row or column; i.e. the concept of a sudoku game.how to scan a row or column one at a time.

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C++ :: Lottery Program That Generate 5 Non Duplicate Number Between 1 To 20

Nov 4, 2014

I need to write a lottery program that generate 5 non duplicate number between 1-20. Below is my code and it said my [i] is undefined and it is an undeclare identifier.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main(){

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading File Then Writing To It If Duplicate Not Found

Jan 22, 2014

I'm having issues with writing to a file. more precisely, i'm trying to determine if a set of numbers are in the file. if they are already in it, don't write to the file. if not, write to the file. My problem is my program is writing all numbers, even duplicates. The sort is working.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//Counter Stats
int STR;


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