C/C++ :: Pointer And Type Failure With Array In A Class

Mar 30, 2014

I am having trouble with the array pointer and with the variables. I don't seem to have the pointer set up because the additional times the array is called it is empty. Also, if I don't use integers the program drops through. where I am going wrong?

Question is in the code

* Design a class that has an array of floating point numbers. The constructor should accept an integer argument and dynamically allocate the array to hold that many numbers. The destructor should free the memory held by the array. In addition, there should be member functions to perform the following operations:
**Store a number in any element in of the array


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C :: Array Of Char Pointer Type Mismatch

Apr 20, 2013

I have an array of char pointers:

Code: char *input_args[MAX_ARGS];

And I have this function:

Code: BOOL parseArgs(char **input_args[], input arg_num);

I am trying to pass a pointer to this char pointer array like this:

Code: parseArgs(&input_args, args_num);

But the compiler is complaining:

Code: warning: passing argument 1 of 'parseArgs' from incompatible pointer type ...

note: expected 'char ***' but argument is of type 'char * (*)[20]'

Tried a bunch of stuff but nothing works.

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C++ ::  subscript Requires Array Or Pointer Type

Sep 15, 2013

I keep getting this error?

Error1error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void mean(int [],int);
int main() {
const int arraySize = 25;
const int patternSize = 10;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Deleting Array Of Derived Class Objects Through Base Class Pointer

Mar 21, 2015

In this book, item 3 is about never treat arrays polymorphically. In the latter part of this item, the author talks about the result of deleting an array of derived class objects through a base class pointer is undefined. What does it mean? I have an example here,

class B
virtual ~B() {

[Code] ....

This sample code does exactly what I want. So does the author mean the way I did is undefined?

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C++ :: Wrong Return Type When Returning Char Array As Pointer

Apr 25, 2014

I am writing a class Player which has several char arrays as private fields. I am trying to write a method which returns an array as a pointer, but doesn't alter the array in any way, thus the const.

Here is a snippet:

Code: class Player
int rating;
char first[MAX_NAME_CHAR + ONE_VALUE];
int groupNumber = NEG_ONE;
char * GetFirst() const
return first;

Visual studio is saying that the return type doesn't match.

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C++ :: Initializing Array Of String Type In A Class

Apr 28, 2013

I want to use this array as part of my class. I have tried several different angles trying to get it to work but with out success. I have been checking to see if it works by simply using "cout << dayName[3];" It is printing nothing at all. What is the proper way to initialize this array of strings?

First I tried this:
const string dayName[] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};

then I tried this:
const string dayName[7];
dayName[0] = "Sunday";
dayName[1] = "Monday";
dayName[2] ="Tuesday";
dayName[3] ="Wednesday";
dayName[4] ="Thursday";
dayName[5] ="Friday";
dayName[6] ="Saturday";

My implemetation file code and my header file code is here (header first):

//dayType.h, the specification file for the class dayType
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class dayType{

[Code] .....

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C++ ::  Class Safe Array Type Print Function Not Working When Called

Oct 22, 2013

I've created a function where you can choose any bounds for an array based list (positive or negative, as long as the first position is smaller than the last position). However for some reason when I call the print() function in my application program it doesn't do anything. My print function is technically correct (I still have work to do on the output) but I can't figure out why it wont show anything at all. Below is my header, implementation, and main program files, along with results from running the program.

Header File:

//safearrayType Header File
class safeArrayType {
void print() const;
void insertAt(int location, const int& insertItem);
safeArrayType(int firstPlace=0, int maxPlace = 100);

[Code] ....

ResultsEnter the first bound of yourlist: -3(this was my input)
Enter the last bound of yourlist: 7(this was my input)

Press any key to continue...

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C/C++ :: Creating Singly Linked List / Loading Class Type Array

Aug 6, 2014

I've written this class and struct to create a singly linked list. The data is stored in the binary file which I've opened and read. I'm trying to load said data into a class type array. The errors I'm getting are "incompatible types in assignment of 'StatehoodInfo' to char[3]" Lines 130-134 is what I was working on.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring> //For char[] string functions

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Cast Base Class Pointer To Derived Class Pointer

Feb 6, 2015

I create an instance of a base class (not derived class) and assign it to base class pointer. Then, I convert it to a pointer to a derived class and call methods on it.

why does it work, if there is a virtual table?

when will it fail?

// TestCastWin.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
class B
B(double x, double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
double x() const { return x_; }

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Create Dynamic Pointer Based Array Of Class

Nov 29, 2014

I have a class called Book and I am trying to create a dynamic pointer based array of the class. When I try to run the program I keep getting the error: pointer being freed was not allocated at the line of code that says "delete [] A;". I am using Xcode to run the program.

Book *changeArraySize(Book *A, int &size, double factor) {
int i;
int newsize = size*factor;
Book *A2 = new Book[newsize];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Calling Defined Function Pointer From Another Pointer To Class Object?

Aug 19, 2014

I am attempting to implement function pointers and I am having a bit of a problem.

See the code example below; what I want to be able to do is call a function pointer from another pointer.

I'll admit that I may not be explaining this 100% correct but I am trying to implement the code inside the main function below.

class MainObject;
class SecondaryObject;
class SecondaryObject {


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C++ :: How To Initialize Static Member Of Class With Template And Type Of Nested Class

Oct 7, 2014

How to initialize a static member of a class with template, which type is related to a nested class?

This code works (without nested class):

using namespace std;
struct B{
template<typename Z>

[Code] ,....

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C++ :: Declare Template Type Object Inside Template Type Class Definition

Oct 12, 2013

Let me put it into the code snippet:

This class build the singleton design pattern.
Here you have full control over construction and deconstruction of the object.
template<class T>
class Singleton


I am getting error at the assertion points when i call to the class as follows:

osgOpenCL::Context *cxt = osgOpenCL::Singleton<osgOpenCL::Context>::getPtr();

I tried commenting assertion statements and then the debugger just exits at the point where getPtr() is called.

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C++ :: Changing Array Of Numbers Of Type Char To Type Int?

Apr 27, 2013

I'm having some problems with changing an array of numbers of type char to type int. Every time i try to sum 2 array indexed values it returns some letter or symbol. Also, if i change the type of the array in the functions the compiler gives me an error message. I would also like to add that the problem requires that the first two arrays be char so each individual number gets assigned to a different value.

My current code is:

#include <iostream>
void input(char a[], char b[], int& size_a, int& size_b);
void convert(char a[], int size);
void reverse(char a[], int size);
void add(char a[], char b[], int c[], int size);
int main()


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C++ :: Convert Element Of Int Type Of Array To Char Type?

Dec 21, 2013

how to convert an element of int type of an array to char type?

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C/C++ :: Error - Cannot Convert To A Pointer Type

Apr 3, 2015

I have attached the source code I am writing. I have been getting the two following errors. I know it's something to do with the pointer casting.

udp-server.c:174:3: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer nor vector
udp-server.c:165:3: error: cannot convert to a pointer type

The file is attached here.
udp-server-edit.txt (7.64K)
Number of downloads: 19

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C/C++ :: Dereferencing Pointer To Incomplete Type

Feb 27, 2014

keep getting "deferencing pointer to incomplete type" on the bold lines:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("Please think of an animal. I will try to find out what it is by asking you some yes/no questions.");
struct treenode *root = mkTreeNode("Is it a reptile?
struct treenode *selectedNode = root;
root->left = mkTreeNode("Does it have legs?


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C/C++ :: Return From Incompatible Pointer Type

Jul 13, 2014

* symboltable.c

#include "symboltable.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "include/utlist.h"

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Templated Class Function Does Not Have Class Type

Feb 3, 2013

I'm trying to template the return type for this function (component), I've looked around for example code but there doesn't seem to be any exactly like what I want.

class Entity {
unsigned int id = 0;
Component& addComponent(std::string);

[Code] ....

Error : 'ent1.component<HealthComponent>' does not have class type

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C++ :: Passing Class As Type In Template Class

Nov 30, 2013

I am trying to pass a class as a type to a template class. This class's constructor needs an argument but I cannot find the correct syntax. Is it possible?

Here is an example of what I described above. I did not compiled it, it is for illustrative purpose only. And of course argument val of the myData constructor would be doing something more useful than simply initializing an int....

template <class T>
class templateClass {
templateClass() {};


My real code would only compile is I add the myData constructor:

myData () {};

and gdb confirmed that it is this constructor that get called, even with dummy(4).

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Visual C++ :: Failure During Conversion To COFF

Dec 10, 2013

I encountered error when compiling a simple project on my PC. However, other PC is working fine. Wonder what is missing from my PC?

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Test01, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Build started 12/10/2013 5:30:01 PM.
1> Deleting file "DebugTest01.lastbuildstate".

[Code] .....

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) {
int nRetCode = 0;
HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
if (hModule != NULL) {
// initialize MFC and print and error on failure

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Function Pointer Typedef With Same Type Arguments

Mar 6, 2015

I need to create the following brain damaging abomination:

I need a function pointer type to a function that has an argument of the same function pointer type and returns the same function pointer type.

The purpose is to enable a type of subroutine threading scheme for a small application specific scripting language. The question could just as well have been posted to the C forum.

This syntax works, but Payload is a generic type which I can coerce into the right pointer type via a cast. This is ugly IMHO. I could also hide it as a pointer in the FlipState class since I've forward declared this.

But this is an extra indirection in a performance critical part of the code, and also ugly.

class FlipState ;
typedef PayLoad (*FuncPtr) (FlipState *fs, PayLoad P) ; This syntax blows chunks using gcc on the other hand. Code: class FlipState ;
typedef FuncPtr (*FuncPtr) (FlipState *fs, FuncPtr P) ;

[Code] .....

This is hardly surprising. The compiler could not possibly understand what I was defining in the typedef. I think what I need is some kind of way to forward declare a function pointer type and then redefine it properly.

Is such a think even possible or am I just SOL? This one is mind boggling. We know how to do this with classes or other complex data types, but the syntax eludes me for both C++ and C.

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C :: Unsigned Char - Pointer Type Casting

Dec 2, 2013

I came across some code and it's not clear why it is casting an unsigned char * to another pointer type only to free it right after. Here are the relevant structures:

struct _Edje_Message {
Edje *edje;
Edje_Queue queue;
Edje_Message_Type type;
int id;
unsigned char *msg;

[Code] .....

As you can see, _Edge_Message has a *msg field, but in the function below, they cast it to the other two structure types inside the case blocks of the switch statement only to free it. What is the point or advantage of doing this?

_edje_message_free(Edje_Message *em) {
if (em->msg) {
int i;
switch (em->type) {

[Code] ......

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C :: Error - Dereferencing Pointer To Incomplete Type

Feb 21, 2015

I've been writing the math functions for a 3d game and tried compiling it at about 30 functions in. I get this error related to my pointers to my structures. it affects almost everything in all my functions (as youll see by looking at how i do the math in the function below). The compiler gives me the error

"error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type"

on all my struct Type4D pointers but referencing the values in my struct TypeMatrix4X4 using pointers seems to work fine i think (it doesn't seem to complian explicitly about it. so here is the important code...

one example function

struct Type4D *MatVecMult4X4RtoL(struct TypeMatrix4X4 *mat, struct Type4D *vec) {
struct Type4D *dest = (struct Type4D *) malloc(sizeof(struct Type4D));


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C++ :: How To READ Pointer Of A Struct Type In File

Nov 23, 2013

This is a c++ Code. I want to read a address to a pointer. When I try to do so it generates an error. I did is >> obj1[0].contentAdress; in main.

struct node3{
nextContent = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i<1020; i++)
content[i] = '';


no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'node3 *' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

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C++ :: Error Dereferencing Pointer To Incomplete Type

Jul 10, 2013

I am having trouble with this program I get the error dereferencing pointer to incomplete type in the populate function I am using BloodShed's Dev C++ compiler v4.9.9.2 I copied this program out of a book because I was having a problem with a linked list in a similar program. I think there is a problem with the compiler not supporting these types of pointer's in a function.

#include <stdio.h>
struct tel_typ {
char name[25];
char phone_no[15];
struct tel_typ *nextaddr;


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