C/C++ :: Comparing 2D Char Array?

Jun 22, 2014

I am working on a program to find uppercase, lowercase and digits in a 2D char array. When I try to use an if statement to increase the counter, I get an error "no conversion from 'int' to 'char*'". This is the if statement I am using.

if(myArray[j] <='9' || myArray[j] >='0')

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C++ :: Comparing Char Array To Char Always Returns True

Dec 23, 2014

I've made a code to check whether or not a save file has been created correctly, but for some reason it always returns this line: readdata[qa]=='1' as true. in which qa is the counter I use in a for loop and readdata is a character array consisting of 50 characters that are either 0, 1 or 2.

this is the entire code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


at first is also went wrong at line 22 and also returned that as true, but then I added brackets and it worked.

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C++ :: Size Of Char Array - Comparing Name To Another One (Pointer)

Jul 13, 2013

I have function that looks like this myfoo(char* Name) Now i want to compare this name to another one . But the another name is a pointer . This my code :

bool Tribe::RemoveSurvavior(char *H_Name) {
const char *p;

I need to compare if p is same as H_Name.

Mine is do it with for on each element but when i use sizeof it gives me size of char and not real size of the name.

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C++ :: Comparing Two Char Arrays Alphabetically

Sep 14, 2013

I want to compare alphabetically two arrays. I try this:

char a[10] = "AABC";
char b[10] = "ZABC";
if(a > b) cout << a;
else cout << b;

But it always outputs a. How can I compare char arrays?

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C++ :: Comparing Multiple Constant Char At Once?

Jul 4, 2014

I have an array of const char's that are randomly selected in a loop from a list and id like to compare every newly selected choice to be tested against all the others to make sure the same choice isn't given more than once, however the names are lengthy and, for example, using:

for (int x = 0; x<10;x++)//initial loop
while ((choice[x]== choice[x-1] || (choice[x] == choice[x-2]) || etc...)
//^given that I have 10 variables

Would be messy and a painful sight. What would a more convinient way to check each choice?

Edit:It should be said that each choice would then be randomized again and then checked again, and that each newly selected choice is then immediantly used after this. It'll also be assumed that not all the choices have been made when this part runs(ergo choice[3] may not exist yet) as it is in a loop

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C/C++ :: Booking System - Comparing 2 Char Variables In Check Function

Aug 31, 2014

I had problem in comparing 2 char vairable in check function


variable r take input from user and compare to room_no read from file.


[Code] .....

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C++ :: Comparing Char And Int - Output Match Or Does Not Match

Feb 21, 2013

My program compiles fine and doesn't have any errors so I am confused as to what the issue might be.

I have a int, which is determined by the user via cin.

I have a char, which is a random word generated from an input file.

1. I want the program to display "The word you entered does match..." if the word entered by the user is the same as the random word.

2. I want the program to display "The word you entered does not match..." if the word entered by the user is not the same as the random word.

The code I'm using for number one is
if (char == "int") cout << "does match..."

The code I'm using for number two is
else if (char != "int") cout << "does not match..."

Basically the programs only outputs "does not match" whether or not it really matches. Even if it matches, it outputs does not match.

Is something wrong with my code?

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C++ :: Comparing Char Pointers To Integer Pointers

May 21, 2013

I am a little confused while comparing char pointers to integer pointers. Here is the problem:

Consider the following statement;
char *ptr = "Hello";
char cArr[] = "Hello";

When I do cout << ptr; it prints Hello, same is the case with the statement
cout << cArr;

As ptr and cArr are pointers, they should print addresses rather than contents, but if I have an interger array i.e.
int iArr[] = {1, 2, 3};

If I cout << iArr; it displays the expected result(i.e. prints address) but pointers to character array while outputting doesn't show the address but shows the contents, Why??

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C :: Comparing Each Element Of One Array With Another

Mar 6, 2015

how to compare each element of array with another,defined ? I have tried this,but didn't work.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void bill()


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C++ :: Comparing Value To Array And Outputting

Feb 6, 2013

i have 3 arrays total, 2 of them i am comparing to see if any of the values match at all, and then i am putting the value that matches into the 3rd array. currently i am trying

int isthere (int match[], int maxmatchLength,
const int vec1[], int vec1Length,
const int vec2[], int vec2Length)
for (i=0; i<vec1Length; i++)
if vec1[i]==vec2[i];
vec1[i] = match[i];

But this will just match the same values are in the same spot. how do i fix it so that it compares one value in the first array to the whole second array, before going to the next number.

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C++ :: Concatenate Two Char Arrays Into Single Char Array?

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to concatenate two words from a file together. ex: "joe" "bob" into "joe bob". I have provided my function(s) below. I am somehow obtaining the terminal readout below. I have initialized my memory (I have to use dynamic, dont suggest fixing that). I have set up my char arrays (I HAVE TO USE CHAR ARRAYS (c-style string) DONT SUGGEST STRINGS) I know this is a weird way to do this, but it is academic. I am currently stuck. My file will read in to my tempfName and templName and will concatenate correctly into my tempName, but I am unable to correctly get into my (*playerPtr).name.

/* this is my terminal readout
joe bob
<- nothing is put into (*playerPtr).name, why not?
joe bob joe bob
seg fault*/
//This is here to show my struct/playerInit


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C/C++ :: If Statement Comparing Array To Scanf Input

Oct 25, 2014

The issue that I'm having is that when I run this part of the code it seems to enter the if statement and set it to 0 when comparing the array to the input.

What I want it to do is to search the array for the grade, set it to zero, and then exit the loop in case there are any repeat grades. It always sets the first number to 0 and then exits.

//Below is the prototyping for the array

int grades[14] = {60,50,50,20,75,90,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

//There is some code between here, but it is probably not relevant so I didn't post it.

printf("Enter the grade that you want to remove. Press Enter after each input.");
printf("Enter 0 to exit: ");

[Code] ....

I didn't mean to leave the "prototyping" part in the code. I was initially going to put the function prototypes in there, but decided it wasn't necessary for the question.

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C :: Comparing Part Of Character Array With Scanned Input

Feb 25, 2013

I want to compare the part of the character array with the scanned input. I've initialized the character array (colourCompare).

What I want to do is, if the input colour matches up with one of the elements in the colourCompare array, it will then read the next value(I did not include "read the next value part"). If the input does not match up, then it goes back to the scanning part.


char colourCompare [12][6] = {"Black","Brown","Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue","Violet","Gray","White","Gold","Silver"};
float resistanceCal() {


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C :: Char Array With A Phrase To Char Word

Nov 28, 2013

I need to do a function that copy every word from a text to a char word. How can i do it?

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C :: Parsing Char Array To Array Of Struct To Process Packets

May 28, 2013

I wrote this simplified version of a program i am writing that parses data in UDP packets. In the process of doing so i pretty much answered all my questions and fix all the problems i was having.

decodeSystemMap function will be in loop, and will proccess packets that have mostly the same data, only a few items will be added or changed or deleted.

whats the best way to check if there are any new, deleted, or removed items in the packet and only modify those?
Is there anything unsafe / dangrous about the way the code is now?

/* * File: main.c
* Author: david
* Created on May 23, 2013, 11:57 AM

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Convert Uint8 Array To Unsigned Char Array?

Mar 2, 2012

I have the following code which attempts to assign a u_int8 array of 256 to an unsigned char[256]:

unsigned char testData[256]=pSample->data;

I get the compilation error:

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const uint8_t [256]' to 'unsigned char [256]'

What is the safe way to cast or convert here?

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C :: How To Convert Char Array Into Int Array

Jan 24, 2013

I am writing code to multiply two int arrays and in my one function i am trying to convert the char array into an int array. I have tested many parts however i can not find the problem.


struct integer* convert_integer(char* stringInt){
struct integer *converted = malloc(sizeof(struct integer));
int length, i, *ints;
ints = (int *)malloc(10001 * sizeof(int));
length = strlen(stringInt);
printf("stringInt: %s with length of %d
", stringInt, length);
converted->size = length;


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C++ :: Get Word From Char Array

Jan 28, 2015

Let's say i have some text in char array Code: char text[] = "Hello my friend"; How can i get a seperate words from it? It should be like

char a[] = "Hello";
char b[] = "my";
char c[] = "friend";

Is it possible to do?

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C :: Int Array To Char (Binary Value)

Jul 19, 2013

I have an int array with the binary value of a char. How to to turn it into a char? I can transform it to an int but then I'm stuck.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a[260] = {0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1};
char buf[260];
int b=0;
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
itoa(b, buf, 10);

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C :: Unable To Set Char Array

May 5, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
char * strcpy(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2);
struct item {
char title[20];
struct item *next;
} firstCard;
int main (){
strcpy(firstCard.next->title, "whatever");

I am unable to set firstCard.next->title

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C++ :: Char Array To String

Oct 19, 2013

I have some code:

char cHomeTeamFaceOffsPercentageWon[100];

After this, for example, cHomeTeamFaceOffsPercentageWon is, "29%".

Then, I use

std::string szwPercentageWon = std::string(cHomeTeamFaceOffsPercentageWon);

szwPercentageWon is then, "2". Shouldn't this convert correctly, to "29%" as well.

Or is there something I'm missing? Maybe the termination character, or something.

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C++ :: Using A Pointer To Char Array

Aug 31, 2013

I like to use a Pointer to char array. And then I would like to do a Pointer Arithmetic by incrementing the Pointer. Finally I would like to see the Addresses of the Pointer to each of the char Array Elements. I had created a program below, but I am not getting any Addresses from my Pointer.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int ArraySize;
char ch[]= "This is a Char Pointer";
char* iPtr = ch;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Array Of Char - Shows More Than It Should

Nov 9, 2013

I have this code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
ifstream f("input.txt");
ofstream g("output.txt");

[Code] .....

This program make a copy of the source array, then it removes each character and shows the obtained array.

And when i insert "abcdefghijkl"

it should show this: "

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
ifstream f("input.txt");
ofstream g("output.txt");

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Assigning Char To Array?

Aug 7, 2014

I want to assign a char to an array inside an if statement after the user has input the grade as an integer, but it has to fill an array with characters, such as:

char grades[5];
int grade;
char A, B, C, D, F;
cout << "Enter da grade" << endl;
cin >> grade;
if (grade < 59) {
grade[0] = F;


A, B, C, D, and F won't transfer to the array, thus giving me the uninitialized variable error in microsoft visual studio 2010.

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C++ :: Convert Int To Char Array

Jun 7, 2012

I want to convert int to char array for get the total of digits like this..


int total;
char charnum[2] = (char)total; //this is the problem
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <2; i++)
{ num += charNum[i] -48;}
cout << num;

If total was 42 i want to get output as 6. for this purpose i want to convert int to char.

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C++ :: Char Array Initialization And Display

May 16, 2013

The following is something I am not clear about. Multi dimensional char arrays and the displaying of them.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
main() {
//char test[5][5]

[Code] .....

The commented out expression didn't run at all but the double quotation mark one did, unfortunately, it gives me a hexadecimal display. How can I get it to display like this:


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