C/C++ :: Applying Texture To Sphere?
Apr 19, 2015
I am currently trying to apply a texture to a sphere I made, and have been following various tutorials. My program no longer crashes (used to be a problem but I figured it out), but the texture isn't being applied to the sphere. I used glut and SOIL to do this, but I am pretty sure that I am missing some necessary code from my own program for the textures to work. Because my program is a bit different from the tutorials though, I can't figure out what it is that I am missing. Below is what I have written to this point. It all compiles, and it successfully displays two objects (a sphere, and a pyramid), but neither object has textures, the pyramid simply has the colors it was set with (supposed to, I want to texture map the sphere first), while the sphere is a solid blue. What am I missing or what do I need to move?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
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Jun 22, 2013
Any class or library that can to calculate the center and radius of a sphere from 4 known points on its surface?
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May 24, 2014
I'm trying to load a PNG image to use as texture, but when I compile the sdl window closes. I'm sure the error is in the function of generating the png texture, because when i don´t use this function, the sdl window does not close. So debugging using cout i found that the cout above glTexImage2D function, shows in console, but the cout in below of glTexImage2D does not work. Does not reading this image?
hear is the function
#include "Texture.h"
#include <iostream>
Texture::Texture() {}
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Jul 15, 2014
Im having problems with this little function im making
for some reason the texture dont get created (messagebox never gets called)
Im trying to pass a BYTE array of a image to the function
void AddTexture(BYTE* texture)
if (D3D_OK == D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemory(pDevice, &texture, sizeof(texture), &Direct3DTexture))
MessageBoxA(NULL, "created", "created", MB_OK);
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Mar 27, 2014
The following function finds the normal to a terrain represented by a texture. I found it somewhere online , it works but i couldn't understand the math behind it. So , How (or Why ?) does it works ?
//psuedo code
Vector2 normal(x,y) {
Vector2 avg;
for(int w = -3; w <= 3; w++) {
for(int h = -3; h <= 3; h++)
[Code] ....
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Jun 27, 2014
I'm trying to load a Quad with a Monster Image on it that will always face the Camera, a la Doom 2.
Now I don't know how to load an image with an Alpha part on it.
In 2D using SDL I always used tga files.
Here is my LoadTexture functions.
AUX_RGBImageRec *LoadBMP(char *Filename) // Loads A Bitmap Image
FILE *File=NULL; // File Handle
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Sep 25, 2012
Objective : Code a game allowing two human players to play tictactoe.
Create 2 classes:
-Create a 3 x 3, 2-D array board class to play the game.
-Player; has a private string name data member and a method that reads the players’ row and column selections from the keyboard.
Create 2 player objects from this class. Name the players Orestes and Xerxes.
Think carefully about board and player classes responsibilities and how they interaction with one another. The players do not collaborate with one another but they collaborate with the board.
My Problem : The program compiles with the header file, but it the displaying is wrong as you will see when you enter your row and column.
Header file:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Board {
void display(char Z[][3], int row, int col);
[Code] ....
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Jul 9, 2014
I wrote this code, but now need to apply a limit to the recursive depth. This is the format that I have to use. How would I pass a limit so that it stops after a given number? I'm just confused about where to apply it.
int compute_edit_distance(char *string1, char *string2, int i, int j, int limit) {
if (strlen(string1) == i) return strlen(string2) - j;
if (strlen(string2) == j) return strlen(string1) - i;
if (string1[i] == string2[j]) return compute_edit_distance(string1, string2, i + 1, j + 1, limit);
[Code] .....
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Jan 30, 2015
I'm attempting to build a tool for a Minecraft mod called Thaumcraft. In it, there are various aspects of magic that are used in a little research minigame; basically, you have to link Aspect A to Aspect B by the aspects either used to make them, or the aspects that use them in their creation. I figured the easiest way to find a path from A to B would be to relate them via graph object, the code for which I found here, minus the IEnumerable<T> dependency on the Graph<T> class itself, because that requires I build an IEnumerator<T> class and it seems difficult I can do without.
Must be between MinSteps and MaxSteps (say, between 3 and 5 steps).Must use either a source aspect (as in, the current aspect requires it to be built), or a destination aspect (as in, the current aspect is used in its creation).An aspect requires two other aspects of a lower tier to create it.The only exceptions to the above rule are the Primal aspects, which require no aspects to build them.
Here's my Aspect class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.IO;
namespace Pathfinder
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Apr 21, 2014
I am trying to write udf for heat flux on X-Y plane in Fluent having the formula
Q(Y) = (0.304)/(deltaY + deltaY/2)^-3
Where deltaY = 50cm and
Y = 10m
but I am unable to do it. Can write udf for heat flux? Y is the length on Y-axis and X whixh is equal to 5m is length on X-axis. Q is heat flux goes through X-Y plane in Z direction. Geometry is a cube with dimension 10*5*0.005 all are in meters.
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Feb 27, 2015
I'm trying to apply a bubble sort on a linked list. It works in the first traversal, but then after the code cPtr = nPtr;, it inputs repeated digits at the end of the (semi-sorted) linked lists.
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May 28, 2013
Been trying to figure out why my program freezes. I know exactly what line of code is causing it, but I can't figure out WHY it's causing it. It compiles fine, there are no errors returned, and then the game just stalls and I have to ctrl+alt+del to kill it.
Anyway, what I have set up is something like this:
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_gfxPrimitives.h"
#include "SDL_image.h"
#include "SDL_rotozoom.h"
This is the line of code that's freezing the program. Simply put, so that you don't really have to go through it piece by piece, what I have done is:
*each player gets their own drawing surface called PlayScreen
*each player gets an array of 360 drawing surfaces called ShipPic. These are to keep the game from having to render the rotation pics of the ship on the fly.
*Get_Ship clips the requested ship picture out of the ship sprite sheet and puts it in ShipPic[0] for the original angle.
*the original picture is rotated by 1 degree and put into the 360 ShipPic slots.
*when the player rotates their ship, the angle changes, and it calls the ShipPic with the same number as the player's angle and places it on the screen.
All of this works perfectly.
Then, in Player::draw_screen(), I have it set up so that each player looks at all the other players and gets their distance. If they're within range, it takes the other player's picture rotated by the other player's angle and puts it on the current player's PlayScreen. This is where it freezes.
I've checked for NULL pictures, I've checked to be sure the angle is between 0 and 359, nothing makes any difference. I know it's reading the other player's information since I can output all of the player's X & Y coordinates, angles, the width/height of their pictures, etc. on each other's screens. So they're definitely talking.
To test the code, I've changed it from
Apply_Surface(ShipX, ShipY, p[i].ShipPic[(int)p[i].angle], PlayScreen);
Apply_Surface(ShipX, ShipY, p[ID].ShipPic[(int)p[ID].angle], PlayScreen);
And it works perfectly, placing the player's OWN picture in for the other players. So the function works. It's just when I try to take another player's picture and place it on the current player's screen that it freezes.
I've tried quite a few different ideas, such as creating a temp drawing surface to blit the other player's picture onto, but again, it freezes as soon as I try using the other player's pictures.
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