C++ :: Zero In List Contents And Multiset Contents

Apr 24, 2015

HTML Code:

So I insert values from a vector into a list and into a multiset, and I noticed zero is added to their contents! I had to do a whole lot of debugging to find out where the error was, how can i stop this thing? Code which generates such error...

infact i checked the content of vector ups to be sure that there was no zero in it, but after loading into list combi_t * head, it seems like there was a zero added and this is giving me errors when i call function master_roller...

void ins(combi_t * &testa, int &numero, int &num, int &no)
{ // if (ricerca(testa, numero) == 0)
combi_t *temp = new combi_t;

temp->val0 = numero;
temp->val1 = num;
temp->val2 = no;
temp->nextPtr = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Displaying Contents Of A Map

Jul 20, 2013

I'm trying to display the contents of this map. I'm having some trouble where the program ceasing to display after "Index Contents."(lines 33 -40) If I move the display for loop right where I'm inserting the values (line 52) into the map I get output. I'm not sure where bug is.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <regex>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <map>

using namespace std;
typedef istream_iterator<string> isIterator;
typedef map<string, string> indexMap;

[Code] ....

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C :: Combining Contents Of Two Files

Jul 5, 2013

I have dabbled in programming with C, but I am not proficient enough to write a program dealing with files. I have to take an extremely long list of numbers that need to be placed into another file within a line of code for validating purposes. Taking the numbers from one file and placing them into another file with a string code around them?

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C :: Read File Contents From EOF

Jan 8, 2014

How can I read contents of a file from the last character? Can I use a loop?

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C :: Program That Allows To See Contents Of Sub Folders

Sep 12, 2013

I do not have much experience in C. I'm trying to create a C program that allows me to see the contents of subfolders.

For example. introducing the argument folder C: images

However, this folder has sub folders with images inside.

C: images 1
C: images 1 FronA.jpg
C: images 1 FronB.jpg

my idea is to list the files from the root folder introduced in the argument parameter.

I am using the following code,

My problem is when try read de sub-folder, give every time the ".",

DIR *dir2 = opendir(path);
struct dirent *entry2 = readdir(dir2);


int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char dir_name[256];
char sub_dir_name[256];
char filename_ext[256]; //Extension file name
DIR *d;
struct dirent *sub_dir;


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C++ :: Merging Contents Of Files?

Apr 20, 2013

i need to write a c++ code which can merge contents of several .txt files into a single file. i used the following code , it works but after merging the result file contains the contents merged twice.I think it over writes the result.I want to do it without using command line.

using namespace std;
int main()
system("type *.txt >> merge.txt");
return 0;

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C++ :: How To Read XML File Contents In CPP

Jan 30, 2015

I need a sample program to read contents of any xml file using CPP.

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C++ :: Get Output From File Contents

Dec 30, 2013

void input();
void output ();

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Printing The Contents Of The Array?

Feb 18, 2014

I am writing a code with C where I will give an integer and get the binary conversion of it.I tried to fill the binary digits into an integer array.But when I normally print it will give the proper output.But when I try to print the contents of the array it will not produce the proper result.

My code would be as follows.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()


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C/C++ :: Reversing Array Contents

Feb 21, 2015

I'm trying to reverse 25 items that are in my array by using a For Loop and sending 2 of the numbers to a function at a time. The code I have right here, is not working at the moment, I cannot find the problem because i've been staring at my code for too long.

int farEnd = 24;
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++){
Swap(intArray[i], intArray[farEnd]);

Also here is the code in my function

void Swap(int num1, int num2){
int temp = 0;

temp = num1;
num1 = num2;
num2 = temp;

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C :: Return File Contents As String?

Oct 1, 2014

I am trying to code a function which will read a file on system and return its content back as string. Code is below.

char * readtxt(){
FILE * fptr;
char c;
static char txt[30];


I suppose txt variable is pointer. But I need to return the file content as string so the function structure should look like

returnType function(){
return "File Contents as String";

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C :: Show Contents Of A File On Screen

Nov 22, 2013

The aim will show on the screen but does not show the contents of a file on the screen different shows.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
main() {
char filename[100];
double xx;
int ii, kk;

[Code] .....

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C :: Get Stdin Contents Without Newline Then Replace

Feb 19, 2015

I'm learning internet sockets right now and to that end I've made a simple client/server chat program centered around select(). I've got it to where multiple messages can be sent and received on either side and the "prompt" will move down 1 line each time accordingly.

My only sticking point is when someone is in the middle of typing a message and a new message is received. The message they are currently typing is going to be deleted, so they'll have to start over again. What I want to do is grab the current contents of the stdin buffer (meaning, there's no ), save it, print the received message and move the prompt downward as usual, and then put that saved message back into the buffer, meaning not only is it back on the screen now, it's erasable too as if nothing ever happened.

I know that this will definitely be some very very non-standard C, and that's fine. To that end, I've read that curses, GNU readline, and termios are possibilities for this. I've tried those, but am having trouble making it work.

This will be a moot point when I put a GUI on it soon (probably wx, but maybe Qt) since it won't even be an issue, but I'm determined to make this work. Both systems (the "client" and the "server") are Linux, one being Ubuntu and one being Debian.

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C++ ::  Writing Pointer Contents Into File

Apr 15, 2014

I have a character pointer that points to 4000 bytes of valid data. I need to write these valid contents pointed to by this pointer into the file. I am looking for the most optimized way of doing this. I am using the below logic which seems trivial. Any better approach to accomplish the same?

/* length is the number of valid bytes of data */
void parse_contents(const char *data, int length) {
int j = 0;
char path[1024] = "/tmp/data.xml";
FILE *fp = NULL;
fp = fopen(path, "wb");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: File I/O Not Recognizing Contents Correctly

Nov 17, 2014

I have a program that's not doing what I want it to do. This is the assignment:

The nth term of the sequence of triangle numbers is given by, tn = 1/2 n (n+1); so the first ten triangle numbers are:

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55,...

By converting each letter in a word to a number corresponding to its alphabetical position and adding these values we form a word value. For example, the word value for SKY is 19 + 11 + 25 = 55 = t10. If the word value is a triangle number then we shall call the word a triangle word.

the 'words.txt' has a bunch of words in this format:


there's about 1000 words in that format.

And for any triangle words I find, I put it into another text file which I called triangle.txt.

Now for my program, it pulls the 'words.txt' file just fine but it doesn't recognize any of the words in the file as triangle words.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
int getCharValue(char a);
double sum1(std::string name);


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C++ :: Display Contents Of Two-Dimensional Array

May 4, 2014

//Introductory20.cpp - displays the contents of a two-dimensional array, column by column and row by row

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int nums[2][4] = {{17, 24, 86, 35},
{23, 36, 10, 12}};

[Code] .....

I need modifying a program that should display the contents of the two- dimensional array, column by column and also row by row. I need to complete the program using a WHILE statement in the outer loops and a FOR statement in the nested loops.

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C++ :: Copying Binary FILE Contents Into Another

Jan 10, 2013

How does one go about copying one binary FILE variable to another in C++? Say I have the following:

FILE* tempFile; //is a binary file and assume already filled with contents
FILE* localFile;

tempFile, as the name implies, is stored in a temporary directory (AND has a randomized temp name) within Windows and I want to copy its contents to another file with a predefined name that is within a valid local directory (e.g. C:UsersuserMy Documents est.exe). What do I have to use?

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C/C++ :: Vector Contents Unexpectedly Different Within The Same Function

Jun 14, 2014

I am trying to create a tennis tournament simulator. There are 128 players in the tournament, and 32 seeds. I have a vector filled with 'Player' objects named 'Players'. Each 'Player' object has three member variables, Strength, Ranking, and ATPPoints. When the vector 'Players' is first declared, the default constructor for each 'Player' object is used, which initialises each of the 'Player' objects to zero. I then generate a Strength value in the range of 0-10 for each of these 'Player' objects, and sort them descendingly according to their strength.

I now want to create the draw for a tournament. I declare a vector 'Draw' with 128 'slots'. Each slot initially contains a blank 'Player' object, with its member variables set to 0. I first place the top 32 players throughout the draw such that they do not meet until later rounds as they would be in real life. For the remaining players, I position them in the draw by generating a random number between 0 and 127. Some of the slots 0-127 are occupied by seeded Players. These seeded Players have non zero Strength and Rank values, so to avoid overwriting these slots, I check the Strength value of the 'Player' object in the slot in question. A return value of 0 would indicate an empty slot.

At the beginning of the function, I output the Strength and Rank values of the 'Player' objects already in the draw. This outputs correctly.

for (Player& p : Draw)
{// outputs the draw in it's current state, with the already placed seeds as expected.
cout << p.GetRanking() << " " << p.GetStrength() << endl;


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C/C++ :: Display Contents Of Point (Cell)

Jan 23, 2014

I want to display the content of point "cell", how can I implement this:

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <conio.h> 
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;  
int main () {
    typedef pair<int,int> point;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Return File Contents As String

Oct 1, 2014

I am trying to code a function which will read a file on system and return its content back as string. Code is below.

char * readtxt(){
    FILE * fptr;
    char  c;
    static char txt[30];
    int len=0;  
    fptr = fopen("C:UsersTestDesktopDev est.txt", "r");  

[Code] ....

I suppose txt variable is pointer. But I need to return the file content as string so the function structure should look like

returnType function(){
return "File Contents as String";

How can I achieve this ?

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Visual C++ :: How To Print Contents Of CRichEditCtrl V 2.0

Oct 5, 2012

I am trying to print the content of the CRichEditCtrl v 2.0. The problem is that when I want to use pagination (with A4 pages), the printed text (which is just 4 sample line with 40 chars at most) at the code lTextPrinted =FormatRange(&fr,TRUE); is always lesser than the actual text pointed by the lTextLength variable making the loop run for ever. notice that using the RichEditControl Version 1 it works fine.

Check the code. I am attaching also the full source code at [URL]


CPrintDialog printDialog(false);
if (bShowPrintDialog) {
int r = printDialog.DoModal();
if (r == IDCANCEL)
return; // User pressed cancel, don't print.


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C :: Transferring Contents Of One Character Array To Another Function

Feb 1, 2014

In the function *expandArrayList and *trimArrayList I need to allocate either more memory or less memory to the given array. Right now I am using malloc on a new array and then transferring the elements of the original array to the new array, freeing the original array, and then reassigning it to the new array so it's size and capacity are either bigger or smaller than the original. I feel like there has to be a simpler way to do this with either realloc or calloc, but I cant find sufficient information on either online. Would I be able to use either to make this easier and the code cleaner?

Also, these are character arrays that contain several character arrays inside them, so I was wondering what the best way to transfer the contents of one array to the other would be. I have gone between


for (i=0; i<length; i++){
newarray[i] = oldarray[i];
Code: for (i=0; i<length; i++){
strcpy(newarray[i], oldarray[i]);

but I'm not sure which one (if either) should work.

The 'ArrayList.h' file that is included contains the structure ArrayList, as well as the function prototypes for the functions listed below.

Here is the structure in ArrayList.h:


typedef struct ArrayList {
// We will store an array of strings (i.e., an array of char arrays)
char **array;

[Code] ....

Here is my code:


//included libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ArrayList.h"
//Create arraylist


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C :: Losing Contents Of A String Between File I/O Operations

Oct 24, 2013

Here's the code I'm writing:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char* getTeamCode(char* team);


Why the placement of the code on line 21 above matters.

It grabs the correct string just fine. If I write a printf just below it, it prints the string it should correctly. However, if I do a printf of the string OSUteamCode below the fopen call on line 23, it prints blank.

So the first thing I did was move it below the fopen line. It worked, finding and outputting the first game in "game.csv" just fine, but not the other 11. Debugging with printf shows that the contents of OSUteamCode again disappear after the fopen call in the addLineCSV function.

I'm not understanding why that happens. The only thing I can figure is there's something going on with the file I/O commands that I just don't understand, but I can't find anything online that explains what that might be.

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C++ :: Transfer Contents From Text File Into A String

Apr 9, 2014

I'm making a program in which it will read an input from a text file and then count the numbers of spaces , characters , words . Here is what i think it would work : First i will transfer the contents from the input.txt into a string , after that i will create 3 strings which contain each of these : spaces , characters , words . Then comparing each of the contents of the intput.txt_string to the other 3 strings .

using namespace std;


and of course it doesnt seem to work...

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C++ :: Reading From A File And Displays Its Contents On Console

Oct 18, 2014

Having some trouble with an assignment. Here is the prompt. Write a program that reads the telephone.dat file and displays its contents on the console. The program should allow the user to add new entries to the file.

I have saved the file into a resource file within visual studio and I am trying to run the code to where the file will be shown when I run the program. I know that the program is running and the file is there because if i misspell the filename it will give me the error message. I don't know how to make the contents of the file display. Here is what I have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inputFile;


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C++ :: How To Load Contents Of Text File Into Array

May 12, 2013

So I am working on a FUSE filesystem and I currently have the need to load the contents of a text file into an array.

My array initialization looks like: char array[max_entries][PATH_MAX] = {NULL}

The reason I want to pass it by reference is that I want my function to return two values essentially. One a specific char* and the other an array like I initialized. My function proto type looks like:

char* load_meta(char* list[max_entries][PATH_MAX], char* path, int mode);

How I'm trying to call the function:

someChar = load_meta(&array, path_name, 1);

Within the function I try to edit the array by deferenceing it once, like this:

strcpy(*list[i], file_entry); // This seg faults

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