C++ :: Read From File And Display On Monitor In Reverse Order

Nov 5, 2013

works fine without the for loop.... if i use for loop...it doesnt give the output...

Code: #include<iostream>


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C++ :: Program To Read In Reverse Order Contents Of A File

Jan 5, 2015

Need to correct the errors. i've done so far.

using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream fin; char ch; int size=0;


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C++ :: Read List Of Numbers From A File And Then Print Out In Reverse Order

Apr 6, 2013

1. Construct a class diagram that can be used to represent food items. A type of food can be classified as basic or prepared. Basic food items can be further classified as meat, fruit, veg or Grain. The services provide by the class should be the ability to enter data for new food, to change data for food and to display existing data about food.

using this class definition write a main program to include a simple menu that offers the following choices:

1. Add food
2. Modify Food
3. Delete Food
4. Exit this menu

2. Read a list of numbers from a file and then print them out in reverse order. State whether the list is palindromic or not.

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C# :: Creating Service To Monitor And Read Contents Of File From A Folder

Feb 10, 2015

am trying to create a service that will try to create a service that will monitor a folder. Whenever a new file gets created, I am trying to read the contents of new file and copy contents (with same file) at a new location.

The problem I am facing is that only first file that gets its name copied and a file created at a new location, but without any contents. The subsequent files do not get created at all.

My Services.cs looks like this:-

public partial class Service1 : ServiceBase
public Service1()


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C :: Store Character Array In Reverse Order Then Display Reversed Array

Jun 14, 2013

The program should store a character array in reverse order then display the reversed array. I have also included in the code that will display the actual characters into the array as it loops through. So I know the characters are being stored, but why doesn't it display the entire string when I call it?

int main(){
char str[50];
char rev[50];
printf("Enter Desired Text: ");
scanf ("%[^

[Code] ....

Is it just my compiler?

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C :: Posting Data From File1 Into New File In Reverse Order

Sep 24, 2013

The next step for my project is to take data from a file, and create a new file with the same data, but in reverse order. If a file has the following values:


The program should create a new file with the following values:


Seems pretty straight forward, yet I am hitting a snag when I try to compile my program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

[Code] ....

The following errors occur when I try to compile the fore mentioned code:

intrev.c: In function 'main':
intrev.c:25: warning: unused variable 'out'
intrev.c: At top level:
intrev.c:39: error: expected identifier or '(' before 'while'

[Code] .....

Now I am not concerned with "unused variable 'out'" as it is used, just in a for loop. Is this a problem?

I'm not entirely sure why it's giving me the error at line 39. I've gone over this a couple times and it doesn't look like I've missed any methods which need to be closed. Maybe I've missed something?

I'm also not sure why I am getting an error when I try to close the opened files. I've done this before in the same manner, but without errors. Not sure why I am now, but my guess is that it has something to do with the error on line 39.

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C/C++ :: Input Hex Number / Convert To Char And Display To Monitor

Sep 9, 2014

What I'm trying to do is have the user input a hex number this number will then be converted to a char and displayed to the monitor this will continue until an EOF is encountered.I have the opposite of this code done which converts a char to a hex number. The problem I'm running into is how do i get a hex number from the user I used getchar() for the char2hex program. Is there any similar function for hex numbers?

this is the code for the char2hex program

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char myChar;
int counter = 0;
while(EOF != (myChar = getchar())) {
if (myChar == '')

[Code] .....

This is what i want to the program to do except it would do this continuously

int main() {
char myChar;
printf("Enter any hex number: ");
printf("Equivalent Char is: %c",myChar);
return 0;

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C++ :: Read In A TXT File And Sort It By SSN In Ascending Order

Jan 25, 2014

So I need to read in a .txt file and sort it by SSN in ascending order. How to start this but here's what I have so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Information {
char name[25];
long SSN;

[Code] .....

Also here is the contents of the .txt file:

3930 4th Blvd, Yourcity, NJ 88710
and so on.

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C++ :: Printing String In Reverse Order

May 14, 2014

How to print a string in reverse order(for example: "today is Wednesday " to "Wednesday is today"). My professor said we should begin with a null string and build it one word at a time.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int nwords(string);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Input Sentence And Then Output It In Reverse Order

Jun 3, 2013

I need to do program where i will input sentence and then output it in reverse order. Example: today is Monday ----> Monday is today. So I have this:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char niz[20],niz2[20];
int lenght,k=0;

[Code] ....

For output I only get one word of sentence,example: Monday is today--->today and nothing else.

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C++ :: Two Vectors Of Float - Sorting In Reverse Order?

Jul 15, 2013

I have two vectors of float that I need to sort in reverse order. reverse() seems to work for one of them, but not the other. I have toggled between sort() and reverse(). for one vector, the expected behavior is seen and the order reverses. For the other, there is no change in order.

This is very simple code, so it's hard to imagine what is going wrong.

vector<float> vec1, vec2;
vec1[0] = 14.1102; vec1[1] = 14.1145;
vec2[0] = 15.8508; vec2[1] = 26.0842;
sort( vec1.begin(), vec1.end() );
sort( vec2.begin(), vec2.end() );

[Code] ......

Printout is,

vector 1 sort
vector 2 sort

vector 1 reverse
vector 2 reverse

You can see that the order of the first vector did not change. Am I right in suspecting that the numbers are too similar for what ever method reverse() uses to determine the difference between values?

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C :: Reversing Linked List In Reverse Order Using Recursion

May 3, 2014

I was trying to reverse a linklist in reverse direction using the recursion. I was able to reverse n - 1 element but it is not printing the first one. Below is my code.


typedef struct linklist {
int data;
linklist *next;

void add(int data,linklist **node) {


This is happening since recursion is starting from second node, which is due to reason not printing the first one when recursion print values from stack once

node != NULL

Condition is met.

Currently I am using below statement for printing the first element;

Print In Reverse Order

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C/C++ :: Reverse Order Of Bytes Unsigned Char Array?

Dec 1, 2014

I need fastest method to reverse order of bytes in my char array.

For example i have:

unsigned char buf[8];
// consider data stored in buf is 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11
// how to reverse it to: 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
// currently i can do it by equal assignment , i make another buf like:
unsigned char buf_ok[8];

[Code] ....

// This does reverse the bytes as i want but its very slow , i am looking for fast method ..

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C++ :: String Copy - Program To Reverse Word Order In Sentence

Apr 2, 2012

I am trying to write a program that takes a sentence and reverses the word order.

For instance This is a Bird would become Bird a is This

Code :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main (void) {
char input_buffer[1024];
char middle[1024];

[Code] ....

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C :: Loop Statement To Print Numbers From 1 To 10 In Reverse Order Separated By Star

Apr 21, 2013

Write a for loop statement to print the numbers from 1 to 10 in reverse order separated by star :


i try to do it but it show me like this :


how do i write to show me like the first one ?

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C/C++ :: Unable To Use Priority Queue Sorting In Reverse Order To Take Vector Or 2D Array

Aug 7, 2014

I'm trying to use a priority queue sorting in reverse order to take a vector or 2d array. The problem is that I want to sort by the vector/array cell value but keep the reference to the vector/array index of the value. I don't know quite howto keep them both related so when I pop. I can find the corresponding cell.

priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > Open;

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C++ :: Implementing Recursive Function To Print Linked List In Reverse Order

Nov 29, 2014

Implement a recursive function named void printBack(DoublyLinkedNode<T>* node) for the class DoublyLinkedCircularList which will print out the elements in the list from back to front. The function is initially called with the first node in the list. You may not make use of the previous(prev) links

This is my solution where I got 2 out of a possible 3 marks:

template<class T>
void DoublyLinkedCircularList<T> :: printBack(DoublyLinkedNode<T>* node) {
if(node->next == NULL) //Correct- 1 mark
return 0;
printBack(node->next); //Correct - 1 mark
cout << current-> element << " ";

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C# :: How To Monitor Registry File / Key Changes

Jan 13, 2014

I am developing an application which monitors file changes and also registry key changes during a driver installation. I have used this code from internet, but doesn't works.

public void WmiChangeEventTester() {
try {
WqlEventQuery query = new WqlEventQuery(
"SELECT * FROM RegistryValueChangeEvent WHERE " +
@"AND KeyPath = 'SOFTWARESchneider ElectricDMODBUS' AND ValueName='CurrentVersion'");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Read And Display A Text File?

Apr 13, 2013

how to read and display the content of a text file in my console application using C++. The file contains 25 lines and 3 columns. The first column is "Rank" (numerical values from 1 to 25) the second column is "Name" (25 teams name) and the third column "value" has the amount of point each team is worth. Looking for code for reading and displaying all this information ....

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C++ :: How To Read From A File Then Display To Console

Mar 21, 2013

Write a program that reads from total.dat file and displays its contents to the console. The program should allow the user to add new entries to the file.

So far this is what I've got and I'm not sure if I even started right.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ifstream dataIn;
ofstream dataOut;
cout << dataIn;
return 0;

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C++ :: Using Array To Accept 10 Test Score - Print Highest / Lowest And In Reverse Order

Jan 28, 2014

Using the array to accept 10 testscore. Calculate and print the highest, lowest, fifth test score entered and all the test score entered in reverse order.

How i would get it to print the highest,and lowest and in reverse order. I'm confused as to what to do...

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C++ :: Read A File Into 2D Array And Display Data

Nov 15, 2014

I am currently working on a problem where I read a file into a 2D array, and display data. If you saw my code earlier, this is the same problem, but I am now further along.

The file (90 characters) looks like this:

The "R" resembles rainy days, the "S" resembles sunny days, and the "C" resembles cloudy days. There are 90 characters in the file. The first 30 are for the month of June, the next 30 are for the month of July, and the last 30 are for the month of August. The 31st day of the months are NOT included.

I read the data into a 3 x 30 array, where the row indicates the month (0 = June, 1 = July, 2 = August) and the column indicates the number of days in each month.

Now I need to create a function that creates a report and displays, for each month AND for the whole 3 month period:
1) The number of rainy days
2) The number of cloudy days
3) The number of sunny days
4) Which of the 3 months had the largest number of rainy days

Here is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int MONTHS = 3;//Number of months

[Code] .....

There are no compiling errors, but I am not getting the data I want. My rCount and cCount variables end up being 0, and my sCount variable is 90.

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C/C++ :: Read Text File And Display It In Output

Apr 7, 2014

I'm supposed to read a text file and display it in the output. I have it down except my formatting. I just cannot get it to just skip one line rather than multiple. I know why though because my char has a max of 11 and if I put a character lets say mango, it is going to fill in the rest with white spaces. It's supposed to display like this:


But instead I get something like this




I am using isspace but it's not working.

//source code

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class CFile

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Read Data From A File Then Store / Search And Display Using Classes And Arrays

Apr 12, 2013

A company uses two text files: one to store employees' details and another to log their sign in/out time.

The details file - called details.txt" has the following format: ID, Name, Date of Birth, SSN, Department, Position - separated by spaces.

An extract from the file looks like this:

10 alice 4/23/1972 123-45-6789 support assistant
3 bob 6/7/1980 111-12-1134 logistics manager
1 carol 10/2/1963 987-123-1143 admin ceo
2 dave 10/3/1974 902-22-8914 admin cfo
17 erin 6/13/1991 126-83-1942 technology supervisor
15 frank 2/22/1987 303-12-1122 logistics assistant

"timelog.txt" contains daily logs of when employees arrive and leave. It has the following format: ID, Date, Arrival Time, Departure Time - separated by spaces. An extract from the file looks like this:

10 2/11 0900 1700
3 2/11 0930 1730
1 2/11 1100 2000
2 2/11 1000 1530
17 2/11 0900 1700
10 2/12 1000 1830
3 2/12 0930 1730
1 2/12 1100 1900
2 2/12 1030 2000
17 2/12 0900 1700
15 2/12 1100 1600

I have to write a program that searches for specific records using some search parameter, and displays them. Ok first i have to read the data from the files and store them. this is what i have so far....

#include <iostream> //Accesses libaries for console input and output
#include <fstream> //Needed to access the fstream object to read files
#include <string> //Needed to access the string class
#include <cstdlib>

[Code] ....

I know my class and array code is totally wrong i dont know how to store the data for the info is in integer and string form... do i use strings, arrays?

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C :: Program Which Writes Out Its Command Line Arguments In Reverse Order One Per Line?

May 7, 2013

l need to write a program which writes out its command line arguments in reverse order one per line. The output from the program should look like this:

% a.out Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

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C :: How To Display Order Of Persons Before And After Sorting By Age

Nov 15, 2013

This program I am trying to write has a structure of persons with a first name last name and age for each.

What I need it to do it display the order of the persons before sorting and then display the persons after sorting by age.

So far I have written the overall program but am stuck at the most important step...which is defining the functions that will be doing all of the work.

For sort_by_age I want use bubble sorting by writing the function myself and for print_person_info I am confused on how to print data out of the struct.


#include <stdio.h>
struct person
char first_name[20];
char last_name[20];
int age;
void print_person_info(struct person clone);
void sort_by_age(int n, struct person a[]);


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