C++ :: Manipulate Array Of Student Record Objects

May 15, 2014

Create an application to manipulate an array of student record objects. A student record will consist of a name (first, middle, and last), an ID number (9 numeric digits, cannot be more or less), an address (street, city, state, and 5 digit Zip code), and a phone number (3 digit area code and 7 digit number). The application will support an array of students. The user will be allowed to enter records from the keyboard, sort records by either name (last, first, middle) or by ID, save the records to a disk file (name supplied by user), and read the records from a disk file (name again supplied by user).

Create a fixed length string that must check that the length of the string is the required length. The fixed length class should be done as a template with the number of characters as the template argument. From this fixed length string, derive a class to hold digits of a fixed length.

Create component classes as necessary to use together to implement the student record class.

Use either the array template created in an earlier lab to handle the array or you may use the vector class from the STL to handle the array of student record objects.

The maximum number of students will be 25 (it may be less).

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C/C++ :: Student ADT - How To Delete A Record

Feb 24, 2014

My assignment for class was to create a Student ADT. I have three files. First one is Student.h which defines a Student record and has the prototypes of the functions that can be used with Student. I have Student.cc which is where the functions are actually declared. And my final file is testStudent.cc where the "main" function is that is creating a Student and callign all of the functions to make sure they work properly.

I have all of the functions working properly, except for my destroyStudentRecord function. It is supposed to deallocate the record, but I am unsure of how to actually do this. The current implementation appears to only deallocate the firstName field, as when you display the record after deallocationg it, everything still shows up except the first name. I have tried deallocating each field of the record before deallocating the record itself and that gave me the biggest list of errors I have ever seen.

I realize the implementation of some things in here might be a bit odd, but this is exactly how we are required to do things for this assignment and nothing about the implementation can really be changed unless something is actually just plain wrong(which is of course a possibility as I am quite new to this!). As I said though, everything else is working exactly as it should be, so my only issue at all is with actually deleting the record once I have created one.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
#ifndef _STUDENT_H_
#define _STUDENT_H_
struct Student {

[Code] ....

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C :: Student Record System / File Handling

Feb 25, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>


I dont know how to modify the previous record that i have done in the Add Student function. i searched from different sites and got this code for modifying a record in a text file. But, i cant figure it out why its not working.

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C++ :: Stuck On Student Project / Classes And Objects

Aug 28, 2014

Working on a project for a c++ class and got a bit stuck.

What I am trying to do is include a class for calculating home square footage in a program I have written for my last project. When I do this, I get errors in codeblocks, on lines 74 and 87, "expected ; before 'box', and 'box' was not declared, respectively. Unsure what my snafu is... I had these two programs separate and both run without errors until I combine the two into one program.

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C++ :: How To Manipulate A Whole Array As A Single Integer

Mar 22, 2014

here i have an assignment, creating a longInt class and using it to calculate large numbers, i dont have a clue how to manipulate a whole array as a single ineteger.

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C++ :: Importing 2D Array - Print Out Matrix And Manipulate It

Nov 9, 2014

Essentially what I need to do is take a text file, ("input.txt"):

4 4
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0

And take the first two values on line 1 (4, 4) and use them as length and width.
Number of rows: 4
Number of columns: 4

Then I need to print out the matrix and further manipulate it. I need to find the sum of the 1's per column and then take that number and replace each 1 with the 1's in each column.

So it'll look like this:
2 0 0 2
2 1 3 2
0 0 3 0
0 0 3 0

The part that's mostly troubling me is that my instructor will be giving me the input file with random values, so I don't know what the matrix dimensions will be.

I can read the 2D array but can't seem to use it after. I need to find a way to skip the first line, and then read in the matrix and be able to use it mathematically to add up each column.

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C++ :: Adding New Record To Array?

Feb 1, 2013

I'm having some issues with adding a record to my array.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>


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C++ :: Structure Record Type In Array

Feb 24, 2015

I have to enter the Instructor ID and invokes getFees to find the fees of the given instructor. Then it will displays the message that shows either the fees or "No such instructor ID" if not found. the function prototype is

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int DECLARED_SIZE = 7;
int search(const int a[], int number_used, int target);
struct InstructorType


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C++ :: Deleting A Record From Struct Array?

Aug 31, 2014

I want to delete selected records from struct array using cstring reading from files. Here I read my records to stud struct then assign non-deleted to stu struct but its not deleting as desired...strcmp is giving 25

cout<<"Enter student ID to delete: ";
cin.getline(id, 15,

[Code] ....

I did some debugging effort and I found here is the problem..the stud[0].ID and id is not same but why? I am giving in same id and both char array lenght is 15

cout<<"Enter student ID to delete: ";
cin.getline(id, 15);
cout<<strlen(stud[0].ID)<<" "<<strlen(id)<<endl;///---> lenght 1 is 10
///---->lenght 2 is 8
cout<<strncmp(id,stud[0].ID, 10 )<<endl;

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C++ ::  Array Traversal - Output Each Student And Score That Falls Below Average

Oct 24, 2013

How to traverse through this array and output each student and score that falls below the average. I think I may have the method down for traversing through the list to find the "total score" however, before proceeding under a possible wrong presumption, I would like confirmation as to whether or not I'm understanding this or botching this concept.

void dispLowScore(struct payload *arrayStart , //first element of array
struct payload *arrayEnd ) //last element of array {
int studentCount; //total number of students in list/array
int totalScore ; //accumulated value of all scores added together
float averageScore; //totalScore / studentCount

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Structure Record Type In Array - Unresolved Structures

Feb 25, 2015

Why I do have this error message?

1>------ Build started: Project: TMA04, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>TMA04.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "double __cdecl getFees(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (?getFees@@YANV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) referenced in function _main
1>C:UsersEvgericDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsTMA04DebugTMA04.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

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C :: How To Manipulate Binary

Oct 5, 2013

My assignment is to write a binary calculator that works with floating point for simple math (+,-,x,/). How to do this. the binary numbers need to be from the user.

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C++ :: Manipulate A String Into Name Of A Variable?

Feb 1, 2013

The while loop is increased by i++ each time. In the commented line I want to express.When:

i = 1 , player1.cards[j] = random;
i = 2 , player2.cards[j] = random;
void cardScramble()
int random;
int i = 1;
while (i <= 4)


I tried to define it or manipulate it as a string but didn't work.

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C++ :: Manipulate Image File At Runtime

Oct 20, 2013

I've come to a point where I want to manipulate an image file at run time or with pre-determine sizes and have to be applied when the windows is moved or through in program options.

I know I can do the applying part. However I am a little unsure of how to tackle the image manipulation. I want to make it so that it is not os dependant. So I know I can not rely on any os functions. The only other thought that came to mind was to deal with the video card itself.

So the main question after all of that is said and done. How is c++ able to interact with the video card directly for images? Or if there are existing function I can use. How do they do that? If I can use existing function I would like to be able to manipulate it myself.

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C++ :: How To Manipulate Certain Strings - Ignoring Spaces

Aug 11, 2013

How I can manipulate certain strings. This program here is supposed to randomly scramble any word/sentence input. However, I notice that even the empty spaces get moved; is there any way to stop that from happening? I would want the empty spaces to stay in their input positions.

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Manipulate Bits Of All Types For Storing

Aug 10, 2013

I need a translate (in both directions) all primitive types, into char[] (will be stored in string)

I understand how to manipulate integral types with bits and I cant just cut them down and shift them, but float and double don't work with this manipulation. So, how I can create a perfect bit copy of float and double?

int i = 0xFCED03A4; //Random number
char c[4];
c[0] = ((i >> 3) & 0xFF);
c[1] = ((i >> 2) & 0xFF);
c[2] = ((i >> 1) & 0xFF);
c[1] = (i & 0xFF);


This is basic stuff but I need an equivalent for float and double types, and it needs to be a perfect BIT copy, not value copy.

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C Sharp :: How To Record String From Label To Array String

Nov 19, 2013

I just i would like to know how to record a string from a label to an array string ?

string[] stringArray = labelone.Text

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C :: Program To Manipulate Doubly Linked List

Nov 17, 2013

I'm trying to write a program that manipulates a doubly linked list. My professor wants it to have two structs, one called Node (containing the data, and pointers to the next and previous nodes) and one called DLList, which contains the nodes for the head and tail (which is then passed to all of my functions).

I'm a little confused how to access the head and tail, for instance, if I want to initially set them to null in the main function (he emphasized the need for this), or to use them in my functions. I've tried a lot of variations to call the head and tail, but I keep getting told that head and tail are undeclared in the function.

How might I access my head and tail, for instance in a main function, when they're defined like this? (I took out all of the logic in my functions for clarity)

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C++ :: Function To Manipulate Data From A List Class

Feb 3, 2013

I made a program that can use a function to manipulate data from a list class. The program is very basic and I think the error makers may be obvious to some of you. I just wanted to find it without having to scrap my program. It doesn't generate a compile error but it announces a memory error while it is running. I use visual studio 2012, the program is an exercise from a c++ book.

#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
typedef double Item;
const int MAX = 10;
class List

[Code] .....

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C# :: Creating X Number Of Textboxes At Runtime And Manipulate

May 6, 2014

i need to creat a program in la user give me "X" number and creat the textbox and y need sum all textbox

int t = Int32.Parse(txtbano.Text);
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)


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C++ :: How To Use Class With Array Of Objects

Oct 12, 2014

class FlashCard {
int a,b;
void PrintCard(void);
int CorrectAnswer(void);
void SwapFlashCard(FlashCard &a,FlashCard &b)


Why does Xode warn me that Type'FlashCard'does not provide a subscript operator on line 22,23,29 and 30?

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C++ :: Using Array Of Pointers To Objects?

Sep 27, 2013

I've created an Array of pointers to objects using:

Person ** A = new person * [arraysize];

When I intend to access a specific person do I have to do this? :

something = A->[i];

and when I want a specific object within my struct do I have to do this? :

something_else = A->[i]->random_int;

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C++ :: Array Of Class Objects

May 13, 2014

I need an array of class objects but am unsure of how one might accomplish this. I have so far...

//element class driver code
Element Arsenic(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Cadmium(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Chromium(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Copper(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Lead(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Nickel(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Molybdenum(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Mercury(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Selenium(lowCeiling, highCeiling);
Element Zinc(lowCeiling, highCeiling);

Element metal[10] = {Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Molybdenum, Mercury, Selenium, Zinc};

Could the array be created in this manner or is that illegal code?

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C++ :: Array Of New Objects - Delite?

Mar 22, 2013

When I make an array of new objects and write delite arraySelector, will that delite all of the array elements or just the first one?

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C++ :: Array Of Objects And Inheritance

Dec 20, 2013

I have Class A as a base class , and Class B , C derived classes from A and there's class D who have a data member (pointer to Array) of type A (Composition)

class D{
A **a;
int size;
a = new A*[size];

And i have Print method , in its body i have to specific element (if it from class B or C ) with a given ID(both B and C have a data member ID ) there should be 2 options in print function .. printing elements for class B , or printing elements for class C ? how can i specific the elements ?

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C/C++ :: Quicksort For Array Of Objects

Feb 16, 2014

I have a homework requiring me to use quicksort on a pointer array of CDs. They are sorted by the title. I have tried the general solution for integer arrays which sets the pivot at the middle integer but it didn't work/ stopped working when I tried to start sorting the already inputed CDs. The same is happening with the current version (an adaptation of pieces of code):

void swap(CD &a, CD &B)/>
CD temp;
temp = a;


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