C :: Function Which Takes A Character Array And Reverses It
Dec 7, 2013
Write a c function which takes a string(as a character array, null terminated) and reverses it. it doesn't print the reversed string -- it modifies the given string so that it is reversed.
void reverse(char array[]) {
char tmp;
int i, j;
for(i=0;i<strlen(array); i++){
for(j=strlen(array)-1;j>=0;j--) {
tmp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = tmp;
} } }
how come this doesn't work?
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Jan 21, 2013
Write a function that takes an array and returns true if all the elements in the array are positive, otherwise, it returns false.
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Nov 25, 2014
I have to make a program that takes several numbers into an array into a function, and send them back into the main function multiplied by 1.13. This is what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void connell(int&n[20])
main() {
int num[20];
[Code] ...
I do not know how to get numbers from an array from a main program to a function.
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Mar 17, 2013
I have to write a function Subtracts val from each character in the array
// If the array is: abcdefghi and value = 5, then result is: 5 ascii characters subtracted from the given array
// note: Make sure the character remains in the ' '
// to '~' (inclusive)
// If character < ' ', then add 95
// If character > 126, then subtract 95
// to put back within the range, and repeat as needed
// all printable characters are between this range
// ' ' is the 1st printable character (32)
// '~' is the last printable character (126)
note: subtracting values from the char will cause an overflow.
the prototype is: void subtracting(char array[], int size, int value)
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Oct 5, 2014
I'm trying to make a character array, and be able to custom fill it by using the scanf() function to ask the user for each character spot in the array.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int i;
char character_array[11];
char *charpointer;
charpointer = character_array;
[Code] .....
And this is the output i get when i run it:
root@kali-Tulips:~# ./myown
what letter would you like in the [0] spot of the array? :
what letter would you like in the [1] spot of the array? :
what letter would you like in the [2] spot of the array? :
what letter would you like in the [3] spot of the array? :
what letter would you like in the [4] spot of the array? :
[Code] .....
Obviously I'm trying to grasp C programming and am very new. I don't understand why this isn't working, and i think its more than my lack of knowledge of C syntax. I believe the correct memory is allocated but when examined with gdb i don't find what i expect....
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Feb 1, 2014
In the function *expandArrayList and *trimArrayList I need to allocate either more memory or less memory to the given array. Right now I am using malloc on a new array and then transferring the elements of the original array to the new array, freeing the original array, and then reassigning it to the new array so it's size and capacity are either bigger or smaller than the original. I feel like there has to be a simpler way to do this with either realloc or calloc, but I cant find sufficient information on either online. Would I be able to use either to make this easier and the code cleaner?
Also, these are character arrays that contain several character arrays inside them, so I was wondering what the best way to transfer the contents of one array to the other would be. I have gone between
for (i=0; i<length; i++){
newarray[i] = oldarray[i];
Code: for (i=0; i<length; i++){
strcpy(newarray[i], oldarray[i]);
but I'm not sure which one (if either) should work.
The 'ArrayList.h' file that is included contains the structure ArrayList, as well as the function prototypes for the functions listed below.
Here is the structure in ArrayList.h:
typedef struct ArrayList {
// We will store an array of strings (i.e., an array of char arrays)
char **array;
[Code] ....
Here is my code:
//included libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ArrayList.h"
//Create arraylist
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Feb 20, 2014
I have made a program that converts or reverses an input string. Here is my code working fine
static void Main(string[] args){
string input = Console.ReadLine();
string[] words = input.Split(' ')
for (int i = words.Length; i > 0; i--)
Console.Write(words[i - 1] + " ");
How can I write this program in pseudo code?
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Jul 4, 2014
Can we do this :
char strings[][100]={"ABC","EFG","IJK","LKM"};
char temp[100];
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Jan 7, 2014
Write a c++ function that takes int as an argument and doubles it.the function does not return a value.
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Oct 4, 2013
I keep getting this error in my code. I believe it is because to use pow(x,y) both x and y have to be double, but how do i put that into my formula under calculations?
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Declaration section: Declaring all variables.
[Code] ....
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Feb 23, 2015
I just want to call the function : outputboo(), but I dont know how
Code: /*Enthusiastic
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Books{
char title[50];
char author[50];
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Sep 2, 2014
We have to write a function named fibonacci that takes an int indicating the length of the series and then store it in an array of size 20 printing the sequence from largest to smallest. Here is the small bit i have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void Fibonacci( int );
int main( ) {
[Code] ....
I just need something to get me on the right track.
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Feb 21, 2013
I have a school project in which need to create a function that takes a File Object as a Reference Parameter. Supposedly, it should allow me to read the first piece of data from others separated by a space from a file. The later be able to continue reading from the next piece of data.
I know how to set things up to read from the data file, such as using
#include <iostream> , and
ifstream inputFileName;
inputFile.open ("nameOfFile");
I also understand how to pass a variable by reference to a function. But I simply cannot put the two items together!
I tried using
void getFileInput (ifstream &); //parameter
getFileInput ("nameOfFile") // call
void getFileInput (ifstream &dataFileName)
In the function I used
ifstream inputFile;
inputFile.open (dataFileName);
I'm just not getting an understanding of this concept!
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Apr 20, 2014
Write a function that takes two input arguments and provides two separate results to the caller, one that is the result of multiplying the two arguments, the other the result of adding them.Since you can directly return only one value from a function, you'll need the second value to be returned through a pointer or reference parameter.
#include "Code.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
double x, y;
[Code] ....
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Dec 7, 2012
How do I Write a function that takes two linked list as input arguments these linked list contain numbers like this:
num1->3->5->2->NULL (assuming that number 1 is 352)
num2->4->3->9->1->NULL (assuming that number 2 is 4391)
The function should return 1 if num1 points to a linked list which represents a smaller number than the number pointed to by num2 linked list. Otherwise, it returns -1. If both linked list point to exactly the same number, returns a 0.
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Oct 10, 2013
I was required to write a program that takes a baseball players statistics and displays there averages. I was required to make 3 function in the file to perform this tasks. my problem I am having a division problem in the SLG function. My compiler does not require the system ("PAUSE"); command.
The player's batting average is: 0.347
The player's on-base percentage is: 0.375
The player's slugging percentage is:
(test)AB = 101
(test)Tot Base = 58
/* Batting Average Program
file: batavg1CPP.cpp
Glossary of abbreviations:
BA = batting average
PA = plate appearances
H = hits
BB = bases on balls (walks)
[Code] ....
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May 13, 2014
Consider I have a rectangle like this:
Point p1(100,100);
Point p2(300,200);
Graph_lib::Rectangle r(p1,p2);
And also I have a function that takes a rectangle and returns a Point of that, say, top-left corner of that rectangle. For example:
Point N(Graph_lib::Rectangle R1);
My question is that, first, how to send that Rectangle r(p1,p2) to the Point N(Graph_lib::Rectangle R1) function? And then, how to return a Point from that function?
My IDE is visual studio 2012.
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Jun 14, 2013
The program should store a character array in reverse order then display the reversed array. I have also included in the code that will display the actual characters into the array as it loops through. So I know the characters are being stored, but why doesn't it display the entire string when I call it?
int main(){
char str[50];
char rev[50];
printf("Enter Desired Text: ");
scanf ("%[^
[Code] ....
Is it just my compiler?
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Apr 16, 2014
I am currently having an issue with validating user input for a state abbreviation. I have an array where a list of abbreviations is stored to use as a comparison for whatever the user inputs. I have been able to get the list loaded properly but whenever i go to compare, it always comes back as true even if it isn't. Here is some relevant code:
static char stateTable[STATE_TABLE_SIZE][STATE_SIZE];
int main() {
char buffer[40], *testCustName[40], testState[5], testCode;
buffer[0] = '