C++ :: Converting CString To Int?

May 16, 2013

I am having problems with converting a CString to an int and than doing checks on the int to see if it is in a particualr range.Below is what I am doing.

CString numstr = "28"
int num = atoi(numstr);
BOOL valid = TRUE;
if(num < -32,768 {
valid = FALSE;

For some reason when running the above code the if statement is executed but it should not be becasue 28 is not less than -32,768. Why this is happening, I am not seeing the reason for this at all!! The num variable is being assigned the correct value.

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C/C++ :: Converting Key Combination To CString?

Jul 24, 2012

ShAltGr+A represents a foreign character in a font set.

How to make a CString variable for this so it can be displayed in a text editor programmatically?

Typing the combination of course works.

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Visual C++ :: Converting ASCII To CString Not Working In 6.0?

Sep 22, 2012

The below code is working fine in VS2008 and not working in VC6.0 (taking garbage values) this code is for converting hex values to string.

sending Input string is : 727332333263 required output: rs232c

DWORD AsciiToString(LPCTSTR f_chInputChar, LPTSTR f_chOutputChar) {
long ch;
int i,j;
TCHAR tmp[2];
int len = _tcslen(f_chInputChar);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Atoi Does Not Work / Converting Cstring Vector Into Ints

Feb 18, 2015

I have saved the contents of an int vector to a txt file and the numerical data was converted into a c-string. Nov I need to import and read the contents back into my program but I have not been able to convert c-string numerical data back into ints.

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C++ :: How To Convert A Char To CString

Aug 27, 2013

I am trying to convert a char to a CString, I have tried to use the CString.Format method but didn't work. I have a char(char holder[10]) and I want to see if holder is a certain string, say for instance SeaLevel. Below is the code that I also tried.

if(holder == "SeaLevel")
//do something

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C++ :: Circular Right Shift A Cstring

Jan 29, 2013

I need to circular right shift a cstring in C++

Let's say I have unsigned char test[10] = "HELLO!!!"; How would I go about circularly shifting this to the right? Inline assembly instructions would be ok too

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C++ :: Point Of NULL In CString

Jul 9, 2014

I dont see any point of NULL in cstring. The code given below just outputs same as it would have done with NULL. My understanding is if size of char array is less than length of char array then null must be manually added?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char chr[0];
cin>>chr;//or if you use cin.getline;
return 0;

Enter something: hellowwwww
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

why? for NULL char or something else?

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Visual C++ :: Can't Initialize Struct With CString

Apr 7, 2013

I'm trying to compile the following and it doesn't work? How can I get the CString to initialize.


struct print {
int x; //row
int y; //col
int fid;
CString *data;
char *format;

[Code] .....

the char *format is not a problem, but compiler doesn't like CString *data;

tried CSting data and that also doesn't work, typecasting didn't work either?

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Visual C++ :: First Chance Exception CString

Jul 9, 2014

Why would the following line of code cause an exception and how can I fix it? This is with Visual Studio 2013 and it is set to use "Multibyte Character Set". This is a very old program that I was updating.

Code: thepath = dadir + "*.csv";

Both dadir and thepath are type CString.

Prior to this line dadir looks fine when I look at it in the debugger but when I reach this line of code I get

First-chance exception at 0x0FA08EE1 (mfc120d.dll) in GAQUtilities2014.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFEFEFFC6.

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Visual C++ :: Array Of CString Size Checking

Apr 4, 2014

//Class header
CString m_cstrArry[5];

//Class source
void Ctry4Dlg::OnInitDialog() {
m_cstrArry[0] = _T("TEXT 0 |");
m_cstrArry[1] = _T("TEXT 1 |");
m_cstrArry[2] = _T("TEXT 2 |");

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: CString Class In Non-MFC Static Library

Sep 13, 2013

I have a non-MFC static library which I share between a number of different projects, some non-MFC and some MFC. Currently the static library uses a typedef of std::wstring and std::string for UNICODE and non-UNICODE builds.

After discovering it's possible to use CString in non-MFC applications, by including atlstr.h header, I decided I'd rather that than using stl strings and having to keep converting between the different types. However, I seem to be struggling with linker errors when linking the library with a MFC application.

Can I create a non-MFC static library using CString from atlstr.h and link it with a MFC application?

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Visual C++ :: Detecting Garbage Chars In CString

Feb 1, 2013

How do I detect garbage chars in a CString. Actually I'm reading some data from COM port. In some certain condition it will give some garbage as a version no. Now I need to show _T("N/A") in case of there is any garbage.

My solution is to check for a Valid char or integer. If found its correct else Garbage.

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C++ :: CString Program - Function Should Accept String Object Arguments

Feb 23, 2015

Write a function named replaceSubstring. The function should accept three C-string or string object arguments.

Let's call them string1, string2, and string3. It should search string1 for all occurrences of string2. When it finds an occurrence of string2, it should replace it with string3.

For example, suppose the three arguments have the following values:

string1: "the dog jumped over the fence"
string2: "the"
string3: "that"

With these three arguments, the function would return a string object with the value "that dog jumped over that fence." Demonstrate the function in a complete program.

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Visual C++ :: CString - Display Some Data In Text Format On A Dialog

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to display some data in text format on a dialog and I am using a CString to do it. Below is how I coded it.

CString outputStr;
CString auxStr;
// Add header

[Code] .....

But the output rows are not aligned as shown in the attached picture. There a two problems.

1. Data rows don't align with the header row.
2. When the first element of a row changes to two digits, the other elements are shifted.

According to MSDN [URL] ...., CString::Format() works the same way as printf(). I wrote a small program using printf() to do the same thing, and the output in the console are perfectly aligned.

What have I missed when doing the display in GUI?

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C++ :: Converting Int To Char

Feb 20, 2014

Why is this

Code: fFile << (char) (i)p.x, (char) (i)p.y,(char) (i)p.z); not the same as this

Code: printf("%c%c%c", (i)p.x, (i)p.y, (i)p.z);

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C++ :: Converting Text To Hex

Jan 3, 2013

From my tests I found the problem to be somewhere in the Mantissa part that converts it to binary.

bool xsDLL GetHexFromSF_IEEE754( void* to, Text from, ui08 tSize ) {
int db = 0, dB = 0, dBEnd = tSize, dBLast = ( tSize - 1u ), dbEnd = dBEnd * 8;
ui08 *data = reinterpret_cast< ui08* >( to );
for ( ; dB >= 0; --dB )
data[ dB ] = 0u;

[Code] ....

Adjustments made, still having problems though. After finding a more useful resource [URL] ..... I got the function looking more like it should but am still having problems...

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C++ :: Converting One Format To Another?

Apr 7, 2013

I am in a c++ class and my group is having a hard time making this work... It keeps saying that 'fileOne.open' isn't working.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>


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C++ :: Converting Char To Hex

Nov 8, 2014

Having trouble converting char to hex.

according to here [URL] ....
ô in decimal is 147 and print ô using alt 147

and here [URL] ....
ô in dec is 244 but prints ⌠ using alt 244

put on console

char c = ô;
cout << (int)c << endl;

prints -109 and print m using alt -109

I am using alt to test char output. Why I'm getting a negative value? Which of the tables are correct? I have string of char that I want to print in hex. I get a hex string but the hex value don't correspond to any of the two tables on the websites because the console converts special char to negative values.

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C++ :: Converting Strings In Application

Jun 8, 2014

I am having trouble converting strings in my application.

This is the code that is eventually getting called, the first parameter takes a LPCWSTR

hr = m_pGraph->RenderFile(m_filePath, NULL); // takes LPCWSTR This is where the trouble begins.

The compiler shows that sResult is proper but after I try to convert a std::string to a wchar it prints garbage

Code: const wchar_t* m_filePath = (wchar_t *) oDb->GetNext().c_str();

std::string CSqlLiteDatabase::GetNext() {
sqlite3_stmt *oStmt = nullptr;
std::string sql = "SELECT path || filename FROM table WHERE id = 1";
char message[255];

[Code] ....

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C :: Converting Netpay To String

May 18, 2014

void convertNetPay(float netPay, char *netPayString){
int numHuns, numTens, numOnes;
char OnesTable[9][8]={"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"};
char ResultString[10+1];
char TensTable[9][8] = {"Ten","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety"};
char TeensTable[9][10] {"Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen"};
float cents;

[Code] ....

I have to convert my netpay which is a float to a string So if I input a value of say, 356.26 it should output "the sum of three hundred fifty-six and 26/100 dollars" . My program function works for the sum of three hundred but after that it spits out garbage.

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C :: Converting Letters To Hexadecimal

Jun 3, 2014

i m trying to write a code that would convert a each letter from a text to their decimal images . while i was able to write the part of entering the text , i cant do the converting part , i searched all day on the internet and found nothing.

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C++ :: Converting Time Between Two Notations

Oct 31, 2013

Write a program to convert the time from 24-hour notation and vice versa. Your program must be menu driven, giving the user the choice of converting the time between the two notations. Furthermore your program must contain at least the following function : a function to convert the time from 24-hour notation to 12-h notation, a function to convert the time from 12-hour notation to 24-hour notation, a function to display the choices, function(s) to get the input, and function(s) to display the results.

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C++ :: Converting Numbers Into Words

Mar 13, 2014

I am trying to read into a file that has something like

I have 5 apples and 9 bananas.
Sam has 8 apples and 6 bananas.

and I need to replace the numbers with words. For example I need to change the "5" to five and so on. The problem is that im not sure how to access and then replace just the numbers.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main() {
ifstream in_stream;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Converting String From TXT File To Int?

May 6, 2014

How will I add the existing content of the text file to the newly inputed date(hoursworked & minsWorked) to compute the total number of hours works. I'm just a beginner in using Visual basic C++.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
bool parseTime(char* _timeStr, int& _hour, int& _min) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Converting A Double To A String?

Dec 7, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to accuratley convert a double in the form of a bank account number stored in a file into a string representing the number returned by a file.

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C++ :: Converting Netpay To String

May 18, 2014

void convertNetPay(float netPay, char *netPayString) {
int numHuns, numTens, numOnes;
char OnesTable[9][8]={"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"};
char ResultString[10+1];

[Code] ....

BASICALLY, I have to convert netpay (float to string). Theoretically if I have 666.66, my program here should output the sum of "six hundred sixty-six and 66/100 dollars".

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