C++ :: Callback For A Button?

Apr 25, 2013

I have made a calendar that looks similar to Outlook, and I have the next/previous buttons, but they don't do anything when you click them. how to create the callback so that when I click next it goes to the next month?

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C Sharp :: Loop In A Button / Runs Endless When Pressing The Button And Not Only Once

Jun 10, 2014

I have an code that makes form window + button bet bigger when pressed each time, but it runs endless till out of screen,

int S1 = 300;
int S2 = 0;


make it so it runs only each time i press the button?

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C++ :: Why To Say Function As Callback

Jan 19, 2015

Why do we say function as Callback?what does a call back mean?

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C++ :: Writing To File In Callback Function

Mar 31, 2013

I want to do a basic thing but for some strange reason there is something not working.

I need to write to a file but I'm handling all the code in a callback function, which in turn is declared in a class. Here is the architecture of my code:

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
ImageConverter Aclass;
while(1); //infinite loop
return 0;

[Code] ....

But this doesn't work, the file gets created but it allways overwrites itself which is not what I need to do.

What I am doing wrong? Is it because i am constantly declaring outfile?

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C++ :: ROS Subscriber Callback As Member Function Does Not Get Called

Feb 27, 2015

There is already a thread with exactly the same problem I have, but the answer to solve the problem isn't stated at the end. Problem with callback as classmember.

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C :: How To Emulate Callback Mechanism - Pthreads Join

Jun 19, 2013

I am trying to emulate callback mechanism in C. The code I have is follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

struct fopen_struct {
char *filename;
char *mode;
void *(*callback) (FILE *);

[Code] .....

If I do a pthread_join in fopen_t() it works perfectly fine. But if I do that in main() I get a segmentation fault error. I want to call it in main() because I want it to be non-blocking, is there any solution?

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C++ :: How To Save Callback Function With Its Parameter And Call It Later

Dec 31, 2013

I have a function (name Callback), with take some parameter( name Arg). I want to create it before, pass it to other class ( class B). And in class B, call the Callback function with Arg paramater. It's something like this:

class A {
void A::doSomething(int a, bool b){//dosomething};
void A::setCallback(B b) {//I don't know how to do this};


How can i do this? And what happen with I want B can get more type of callback function, which mean I don't know the type of Callback's paramater?

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C# :: WCF Duplex Service Callback Channel Hanging

Jul 1, 2014

I have an application based around a WCF Duplex service. I have problems when the user "Restarts" the work the application does... under the hood, the client side closes the connection to the WCF service and creates another. The Service contract is defined like so...

public interface IMyService {

[Code] ....

The issue I see is that the _context.Close() call always times out and throws an exception. Although I'm then aborting the channel, this feels wrong to me, and I believe it's the cause of freezing in my application. Why the Close() call fails?

I missed something earlier regarding my callback implementation that might be relevant. It looks something like this:

[Callbackbehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single,
UseSynchronizationContext = false,
IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
public class CallbackImplementation : IServiceCallback {
public void SendMessage(string message){
// Do something with the message
} }

The exception message is "The ServiceHost close operation timed out after 00:00:30. This could be because a client failed to close a sessionful channel within the required time. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.". There's no inner exception.

The big problem is that the client application freezes when the main application process is started after one client has been disposed and a new one created. I've also noticed that when you close the WPF application, it doesn't close properly and keeps running in the background, preveting you from starting a new instance.

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Visual C++ :: User Callback And CResource Exception

Oct 8, 2014

In my Project, I'm using my Parent Dialog(TestDlg) as a background dialog.

Child Dialog 1 = Main.cpp & Child Dialog 2 = Dummy.cpp

1. I like to call both dialog continuously one by one.

Using Timer function i called continuously the dialogs.

After 5 minutes getting an error, "0xC000041D An unhanded Exception was encountered during a User Callback".

2. Then, I'm using CGdiPlusBitmap.cpp file to load PNG image into buttons.

After 5 minutes getting an error - "CResource Exception".

For reference test code attached.

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Visual C++ :: Reading NFC Device - Callback Function?

Jan 7, 2015

Is it possible to read NFC card reader in VC++/MFC. Is it possible to develop a callback function that will read the NFC device, and see once the card is inserted, it takes that value from the card and store it in a DB?

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C++ :: Extension DLL Callback Function Used For A Windows Service And Write To File

Oct 11, 2014

I have a problem with an extension DLL that has an exported function. The function is being exported ok, it is called by a Windows service. The Windows service is using the exported function, and everything works. I am trying to create a file with:

ofstream file;
file.open("C:dir ofile", ios:ut);
file << "text";

But nothing happnes however. There are no errors, the file is just not created. Also, if i try to call MessageBox() in the exported function, nothing happens as well . I have a .h file which exports the function with __declspec(dllexport) DWORD WINAPI functionName(), and also a .cpp file with the function definition. There is no main().

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C# :: How To Add A Button To A Groupbox

Jun 25, 2014

I have a winform that I added a button to at design time.

Then I decided to add a groupbox to the form because I want to add a few more components to the gbox.

I notice if I add a gbox at design time and add components onto the gbox at design time, then the components show up when I run my app.

However, if I add a gbox after my form already has compoents on it, I can't see some of my components.

How do I move an existing button onto a new gbox so it shows?

I thought this would work but it doesn't:


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C++ :: Push Button On A Website?

Nov 25, 2013

I was wondering if it's possible to push a button on a website programatically. Unfortunately the button link is invisible, otherwise I could simply use the URL it links to. So is there a way to do it in c++ and if so, how?

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C++ :: Check If A Button Has Been Pressed?

Jul 7, 2014

I know how to check if a particular button has been pressed but I basically want to disable the delete button when ever the listbox has lost focus. I am having issues with the fact the button gets disabled before it receives the message. Is their a way around this that is non hacky?

BOOL CALLBACK DlgMain(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)


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C++ :: QT Make Button Unclickable?

Nov 26, 2013

I am new to qt. I want to make it so a button is only clickable if they check a radio box. otherwise it wont do anything. how would i write that?

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C# :: Custom Button Shape (WPF)

Nov 30, 2014

I have begun switching from WinForms to WPF and I'm having a hard time understanding the new concepts. In WinForms, I had a few User Controls, custom drawn using shapes (rectangles, ellipses, etc). They had some unique properties, like "Flashing" (setting this property to True and setting the "Flash Interval" property to 500 would have resulted in the control changing its background color to white and back again, every 0.5 seconds), "Beeping", etc.

I have tried to replicate these controls in WPF/XAML and so far managed to draw the shape. However, when it came to implementing a custom property that would redraw the background color of the rectangle every interval set by user in another property, i got stuck. The property is being set, but it doesn't change the background color. Alternatively, i have tried this method, with the same results (i got it to show in the "Properties" window in Visual Studio, i can set it, it is being stored in XAML, but it doesn't affect the background.

C# code behind:
public struct LCARSColors
public static Brush DarkBlue = (Brush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FF3366CC"));
public static Brush LightBlue = (Brush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FF99CCFF"));
public static Brush Pink = (Brush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FFCC99CC"));

[Code] ....

If i use this line (commented in this code sample):

<!--<SolidColorBrush x:Name="MySolidColorBrush" Color="{DynamicResource DarkBlue}" />-->

The background is colored in DarkBlue (as defined). But if i use this line:

<SolidColorBrush x:Name="MySolidColorBrush" Color="{Binding BackgroundColor, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}" />

Nothing happens, the rectangle disappears entirely. If i add this to the above line:


The rectangle is colored in LightYellow, meaning that the property is not accepted and the fallback value is used. Why?

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C# :: Button Taking To Another Page

Nov 12, 2014

I decided to code my own GUI menu. getting to another page from a button click. I have added the event handler I think (click="Button_click") then in the event handler I have added this:

private void Button_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e);

After researching it says either to use
Neither of these work, underlining "Response" and "Server" as an error saying "A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods."


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C# :: Sharepoint Radio Button Value

Oct 28, 2014

I am working on a website so you can order online for a restaurant. I currently figured out how to get values of all checkboxes and dropdownlists but i still cannot seem to figure out radio buttons.

Right now i am just making a super string with all of the selected values but eventually i am going to want to make a receipt with a checkout page.

//this seems to work alright
XPathNodeIterator toppingIterator = myNavigator.Select("//my:ToppersGroup", NamespaceManager);
s +=+ "";
while (toppingIterator.MoveNext()) {
XPathNavigator node = toppingIterator.Current;
XPathNodeIterator children = node.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.All);
while (children.MoveNext())

[Code] .....

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C# :: Make A Button Transparent?

Apr 22, 2014

How can I make a button transparent? I know i can select color Transparent, but that takes the background color, and i want to be transparent all because i have a video behind it. What can i do? :o3

I have a video and there is some buttons which should be pressed. I could insert the buttons but they are semi-transparent...

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C# :: WPF Window Close Button

Dec 10, 2014

I've been doing some looking and this example seems like the common way to remove the close button on a wpf window. Other than catching the on_click event or using that example, is there no better way to disable/remove that button?

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C++ :: Moving A Button And Image With Each Other?

Jan 12, 2015

The question says:

Place an Image on top of a Button. Move both when the Button is pushed.

It's here [URL] exercise no.3

look at this code:

#include <GUI.h>
using namespace Graph_lib;
class rotation : public Window {
rotation(Point xy, int w, int h, const string& title):


The problem is that, it is not possible to define an Image in public/private part of the class rotation. Image needs all arguments to be supplied even when declaring one. (Image is here [URL] And if I define that Image in the body of main() function, so how to provide access for void rotate() to change its position with the position of button simultaneously.

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C/C++ :: MFC - Button With Right Click Events?

May 23, 2012

How to use button with right click events in mfc?

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C++ :: Writing A Forward / Back Button

Apr 16, 2013

I am making a calendar to look similar to Outlook, but it is in c++ and I am starting from scratch. I have broken it into parts, and the part I am struggling with is making the next/previous month button to add to the calendar. I have a basic code, but I don't know exactly what I need to change or add to it. The code is,

#include "std_facilities_lib_3.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "Graph.h" // get access to our graphics library facilities
#include "GUI.h"
#include "Window.h"

[Code] .....

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C# :: Adding Value To ComboBox After Button Is Pressed

Mar 10, 2014

I have been learning C# so I've been dragging and dropping. I have a "First Name" and "Last Name" text field. I want to add this to a combo box called something like "User List", which will list the last named then the first names. However I figure I can work with something that can get me to store the names in the combo box.

So. I have two things I need to know:

What do I have to do to have when the button is pressed, add to the combo box?

Is there a way to retain all the entries I have entered? Or no?

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C# :: Clicking A Button In WebBrowser Control?

Jul 8, 2014

I'm getting this strange problem with the webBrowser control that google can't find an answer for. When I click a button I get redirected to a page with just the letters 'e4' makes no sense to me?? is this a site problem or something to do with the webBrowser control?

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C# :: Update Changes In Datagridview With Save Button

Mar 24, 2014

I have the following code. I am able to call data from my database and print the result onto datagridview. However, if I happen to edit some data through datagridview, I would like it to save the changes by clicking a save button. I do not know how to connect callDBButton_Click and saveButton_Click...I know how to update the changes if I just put adapter.Update(dataTable); at the end of the callDBButton_Click method...but I want to it only save changes when I CLICK the "Save" Button.

private void callDBButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string stockName;
stockName = stockNameTextBox.Text;
OleDbConnection Connect = new OleDbConnection(OleDbConnectionString);

[Code] .....

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