C# :: Transferring Information Of Variables

Jun 13, 2014

I am trying to transfer information of Variables. How to get this to work and everything I follow shows that this SHOULD work but some reason does NOT work... I

What I CAN get to work is if I put frm.show(); on one specific section that ONE section will show up... so I tried putting all of the variables at the end button to get them to show up with the one Frm.show and it still only does the very last one and the rest are just blank I dont really understand as to why.

Also if I put a FRM.show at each step it will just keep creating a new instance of form 2 each with a different line that is changed.

Form1 code

public Form1() {
} public void Enter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Form2 frm = new Form2();
Employee FirstName = new Employee();

[Code] .....

Form2 Code

public partial class Form2 : Form {
public Form1 frm1;
public Form2() {

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C++ :: Read From A File And Store Information In Separate Variables?

Dec 8, 2014

So I have to read from a file, and store the information in separate variables. My problem is that for some of the information I need multiple words, and for others I don't, so I cant simply store 1 word into a variable and store the next in another in so on. To demonstrate what I mean let me give an example.

Dog Cat Blue Bird Snake White Horse

I am able to store "Dog","Cat","Blue","Bird"...etc in variables but I don't know how to make it so I can store "Dog" in one variable, "Cat" in a second variable. and "Blue Bird" in a third variable. "Snake" would be the 4th and "White Horse" would be the fifth. How can I read a file and manipulate the pointer to grab what I need?

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C :: Transferring Data From One File To Another

Feb 11, 2013

I have some problem with the ssize_t sendfile function.

ssize_t sendfile(int out_fd, int in_fd, off_t *offset, size_t count);

The error:

Lesson_4_1A_Home_work.c:84:24: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before string constant
Lesson_4_1A_Home_work.c:84:37: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before string constant
Lesson_4_1A_Home_work.c:84:63: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘strlen’


#include <config.h>
#include <sys/sendfile.h>
#include <sys/types.h>


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C++ :: Char Isn't Transferring In Function

May 14, 2014

In my classification function, the char isn't transferring to main. Am i suppose to make it a string. Or perhaps something else i messed up on

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double validity(double, double, double);
double classification(double, double, double, char);


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C# :: Transferring Data To Textboxes From Database?

Feb 22, 2015

I can not do transferring data to textboxes from database.

="c#">using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1{


I got the error this line:

read = cmd.ExecuteReader();

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C :: Transferring Contents Of One Character Array To Another Function

Feb 1, 2014

In the function *expandArrayList and *trimArrayList I need to allocate either more memory or less memory to the given array. Right now I am using malloc on a new array and then transferring the elements of the original array to the new array, freeing the original array, and then reassigning it to the new array so it's size and capacity are either bigger or smaller than the original. I feel like there has to be a simpler way to do this with either realloc or calloc, but I cant find sufficient information on either online. Would I be able to use either to make this easier and the code cleaner?

Also, these are character arrays that contain several character arrays inside them, so I was wondering what the best way to transfer the contents of one array to the other would be. I have gone between


for (i=0; i<length; i++){
newarray[i] = oldarray[i];
Code: for (i=0; i<length; i++){
strcpy(newarray[i], oldarray[i]);

but I'm not sure which one (if either) should work.

The 'ArrayList.h' file that is included contains the structure ArrayList, as well as the function prototypes for the functions listed below.

Here is the structure in ArrayList.h:


typedef struct ArrayList {
// We will store an array of strings (i.e., an array of char arrays)
char **array;

[Code] ....

Here is my code:


//included libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ArrayList.h"
//Create arraylist


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C++ :: How To Put File Data Into Members Of A Class - Array Transferring

Mar 10, 2013

I'm trying to put file data into members of a class. Remember to type in the file name you want to open. Cool feature right? I just had Dbase.txt so I chose that.

Fixed stuff in the .txt. Now I need to figure out why it only does 1 set and then ends.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class INFO {

[Code] .....

Little Brother

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Visual C++ :: Transferring Unicode String From One Program To Another With UTF-8 Encoding?

Mar 20, 2015

I'm transferring a unicode string from one program to another with UTF-8 encoding.

Program that is sending:

// Convert path
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> utf8_converter;
CString arg = L" /PATH="" + CString(utf8_converter.to_bytes(path).c_str()) + L""";

Program that is retrieving:

// Restore original path
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> utf8_converter;
std::wstring path = utf8_converter.from_bytes( argument );

Everything has worked fine, until running on a Japanese edition of Windows.

The "byte path" then looks something like "C:¥Users¥d✝?✝a ,?¥AppData¥Local¥Temp¥file.txt".

"from_bytes()" will throw an std::range_error exception "bad conversion".

The program works fine when working with Japenese writing inside paths in the English edition.

What could be causing the "bad conversion"?

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C :: Accept Information Of 5 Students And Display Information Of First 3 Students - Unable To Get Output

Aug 15, 2013

Code to accept the information of 5 students and display the information of first 3 students......

main() {
struct stud {
char name[20];
int rollno;
float per;
char grade;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Get Information About Printer

May 21, 2014

The problem is when i run this program and program is stop working but the output is out.

#include <iostream>
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
void EnumeratePrinters(DWORD flags);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Information Off The Web?

Sep 9, 2013

I am building a program that will read from a particular web page. I have written it so that it will parse the page correctly, but I can only do it for a downloaded page right now. I would like for it to work simply with the URL.

I have seen things about "screen scraping", though I don't quite understand what it does - I think it's more for just parsing it, which I can already do.

If it is possible to automatically download that file, that is fine as well.

If it matters at all, the pages I am reading from are stories on Fanfiction.net.

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C :: Reading From File Certain Information

Jul 31, 2013

//FUNCTION: vDelEditStudents()

void vDelEditStudents() {
FILE *file = fopen("C:UserForCtxtgiro.txt", "rb");
Student StdStruct;
fseek(file, -sizeof(StdStruct) , SEEK_END);
fread(&StdStruct, sizeof(StdStruct), 1, file);

[Code] ....

The problem is that ... Even though it is reading from a a file, it is not reading a one struct. In this piece of code I'm trying to read the last struct, which should be k... The struct itself is here


typedef struct {
char StudentName[30];
uint16 StdAge;
uint16 StdNumb;


And here is my input and output:

1 g 1 2
1 h 3 4
1 j 5 6
1 k 7 8

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C++ :: Getting Pixel Information From Fonts?

Mar 27, 2013

How can I import a font file and get the pixel information of the letters so I can make my own custom text drawing function?

I basically have a pixel surface (a 2D array) and I want to draw the text to that array.

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C++ :: Reading Information Out Of File?

Apr 12, 2014

I need to read some infos out of a .txt-file.

The problem is that i dont know how to do because 'getline' won't work i think.

the file looks like this:

Inventory of MyInventory
Some info
More info
000 Toys 6.25
a short description
126/44 Cards 2.25
some text
Inventory of MyInventory2
Some info
More info
000 Toys 6.25
a short description
126/44 Cards 2.25
some text

So what I need to know:

- the name of the Inventory (MyInventory, MyInventory2...)

- the numbers in each row (000,126/44...)

- the name what it is (Toys,Cards...)

- the price (6.25,2.25...)

- and the description(problem here is, that there are not the same amount of words for each description)

I tried it with 'getline' but this is not working because the lines are so different each time.

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C/C++ :: Receiving Information From A File?

Nov 13, 2014

I want to receive an information from a file. For instance, you created a file name "sample.txt" via fstream and stored a bunch of people's name, address, phone number in that "sample.txt".

Now, I want to see what's stored in this file. Suppose, I wanted some particular guys address, phone number by just typing is his/her name.

How to relate the name with address and phone number of particular people? I just started the file creating so I wanted to know about it.

using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream outputData;


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C++ :: Using Arrays To Store Information?

Nov 5, 2014

I am trying to use an array to keep track of the numbers of channels created and how many times a particular channel has been copied. At the moment, the program sets a number for a new channel (1-20), but the user enters the channel name. The channel name is stored in 'ChannelName' variable and if the user copies the channel, it becomes ChannelName_Copy. I want to change the '_Copy' into an incremental identifier such as _C1, _C2, etc.. and to do this i would need to keep track of the channel name and the number of times it has been copied, which i planned to do using arrays but i am not quite sure how to approach this.

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C :: Add More Student Information To The Specific Txt File?

Mar 12, 2013

I'm trying to add more student information to the specific txt file. I did struct my student information and separated it with an array with max size of 200.

The inside of my current file looks like


The first one represent student[0] and next one is student[1] and so on till student[199]. Right now, only 4 space is occupied, which means the array has information till student[3] but not from student[4] (I guess it has null condition).

What I want to do is, I want to add a new student information to student[4] and till student[199] once at each time.

So, my prompt will look like
Would like to add a new student? Y/N
(if yes goes to below statement and exit if NO)
Hi. Please enter the information of new student. ___________
Student added. Please press any key to continue.

If the key is pressed, it goes back to my initial prompt and continues till I press N.

I sure I'm not using for loop to do this thing, because I'm adding student name one by one.

However, the array is already occupied by other student name till student[3] so, I want to add a new student information to student[4] (I don't want to overwrite the current information). And if student[4] is occupied, then [5] and so on.

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C :: Saving Information From A File To Struct

Jan 12, 2014

I want to take the informaition from this file and save it into a struct the file conteins name age year (in char) and a grade it is somthing like this

Nikos Tolis 19 A 8
Iwanna Nikolaou 20 B 9
Kwstas Doukas 20 Β 6
Georgios Pappas 19 A 7
Iwannis Lekatis 20 Β 7
Nikos Ntoumas 19 A 5
Maria Oikonomou 20 B 6
Kwstas Argyrou 19 A 10
Irw Ntouma 20 B 8
Leuteris Doukas 19 A 6

I want to read till i found the '32' the space in ascii here is my code so far

struct students
char *name;
int age;

[Code] ....

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C :: Program That Saves Information On Memory

Jun 25, 2014

I am doing a program that saves information on the memory and then i need to put by ascending order the student number.. but i can't get it to work...i tried with strcmp but not worked...

typedef struct {
char name[100], email[100], adress[100], postal[100], number[20];
int phone
}data; t

Then i have this to input data

void add(data* contact) {
if (i<total) {
Name: ", i + 1);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Parse A Text File That Contains Information

Jul 31, 2014

I am trying to parse a text file that contains information and i cant seem to get started. For example, the text file looks like this:

idx=929392, pl= 12, name= someperson

idx=929393, pl= 12, name= someperson2

idx=929394, pl= 12, name= someperson3

I want to parse the name and age into another text file like this format:

someperson 19
someperson 20
someperson 21

possibly include other attributes next to the age like idx?

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C++ :: Structure To Store Information About Movie

Oct 14, 2013

Directions: Write a program that uses the structure named MovieData to store the following information about a movie:

Year Released
Running Time

Include a constructor that allows all four of these member data values to be specified at the time MovieData variable is created. The program should create. The MovieData variable and pass each one in turn to a function that displays the information about the movie in a clearly formatted manner. Pass the MovieData Variables to the display by value.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct MovieData {

[Code] ....

I sort of hit a wall did it do something wrong because the whole create two MovieData variables is confusing me.

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C++ :: Ifstream Selectively Read In Information?

Nov 13, 2013

If I have a data file.dat like this, for example:

other information

(4,2), (2,4)

(1,2), (2,3)


I want to design a class and corresponding code so that every time when it reads "line:" for the file.dat , it will push_back a new line into the line_t vector, and each time when it encounter physics it will put the values to physics, How can I implement this?

every data in file.dat is useful, they need to be read into different class type. How can I implement this?

class line_t {
vector<point_t> P(2, point_t());


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C/C++ :: Extracting Information From Data File?

Apr 20, 2015

Create a simple data file like the example shown below containing the 4 dates below plus 10 or more additional dates. The file should include 1 date per line and each date should have the form MonthNumber-DayOfTheMonth-Last2DigitsOfTheYear with no extra spaces. All dates should be in this century. No error checking for invalid dates is necessary.

My Output displays like

February -19,1991

How do I get my program to ignore the dash between the dates?

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main(){
const int M = 13;


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Visual C++ :: Retrieve IP Information On Any Windows

Sep 23, 2012

I used to retrieve IP and NIC information by querying windows registry. Now I'm trying to use GetAdapterAddresses() API. Using GetAdapterAddresses() to get IP is not that easy, I need to dig a long deep as I check some examples so far, anyways my question is: Calling this API will return success on all versions of Windows ie: 32bits & 64bits ?

Though Microsoft has not opened any source, where this API is actually retrieving Windows IP information.?. Is it reading Registry or some windows file.

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Visual C++ :: Getting Indexes Information From SQL Server?

Jan 6, 2014

Trying to get table indexes information in SQL Server 2012 I identified a strange situation for one scenarion.I have a table that contains two indexes referenced to some fields: Field_1 and Field_3 mapped over int, null columns (the number means the existing field order into the table designed few years ago...).

I am trying to get information about these indexes like this:

nRetCode = ::SQLStatistics(hstmtAux, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, (TCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)strTempTable, SQL_NTS, SQL_INDEX_ALL, SQL_ENSURE);
if (nRetCode == SQL_SUCCESS || nRetCode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 4, SQL_C_SHORT, &swNonUnique, sizeof(SWORD), &cbNonUnique);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 5, SQL_CHAR, szIdxQualif, sizeof(CHAR) * 130, &cbIdxQualif);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 6, SQL_C_CHAR, szIdxName, sizeof(CHAR) * 130, &cbIdxName);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 7, SQL_C_SHORT, &swType, sizeof(SWORD), &cbType);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 8, SQL_C_SHORT, &swSeqInIdx, sizeof(SWORD), &cbSeqInIdx);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 9, SQL_C_CHAR, szIdxColName, sizeof(CHAR) * 130, &cbIdxColName);


Becasuse SQLExtendedFetch() is deprecated I used SQLFetchScroll() but the behavior is the same from my interest point of view.

Usally, I get the right information about indexes but in one situation I encounte a strange behavior. It's about having a clustered index into a scenario.
When Field_1 is Non-Unique, Non-Clustered and Field_3 is Clusted index I get the right information.

But if the index Field_1 is Clustered and the Field_3 is Non-Unique, Non-Clustered I get no information about Field_1 index (eg. szIdxName and szIdxColName are "" and their length is -1 that means SQL_NULL_DATA). So, I have no Index information. Within while loop, with the next iteration I get correct information about the second index Field_3.

I'm not sure whether the problem is with SQLStatistics, the bindings or SQLFetchScroll (they all always return SQL_SUCCESS). It looks like a problem with the driver when the first index is clustered.

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C :: File Process - Delete Or Update Information

May 18, 2013

i have written a student information storing program. it has add,delete,list,and update menu (in program i have written update == uptade,i know : P )

my question is i cant delete or update the information. where is my failure ?


#define max 3
struct og {
char id[12];


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