C# :: The Name Does Not Exist In Current Context?

Feb 27, 2015

I am new to GUI programming, I am using mono winforms

using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;


I tried sw.WriteLine(this.to.Text); but that did not work

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C# :: The Name (contentGrid) Does Not Exist In The Current Context

Sep 16, 2014

This is the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;
using Windows.Foundation;


I am using Visual Studio 2013.i was writing my first code for Windows in C#.I had got everything all right but Visual studio keeps showing me the problem that The name 'contentGrid' does not exist in the current context.I have tried Everything I could think of.I recentered the app to Windows 8.1.

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C# :: Adding Program Into Context Menu

Feb 29, 2012

To add my program into the context menu (when the user right click on excel file). I used the following code:

public static bool AddContextMenuItem(string Extension, string MenuName, string MenuDescription, string MenuCommand)
bool ret = false;
RegistryKey rkey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(Extension);

if (rkey != null)
string extstring = rkey.GetValue("").ToString();

[Code] .....

I used the following function to retrieve the excel file path has been rightclick choose to load the program:

public static void OpenExcelFileWithEasyForm(string filePath)
string excelFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), string.Format("{0} (EasyForm){1}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath), Path.GetExtension(filePath)));

[Code] .....

But I still do not load the excel file into my program by selecting the program from ContextMenu (right click on excel file and choose program). Although if select the path to excel file from the program, the data from excel file is loaded into the program.

I'm still missing something at function OpenExcelFileWithEasyForm(). How to complete this function to load the excel file into my program when selecting programs in ContextMenu.

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C# :: How To Get The Selected Context Menu Item

Sep 7, 2014

how to create a context menu but none of them discuss how to actually fetch the selected menu item?

if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
ContextMenu m = new ContextMenu();
m.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Font Size 8"));
m.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Font Size 9"));
m.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Font Size 10"));
m.Show(listBoxChecklist, new Point(e.X, e.Y));
//tempString = m.?????

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C++ :: Run From Context Menu With Selected Text From Browser

Jan 5, 2014

I'm trying to build an app, but i don't know which is the best language choice. For starters, the app should be able to:

1. run from context menu
2. when selecting some text from a web browser (ff, ie), that text is captured (preferably not in clipboard) and sent as argument to the program via context menu and the program starts executing...

Is this possible?

e.g. [URL] ....

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C :: This Account ID Does Not Exist - Segmentation Fault

Apr 11, 2013

It is suppose to display the message "This Account ID does not exist" but why do I get "segmentation fault"??I was able to compile and run the program so it shouldn't be a problem of the compiler.


#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>
struct Account {
char* Account_ID;
char* Account_Type;
char* AccountOwner_FirstName;
char* AccountOwner_LastName;
float* Balance;


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C :: Check If Certain Files Exist If So Open Them

Jan 24, 2014

I want to check if there are files present in a directory that match a certain regex, i.e., "reader_contact_info_%d", and if there are, I'd like to get the names of these files, perhaps the number that exist, and then open them and read them.

I could do something via executing an ls command Code: ls reader_contact_info_* but there are performance implications as the current process will suspend while the ls command executes.

I'm not sure how to do this though? It doesn't have to run on Windows, so that's not a problem.

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Visual C++ :: How Many Items Exist In A Dialog Box

Sep 11, 2013

I was wondering how can we know how many items exist in a dialogbox? If there any way that i can get the items ID in a dialogbox by having just the dialogbox's object or handler? Or any way that we can get a dialogbox content by coding.

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C++ :: Printing Contents Of A String That Also Exist In A Vector

Jan 27, 2014

For the last part of this problem, if player 2 loses the game of hangman, I need to display the letters they did get right. In order to do that, I believe that I need to traverse vector v for the elements that exist in the string hiddenword, and then print those characters that match.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
int letterFill (char, string, string&);

[Code] ....

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C# :: DataGridView - Context Menu To Show Up When User Right Clicks On Fifth Column

May 22, 2014

I have a datagridview with many columns. I want a context menu to show up when user right-clicks on the fifth column (column index = 4).

private void dgv_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) {
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
DataGridView.HitTestInfo hit = dgv.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
if (hit.ColumnIndex == 4) {

The problem is, the hit.ColumnIndex value is either 0, -1 or 1, no matter where I click. So the condition never met and the context menu never shows up. Why the values 0, -1 or 1?

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Visual C++ :: Render Content Of CRichEditCtrl On Device Context Of Some CWnd?

Mar 4, 2013

I need to render content of CRichEditCtrl on device context of some CWnd. This code works ok:

CDC *dc = wnd->GetDC();
CRect cr;
wnd->GetClientRect( &cr );
cr.right *= 15;
cr.bottom *= 15;

[Code] ...

The problem is that I want to scale the output. I was trying to send message to my control before blitting:

SendMessage( EM_SETZOOM, numer, denom ).

It scaled the control itself, but the blitted context was still the same size as original content CRichEditCtrl (befeoe scaling). Is there any way to blit/render scaled content of CRichEditCtrl to any device context (screen/paper) ?

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C Sharp :: How To Validate Data If Already Exist In Table Record

Sep 24, 2014

How to validate the data if the data already exist in the table record in c#?

For example I wanted to add the student roll no. if roll no. is 134 and if we are adding rollno. 134 student then we get the warning like roll no. 134 is already exist ....

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C++ :: Virtual Can Only Exist In Non-static Member Function - Field Has Incomplete Type Void

Dec 5, 2014

I'm writing a class "Property" for a program that manages different types of properties. This is my .h for y base class. I was trying to write a virtual void function to convert different children classes to strings that can be displayed, but Xcode is freaking out.

I had it as:

virtual void toString()= 0;

and it gave me an error message: "Virtual can only exist in non-static member functions" and "field has incomplete type 'void'"

I changed it to:

virtual string toString() = 0;

and the error message didn't change.

Is this an issue with Xcode or did I do something wrong? Even after changing it to string it told me that it "has incomplete type 'void'"....

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C :: How To Get Current Weekday

Aug 31, 2014

I'm new in C and I want to know how to get the current weekday where sunday=0, monday=1,...,.(using time.h if possible)/I want to do something like


int main(void)


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C++ :: Program To Display AM/PM With Current Time?

Feb 14, 2013

I'm trying to display the AM/PM on my program:

Also is there a way to display the time only instead of the date? How will i change the program to display the time in standard 12 hours, instead of 24 hours?

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
time_t tim;
cout << ctime(&tim);

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C++ :: How To Get The Current Video Mode In Console

Apr 2, 2014

I've been wondering if there's a function or procedure used to know the current video mode. An example of how this was done in Pascal:

function VideoMode : integer;
if (lastmode = BW40) or (lastmode = BW80)
VideoMode := 40
VideoMode := 80;

I've been told "conio.h" has a lastmode function, but it doesn't seem to be supported in Dev-C++ and Visual Studio C++. Is there a Windows function to know the number of columns in the current video mode?

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C++ :: Adding Current Date To The End Of A String

Dec 12, 2014

I need to add the current date to the end of a string but I only need to add the day and not the year or month.

Put the code This is what i have

char date[9];
cout << date << endl;

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C++ :: Write A Program That Gives Current Calendar

Jan 14, 2014

I have a problem. I want to write a program that gives me the current calender for example like this:

June 2009

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30

and I shouldn't use windows.h

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C# :: Getting Current Mouse Position In WPF Application?

Feb 27, 2015

I have set a variable as follows:

Point clickLocation = new Point(0, 0);

But when I got to use

clickLocation = Cursor.Position;

It gives me an error of position does not exist? Does WPF not support this way?

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C/C++ :: Get Current Time And Write It To A File?

Jul 19, 2013

i have to write the current time to a file ?how to do it

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Visual C++ :: Getting Name Of Current Save File?

Oct 10, 2014

When I have loaded a savefile with Serialize, is there some way of telling the name of the currently loaded savefile?

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C++ :: School Project - Getting Current Date And Time

Dec 30, 2014

I am doing a school project. The project basically is that it records the in and out time of an employee(of an particular company).The employee while checking in or out should enter a unique key generated specially for him so that no one else can check in and out for him.Then referring to the employees position( A worker or a manager or something like that) his total working time each day , for a week and a month is calculated. The company starts at 8 am and ends at 5 pm for 1st shift and for second shift from 3.30 pm to 2.30 am. Plus Saturday and Sunday off. Then after a month the program refers to the working time date stored in a file and calculates his pay(For workers its per hour salary and for managers it aint).

If an employee is consistently late the details are forwarded to the HR account( so that necessary steps are taken).This will support the company log the details of their employees duty time plus give enough detail to take action if someones always late. I'm doing this as a school project and it needn't be of enterprise class and all.. But i want the coding to perform as it should. Also i'm forced to use the old Turbo C++. Now i'm struck in the place where the time of the employees in and out time is logged. This coding does the work

void main( ) {
char dateStr [9],timeStr [9];
_strdate( dateStr);
cout<<" The current date is "<<dateStr<<'

[Code] ....

I think the second one is better as it not only gives me date but also gives me the day so i can check easily for the weekends. So, how these time functions work.

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C++ :: Output Only Few Files Using Regex From Current Directory

Nov 20, 2013

I'm trying to output only a few files, using regex, from the current directory, this is my main code:

// main.cpp
char * _dir = new char[MAX_PATH];
getcwd(_dir, MAX_PATH);
unique_ptr<CExtractor> _ptr(new CExtractor(_dir));
delete[] _dir;

// CExtractor.cpp
DIR *pdir = NULL;
struct dirent *pent = NULL;
pdir = opendir(_cwd.c_str());
while ((pent = readdir(pdir)) && (pent->d_type != DT_DIR)) {
if (regex_match(pent->d_name, regex(".(in|txt)$"), std::regex_constants::icase)) {
cout << pent->d_name << endl;

My code is compiled correctly, but when I run my binary, nothings is outputed..here are my files in the current directpory:

aclocal.m4 config.guess config.status depcomp m4 NEWS
AUTHORS config.h config.sub INSTALL Makefile README
autom4te.cache config.h.in configure install-sh Makefile.am src
ChangeLog config.h.in~ configure.ac libtool Makefile.in stamp-h1
compile config.log COPYING ltmain.sh missing

I have a few "in" files

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C :: Printing Current TIME At Regular Intervals

Aug 22, 2013

Its a code in module of my program, where I need to print current time (HH:MM:SS) at regular intervals.

void delay(unsigned int t){ // loop for some delay.

[Code] ....

But when I am running this code I expect this to print difference in time due to delay. But it doesn't enter the delay loop, why ?

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C++ :: Numbers Game - Store Current Low Number

Dec 14, 2013

I have a program that stores current a low numbers. The Object is to Store the low number every time time one is presented. so say I start the function the first number is the low number. but the trouble im having it once the function is called again it starts over(low number). Is there a way I can keep the function value once the function is called again? Any better way of doing this while keeping function in a class?

double a;
class rff{
void FGH() {
cout<< "pick a number"<<endl;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Assigning Current Date To Integer Values

Sep 26, 2014

How can i assign current date as integer ?

for example:

today's date 26 Sep 2014 on a computer
i try to make as below
int day=26
int moth=9
int year=2014

I also research i think i will use time.h library surely

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