C++ ::  String Output Without Linebreak?

Mar 10, 2013

I want to process data (using fstream) and print out the progress. This doesn't work with cout <<, only with puts, but this causes a line-break but I want a progress bar like this : [=====================].

I've already searched for an hour in the reference and with google and I dont manage to put a string without a linebreak:

while (ein.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible
c = ein.get(); // get character from file
if (ein.good()){


how to do it without the linebreaks..

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C/C++ :: Input Lowercase String / Output Uppercase String

Dec 3, 2014

write a program that prompts the user to input a string and outputs the string in uppercase letters. (Use a character array to store the string.) Does this follow the criteria? This program is very similar to one I found on these forums but I have one problem, it outputs everything backwards! EX: dogs will output to SGOD. What I need to do to make it output correctly, I think it may have to do with getline?

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char let[100];
cout << "Enter what you would like to be UPPERCASE: ";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Capture Output From EXE In A String

Mar 7, 2014

I am writing a small editor for RSL coding, and ive got an external program "3Delight" to compile the code.

Now i want the output from that exe to be captured in a string once the compilation is comlete, but all of the methods ive found online dont seem to work for me. Ive tried using _popen which works if i run a normal command like "dir", but not with the exe.

This is the function ive been using that works with the normal commands

std::string exec(const char* cmd) {
FILE* pipe = _popen(cmd, "r");
if (!pipe) return "ERROR";
char buffer[128];
std::string result = "";

[Code] .....

and this is how i was calling it, but it just returned an empty string, even though the exe printed "Compilation successful"

exec("""%DELIGHT%/bin/shaderdl" "E:/RenderManShaders/TestArea/Source/basicDiffuse.sl"")

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C++ :: String Is Being Output Backwards

Jul 21, 2014

I have a program that will convert a string of numbers into a barcode that consists of :'s and |'s. But the only issue I have is that the numbers are all being output backwards.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
string codes[] = {
"||:::", ":::||", "::|:|", "::||:", ":|::|",
":|:|:", ":||::", "|:::|", "|::|:", "|:|::" };

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: No Output String

May 14, 2015

I've been trying to create an output string in my application using OutputDebugString, cout, printf but to no avail.

Here is my environment:

OS: Windows 7
VC++ Version : 2008 Express Edition

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C++ :: Output Last Character In C-String

Jun 9, 2013

I keep getting this error after I input:

Unhandled exception at 0x54AE350B (msvcp110d.dll) in Random.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0131CA21.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
void lastChar(char *);
int main() {
const int LENGTH = 21;

[Code] ....

It builds without any errors. I am just trying to output the last character in the C-string. Am I doing this all wrong?

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C++ :: String Integer Value - Input / Output

Aug 14, 2013

Prompt the user to input a string,
and then output the sum of all the digits in the string.

Sample Run 1:
Input -> A111B222C
output -> 9

Sample Run 2:
Input -> ABC123XYZ32100000005555555555zzzzzz
output -> 62

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C++ :: String Input AND Output To File

Sep 15, 2013

I'm trying to write a simple program that will prompt for a string typed in by keyboard and save it to a file. I've tried lots of variations and this is just the latest version.

//Prompt for a string input by keyboard and save it to a file

#include <string
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Cannot Output A String From A Class Template

Dec 8, 2014

I have been trying to get this my class template to print out a string for me, however I am getting :

" error C679 ' No operator found which takes a right hand operand of type std:: string' "

I have tried various way to get this going however I cant get past this error. I understand that templates functions how ever i am not sure why i am not getting my string to be displayed.

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class BinaryTree {
struct Node {


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C :: Printing String Yields Strange Output

Feb 23, 2015

I'm reading in a string from the command line into a char array followed by a series of ints which are read into an int array.

The command line

Code: lab3 word word word 0 0 2 3 results in the following output:

Code: Word: .N=▒
Number of Words: 0
Word: .N=▒word word word
Number of Words: 3
Num: 0
Num: 0
Num: 2
Num: 3

Here is the source code:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
if(argc < 2){
//command line must have at least three arguments (one
//char, one integer)
printf("Error: invalid number of arguments

[Code] .....

Where is the .N=▒ coming from?

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C :: Search A Requested String And Output Into 16 Byte

Mar 20, 2013

So basically here I have a menu in my C program and if I were to select option 2, I would enter a string up to 30 characters and it would output each block of 16 bytes should be shown which contains a character in the requested string. However, when I compile and run the program and search for the string, nothing happens. what I may be doing wrong?


else if (select == 2){
printf("Enter a string of up to 30 characters: ");
scanf("%s", &userstr);
//Compares both user's string and file string
for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
if (strcmp (buffer, userstr) !=0){


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C++ :: Tokenizing A String Using Delimiter And Show Output Using STL

Mar 3, 2014

Write one program that receive a string, tokenize it by ' ' delimiter and show the output, using STL

So, I write:

#include <stack>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using std::stack;
using std::cout;

[Code] .....

Type any string and I'll say its proprieties:
> A B C

String length: 5
Words number: 3
Word 1: (split(input)[0])
Word 2: (split(input)[1])
Word 3: (split(input)[2])

What am I doing wrong?

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C++ :: Converting User Input Int To String Output?

Apr 22, 2014

I am writing a code in a class that will change the user input which is integer to a string. For example if the user enter 13347..the output should change to "one three three four seven" on the user screen.I'm not getting the right output.

Code below:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string arr[]={"one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"};
class convertTo{
int signed num;
int convet(){
cout<<"Enter a number to convert to string "; cin>>num;


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C/C++ :: Converting Uesr Input Int To String Output

Apr 22, 2014

I am writing a code in a class that will change the user input which is integer to a string. For example if the user enter 13347..the output should change to "one three three four seven" on the user screen.I'm not getting the right output.

Code below.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string arr[]={"one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"};
class convertTo{
int signed num;

[Code] ....

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C :: Printf And Scanf - Output String Data At The End Of The Line

Dec 2, 2013

I'm trying to get this programme to work but I can't get it to output the string data at the end of the line.I have copied and pasted the line in question below but it may be a prob with the prog further down.

It reads character input ok but doesn't put one string into another or recognize when a string is quoted in a printf.

printf("%s what is your second name?
", surname, name2, name);
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
char name[20];

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Print Out Output String For A Program In Reverse / Backwards

Feb 20, 2013

How to make it so an output for a program would print out the string in reverse/backwards? I was just curious on how to do this.

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C++ :: Allow User To Enter A String And Output In All Uppercase Letters

Oct 24, 2014

/* Program is to let the user enter a string and will output the sting in all uppercase letters. */

#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
char str1[80];

[Code] ....

I am trying to get the cin.get working where the user is allowed to enter an 80 character string and how to do that.

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C++ :: Separate Binary String Every 4 Characters - How To Add Spaces To Output

Sep 28, 2014

I want to separate this binary string every 4 characters..I am trying to get a better understanding of how variables are stored in memory and I am looking at their binary address for a pattern..I see a pattern for the last 4 bits

#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
int main() {
using namespace std;
int x[100];

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Program To Find Index Of Character In A String Gives Incorrect Output

Oct 28, 2014

I've been typed out a C program to let the user define the size of their string , and key in characters for this string , the program would then prompt the user for a character to search for in the string and return it's index value. Eg. Index of c in abc is 2. My code is as shown:

#define SIZE 20
int search(char x[SIZE+1] , int n , char s);
int main(void){
char x[SIZE+1] , s;
int n , index;

[Code] ....

However , after I key in my characters for the string , the program does not prompt me to input a character to look for, it just prints it out and returns some funny number. But the program works just fine is I move this portion to the top :

printf("Enter alphabet to find: ");

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C++ :: Output String Depending On Color Detected In A Frame Video Feed

Jul 18, 2014

what I'm trying to do is output a certain string depending on the color I see in the video feed. For right now, what I've done is threshold the feed so that everything above a certain brightness shows up as Red. Now I want to have something that says if there's any red in the feed, then I output a "1" to a text box on my user interface that's showing the feed. If there is no red, then I output a "0" to the text box.

I'm using Emgu CV C ++ with VS2010.

This is the code I have so far that isn't working correctly, it's giving me a compiler error.


[Code] .....

and the error it's giving me

BAOTFISInterface.cpp(1010): error C2664: 'Emgu::CV::Image<TColor,TDepth> ^Emgu::CV::Image<TColor,TDepth>::InRange(Emgu::CV::Image<TColor,TDepth>
^,Emgu::CV::Image<TColor,TDepth> ^)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'Emgu::CV::Structure::Bgr *' to 'Emgu::CV::Image<TColor,TDepth> ^'

[Code] .....


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C++ :: Input With String Statement - Output Result With HTML Tags To Populate Web Page

May 3, 2013

I'm working on a CGI application. I'm trying to test my input with a switch statement and output the result with html tags to populate a web page. From within the switch, I've coded as follows:

HTML Code:
switch(mFunc) {
case 0:
cout << "<p><b>YOU ENTERED THE FOLLOWING TO BE CALCULATED:</b></p>" "<h2>"<< number1 <<"+" << number2 << "</h2>" << endl;
case 1:
cout << "You've entered" << number1 <<"-" << number2 << "to be evaluated" << endl;

I know that I'll need to put this in an html body with a content type as such:

HTML Code:
cout << "Content-type: text/html
cout << "<html><body>

Am I able to do that directly inside of the switch statement?

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C++ :: Truth Table Generator - If User Enters String Of Boolean Algebra It Will Output Table

Jan 25, 2013

If a user enters a string of boolean algebra it will ouput the table.

I have input parsing, cycling through the combinations, and outputing working. However once i parse the input I am not sure what to do with it. I have thought of having it write the parsed input to a new file as a function and then use that function, but that seems bad.

How to dynamically create the function, how to implement it.

BTW This is a console function, if that changes anything.

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Visual C++ :: Retrieving Size Of Each String In Order To Produce A New Buffer For Concatenated String

Feb 25, 2013

What is the efficiency of the two assignments (line 1 and 2), i.e. (function calls, number of copies made, etc), also the Big O notation. I know there are function calls for retrieving the size of each string in order to produce a new buffer for the concatenated string...any difference between line 1 and 2 in terms of efficiency?

String s("Hello");
String t("There");
1. s = s + t;
2. s += t;

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C# :: Unable To Implicit Convert Type Int To String Though Declared Variables As String

Mar 26, 2014

Ok, so I'm writing this code and when I build it keeps saying cannot implicitely convert type int to string even though I declared my variables as string. Why is it giving me this error?

private static string Repair()
string result="";
string beep;
string spin;
Console.WriteLine("Does your computer beep on startup?:(y,n)");


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C :: Program Where User Inputs A String And Prints Out Length Of String

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to understand a function on strings. Below is a code that I took from my teacher where the user inputs a string and prints out the length of the string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
char str[100];
int i = 0;

[Code] ....

Now I understand that it returns the count in "int" so my question is:

Let's say i declared

Code: int count = 0;
at the beginning of the code and then made
Code: count = strlen(str);
why wouldn't i have the same result? Is there a way to do it also?

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C++ :: Eliminate Comma And Split String Into Individual String Variables

Nov 15, 2013

I have this string d ="3 J JD, K" and i want to split the string to individual string. I have this code which eliminates the comma but doesn't split the string into individual string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string str = "3 J JD,K";
stringstream ss(str);

[Code] ....

Output of the code is
3 J JD

but I want

Also after I split the string is there any way to put the split string into individual string variables.

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