C++ :: Storing Data From 2 Columns In CSV

Oct 17, 2013

I have a file that can range from 100 rows to 10000+ that is comma delimited with 8 columns. The first 32 rows (also comma delimited) will always be ignored (geographical header information). I will be wanting the data from column2 and column3.

For this I believe I would need (2) For Loops as such:

for(i=0;i<2;++i) {
getline("do something here");


for (i=0;i<3;++i) {
getline("do something here")

Also would using a vector or array with dynamic storage be the better way to tackle this problem? Where to start from after accessing the file.

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C++ :: How To Add Labels For Different Columns Of Data

Sep 20, 2014

I am trying to add labels to the data. I have data in a file divided by space:

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12

I need it to look like this:

label_1: 1 2 3 4 5
label_2: 6
label_1: 7 8 9 10 11
label_2: 12

How can this be done?

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C++ :: Generate Data Set Of Angles Automatically And Provide Three Columns (Sin / Cos / Tan)

May 8, 2014

Given an array of angles A = [0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360]

Write a program that will generate the data set of angles automatically and provide three columns; sin(angle), cos(angle), tan(angle). Make this program as compact and readable as possible.

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C++ :: Make A Table Class That Will Be Able To Have Multiple Columns Of Data?

Sep 17, 2014

I am trying to make a table class that will be able to have multiple columns of data. I want it to have something to hold data (I was using a 2D vector for only one data type) in it, somewhat like a pair, but for any number of data types. The class is a template to make it generalized.

I have looked a little at variadic templates, but I don't know how to declare the vectors for each data types then.

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C/C++ :: Columns In Fstream Data Reading Zero (Array Of Payroll Objects)

Dec 4, 2014

Basically for homework, we gotta make an array of payroll objects, using the general format I've made below...

I'm having trouble. The .dat file we are given to test looks like this:

40.0 10.00
38.5 9.50
16.0 7.50
42.5 8.25
22.5 9.50
40.0 8.00
38.0 8.00
40.0 9.00
44.0 11.75

When I execute the program, it shows the first column of objects, but will always replace the 2nd column values with a 0.

It's definitely NOT reading that column, and using the constructor to set it to zero. I don't know why it's not reading that column though...

(TL;DR.... Currently it reads "Employee #1: 40, 0" rather than "Employee #1: 40, 10.00"... etc)

Here's my code.... (not 100% done yet just testing datafile output atm)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Payroll {
double payRate; // holds an employee hourly pay rate


I want it to read the other column without giving me zero />

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C :: Storing PPM Data Into Arrays

Mar 29, 2014

I am doing this program where I analyze colors in a ppm file. Now I am having a hard time storing the data into arrays in this order...

600 339
44 5 8
44 5 8
43 4 7
42 3 6
42 3 4
44 5 6

So far i tried using fscanf()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define DEBUG true
#define CHECK true

[Code] ....

I then realized that the order that the second method gave me will make it very hard for me to calculate the RGBs. Because they will be calculated like wise..

600 339
44 5 8 = sum
44 5 8 = sum
43 4 7 = sum
42 3 6 = sum

42 3 4 = sum
44 5 6 = sum

but that isn't the issue right now..

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C++ :: Storing Data To CPU Memory?

Mar 27, 2013

Is it possible to store data to CPU memory, if so how much memory can I store and how? Say I wanted to store an array, about 6MB in size?

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C++ :: Storing Data In A File?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying to store the Title, Artist, and date published of a list of CD's. I can't seem to be able to get it to print the list or not sure if it is actually storing it. This is what i have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char names[5][100];


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C++ :: Map Storing Multiple Data Types

Jul 11, 2014

I am trying to create a generic map container which shell contain data of different datatypes. I already found a solution in this forum here:


Introducing a container with a Base Class as content type and inserting objectes of Derived Class types from that Base Class suites my implementation very well. But it is not really working. I implemented it this way:

class MyType {
MyType() {}
virtual ~MyType() {}
}; template <class PT> class ParseType : public MyType


Then I insert one element.

// index being an object of type Parser<string>
ParseType<string>* test = new ParseType<string>( index );
// and index.val(0) = "-n"
iMap.insert( pair< string, MyType* >( index.id(0), test ) );

Now I think I should be able to call

const string key("-n");

But neither one compiles with the error that "class MyType" (as the map container is pointing to a MyClass object) has no member/member function "content"/"get_val".

I also tried introducing member and member function "content" and "get_val" in "class MyType", which I thought should be hidden while constructing ParseType<string>. This would compile but it does not call the member "content or member function "get_val" from class ParseType.

A second try was to remove templatization of "class ParseType" and introduce a specific, let's say, "class ParseString" for objects of type Parser<string>. But the problems remain the same either the compiler complains due to missing member/member function or retreiving the map content will not call the derived class member/member function.

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C++ :: Reading And Storing CSV File Data

Feb 21, 2013

I am working on a small c++ project where i read from a csv file with information in this format:


And all of the above information is one person. As is "John,Peter,23" is first name, last name, age. When there are multiple people in a csv file how can i parse through and separate the information in a string and int for later use?

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C++ :: Storing Data As Void And Dereferencing Them Later?

Jan 15, 2013

I have a set of functions at work which are incredibly useful, however it only supports labels that come from a specific database because that database contains information on the type. I'd like to re-create it to make it more applicable to any member/static/global variables but don't know how to store the type.

I've already re-written it to an extent, but it only accepts int types. I'd like to template it to accept any type. The trick is storing that type so that the pointer can be dereferenced at a later time which I don't know how to do.


typedef int T; // The goal is to remove this line!
namespace TimerDelay {
void SetAfterDelay ( T* lpLabelAddress, float delay, T target = T(1)); // Queues the set
void ManageDelays ( float dt ); // sets the labels when appropriate


#include <vector>
namespace TimerDelay{
struct DelayObject {
void* address; // I will probably need to add a container
void* target; // to hold the type, but how can this be done?


Edit:Is it possible to store a std::iterator_traits<> struct as a member of my structure? The g_list isn't templated as it needs to accept all types at the same time. That means that DelayObject cannot be templated. I think that means that I cannot use a templated member class as the size may be inconsistant.

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C++ :: Reading Data From File Then Storing It To Reuse?

Mar 27, 2013

Im tasked with reading a data file, this is an example snippet

list of trophy winners
year facup leaguecup 1stdiv 2ndiv
1960/61 Tottenham Hotspur Aston Villa Tottenham Hotspur Ipswich Town
1961/62 Tottenham Hotspur Norwich City Ipswich Town Liverpool
1962/63 Manchester Utd Birmingham City Everton Stoke City

The file starts in 1892 and is up to 2011/12, there is data missing for some years due to the wars etc,

once ive read the file, i need to store the data, for me to re-use.

There are a lot of useful link regarding reading data in, but they tend to be with very small files with say 10 lines of numbers.

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C++ :: Storing Constant - Frequently Accessed Data

Sep 9, 2013

I'm redesigning some code and I'm wondering what the best ways to store and access certain data is. The characteristics are as followed:

1) Based on data from a file, a distance matrix (N x N) is calculated.
2) Once the matrix is complete, the data will never change (unless a new file is read, but I can work around that by iteratively calling the problem with a new datafile on as command line parameter).
3) The data from the matrix is accessed billions of times from pretty much every other line of code.

In my old version, I had a class "Data" which a sub-class "Data::Distance" and I would put a reference in every other class that needed it. Now, my class hierarchy will be much flatter (basically all logic will be in one class; other classes will be POD structs).

Given the characteristics of the Distance table, is there a way to store them in a very efficiently-accessible way? Does it matter if it's stored in the main class where all the action happens in contrast to being a different class? Does making it static improve the performance? Casting it to const? Anything?

Again, the data is accessed billions of times so even minor differences can save a lot of time.

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C/C++ :: Storing And Retrieving Large Amount Of Data

Nov 28, 2012

I have to store large amount of data and retrieve the same data then write into file in C++. Currently I am using vector to store and retrieve. But vector is taking more time to store and retrieve the element. Is any other best data structure to store and retrieve large amount of data in unordered way?

Example code:

int I1 = 700,I2 = 32, I3 = 16;
//declare and resize the vector size
vector< vector < vector < vector<DOUBLE> > > > vPARAM; 
vPARAM.resize(I1, vector< vector < vector<DOUBLE> > >

[Code] ....

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C :: Storing File Data In A Structure Of Format Shown

Aug 5, 2014

I'm having trouble reading my data from a .txt file into a structure of the format shown in my code. I've made my student database in the program below based on user input and I didn't have a problem with that, but now it's come to input from a file it's making it difficult.

My three tasks are:

(1) A table containing 1 row per student, containing the student ID number and all of the student's marks.

(2) Another table, containing 1 row per student, containing the student ID number and the average mark obtained by that student.

(3) The average mark for each subject.

The assumptions to be made are: The student ID can begin with a zero, and should therefore be read in as a string.The test data will contain 20 students but the program should be able to deal with up to 100 students.Assume there are no more than 4 different subjects.

So based on the first assumption I've arranged the data in the file in an order in which the student ID begins with a zero:

003953 Computing 38
003953 English 88
003953 Mathematics 29
003953 Physics 83
073241 Computing 63
073241 English 99
073241 Mathematics 32
073241 Physics 73

...for twenty students, 80 lines of data. Now, on the assumption they must be read in as strings, this is what's making it tricky to store in the structure because, I've got 80 ID numbers but 20 repeat themselves 4 times. Once I've got this data in the structure below the tasks I won't have a problem with because I can just base it on a user input program but the data's already stored instead.

Below is my code for user input associated with task (1). In this example the IDs are stored as ints but for the file they will be strings. It compiles fine, displays the data as shown in the assignment sheet, but I don't know how to get the data into my structure. I can store the data in a structure of three arrays using fscanf() no problem, but it's not very "workable" for what I need to do with it.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>


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C++ :: Reading File With Delimiter - Storing Data To Object

Dec 5, 2014

I am trying to read a file use the data line by line to create into an object. The current file I have is like this and the code reading the file will be found below.

1223 Fake1 Name1 60 70 80 24 89 add1 Male
1224 Fake2 Name2 61 70 81 80 24 add2 Male
1225 Fake3 Name3 63 70 82 80 89 add3 Male
1226 Fake4 Name4 63 70 83 80 88 add4 Male

The problem I am having is that I need to put delimiters in the file so that a person can have more than one name and also the address can now hold multiple strings until the delimiter.

I would like to change my file to this;

1223 : Fake1 Name1 : 60 : 70 : 80 : 24 :89 : This will be address1 : Male
1224 : Fake2 Name2 : 61 : 70 : 81 : 80 :24 : This will be address2 : Male
1225 : Fake3 Name3 : 63 : 70 : 82 : 80 :89 : This will be address3 : Male
1226 : Fake4 Name4 : 63 : 70 : 83 : 80 :88 : This will be address4 : Male

How can I update the code below so that it can use the delimiters to create an object?

void loadFile(Person people[], int* i) {
ifstream infile("people2.txt");
if ( !infile.is_open()) {
// The file could not be opened
cout << "Error";

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Bank Account - Function Not Storing Data In Array

Mar 5, 2014

Following function is from a bank account, when new account is created it won't store it in the array or i guess it does but find_acct function wont be able to find it.

find_acct Function:

int findacct(int acctnum_array[], int num_accts, int requested_account) {
for (int index = 0; index < num_accts; index++)
if (acctnum_array[index] == requested_account)
return index;
return -1;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading And Storing Newline Character Alongside Data

Jan 6, 2014

I am reading data from a text file into a program. I am well aware of the subtle distinctions in the mode of data input/entry when using the stream extraction operator, the get() function, and the getline() function.

My problem is that all of them do not read and/or store the newline character alongside the data read!

Any function that reads and stores data and the terminating newline character together??

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C++ :: Storing File Data In Array With Structure Type?

Feb 20, 2015

I have a structure

struct Wine
string wineName;
int vintage;
int rating;
double price;

how can i store the file data below in an array with the structure type???

Dow Vintage Port ;2011;99;82
Mollydooker Shiraz Carnival of Love ;2012;95;75
Prats & Symington Douro Chryseia ;2011;97;55
Quinta do Vale Meão Douro ;2011;97;76
Leeuwin Chardonnay River Art Series ;2011;96;89

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C++ :: SerialPort Communication - Reading Data From Port And Storing In One Document

Jun 27, 2014

I am doing SerialPort communication program where i am opening the port and reading data from port and storing in one document.

I debug my program and check that my read function is reading the data properly but when checking the document i find only unicode.

Suppose I am sending 1,2,3,4 to port i able to read same but my document showes þÿÿ þÿÿ þÿÿ þÿÿ

//My Read Function which read data from serial port
tInt serialport::Read(tVoid* pvBuffer, tInt nBufferSize) {
tInt nBytesRead = 0;

[Code] ....

Why I am getting unicode instead of 1,2,3,4 in my document ....

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C :: How To Make Sum Columns

Oct 17, 2013

I have this code it sums the rows now I need it so it would sum all the columns in the output and put it in row 8 of the outcome. How would I go about doing that?


#include Code: "stdio.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
int main(void) {
int number[8][7];


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C/C++ :: Output In 3 Columns?

Apr 8, 2015

I have this code down except I'm very confused how to make the output come out in 3 columns.

using namespace std;
int main() {
int i, j, n, flag = 0, prime_number = 0, temp;
cout << "Enter first prime numbers that will be used or -1 to end:" << endl;
[Code] ......

My output right now is:

Enter first prime numbers that will be used or -1 to end: 20
Twin Prime Number : (3,5)
Twin Prime Number : (5,7)
Twin Prime Number : (11,13)
Twin Prime Number : (17,19)

But what I want is:
1. {3;5} 2.{5,7} 3.{11,13}

4. {17,19}

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C :: Creating Rows And Columns

Mar 6, 2015

how to make the it all work later...but in the mean time how can i get this to display this? Note it has to be made using as a console program. The "Description" and "Cost/ib" collums will be referenced through use of a header file. all else is done by user input and calculations.

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C++ :: Printing Arrays In Columns

Jun 25, 2013

I'm working with arrays and I get them column by column and need to print them. I as there a way to print in columns?

For example: I produce an array of A, B and C from a loop and then need to print them in one column and the go to the next column ....

so in the end I shall have an output like this:

D h
... ...

My arrays are too long (over 50K) so I cant just store the arrays and then print them. I need to produce each column array, print them and delete it and go to the next column.

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C++ :: 2D Vector Adding Columns

Apr 10, 2014

I have a basic question regarding 2d vectors. The following code makes a 2d vector and fills it with a matrix of integers. The vector tempVector3 gets added as a new row to the matrix. But what if I wanted to add the tempVector3 as a new column instead. How would this be done in the simplest way?

int main(){
std::vector<std::vector<int>> numbers;
std::vector<int> tempVector1;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Make The Output Come Out In 3 Columns

Apr 8, 2015

I have this code down except I'm very confused how to make the output come out in 3 columns.

using namespace std;
int main()
int i, j, n, flag = 0, prime_number = 0, temp;
cout << "Enter first prime numbers that will be used or -1 to end:" << endl;
cin >> n;


My output right now is:

Enter first prime numbers that will be used or -1 to end: 20

Twin Prime Number : (3,5)
Twin Prime Number : (5,7)
Twin Prime Number : (11,13)
Twin Prime Number : (17,19)

But what I want is: 1. {3;5} 2.{5,7} 3.{11,13} 4. {17,19}

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