C++ :: Sorting Names And Numbers And Also Using Templates

May 7, 2013

For my project I have to sort 5 numbers and 5 names using a template bubble sort. I have one header for the numbers, and one for the names. This is what I have so far for my testing page:

#include "Floatheader.h"
#include "Nameheader.h"
#include <string>
int main ()
myFloat obj1;
myFloat obj2( 2.2, 5.1);

[Code] .....

I have to create a template to look like this: template<>....with a class inside the arrows. Then, I have to use bubble sort to sort the 5 names and number objects I have created. Sorting the names and numbers and also using templates?

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C++ :: Bubble Sorting With Function Templates

Jun 21, 2013

i'm new to C++ i came across this bubblesort program earlier relating to class templates i was wondering how to make this into simple function templates

using namespace std;
template <class t>
class bubble

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Sorting Car Names According To Their Mileage

Feb 24, 2013

All I wanted to do is to sort the car names according to their mileage. And display the output with their car names. This is what I've made

using namespace std;
int j;
class car


I need to take 5 car details and sort them according to their Mileage..

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C/C++ :: Sorting 10 Names And Searching For One

Mar 5, 2015

So I been asked to write a program that does the following:

Write a program that allows the user to enter a series of 10 names from the keyboard and then sorts and prints the names in alphabetical order. Use a series of functions:

1) Input the data
2) Sort the data (use a bubble sort)
3) Print the data

After this is done, allow the user to enter a name from the keyboard and determine if the name appears in the list. Use a function to accomplish the search. The name to be searched for should be input within main and sent to the function as an argument.

4) Search the data (use a binary search of type bool)"

this is whats I wrote so far and its giving me error with the sorting and the searching, I need to fix it and I cannot figure out how?!.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void bubbleSort(string[], int);
int main()


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C/C++ :: Sorting Names In A Structure?

Sep 26, 2012

I cannot manage to get the code for sorting the names in alphabetical order.

typedef struct{
    char criminalName[10];
    char criminalCase[20];


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C++ :: Sorting Names Within Linked List

Oct 29, 2014

I am at a lost of how to sort names in alphabetical order after having the user input them into a linked list. I manage to create a program that did have the person input names into the linked list and when it is printed it displays the names in the order of how the user inputted the names.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string>
class NodeType {
string NodeValue;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Inserting File Of Names And Sorting Alphabetically?

Feb 25, 2013

A teacher has asked all her students to line up single file according to their first name. For example, in one class Amy will be in front of the line and Yolanda will be at the end.

Write a program that will read in a file of names. Names should be read until there are no more names to be read. Use LineUp.txt as a test file for your program.

Once all the names have been read in display which student will be at the front of the line and which one would be at the end of the line. You may assume that no two students have the same name.

These are the name in the LineUp.txt file if needed:

and so on .....

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C++ :: Sorting Data - Output Names And Ages In Ascending Order

Oct 24, 2013

I am having problems sorting data... I don't know to to go about it here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int i;
struct person

[Code] ....

i want to sort it out so that it can output names and ages in ascending order.

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C :: Sorting Array Alphabetically - Print 10 Names In Ascending Or Descending Order

Apr 9, 2014

//Build a program that uses a single-dimension array to store 10 names input by a user.

//After inputting the names, the user should see a menu with two options to sort and print the 10 names in ascending or descending order.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
char names[10];
char temp[10];
int count,i,j;
int sort;

[Code] .....

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C :: Use Names Of Taxi As Registration Instead Of Numbers?

Apr 15, 2013

ive done a code for taxi's that arrive and depart, but i was wondering how i can use names of taxis as registration instead of numbers?

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C++ :: How To Store Names And Numbers In Array

Jul 25, 2014

Can names and numbers be stored in one array ? Like a telephone directory?

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C# :: Replacing Names With Unique Numbers

Oct 27, 2014

I have a dataset which is a coauthorship network (a .txt file).I want to replace all the names of the authors with a unique number(no matter what the number is but it's important these numbers should be unique).

I've opened the dataset in excel then copy the author's names to another excel file,then I want to replace the authors names with their row numbers. what should i do?

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C/C++ :: Possible To Append Numbers To The End Of Variable Names During Runtime?

Dec 6, 2012

I am trying to write a program that would convert numbers of base 10, decimal numbers, to binary or hexidecimal numbers, base 2 and base 16. I want the program to run a loop through the various numbers input and store each number converted to the new type in a separate variable with the same basic name but different last letters/digits to differentiate between them and add them to the total.

Basically, I'm saying that i have the user input a number and letters. Let's say 15, d, b. So they want to convert 15 of decimal type to binary.

The program would then take the variable used to hold that number, and the other to variables to decide what function to perform on the number.

Then I will already have a variable initialized for the 3 possible conversions (binaryKey[], decimalKey[], hexideciKey[])

Then I want it to convert it and store the number at different places in the array to form the final number. Although, there is no way to predict what number the user will input, so there is no way of knowing initially where the converted place-value will need to be placed in the array.

I was wondering if there was a way to have the program run a loop where as the progression continues, it appends a number to the end of a universal name for the variables and then adds them together in the correct order creating the sequence that means that number.

In simpler terms:

Input a number: 15
Input type of base: d
Input converted type: b

Program then continually divides the number by 2, storing the remainder in a new variable

Such as: for(int i=1, i < (str(number).len), i++){
when i = 1, you would get
int number1;

[Code] ....

and so on. Is there a way to do this???

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C :: Sorting Four Numbers

Mar 2, 2013

I'm trying to take a users input and break it up into four separate numbers, then take those numbers and arrange them from smallest to largest.So far I can't seem to get them working right.


# include <stdio.h>main ()
int inputVariables[4]; //where userinput goes after being broken up
int arrangedValues [4];// the user values arranged lowest to highest
int i;
int j;


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C++ :: Sorting Numbers From File

Apr 6, 2013

I have been working on this program for days now and for some reason my program will not write to my third file. It will call all of the integers that I need it to call but it will not write them out to a file. How to use my loop correctly.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int file1();
int file2();
int file3(int);

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  Sorting Pairs Of Numbers Using AMP

Dec 15, 2014

I need numbers next to each other to be sorted (in increasing order).On the CPU I'd do something like this:

for(int i=0; i < length; i+=2) {
if(a[i]>a[i+1]) {
switch places...

But how would I do this using parallel_for_each (C++AMP) ? I need this for some algorithm that works with very long arrays and I think GPU would do this faster than CPU (even if I use all threads).

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C++ :: Sorting Alphabets And Numbers

Apr 20, 2014

My program reads a string of characters. Prints all occurrences of letters and numbers, sorted in alphabetical and numerical order. Letters will be converted to uppercase.Other characters are filtered out, while number of white spaces are counted.

The problem is it crashes when i run the program. Here is my code

#include <iostream>
const int SIZE = 100;
using namespace std;
int main() {
char *pStr, str[SIZE] = "", newStr[SIZE] = "", ch;
int count = 0, i = 0, j;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Sorting Numbers Through Pointers?

May 5, 2014

I'm writing a simple program to sort numbers through use of a pointer. I've always been bad with pointers, and I tried to use a typical temp value to hold the value, but i feel like I am over doing it.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void SortTests(int *, int);
int main() {
int *ptr;
int tests;


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C++ :: Getting Correct Numbers After Sorting

May 10, 2014

I'm trying to make a number sorting program with other features, but the numbers are all wrong.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void readData(int list[], int size);
int main() {
int size = 50;
int scores[50] = {0};

[Code] ....


376 389 450 735 600 576 612 700 450 628 778 389 667 500 475 550 687 791 829 344
549 476 400 587 535 657 789 583 340 764 422 826 566 436 565 834 533 423 837 701
847 521 746 356 582 465 493 593 425 421

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C++ :: Delete Specified Names From A List Of Store Names?

Feb 10, 2013

i have a vector of stores. i would like to delete the specified choice(store) from the list. Here is what i have but my erase statement is wrong and wont compile.

void Store::deleteSpecifiedStoreFromList(string choice) {
for (int i = 0; i < this->stores.size(); i++) {
if(this->stores[i].getStoreNames() == choice) {
this->stores.erase( std::remove_if( this->stores.begin(), this->stores.end(), choice ), this->stores.end() );

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C++ :: Sorting 3 Numbers By Ascending Orders?

Jan 30, 2015

We've only covered up to Functions and how to use reference variables inside the function parameter.

One of the hw problem that was assigned was to write a void function that takes three parameters( num1, num2, num3) by reference and sorts their values into ascending order, so that num1 has the lowest, num2 the middle value, and num3 the highest value. For example, if user enters: 14, -4, 8, then the output should look like this:


I've completed the program with a bunch of if/ else if statements but I was wondering if there was a more efficient way to sort the numbers. Bear in mind, we've only covered materials up to functions so I can't use any other new techniques that we haven't cover yet. Here is my code:

// This program will take three int parameters by reference and sorts their value into ascending order
//so that num1 has the lowest value, num2 has the middle value, and num3 has the highest value
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// declare function with reference parameter that with sort numbers
void sortNum(int &, int &, int &);
int main ()


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C++ :: Number Sorting Program - Getting Correct Numbers

May 10, 2014

I am a beginner at C++, the output is pretty self explanatory. I'm trying to make a number sorting program with other features, but the numbers are all wrong.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

376 389 450 735 600 576 612 700 450 628 778 389 667 500 475 550 687 791 829 344
549 476 400 587 535 657 789 583 340 764 422 826 566 436 565 834 533 423 837 701
847 521 746 356 582 465 493 593 425 421

I can't for the life of me figure out why the numbers are all messed up.

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C++ :: Sorting Numbers In Both Ascending And Descending Order?

Sep 7, 2014

What kind of code should i use for sorting numbers in both ascending and descending order? I don't know how to use bubble sorting either, is there another easy way to sort this out?

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C++ :: Sorting Arrays - Int Numbers From Highest To Lowest

Oct 29, 2014

For my program i need to sort my int numbers [5] from highest to lowest but it seems that i made it go from lowest to highest ...


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int numbers[5] = {3, -6, 10, 1, 130};
int counter1, counter2, tempNum;
//Highest to Lowest

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Sorting Numbers In Array From Largest To Smallest?

Mar 16, 2014

I'm trying to sort the numbers in an array from largest to smallest and print it but whenever I run this it does not sort anything at all.

#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 10
void Input(const int array1[]);
void Calculations(int array1[], int average);
void Output(int array1[], int average);
size_t counter1 = 0;
int average;
int main( void ) {
int array1[ SIZE ];


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C/C++ :: String Of Characters - Sorting Alphabets And Numbers

Apr 20, 2014

My program reads a string of characters. Prints all occurrences of letters and numbers, sorted in alphabetical and numerical order. Letters will be converted to uppercase.Other characters are filtered out, while number of white spaces are counted.

the problem is it crushes when i run the program

Here is my code

#include <iostream>
const int SIZE = 100;
using namespace std;
int main() {
char *pStr, str[SIZE] = "", newStr[SIZE] = "", ch;
int count = 0, i = 0, j;

[Code] .....

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