HelI have been tasked with creating a program which (1) takes in integer values from a user (until the user enters -1) and inputs these values into a linked list. This (2)original list is then to be printed out. The program then uses the algorithm "bubble sort" to (3)order the list in descending order before finally printing it out again.
I have managed to do this but I kind of cheated since I do not quite understand how to manipulate a linked list. What did was I took the values in the linked list and transferred them into an array and then did bubble sort on that array.how to do bubble sort on a linked list as well as how to print a linked list.
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h> typedef struct node { int info; struct node *link;
I'm writing a linked list program for class that has a simple text based menu and I believe I am nearly done, it just wont recognize my "count" function as a function and I don't know why. The error comes up at line 70.
I know how to add a node and delete a node from the beginning and from the end of the List. Now I want to sort the List by Age. I tried everything but there must be a very little mistake that I can't find. Here is my code:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node { char name[20]; int age; double height;
I've been trying to implement a quick sort algorithm for linked list but when i try to run it with 1000000 values my compiler tells me its running too long and ends up not finishing. However when i run it with 10 values it seems to work fine.
My program seems to be working fine, except for when I call on my delete function. I don't receive any errors, but when I call the delete function my program outputs nothing and freezes. As in, my print function (which is called before the delete function) doesn't even work. I've tried removing bits of the function to see if I could pinpoint where exactly the issue is, but I've had no luck.
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class List{ private: struct node{ string _data;
[Code] ....
And the function that is causing me trouble:
void deleteNode(string data){ node* del = NULL; t = h; n = h; while(n != NULL && n->_data != data){
This is in response to the bubble sort and selection sorts for linked lists. On my system, (Intel 2600K, 3.4ghz), it sorts a list with 4,194,304 nodes containing 64 bit unsigned integers in about 1.05 seconds.
Code: #define NUMLISTS 32 /* number of lists */ typedef unsigned long long UI64; typedef struct NODE_{ struct NODE_ * next; UI64 data;
I am trying to sort a linked list using quick sort in C. Here is my code--Actually, first I am inserting data in the list from a file. For a small file, it's working fine. But for large file it's just not working.
I'm trying to apply a bubble sort on a linked list. It works in the first traversal, but then after the code cPtr = nPtr;, it inputs repeated digits at the end of the (semi-sorted) linked lists.
I am making a custom linked list (for fun!) and want to implement a sort method that sorts the stored data using the stored types > and < operators (will require the type to have these operators overloaded)
What is the best way to do this? I guess the first thing one might jump to would be to compare the current node with the the node to its "right" see if one is greater than the other. Then keep iterating through the list until you don't swap any more nodes. However I am thinking there is probably a more efficient way to do this. Here is my code so far:
At the line number 65 that's my sort method first i sum up all the value in the nodes after that i want to sort the Nodes In ascending order but the method is not working ...
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; // Node Class
is this correct? I used this sorting with numbers i don't know if it is the same with strings. When I run it, there are no errors detected, but when i try to view it, the inputs does not appear.
i am making a program that reads a file from .txt and print them out using linked list. However, i need to sort them from the highest price to lowest price.
/* my structs */ typedef struct{ Node *head; Node *tail; Node *iterator; int size; } List;
i know its long but im afraid that i might miss out some things.
Here are the errors: no matches converting function `concat' to type `class Dlist (*)(class List<int>, class List<int>)' error candidates are: template<class T> Dlist concat(Dlist, Dlist)
no matching function for call to `concat(Dlist&, Dlist&)'
I can't understand what the compiler is trying to tell me.
I'm trying to write a program that manipulates a doubly linked list. My professor wants it to have two structs, one called Node (containing the data, and pointers to the next and previous nodes) and one called DLList, which contains the nodes for the head and tail (which is then passed to all of my functions).
I'm a little confused how to access the head and tail, for instance, if I want to initially set them to null in the main function (he emphasized the need for this), or to use them in my functions. I've tried a lot of variations to call the head and tail, but I keep getting told that head and tail are undeclared in the function.
How might I access my head and tail, for instance in a main function, when they're defined like this? (I took out all of the logic in my functions for clarity)
I'm trying to create a function that allows insertion anywhere in a linked list...here is what I have so far but am a bit confused on where to go from here
I have a linkedList search function given and I am having a little trouble getting it to work. I've made a few attempts with no success. Given normal search code:
template <class Type> bool orderedLinkedList<Type>::search(const Type& searchItem) const { bool found = false; nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the list
current = first; //start the search at the first node
[Code] .....
My attempt to make it a recursive search:
template <class Type> bool orderedLinkedList<Type>::search(const Type& searchItem) const { //bool found = false; nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the list current = first; //start the search at the first node
It is suppose to insert items in Linked List in sorted ascending order and no duplicates are allowed.The code complies but it creates duplicates out of order.
I'm have troubles with this program that requires me to make a search through a Linked List and find a specified value. It also needs to be a template function. I've completed the rest of the program fine and everything runs ok except for the search function. Code below:
The program I have below. If you copy and paste it it should work. However, When I uncomment my search function I get lots of errors and I think it has to do with incorrect syntax of it being a template. Need to do this search function:
Linked.h header file
Code: #ifndef LINKED_H #define LINKED_H #include<iostream> template <class T> class Linked { private: // Declare a structure for the list
I was trying to implement sorting in a linked list. However, when i run the sortList() function the program abruptly terminates. Here's the complete code:
Code: /* * { * SingleLinkedList.c * * Created on: 28-Nov-2014
It fills the singly-linked list with 0 through 9 and calls a function to prompt the user to search for a number. I don't see any glaring errors, I was just wondering what could be done to simplify it or if there's anything I missed.