C Sharp :: How To Get A Device Name For A Given Ip Address

Aug 13, 2013

I need to get the network device name for the given ip address..

I tried with dns.getHostByaddress but it didn't worked..

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C Sharp :: Multiple IP Address Conundrum

Nov 15, 2012

So I have an application that needs to send the current IP Address to a service. My problem is that I have a couple of machines that show two IPV4 addresses on the same NIC. Unfortunately the standard .net calls for the IP Address always appear to show the IP Addresses in numerically sorted order and it will be random as to which one of multiple IP Addresses my application uses.

Any way to force Windows 7 and XP to always put a specific IP address as the first one regardless of the numerical order?

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C++ :: Look-up Mounting Point Of USB Device

Apr 15, 2013

I'm developing a short c++ program to scan all devices connected to the system through the USB connections.

I have used libusb to scan them and it really works but this library does not provide me with the mounting point, so I get a list of devices including manufacturer, serial number, etc but not the mounting point.

I have also used libudev library but it seems to happen something similar...

I need to get the mounting point for all USB devices connected to the board, you know: /dev/ttyUSB0 ....

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C/C++ :: Use Analog Device Through USB Interface

Sep 25, 2014

I am supposed to write a C program to send through USB interface to the analog device AD9914. Now I am doing the USB interface part where my computer has to detect the AD when it is plugged in and send the signals to it. I have to write the program to detect the device when it is plugged in. What kind of functions can I use? I know that the registry stores the device when it is plugged in. What functions are available to read?

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C/C++ :: Retrieve Data From USB Device

Jun 16, 2014

I am looking to retrieve data from a USB device, this device is a fingerprint scanner. Because I bought it online and wasn't reading carefully enough, drivers and other installation programs weren't included. Send it back? Nah . . .

I want to see if it is possible to retrieve data from this device. To be honest, I don't even know if it's possible, but I would love to give it a whack.

I looked into making INF files and things Microsoft has put out, but I honestly don't know where to start simply because I have absolutely no experience doing this. I have a program set up to organize the data and such, I just need to find a way to actually get it.

What should I research and look into? Are drivers necessary?

Here is a little more information :-)

I want to save data from a fingerprint scanner.I bought a fingerprint scanner, but nothing came with it (drivers, software, etc.). I decided to not return it and see what fun I could have.

I have no code written up yet (mainly because I don't know where to start). But I looked into the device a little...Microsoft recognizes it as a "Fingerprint Scanner" but is still considered unrecognized.I have the USB identifier (at work right now, don't have it on hand)...

Is it even possible to communicate with the device without the initial drivers.Do I really need drivers for the device, or can I communicate with it as it is now.If I do need drivers, where should I start?What should I look into to get communicating with the device?

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C++ :: Modelling Device In Embedded System?

Oct 13, 2013

What I want to do is abstract and model a device (more specifically in this case, an IMU) in an embedded system.

Now, there are a couple of gotchas:

- It is basically a framework, which means that it should work with any device, any platform and any bus.

- It is an embedded system, so power consumption and memory consumption must be reduced. It is not a PC.

- It cannot be too complex, because I fear that will just make people scrap it and rewrite it from scratch :P

- It should aim for as little code as possible to write the whole model, of course. Adding 100 lines of code for each register would be a bummer.

That said, I must also model the current system, which means that the current platform, the current bus (which is I2C) and the specific IMU model (I have a datasheet).
So the model I am thinking of currently is this:

First, I have a platform. It will know what bus a device is connected on and contains the buses (or specifically, the instances of the buses). It consists of a specific class for each platform and a base. Here are the two I have now:

namespace Sensors
template<typename Platform_t> class GPS;
namespace Platforms
class RaspberryPi: public PlatformBase


Currently I am making the assumption that all platforms will have an I2c bus and UART bus, but I'm not sure about that. We have only one platform ATM, though, so for now this holds. I'm guessing I might have to move it to the specific platforms later and get rid of PlatformBase.GetI2CBus is a problematic one related to registers, but I'll get back to that.

UART is simple to model since it's just a block read and write, so:

namespace Buses
class UART
UART(const std::string& UARTPath): m_Open(false), m_PathToUART(UARTPath) {}


I'm probably going to handle all errors through exceptions. So if I can't open the UART bus, I'll throw an exception.

The I2C bus is a problem. I have a model which deals with it on a register-based level, but ideally I'd like to be able to model and use the devices on the I2C bus on a flag-based level (ie, I have names for each individual flag in the registers which I can read or write to directly instead of writing a hexadecimal value directly to each register).

Here is code:

namespace Buses {
template<unsigned int Id>
class I2CDevice {
I2CDevice(I2C& Bus): m_Bus(Bus) {}
template<typename T>


So I2CDevice does some checks to see that the data to write to a register is either 8 or 16 bits. It does not check that the size to write matches the register's size, but another class does not.

The idea is also that it checks which device is currently active on the bus, and if it's not the current I2CDevice, then it simply selects that before attempting to read or write (the Open call).

This is not meant for multi-threaded environments. Yet, anyway.

The Impl2::Read/Write just dispatches the call so it calls the correct function for writing and reading the correct size, depending on the size of the data.

This is all well and good, but I2C works with registers, so of course I want a class to model a register which I can read and write to directly. It must tie into the bus class since the bus class is the one that abstracts reads and writes on the bus.

The register class looks like:

template<unsigned int Bits, unsigned int RegisterId, typename Bus_t>
class Register {
typedef typename Impl::RegisterBase<Bits>::Storage_t Storage_t;
static_assert(!std::is_same<Bus_t, Buses::UART>::value, "Cannot read and write registers on the UART bus.");
static_assert(Bits == 8 || Bits == 16 || Bits == 32 || Bits == 64, "Number of bits must be 8, 16, 32 or 64.");
auto Write(Storage_t Data) -> void


I think this explains itself, except for the Regs struct, which is an experiment by me to enable myself to access registers via Regs.Config, etc.

What is missing is the ability to access and read/write the individual bits inside the registers. I am thinking a two-way access, where you can write to individual bits, but must call .Write() to commit the write to the register for efficiency.

I haven't actually written this. I don't know a good way ATM. I don't want to add a lot of variables and a write function because that would use 1 byte for every bit which is unacceptable.

I don't want to add a lot of code to make it work, either. A good get/set class would be nice, but I can't see that working. The register must store all state and any subsequent classes must not store any state or overhead will increase.

Finally, yes, I know a lot is incomplete and untested. It probably won't even compile. But that is for later. First is finishing the model.

It would be nice if things such as the platform and buses could be made static because there will only be one instance at any time, and that would save overhead if I don't have to store objects or references to them, but I haven't figured out how to achieve this.

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C++ :: Execution Of Certain Commands - Setting Device Time

Sep 10, 2013

I got a assignment in which i have to write codes for execution of certain commands.

One of the command is set_time. if user enters set_time 12:12:12

The time should get reset to 12:12:12 no matter what it is now.

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C++ :: Using Clear Device And Sleep Functions In Graphics

Dec 14, 2014

I have a college project which is a car racing game using C++ and the old-school graphics library BGI. After I draw the map and placed the objects(Car,obstacles,road's borders etc..)I added Sleep(); function to the function named Obstacles(); but the problem is, I can't move the car with the right&left arrows.a

Another problem,If I added a cleardevice(); command all objects disappears only the obstacles function keeps working. the Code is here:

char c;
c = (char)getch();
if (c == KEY_LEFT) {
x = x - 10, x1 = x1 - 10;
} if (c == KEY_RIGHT) {
x = x + 10, x1 = x1 + 10;


note: this is not the whole code, it's only a small portion of it, not a debugging question only need a hint how to fix it.

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Visual C++ :: Reading NFC Device - Callback Function?

Jan 7, 2015

Is it possible to read NFC card reader in VC++/MFC. Is it possible to develop a callback function that will read the NFC device, and see once the card is inserted, it takes that value from the card and store it in a DB?

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C :: Program To Read Data From USB Device Connected To System

Sep 26, 2013

I am trying to fetch data from the USB device(say pendrive) connected to the USB port of a system. I have attached code.c file which I have wriiten for the same purpose, please find it. Here I am able to open the device file and read some random raw data which is in the log.txt file (also attached to this mail). But I want it to fetch data like minicom/teraterm does.

What methods and libraries I can use to do it successfully and how can it be done.

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C++ :: Read 100 Elements From Standard Input Device And Store Them In Array

Feb 19, 2014

Write code to do the following:

1) declare a variable ptr as a pointer to int and initialize it to NULL
2) dynamically allocate memory for an array of 100 elements
3) read 100 elements from the standard input device and store them in the array.

This is what I have so far, I'd like to know if its ok or if something is wrong.

int *ptr = NULL;
ptr = new int[100];
cin >> dataPtr [arr];

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C++ :: Memory Allocation With Sprintf And Strcat For Reading 1-Wire Device

Mar 9, 2012

I'm using a uC to read the device ID from a One Wire device. I'm trying to have the ID read every second and output to over a USART serial stream for debugging, however I'm having a number of problems getting this to work correctly and I think it has to do with my misunderstanding of memory allocation in this case.

The problem is that when I upload the binary to the uC, it gets the device ID correctly the first time, and from thereafter the program is unstable and starts returning garbage (1st screenshot).

Ideally everything inside of the while loop would be inside of its own function, however I have had nothing but trouble doing that. In fact, when I put that all into it's own function that returns void and takes BUSES as an input, the correct data comes out the first and therefore it somehow exits the "while" loop and never gets back in (2nd screenshot). Another thing I noticed is that when I put the variable declaration outside of the while loop in the code below, I get the same behavior.

I haven't include the code for OWI_DetectPresence and OWI_SendByte ... I've hooked up an oscilloscope and have visually confirmed they are working correctly. Once the OWI_ROM_READ byte is sent over the bus the slave responds with it's device ID. I feel like my issue here is memory allocation and not hardware.

how to fix the issue with the output to USART and how to make this into a function that returns the string of the hex ID?


int main(void) {
unsigned char OWI_on_bus = FALSE;
// initialize UART for debugging


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Visual C++ :: Render Content Of CRichEditCtrl On Device Context Of Some CWnd?

Mar 4, 2013

I need to render content of CRichEditCtrl on device context of some CWnd. This code works ok:

CDC *dc = wnd->GetDC();
CRect cr;
wnd->GetClientRect( &cr );
cr.right *= 15;
cr.bottom *= 15;

[Code] ...

The problem is that I want to scale the output. I was trying to send message to my control before blitting:

SendMessage( EM_SETZOOM, numer, denom ).

It scaled the control itself, but the blitted context was still the same size as original content CRichEditCtrl (befeoe scaling). Is there any way to blit/render scaled content of CRichEditCtrl to any device context (screen/paper) ?

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C++ :: Are Reference And Address Same

Aug 2, 2014

Are Reference and Address same or Different?

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C++ :: Finding The Address Of A Bitfield

Aug 14, 2013

So I obviously can't take the address of a bitfield, but is there a way to get the address of the field holding the bitfield? What I'm trying to do is find the address of the parent field of a bitfield in a class. For example

class Foo
int a;
int b : 4;
int c : 28;
[Code] ....

My goal is to get the offset address of the int storing c in class Foo. But offsetof uses the address of c, so I get a compile error since c is a bitfield. What I wanted as output from the above would be "4", since an int is 4 bytes (on my system). So the int holding both b & c starts 4 bytes from the start of the Foo class. Is there any way to do this in c/c++?

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C++ :: Output Is Showing Address Instead Of Value

Dec 7, 2013

I've run across this issue before, but for the like of me, I can't figure out what keeps causing it. The problem compiles and runs as expected; however in the salaried object (Employee #1 in main.cpp) the console displays the number of vacation days as -858993460 instead of the value entered.

The parent Employee class is abstract with calculatePay() and displayEmployee() being pure virtualls and with a Benefits, Salaried, and Hourly class derived from it.

The Salaried displayEmployee() and the portion of the Main.cpp that contains the salaried object follows. What causing this?

Salaried displayEmployee()
void Salaried::displayEmployee()
cout << endl;
cout << "Employee Information" << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Employee Name: " << setw(7) << FirstName << " " << LastName << endl;
cout << "Gender: " << setw(12) << Gender << endl;

[Code] .....

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C :: Display Address Of A Pointer

Jan 31, 2014

I've got a problem with a piece of code that it doesn't seem to work anymore.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
main () {

[Code] ..... i

I chose a to be 5 and it displays the following:

"Type a value for a:
5 in octal is: 5
5 in hexadecimal is: 5

Process returned 23 <0x17> execution time : 1.031 s".I first saw this when trying to display the address of a pointer. Am i missing something? I used to run this code on dev-c++ successfully but after a day or so of practice, it's not working anymore. I switched from dev-c++ to code blocks.

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C# :: Parsing String Into IP Address

Oct 1, 2012

So im trying to parse a string into a Ip Address but i have a problem, the IPAddress.Parse method only works for ipv4 address's how do i parse ANY Ip address into a string, if i use the IPaddress.Parse method on my public(remote) IP it throws an exception but on ipv4 local ip it doesn't how do i parse ANY ip address the user inputs as a string as an Ip Address?

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C++ :: Program That Will Display Name / Address And Age?

Jun 21, 2014

C++: write a c++ program that will display your name, address and age..

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C++ :: Store Address Of Objects

Oct 27, 2014

I'm using the SDL library and trying to match the C++11 standards... Anyway, I thought about a vector where I store all the addresses of game instances, so I can access them anytime... I tried with this function:

int instance_new(std::vector<uintptr_t> &instance_id, unsigned &instance_size, Instance *pointer) {
instance_id[instance_size] = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(pointer);
return 0;

Where "Instance" is the 'parent' class of various child classes like the player. So, if I have to search the existing of a thing in my game, I should check if the address references to an instance of class. How can I do this?

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C++ :: Displaying Address Of Character?

Feb 20, 2013

When this programs runs it displays odd symbols for the address of the character. This is only part of the program, I took out the parts that already work.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char again;


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C/C++ :: Function To Return Either Value Or Address Of That Value?

Feb 1, 2015

I'd like a function to return either a value or the address of that value by the users input. So he can call the function like:

function("adress") - gets an adress, or function("value") - gets the value

I've tried both function overloading and templates, but none of them worked. He might input a character for the address and an int for the value... but...

Another strange thing that i observed is that the value returned by the function below is 0, so the output is address 0.

class testing
static int x;


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C++ :: Why Can't Take The Address Of Operators For Primitives

Apr 3, 2013

Why can't I take the address of operators for primitives?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string (&plus)(std::string const&, std::string const&) = &std::operator+;
std::string a ("Hello, "), b("World!");
std::cout << plus(a, b) << std::endl;



I'm using this functionality in a templated class, do I really have to specialize for primitives or use std::enable_if?

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C/C++ :: IP Address To Binary Conversion

Mar 10, 2014

Converting an IP address to a binary number? As in the entire thing 123.45.555.49 to it's binary equivalent.

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C# :: Changing IP Address On Controller LED

Jul 2, 2014

I have a C-Power5200 driver. I want using the C# language change to the controller's IP address.

Here a link to the website and API.C-POWER 5200

In Annex API controller.

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C/C++ :: Address Of Integer Variable

Nov 25, 2014

Consider the below initialization of x.

int x = 0x01234567;

If x is stored in RAM as given below, what would be the address x in both case?

(if image is invisible please follow this link)

Assume that size of integer is 4 byte.

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