C Sharp :: GET Values From Table In A Recursive Manner

Nov 14, 2013

I am trying to work with C# and i am stuck here. My problem is i want to retrieve the count of all the users in a specific side. Let me Explain. Here is my table snapshot with sample data.

Now what i want exactly is that i get the count of users in a specific side as i give a user id as a parameter.The data is stored in MS Sql Database and i have to implement this on a website so efficiency of code is also a issue.

Suppose i give 1001 as input
The output should be : Left:1 , Right: 8

if 1002 is input
The output should be : Left:5, Right:0

if 1003 is input
The output should be : Left:3, Right:0

if 1004 is input
The output should be : Left:0, Right:0

if 1005 is input
The output should be : Left:1, Right:1

and so on. how to implement this thing. I also want to get a code which would return an array of all child users of a particular ID in a hierarchical manner so that i could process that data with RadOrgChart Control.

Attached Images scr.png (14.9 KB, 36 views)

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C++ :: Hash Table Program - Sorting Pointer Table After All Of Values Entered

Nov 19, 2013

I am having an issue with my sort function. This is one part of the Hash table program. The main issue is that I am trying to sort the pointer table after all of the values have been entered. The ptr_sort function is not a class function and so I am therefore unable to use the class variables psize and pTable. Is there another way I should be trying this? it is a Vector should I use the sort() function from the vector class in STL?

#include "/home/onyuksel/courses/340/progs/13f/p9/util9.h"
#include "/home/onyuksel/courses/340/progs/13f/p9/hTable.h"

#ifndef H_TABLE1
#define H_TABLE1
void ptr_sort ( );

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Copy Data Table To MySQL Table

Mar 25, 2013

I have a C# .NET Application which get data from QuickBooks via the ODBC Driver and save the result to C# data table. So, I want to transfer this data table to a mysql table on my own server. That's the code I use:
using System.IO;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
//Add mysql dll on the .NET Tab in Project's references  
string connStr = "DSN=QBTest;";  
            string myServerAddress = "";
            string myDataBase = "CostTest";

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Conversion Table From CSV To XML

Jul 9, 2012

I am beginner in developing C # and I will like to develop an application that a converte. csv file (table) in an xml file

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C Sharp :: Time Table Of School?

Mar 22, 2013

I have project "Time Table of school". How it possible logically as well as visually in .NET. it contain all teachers name and their periods. when any one absent then we enter the name of teacher or course name, highlight the absent teacher periods and then generate arrange period list and print it. when it highlight timetable we click on them and show all other teacher names who are free at this time.......

what controls are need in .NET with c#. it will be desktop application,

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C Sharp :: Convert DataGridView Containing Table Into CSV

Nov 22, 2012

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  {
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                TxtPath.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;
            } string connString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="+TxtPath.Text+"";    
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();    

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: Update Sql Table Using Datagridview Cell?

Mar 26, 2013

how I update sql table using datagridview cell..... I want to edit cell and then press enter it update the sql table ... ??? It possible or not ... ?

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C :: Displaying Direction From A Table Of Values

Oct 1, 2014

Below, is the program I completed so far. I need to write a C program that reads in a stream of integer values, each representing an (x,y) pair on the cartesian plane. It then says I need to display the distance and direction from one point to the next. I tested it out, and it works.I need to use a conditional statement, and I'm a little confused how to display the direction(right, left, up, or down).I think I need to use an. "If" statement with my first one being something like:

If (y2 = y1) && (x2 > x1)

and I'm not sure what else to put,or if this is wrong. And with y staying the same and x increasing, the direction would be right.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
int x1, y1,x2,y2,x3, y3,x4,y4,x5,y5,x6,y6; //x and y coordinates

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Save Excel File Into Oracle Table

Apr 5, 2013

I need to save excel file data directely into oracle database by using XML string but getting error as

ORA-01704: string literal too long
01704. 00000 - "string literal too long"
*Cause: The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.
*Action: Use a string literal of at most 4000 characters.
Longer values may only be entered using bind variables.
Error at Line: 50 Column: 31

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C Sharp :: Search A Record In SQL Table Using Datetime Variable

Jan 1, 2014

I have an application in C sharp that searches for a record in a sql database using a datetimepicker,the output is displayed in a datagridview.When I execute it I got a blank datagridview with empty columns.I can not view the content and I don't get any error message.

Here is my code:

DataTable dt=new dataTable();
SqlDataAdapter sda=new sqldataadapter("select * from Delivery where convert
(char(20),Delivery_Date,112)='"+ dateTimePicker1.value.Date,con);
//con is sqlconnection

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C Sharp :: How To Validate Data If Already Exist In Table Record

Sep 24, 2014

How to validate the data if the data already exist in the table record in c#?

For example I wanted to add the student roll no. if roll no. is 134 and if we are adding rollno. 134 student then we get the warning like roll no. 134 is already exist ....

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C Sharp :: How To Populate A Combobox With One Field Of Database Table

Apr 17, 2012

I would like to fill a combobox with particular field for example if i have atable with fields such as CustID, CustName, CustAge.

I would like to only fill the combobox with the Name filed such that only the CustNames will be field in the combobox and am able to write an event handler for the selected index.

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C :: Get Code To Display A Table With Values From A File

Feb 20, 2015

get my code to display a table with values from a file. my current code fills up all the sections of the table with the same data. here is what I need: from a file .txt I upload numbers that should show a table like this :

Lake Beach Average E-Coli Level
Ontario Kew Beach 47.12 OPEN Huron Goderich 51.13 CLOSED Simcoe Sibbald Point 0 INSUFFICIENT

my problem is in the last two columns. The ave. E-coli has one value for all which should look like the above table but my code doesn't. Also my recommendation shows the beach # instead of open close or insufficient.the data is:

Lake table
1: Ontario
2: Erie
3: Huron
4: Muskoka
5: Simcoe

Beach table
100: Kew Beach
101: Sunnyside Beach
103: Sandbanks
201: Port Dover
202: Port Burwell
203: Crystal Beach
301: Goderich
302: Sauble Beach
303: Kincardine
401: Muskoka Beach
501: Sibbald Point
the .txt file contains the following data:
1 101 5 66.6 33.3 22.2 98.9 11.1
5 501 2 33.3 44.3

now this is my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
FILE *in;


fix the two last columns so the correct info shows like the table above.

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C/C++ :: Insert Values Into MSI Database (Registry Table)

Aug 23, 2014

Am using the below code to INSERT values into MSI Database (Registry table)

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
String Name1 = lblDName.Name;
String Value1 = txtDName.Text;

String Name2 = lblUnisntall.Name
String Value2 = txtUninstall.Text;

[Code] ....

This code work properly, but after inserting values in MSI database.

The Value1 and value 2 are created as REG_SZ (String) but as per my requirement,

Value1, should be REG_EXPAND_SZ
Value 2, should be REG_DWORD

Need to convert them in my code and then to insert into the MSI database.

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C Sharp :: Display MySQL Database Table User Info?

Aug 18, 2012

I was looking at this code:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string input = textBox3.Text;


And how to rewrite the code so that it display the MySQL table data for a specific user I already have a string called username and that stores the username entered on the login form. I want the code to use the username string to search for the name and display that users info.

My table contents are: username
First name
Last name
Employee Id

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C Sharp :: Compile SQL Table Using Dropdown List Boxes Into TextBox

Sep 11, 2012

I am completely new to SQL server i know a few of the basics. I have a VS2010 asp.net c# application with two dropdown listboxes and a textbox. I need to calculate the numbers e.g 3 + 3 = Medium, using the table below to calculate the answer so i can insert the output value into a textbox.

Drop down Listbox3Drop down Listbox3


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C :: Search Table And Replace Values In Text File

Feb 3, 2015

I have to develop a C program that reads a very complex txt file (output of a calculation code, so full of mixed text and numerical tables), search for a specific table in it and individuate/print or replace a specific value with assigned position in the table.

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C# :: How To Rearrange Lists In A Special Manner

May 15, 2014

how to rearrange lists in an special manner.

I have heard about the hashset but I do not fully understand how that thing works or if it is the best option for this issue.

Basically I have 3 lists: LIST1, LIST2 and LIST3.

LIST1 is a set of xyz points and LIST2 shows how the points are connected (clockwise, counter clockwise, coolinear).

For example the fact that in the first line of LIST2 appears 0, 1, 2,-1 means that the points in LIST1 are connected as follows:

(0 0 128.588459085565)->(25 0 134.979628462965)->(0 0 134.979628462965)

Same for line2 of LIST2: 1, 4, 2,-1

(25 0 134.979628462965)->(25 0 140.100717207301)->(0 0 134.979628462965)


The value -1 at the end of each line does not mean anything but I need to keep it.

Finally LIST3 tells me if the points are connected counterclockwise (-1), clockwise (1), or coolinear (0).

The thing is that I want to get things as follows:

If the values of list 3=1 then I need to extract all the points in the list 1 that correspond to the value 1 in order. However the values in LIST2 cannot keep being 1, 4, 2,-1 they need to be reorganised starting by zero. Expected result in LIST2= 0,3,1,-1.

We need to do this for each value in list3 (1,-1 and 0).

The idea is to get 3 groups of values:

- Group 1 including all the values that are clockwise (list3) with the points in order in list1 and showing connections starting from zero on in list2.

- Group 2 including all the values that are counterclockwise (list3) with the points in order in list1 and showing connections starting from zero on in list2.

- Group 3 including all the values that are coolinear (list3) with the points in order in list1 and showing connections starting from zero on in list2.

The idea is to be able to print 3 files in the following way:


Points which are clockwise in LIST 1

Connections of those points in LIST 2


Points which are counterclockwise in LIST 1


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C++ :: Initialize A Class In A Manner Similar To C Arrays

Jan 6, 2015

In my case, it involves making a wrapper class of sorts for the std::set. I'm wanting to go all-out on it and make some "fashionable" constructors for it, one of which being similar to C-style array initializations.

// C-array initialization.
int array[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// Some example usage of what I'm wanting.
Set<long> num_set = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
Set<std::string> str_set = { "Hello", "I", "am", "a", "set." };

I almost never overload operators when I work--if it can be done with a function, it's done with a function--but I realize that doesn't make the best user-experience when other people come across your code, so that's what I'm trying to improve.

It looks like I'm going to be needing to overload the = operator, no big deal. But the array segment is confusing, since {} is not an overloadable operator in C++.

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C/C++ :: Read In Numeric Representation Of Date And Prints It Out In Formatted Manner

Oct 13, 2014

Write a program that reads in the numeric representation of a date and prints it out in a formatted manner as the box below.

1. If the user entered an invalid number for the month it should display "Invalid Month"
2. If the user entered an invalid number for the date it should display "Invalid Date"
3. Check to see if the day is outside the range for that particular month

An example of the input and the output:
Enter the date: 1 24 2013
The date you entered is: 1242013

Im not sure on how to go about this problem, but this is what I have.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int a, b, c;
int status;
printf("Enter the Date");
status = scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a, &b, &c);
printf(" The Date is : %d",status);
return 0;

Am I going about this right? Is there an easier or better way to go about it? All that happens is that the program reads the first number and spits that back out.

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C Sharp :: Server Sending Data Then Client Receive And Store In Database Table In Windows Service

Dec 22, 2014

When server send data then client receive that data, in C# windows services where data receive continuously (Using IP Address and port number) . This below code writing in console application . i want implement same logic in windows service side. but i want data receive continuously.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;


Above code write in console application, same logic implementing in windows service, but i want data receiving continuously

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C Sharp :: Passing Values In Another Textbox?

Apr 27, 2012

I have an ms access database with 2 tables in it which I named Customers and Products. I am using visual studio 2010, in my windows form I have 4 textboxes and 3 button in it, for my 1st textbox when I entered one of my ProductCode such as 10111, then press the Display button, the other remaining 3 textboxes should populate and display the following;

ProductID: CH001
ProductName: Chocolate Strawberry
ProductCode: 10111

Then the 2 remaining button named NEXT and PREVIOUS, should be able to display all my product name with 10111 product code.

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C Sharp :: Set Valid Values In Char Type?

Oct 10, 2014

C# type setting a char? I have tried setting as characters, as integers but nothing seems to work?

last try: char mchar = 'X'; // Character literal

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C Sharp :: How To Loop Through Array List For Unique Values

Aug 19, 2012

I am grabbing data from three entities and want to grab a field value in each of the entites and place it in an arraylist. What I would like to do is loop through the arraylist for all the values and do something for each value only once. If the value in the array list is repeated, I want to not do anything for it and continue till the end. Basically, I loop through all the values do something for each value and skip over the repeated value if I already did something.

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C++ :: Truth Table Generator - If User Enters String Of Boolean Algebra It Will Output Table

Jan 25, 2013

If a user enters a string of boolean algebra it will ouput the table.

I have input parsing, cycling through the combinations, and outputing working. However once i parse the input I am not sure what to do with it. I have thought of having it write the parsed input to a new file as a function and then use that function, but that seems bad.

How to dynamically create the function, how to implement it.

BTW This is a console function, if that changes anything.

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C# :: Lookup Non-existent Rows In MySQL Table And Then Update Another Table

Dec 15, 2014

I have written an SQL statement that would:

1) Count the number of rows in the table booking that are open and where the booking.postcode is "MK",

2) Take a note of the plot (in booking.plot_id), and then update the table plot.jobs with the value count.

For example running the SQL query when booking table has the following rows:

Would see the following highlighted values in plot.jobs being updated to 1:

I managed to resolve it with this code so far (note I am using Connector/Net):

public void RefreshPlot(){
string query =
"SELECT Count(*) AS count, plot_id FROM booking WHERE postcode='MK' AND status='open' GROUP BY plot_id";
var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, _connection);
var da = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd);
var dtCounts = new DataTable();


Currently, my code only checks for existing rows in the booking table and updates the plot table. However if the row gets deleted in the booking, then the changes are not reflected in the plot table.

Example: If we delete the row with plot.id=1 and plot.plot_id=4, then booking.plot_id should go back to being 0, if it was initially 1. At the moment, it doesn't. How would I update my SQL statement to better reflect this? In a sense, it should check for "non-existent" rows, i.e. the impact that the row plot.plot_id=4 & plot.id=1 has on booking.plot_id when deleted?

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