C# :: Running 2 Separate Queries But Getting Parameter Should Not Be Null

Feb 1, 2015

I am trying to run the following 2 separate queries but keep getting the following error message:

I've looked at the database and the first query is successful (hence the parameter is not null) but it fails at the cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); in for (var i = 0; i < _waypointList.Count; i++) { ... }

Code below:

var query =
@"INSERT INTO booking (operator_id, plot_id, postcode, datetime, stops, " +
"mileage, price, passengers, name, note, phone, status, reference) " +


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C++ :: Pointer As Parameter Is Null?

Apr 9, 2014

In my raytracer-project I have the following function:

bool hitObjects(Ray &ray, std::vector<Object *> &objects, Vector3& normal, Material *mat) {
double tmin = K_HUGE_VALUE;
double t;


When I try to run this, I only get the message "Material pointer is null". So, somehow the pointer is null after the hitObjects-function is called, even though it isn't inside that function.

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C# :: How To Combine Two SQL Queries Into One

May 21, 2014

update Tag_Master set flag='Inactive' where Tag_no=10;

update Tag_Master set flag='Assigned' where Tag_no=12;

I had these two queries, I just want both of these will fire on same event. Is any other way to write both queries in single query instead of writing two different queries ....

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C++ :: Null Terminator Same As Null And Through False Value?

Feb 18, 2014

I am looking at one of the functions of an exercise:

void escape(char * s, char * t) {
int i, j;
i = j = 0;
while ( t[i] ) {
/* Translate the special character, if we have one */
switch( t[i] ) {


Notice the while loop evaluates the current value in t to true or false. When we hit the null terminator, does that get evaluated as 0 and hence evaluates as a falsy value so the while loop exits?

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C/C++ :: Queries Using String Compare

Oct 31, 2014

I am trying to get a list of queries to work right now. I have it so that the user will input 1 of 5 things to compare twin primes in a list. I am just trying to get the queries working fully before actually determining the twin primes that need to be output. The console input will be something like "<= 61" and will display all twin primes from 3 to 61, inclusive.

Well, I thought I had it 100%... Then I realized I have a problem, though. So, I'm reading the string in until a space so I can read in the number after that. So that works fine, but then I also want the "all" and "random" console inputs to work, but they won't unless I put a space after them, which is what I'm trying to avoid...

So, I tried just simply asking for another console input after all of my if statements for the string compare after the first console input. That obviously doesn't work either, though, because it still only wants the first "getline" where it reads until the whitespace.

How to be able to do both on the same console input... The relevant code is posted below:

cout << endl << "What do you want to know about your list of twin primes?" << endl;
string qprompt1;
string qprompt2;
getline(cin, qprompt1, ' ');
string comp1 = ">";
string comp2 = ">=";

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Build Application That Queries The Database?

Sep 27, 2013

I have lot of C++ API exposed in our project and I want to build an application that queries the database and shows some stuff to the user in the UI.

So, essentially, my main code is in the c++ language. What choices do I have over the UI?. I am interested in showing this UI in the form of a html page lilstening to a port.

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Visual C++ :: CDHtmlDialog Not Working With CSS Media Queries

Feb 21, 2014

I have a CDHtmlDialog app in which am trying to add a CSS media query in the HTML file as shown below, but it doesn't work.

@media (max-width:20em) {
table, thead, tbody, tfoot, th, td, tr { display:block; }
tr + tr { margin-top:1em; }

The same CSS works fine if i open in a browser like IE, FireFox, Chrome. But inside the CDHtmlDialog app this doesn't work.

I am using Visual Studio 2012 for development and have IE 11 installed in my machine.

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C :: Program That Queries User For A Noun And Forms Its Plural On The Basis Of Rules

Nov 13, 2014

I am having trouble with a program that queries the user for a noun and forms its plural on the basis of these rules:

a. If the noun ends in "y" remove the "y" and add "ies".
b. If the noun ends in "s", "ch", or "sh" add "es".
c. In all other cases, add "s".

I am having trouble getting started.

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C++ :: Function Parameter Scope - NumArray Not Recognized As Valid Parameter

Sep 28, 2014

My errors are at the end of the program in two function calls within the definition of the InsertByValue function. g++ does not seem to recognize NumArray as a valid parameter.

#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
const int CAPACITY = 20;

/* Displays the content of an int array, both the array and the size of array will be passed as parameters to the function
@param array: gives the array to be displayed
@param array_size: gives the number of elements in the array */
void DisplayArray (int array[], int array_size);

[Code] ....

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C# :: Session Is Null But Not Null?

Mar 31, 2015

When you login to my site my loginservice which is done by ajax and json make a session called context.Session["Name"]. With BreakPoints it shows that everything is good and the variables are in place. However when I use Session["Name"] it comes out as null.

I will add my code at the bottem not

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;


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C++ :: Cannot Convert From Int And Missing Default Parameter For Parameter 1

Dec 4, 2013

I am developing new project in Qt with existing MFC project . SO in MFC I have a function which uses SYSTEMTime and return CString.


CString getTimestampString( void )
SYSTEMTIME systemTime;
CString datestr;


PS -> I cant able to make any changes in lib_know as this library is being used by many other projects..

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C++ :: Setting Default Parameter Based On Another Parameter?

Jul 2, 2013

Here's my function definition

bool validateNumber(string& text, int min = 0, int max = -1, bool useMin = true,
bool getValid = true)

The code takes the string text, and checks the make sure that the input is valid and safe to convert and use as a number. However, sometimes there is not min, and sometimes there is no max. The lack of min is done by using the parameter useMin, while the lack of max is done by max < min.

My predicament is the following call:
validateNumber(text, -2);

Now, max will be used, even though I don't want it. Ideally, I would want to do something like... int max = (min - 1), ... but that doesn't work. I also can't check to see if the parameter hasn't been changed (that I know of), because the following call would make it look like it hasn't
validateNumber(text, -2, -1);

So the question is, is there a way to do what I want, without having to add in a bool useMax parameter? Or is this my only option? I don't want to do that for simplicity, but if I have to, I have to.

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C :: Make A Separate Function

May 6, 2013

I will post the entire code at the bottom. Its running fine right now but This part in the menu function I need to make as a separate function. My problem is when I make it into a function by itself I have to declare and initialize the grades A,B,C,D,F how can I do that when I can't make them equal 0 because it has to keep track of how many of each letter grade.


//Count letter grade
if(ave >= 90)
else if (ave >= 80)
else if (ave >= 70)
else if (ave >= 60)


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C++ :: How To Separate One Line Into Two (or More) Strings At The Tab

Nov 3, 2013

i'm reading from a text file which includes a dictionary in UTF8. it has the following structure:

word, bla "bla" translation

so there's a word and a translation seperated by tab. both can include any kind of charactars, excluding tab of course, especially blanks (found one code that claimed to seperate a string at tab, but also did at blank).

how can i seperate one line into two (or more) strings at the tab? i've been searching for a while, but can't find anything useful...

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C++ :: Objects / Classes And Separate Compilation

Apr 9, 2013

class A
public:A(int a, int b);

I need to have an object of class A that doesn't have a default constructor in another class, B:

class A; //This is in a separate header file
class B
private:A a;};

The problem is that it won't compile without a default constructor. I'm not allowed to define a default constructor, and the A object in class B has to be private so I can't initialize A a in public.

I also can't change the prototype in the interface to something like

A(int a = 0, int b = 0);

since one of the requirements is that if an object of class A is declared in main, it must not compile due to not having a default constructor. So what can I do to make class B work and compile?

Another question I have is why is this valid:

class A; //#include "A.h" is in the implementation file so it compiles.
class B
private:A* a;}; But not this: Code: class A;

class B
private:A a;};

This is for a project that I probably won't be able to turn in on time, but I care more about how to do this right than turning it in for full points.

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C :: Separate Numbers Evenly Into 5 Arrays

Apr 7, 2013

I have a set range, say 10 to 100, and I'm trying to separate the numbers evenly into 5 arrays. So there are 90 numbers, how can I assign 10 - 27 to the first array and the next 18 numbers to the next array without creating separate loops for each one?

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C++ :: How To Separate Login For Admin And User

Feb 2, 2014

How to compare the username and password entered by user with the data(username and password saved in before) in the admin array and customer array,

so for example when it match the username and password in the admin array, it will directs the user to the admin_mainmenu(), otherwise it directs to the customer_mainmenu().

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

char username_admin[10];
char password_admin[10];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Returning Two Separate Variables In A Function?

Dec 12, 2013

How to use a function twice to calculate two different variables. How to have a function compute the city tax, then it uses the function a second time to compute the county tax.

My program compiles, and runs fine, however it only outputs the city tax calculation. It seems it never attempts to calculate the county tax.

One thing: All of the directives I used is what we are limited to, no more, no less. He requires a set format and will dock points of you use anything but those directives and void main().

Here is my code so far:

/* function for city tax calculation */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
const double city_tax_rate=0.03;

[Code] ....

I am using Visual studio 2010.

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C++ :: Separate Chaining Hash Table?

Nov 28, 2014

my insert() function

template <class T>
class Node


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C++ :: Separate Template Class Into Two Files

Oct 13, 2014

I have a big big problem with class template

//file Array.h
#ifndef ARRAY_H_
#define ARRAY_H_
template <class T> class Array {

[Code] .....

I've tried many ways:
1. put #include<Array.cpp> at the end of file Array.h
2. Change Array.cpp to Array.hpp,...

But dont work at all

I have tried to separate class template into two files.

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C/C++ :: How To Separate Login For Admin And User

Feb 2, 2014

How to compare the username and password entered by user with the data(username and password saved in before) in the admin array and customer array,

so for example when it match the username and password in the admin array, it will directs the user to the admin_mainmenu(), otherwise it directs to the customer_mainmenu().

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
char username_admin[10];
char password_admin[10];

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Add Functions To Class In A Separate File

Jan 31, 2014

I could do the assignment if all i had to do was create a function within one file, call it in the main class, and that would be done with it. no, my teacher wants us to have our main program, a header and a separate class file and create functions in it in which we can then use in the main file.

This is the main file:

#include <iostream>
#include "call.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
int length; //holds the length of the call in minutes
int hour; //holds the hour od the day(0-23 military time)

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Showing Separate Lines For Objects?

Mar 31, 2014

using namespace std;
//Constructors for class.
class CollegeCourse {
int courseNum;

[Code] ....

When I debug my program, the objects is showing up on one line bunched up together. I also want to be able to enter data after each object of the classes.

The details of my project is as follows:

Inheritance in C++ means you can create classes that derive their attributes from existing Classes, in other words, a newly created class can absorb all the data fields and functions of a class already being used. When one class is derived from another, the original class is the parent class, base class, or sometimes called the parent class. The derived class is a child class, or sometimes called the subclass.

Inheritance is central to Object Oriented Programming. The advantages of inheritance are it allows the code to be reused as many times as needed. Inheritance also saves time and effort as the main code need not be written again.

Create a C++ program using Visual program that could be used by a college to track its courses. In this program, create a CollegeCourse class includes fields representing department, course number, credit hours, and tuition. Create a child (sub class) class named LabCourse, that inherits all fields from the CollegeCourse class, includes one more field that holds a lab fee charged in addition to the tuition. Create appropriate functions for these classes, and write a main() function that instantiates and uses objects of each class.

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C# :: ActiveX Control In Separate Thread

Jun 19, 2014

I have a method that does some extensive work (retrieves a list of emails from an imap server). What i wanted was to add a flash movie that would start playing when the method is entered and will stop when the method finishes. Something like this:

private void RetrieveMails() {

The flash movie plays, but the speed is horrible, almoust frame by frame (it actually matches the stepping of the foreach method that fetches the mails from the server as i can see it retrieving one mail - the movie plays one frame and stops; retrieves another mail - the movie plays another frame and stops.).

In the loop that retrieves the messages, i added Application.DoEvents(); so that is not the problem.

Now i am thinking of somehow playing that flash movie on a separate thread that will not hang synchronous with the retrieving mails loop but i don't know how would i do that...

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C/C++ :: Splitting Numbers Into Separate Digits

Dec 24, 2012

C++ program to accept a value and split it digit by digit and display in name

E.g.: 123

>one two three

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C :: Create Separate Array That Consists Of The Same Number

Mar 6, 2015

I working on a big program, and it involves character arrays. What I want my function to do is create a seperate array that consists of the same number of "*" as there are letters in the word from the text file. For example, if the word sarc was up, the function show make ****. This was my attempt at it. I managed to reach this far. I can only fit in one "*". This is part of jumble game program I'm trying to make, and its in C language.

insert Code: void partialWord(char current[]){
int n;
int i;
n = strlen(current);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
current[i] = strcpy(current,"*");
", current);

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