C++ :: Program To Extract Numbers From A File That Is Always Updating With New Data

Mar 14, 2013

How to write a C or C++ program that extracts certain numbers out of a section after the 4, 5 and 6 space.

For Example:

The output file will produce:

[ [1900 00 0 -2.000000 0.650000 0.006000 0.020000 2.274000 0.010000 54 0 0.7 10.8 1 0 0 0.000000 17.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 18];...

So I want to extract the numbers 0.650000, 0.006000, 0.020000 because those are the 4,5,6 space after [ [

Another problem I have is that the output file I showed will always being updated constantly for instance as follow:

[ [1900 00 0 -2.000000 0.650000 0.006000 0.020000 2.2054000 0.010000 10 0 0.7 10.8 1 0 0 0.000000 17.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 13];...

[ [1900 00 0 -1.000000 0.650000 0.006000 0.020000 2.694000 0.010000 9 0 0.7 10.8 1 0 0 0.000000 17.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 10];...

[ [1900 00 0 -2.000000 0.6023000 0.04000 0.050000 2.2454000 0.010000 5 0 0.7 10.8 1 0 0 0.000000 17.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 12];...

And it will keep updating like this and I want to update the previous numbers I extracted with now the new numbers after the 4,5, and 6 space.

So I have to write a code to let it know when it encounters [ [ start looking for the 4,5,6 space and get those numbers and once it reaches ;... that's the end of that section so re-look for the next section of numbers after the 4,5,6 space.

The file will be a text file or matlab file that is always being updated with these sections of numbers. Can I make this a #include<nameoffile.h> or does .h not work with a file that is always being updated.

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C++ :: Header File That Is Continuously Updating To Extract Certain Variables?

Mar 10, 2013

I need to write a C++ program, that extracts certain variables, x y z, from a file that is continuously being updated x y z. These variables are going to be used to recalculate a new answer.

My question is to see if it is possible to have an include .h file that is always being updated so that I can extract these three variables from it, and always have the newest venison of each variable, so that the answer to the equation is always the newest updated. Should I use fopen or fwrite to do this.

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C++ :: Program To Extract Special Code From A List Of Numbers

Nov 1, 2013

I am a beginner and I ALWAYS have the toughest time doing I/O files. It's extremely frustrating. It "seems" it should be so simple. The program should find a code from a list of numbers. These numbers are from 0 - 9, and after each number is a space in the file. Your job is to extract a special code containing only 10 of those numbers. For the number to be part of the code, it should be divisible by 2. After extracting 10 numbers divisible by 2 for the code, write those 10 numbers to the file to form the expected code.

Input file is ("question.txt")
Output should be ("code.txt")

Should this contain a "for loop" or If/else ?

Here's what I did . .

// int numbers, total, counter;
ifstream inFile;
inFile.open ("question.txt");
outFile.open ("code.txt");
if (!inFile)

[Code] ....

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C :: Updating Specific Data In The File

Mar 17, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define MAX 200

[Code] ....

Inside of my studentinfo.txt file

Jnh Has 2353325 23 56 72 34 67 22 46 42 5 23 56 23
Daniel Laurent 6744590 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 50

This code is working totally fine. Right now, I'm trying to update a specific data from the student info. Let's say I'm trying to update my student number of Daniel. So, in this case, I want to replace 6744590 to some other student number. I think I have to use fseek() or rewind() and use fputs() but, I don't know how I should decide where to look.

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C :: How To Extract Data From Txt File

Jan 13, 2015

I managed to read txt files and printing them on the console window. I was given a task to select and sample a certain amount of data.

Example of txt file:

Voltage (V),Current (I),Power (W)

etc.. How can I display only the column of Voltage and Power?

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C++ :: Object Data Not Updating Correctly

Dec 14, 2013

I am writing a program that manages a group of tool bins. This group is handled as an object that is an array of two element structures called InvBin. I initialize the bins with data from a file which contains the descriptions and initial quantities. I also have functions to add or subtract items from a bin and a function to display a report of the description and quantity of all of the bins.

The add and remove functions work correctly based on the cout statement in the functions, however when I display the report, it displays the initial quantity instead of the new quantity. In addition, when I use the add and remove functions again on the same bin, they use the initial quantity.

These are the add and remove functions and the report function from the main program.

//Adds an item to a bin
void addItem(HANDLE screen, BinManager tools, int &count) {
int binNum;
int addNum;


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C Sharp :: Updating String Values Into Custom Data Xml Field

Feb 23, 2014

I have a variable named Authors. Sometimes I will insert one author into the database, sometimes more than one author will be inserted into the database.

The page that performs the update is a .cs page. Here is the layout:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient;


This definitely works for updating one author's name:

if (old.Author != Author) RequestItem.UpdateField(LibraryDocID, Editor, "Author", Author);    

I just can not nail down how to insert a string of author's names.

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C++ :: Extract Chunks Of Numbers From A Stream - Lambda Functions Causing Errors

Jul 1, 2014

I am trying to write a function that extracts chunks of numbers from a stream (ie if i had "ui33ui24ui23hjdwejf" it would extract the chunk 33), and its finished, but it wont compile. errors here: [URL] ...... its only one line in an include file, but im stumped. anyways, this is the most updated version of the code: [URL] .....

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C++ ::  Updating Array In Grading Program

Sep 14, 2014

The program will grade a series of exams and then print a grade report for students in a course.

Input: An instructor has a class of students each of whom takes a multiple-choice exam with 10 questions. For each student in the class, there is one line in the input file. The line contains the answers that student gave for the exam. The input file named "grade_data.txt" will have the following format:

line 1: the key for the exam (e.g.)

lines 2-n:
a set of answers. You know you are done when you get to a line with no data.

Note: You will not know in advance how many exams you have to grade and you don't need to store the exam answers in your program.

Processing: The program is to read the input file and grade each exam and print out the score for that exam. You will also keep track of how many students earned each score (0-10) and print a report after the grading.

Output: Here is an example of how the output might appear. You will write the report to an output file named "grade_report.txt"

Student 1 - 8
Student 2 - 10
Student 3 - 1

Final Report
10 - 4
9 - 2
8 - 3
1 - 3
0 - 0

high score - 10
low score - 1
mean score - 6.25

What I am having trouble with is the second part of the program. I have already figured out each grade for each student. The part I am having trouble with is updating the array every time that it gives me a student score so that I know how many people made a 10, how many made a 9, etc.

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C/C++ :: Updating Values In Dat File

Nov 9, 2014

The file name is "movie.dat" and currently i was able to save data into the file in this order:

[movie_code] [movie_dur] [movie_title] [movie_rating] [movie_dir] [movie_genre] [movie_status]

[12345] [120] [Movie] [PG13] [Director] [Comedy] [Active]

I want to search for the "movie_code" and change the [movie_status] from Active to Inactive.

So lets say for example i have a movie code 12345 saved in my movie file. I want to change the value from "Active" to "Inactive"for argument sake.

This is the code i was trying to do it with:

FILE *movie_fp;
movie_fp = fopen("movie.dat", "r+b");
int m_code;
MOVIE movie_data;
printf("*** Welcome to the movie updater! ***
if(movie_fp != NULL){

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Program Crash When Returning Object By Extract Function?

Oct 30, 2014

Security se = Security();
se = secList.extract(); // CRASH
cout << "Security info: " << se.security << endl;
cout << "Transaction List: " << endl;
Transaction tr = Transaction();


my program crash when it try to assign the return value of the function to the local value. extract function does return correct value, but it just crash when done executing.

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C :: Updating Record In Random Access File

Nov 5, 2014

I have been searching through the forums and found a couple snippets of code and from that i came up with this. What i want to do is search for the specific movie code and then update the movie status from inactive to active (for argument sake).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct SYSTEM_MOVIE{
int movie_code;
int movie_dur;
char movie_title[25];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Student Registration System - File Updating

Feb 14, 2012

I have been creating this program for a student registration system. For the file handling So far I can write in to a file , view all records, and search a single record. now i got the problem with updating details . my coding is as bellow ..

void file_update() {
int r;
struct student stu;
fstream stu_file;
cout <<"========Update Record======"<< endl;
stu_file.open("student.txt", ios::app );

[Code] ....

My problem is it won't update the record. it just adding a new record.

View 9 Replies View Related

C++ :: Extract Comments From C File

May 21, 2014

I need to extract comments from a C file, which are usually marked with " /* This is a comment */ ". It seems to me that I need to calculate first at what position is the / and then ask it if on the very next position to the / operand is the *, if it is then I need check where is the next * and if / operand is immediately next to it. At last I need to take everything between values that the first and second * have. But I don't know how to write that in code.

This was supposed to be done in c++.

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C++ :: Extract File Name And Extension From TXT?

Aug 10, 2012

I have a list of files stored in a .txt file


Directory File Folder: codeguruc++
File Name: display.txt
File Size: 15kbs

$ is an delimiter

I want to extract the name and the extension from txt files.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
struct MyFile {
std::string Directory;
std::string Filename;
unsigned filesize;


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C++ :: Effect On Output Of Program Of Different Numbers Input To Int Data Type Named

Mar 2, 2014

// this program gives random number output
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>// contains function protype for rand
#include <iomanip>// for setw
using namespace std;


what is the effect on output of program of different numbers input to the int data type named seed*/

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C++ :: Extract Certain Cells From Excel File?

Apr 9, 2013

how to extract certain cells for an excel file that is continuously updating. I had a look at [URL] since they provide a .h library that is useful for this situation, but could not find any code.

View 7 Replies View Related

C++ :: Iterate Through A File Path To Extract File Name

Feb 20, 2014

I am trying to iterate through a file path to extract the file name. since the . separating the name from the extension is a unique character, i thought i would reverse iterate from the . to the first separating directories. however, when trying to reference the memory location of the position of the . in the string, i am getting an i-value error:

for (std::string::reverse_iterator iter = &(songPath.find('.')); iter != songPath.rend(); ++iter) {
if (*iter == '')

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C++ :: Reading Data (Constant Numbers) From A File

Feb 24, 2015

How do I get c++ to read a file containing six numbers - a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, and b3 - that are constants for the following equations:

clubangle(degrees) = a1 + b1*0.85*clubnumber

clublength(inches) = a2 + b2*1.05*clubnumber

clubspeed(yards/s) = 1.1 * (a3 + b3 * swingnumber) * (clublength(inches)/40)^2;

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C/C++ :: Search In File And Extract Content Between 2 Strings

Jun 8, 2014

I need to develop a simple program, i have 2 variables (begin, end), and i need to search in a file, And extract the string between the Begin and the End variables to a new File, For Example:

my text file: file.txt:

some text here<StartHere>more text here</EndHere>text text

C++ Program:

//Declear 2 variables
strcpy_s(begin, string("<StartHere>").c_str());
strcpy_s(end, string("</EndHere>").c_str());

//And now, search in the Text file, And Extract the text between the begin string and the End string.

The Result should be: NewFile.txt with the content:

<StartHere>more text here</EndHere>

That's it!, Here is what i have for now:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int ocurrences_count = 0;
int ocurrences2_count = 0;
char word[20]; //this array will save user input

[Code] ....

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C :: Reading In Comma Separated Numbers From A Data File

Apr 18, 2013

I am attempting to read in a file that has 4128 sets of 21 numbers separated by commas and write it into an array. I now know that in order to use fseek, I have to make my array a character array, but I need my function to read in decimals (ex: 0.172635). I'm reading in

0.102598,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.307 793,0.000000,0.410391,0.102598,0.000000,0.102598,0 .102598,0.000000,0.000000,0.102598,0.102598,0.8207 83,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000

and keep getting numbers like 48 49 50.


void CSread(char filename[100], char array[22], char array2[22], unsigned int arraysize)
char genename[32];
double temp = 0;

FILE *CSfile;
CSfile = fopen(filename, "r");


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C++ :: Output Unicode Number If Extract A Character Off A Console Or Out Of A File

Oct 31, 2014

How do I output a Unicode number if I extract a character off a console or out of a file.

If I do the below, I use the Unicode number to show a character. The below shows me 25² .

char b = 'u00B2';
mystring = "25";

How do you go back the other way? If I extract the 25 and the ² separately, how do I get the unicode number for ² ?

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C++ :: Program To Take Numbers From Input File?

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to write a C program to take numbers from an input file (input.dat), calculate the sum and average of the numbers for each row, and display them in a form of table and in an output file (result.out).

Using these numbers in the input file.

-0.043200 -0.003471 0.000000
-0.040326 -0.004851 -0.000737
-0.018204 -0.004246 -0.001530
0.022249 0.008891 0.004870
0.074892 0.044237 0.032171
0.129600 0.100233 0.089016
0.174747 0.160100 0.161792
0.200242 0.199106 0.214417
0.174747 0.160100 0.161792

i have created the the file but i keep getting errors in the underlined area after the while!!!

#include <stdio.h>


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C/C++ :: Program Is Not Reading Data From DAT File

Feb 15, 2014

I'm not sure why my program isn't reading data from the dat file. I'm not sure if it's because I messed up my pointers, or I'm missing something. I know we usually use Infile >> blah >> blah >> blah; to get the data from the file, but my instructor showed an example that had the struct read it for you in this format and I could just call it with pointers.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace System;
typedef int Integer;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Program That Get Data From DAT File

Mar 5, 2014

I am currently writing a program that grabs information from a .dat file. When I go to debut I get this error.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// function step 1 - declare the prototypes
void sort(int n); // catches an integer number from the call
void swap(string *p1, string *p2); //catches the location of data in ram

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Program To Display First 10 Largest Numbers Present In A File?

Oct 15, 2012

there is a file contains only a numbers ,we dont know how many numbers present in that file.so i want a program to display top n largest number present in that fie.(n may be 5,10,12 like that.)

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