C++ :: Program That Compute Final Average Grades Of Class

Jan 28, 2013

An instructor needs you to write a program that will compute the final average grades in her class. There are 5 students in the class. Each student must take 2 exams and 4 quizzes as part of their final grade. The weight of each toward the final grade is as follows:

Exam 1 – 30%
Exam 2 – 30% Quiz 1 – 10%
Quiz 2 – 10%
Quiz 3 – 10%
Quiz 4 – 10%

You must use arrays to store each students 3 digit ID number, exam scores and quiz scores. A multi-dimensional array is mandatory. Request from the user the information needed then output all of the information as well as the final average grade for each student.

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C/C++ :: Array To Only Print Out Final Average And Final Maximum Score With Final Minimum Score

Aug 27, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
float total, avg, max, min;
float judge[4];
int index;
int array[4];
int main() {
total = 0.0;
max = array[0];
min = array[0];

[Code] ....

I dont understand how to make the array when it prints out only print out the final average and the final maximum score with the final minimum score but what its doing at the moment is just giving an average for each individual score taken...

Minimum and maximum scores are displaying 0.0

And it displays these things 4 times in a row i just want it to be displayed once.

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C++ :: Program That Prompts User For 10 Grades And Then Find Average

Feb 24, 2015

I need to write a program that prompts the user for 10 grades and then find the average. I have that part but I need to average to not include -1. How can I tell the program to not calculate -1 into the average.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//Declare variables
float grade[10]; // 10 array slots
int count;
float total = 0;
double average;


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C :: Flowchart - Program To Compute Average Of N Numbers

Feb 20, 2015

How can you draw a flow chart that will be used to write a program to compute Average of n numbers?

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C/C++ :: Program To Compute Students Grades From File And Write Them To File?

Aug 31, 2014

We have to write a program that reads an input file containing data in the form:

Martha J, 80, 90, 90, 100, 89, 99, 85
Anna Smith, 65, 72, 77, 68, 62, 70, 65
Bill Gates, 60, 54, 89, 62, 65, 60, 50

and then use that information to determine their letter grade and write that information to a .txt file. I have been able to successfully pass that information to a function to determine their letter grade and have been able to successfully compute their letter grade. However, I can get this information to successfully post within the *computeGrade () function. Yet, I don't know how to pass this information back to the main() on a student by student basis so that I can open a new .txt file and write just their name and letter grade to it.

Another issue I'm having is when it comes to computing the averages of the class. Each score is either a quiz (there are 4), a midterm (there are 2) or a final (there is 1). I'm a little stuck on how to pass say all of the quiz 1 grades as one entity to the function averagesminmax(). Is there a way to compile each of the grades for a specific quiz or midterm as one array and pass that to the function to then do the computation. Also we need the min and max so again from compiling the grades of a particular quiz or exam together as one.

Here's the code that I have so far.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
const char *computeGrade();
int averagesminmax();
int main() {
char fName[20];
char lName[20];


Do I need to re-read the input file and assign them to different variables?

Here's a sample of the output so far:

Enter input .txt file name
Thui Bhu, 91, A
Ariana B. Smith, 96, A
Emily Gonzales, 83, B
Jennifer L, 89, B
Maria Jones, 67, D
Bill Gates, 55, F
Escobar Morris, 78, C
Anne Latner, 88, B
Program ended with exit code: 0

Also in my output file, the only thing that it prints will be the first name of whatever the last student in the input file list is.

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C++ :: Calculating High / Low And Average For Grades

Feb 6, 2015

The bottom three functions do not work. Nor are the finished to the extent. I do not know how the data members are being accessed and is only giving me the last output. The overall goal of this program is to output the highest grade with student name and age, lowest grade with student name and age, and the average of all grades. The file is given and is commented out for you to see what the file looks like.

// Header Files
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Global Constants
const int STD_STR_LEN = 10;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Find Average Of 5 Grades - Lowest Number Dropped

Nov 8, 2014

This is a simple program I am building to find the average of 5 grades where the lowest grade is dropped. I created a function findLowest() which accepts the 5 grades as arguments, finds the lowest grade and returns it as "lowest". I have tried many different way to find the lowest number. Right now, I am working with if...then statements.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printMessage(); //Prototype for printMessage
void getScore(int&); //Prototype for getScore with reference variable
int findLowest(int,int,int,int,int,int &); //Prototype for findLowest with reference variable

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Compute Sum And Average Of All Positive Integers Using Loop

Oct 8, 2014

I got an assignment which asked me to create a program that asks user to input 10 numbers (positive and negative) integer. The program would be using loop to compute sum and average of all positive integers, the sum and average of negative numbers and the sum and average of all the number entered. But, the new problem is after I've entered all the number, the answer that the program gave me wasn't the answer that the program supposed to give. I don't know how to describe it, I would attach a picture and the code below:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x, value, sum, average, SumPositive, SumNegative, Positive, Negative;
float AveragePositive, AverageNegative;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Program To Compute Length Of String Entered By User By Class

Sep 30, 2014

I want this program by using only iostream.h & conio.h

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C++ :: Compute Average Median And Mode For Numbers In Vector?

Feb 23, 2014

I needed to compute average median and mode for numbers in a vector. Im having a few issues I have already figured out how to calculate average and median just not mode. Also the program crashes when 0 is entered instead of exiting nicely. Also i keep getting a error on line 47 saying primary expression expected before else.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>


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C# :: Calculating Averages - Display Employee Number And Average Of Three Test Grades

May 3, 2015

I have a project that I am working on and I have gotten stuck. I am getting a couple errors and would like to see how I can complete the program. Not very long of a program at that. My instructions are:

Write a program to calculate averages. Create a method named ReadData that will load a two dimensional array, named scoresArray, with the following data from a file:


ReadData will have one argument, the scoresArray.

Create a method named DisplayAverages that will display the emplyee number (number starting 1324, 4356 etc) and the average of the three test grades. DisplayAverages will have one argument, the scoresArray. Your output should closely resemble the following.

Student #Test1Test2Test3Average
etc, etc

Round averages to one decimal place. Passing arguments is important for this program. No global variables are allowed, except for the streamReader and the streamWriter. The scoresArray must be declared in Main and passed as an argument to the methods ReadData and DisplayAverages.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using LibUtil;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

[Code] ....

When I run the following just to see where I am getting I get the following error:

UsersJoeDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsCIS110Program12Program12Prog
ram12Dat.txt was opened
Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the boun
ds of the array.
at Program12.Program.ReadData(Double[,] scoresArray) in c:UsersJoeDocument
sVisual Studio 2013ProjectsCIS110Program12Program12Program.cs:line 66
at Program12.Program.Main() in c:UsersJoeDocumentsVisual Studio 2013Proj
ectsCIS110Program12Program12Program.cs:line 24
Press any key to continue . . .

What am I missing here? I believe I have passed the arguments properly, but I am unable to declair the array within the bounds of the array?

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C/C++ :: Final Output Needs To Print Initial And Final Values

Jan 28, 2015

I have a program that is reading six characters from a text file, swapping every other character(ABCD would read BADC), and then adjusting their value based on a user's adjusted value input. If the adjusted value is 5 then letter A becomes F.

The final output line should print the initial six characters followed by the final six characters after the swap and encrypt adjustment.

I can only manage to print the final characters. Am I far off thinking I need to use pointers to point to the original character values?

One more thing: instructor wants us to complete this project as simply as possible meaning without the use of arrays, loops, switch statements, etc.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char c1,

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Make A Class Final

Oct 5, 2013

Just mark the destructor final: [URL] ....

Well, sort of - my question is, since the destructor has to be virtual in order to be marked final (you get an error otherwise), does this cause virtual function overhead anywhere, or add a vtable?

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C++ :: How To Make A Class Non Inheritable Without Using Keyword Final

Apr 13, 2013

how can I make a class non inheritable,,, without using keyword "final" ?

class A
A obj; // No error
class B : public A
}; // error

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C++ :: Writing A Program To Calculate Grades

Apr 22, 2014

Writing a program to calculate grades... My algorithm is long, so I only posted the part that gives me trouble. When classes== 1,2,4, or 5, the program runs fine. but it terminates when classes == 3.

if (classes==3) {
do {
cout<<"Enter the Letter grade for 1st class. (USE CAPS)"<<endl;


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C++ :: Use Functions In A Program To Show Names And Grades

May 19, 2013

how to use functions in a program to show the names and grades of students, their average, total, highest and lowest grades.

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C++ :: Finding Program That Calculates Student Grades?

Jun 7, 2013

I have to make a program that reads two student grades, the average of the two has to be 6, if you can not take an average of 6, will make a third test and calculate a new average.

I'm not getting the new display medium, without repeating the approved and disapproved?

// TRABAV2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {


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C :: Program To Calculate Final Value Of Investment Made In TSX Market Linked GIC

Feb 20, 2013

Write a C program that calculates the final value of an investment made in a TSX Market Linked GIC.


The return on this type of GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate) is based on the initial investment, the number of years (1, 2 or 3), a minimum return rate, a maximum return rate, a participation rate, the values of the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) index at specified intervals during the years, and the type of averaging of these values. The final investment value can only be calculated once all the TSX values are known.

If averaging is not used the TSX rate is determined from the opening and closing values only. If averaging is used the TSX rate is determined by calculating the TSX average at 6 monthly intervals, then is based on this average relative to the opening value. The TSX rate is then multiplied by the participation rate. If this new rate is below the minimum rate, then the minimum rate is used, and if it is above the maximum rate, then the maximum rate is used. Rates are printed to 2 decimal places, and the final investment is rounded down, and formatted using commas.

Only round down for the final investment. If the TSX rate is negative do not print the line for rate adjusted for participation. Assume that the final investment is less than one million dollars. (Hint: if you need to print leading zeros in a number, use the %0m.n format: example - the format specifier %06.2f prints 4.56 as 004.56)

Example 1: See below; averaging is not used, so TSX rate = (107-100)/100 = 7%. After using a participation rate of 80%, get 5.6% (which is between min & max rates).

Example 2: See below; averaging is used over 5 values to get a rate of 68% which equals 54.4% due to participation. This is more than the max rate, so the max rate is used.

The GIC calculator must use the following layout exactly.

Enter initial investment : 1000.00
Enter number of years [1,2,3] : 3
Enter minimum and maximum rates [%] : 1 20
Enter participation rate [%] : 80
Enter if averaging used [1=yes,0=no]: 0
Enter open and close values : 100 107

TSX rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00%
Rate adjusted for participation . . 5.60%

Final investment . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,056.00

Enter initial investment : 2000.00
Enter number of years [1,2,3] : 2
Enter minimum and maximum rates [%] : 1 20
Enter participation rate [%] : 80
Enter if averaging used [1=yes,0=no]: 1
Enter 5 TSX values : 200 190 320 430 540

TSX rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68.00%
Rate adjusted for participation . . 54.40%
Maximum rate is applicable . . . . . 20.00%

Final investment . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,040.00 i wrote something like

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
int years, minimum, maximum, partrate, x, open, close, tsxvalue;
float investment, tsxrate, y, finalinvestment, maxrate, minrate;

[Code] ....

I don't know what the exact calculation should be here now to get the rest....so I'm stuck here

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C++ :: Program To Call Relevant Functions To Calculate Final Price

Sep 14, 2014

I want this programming to call functions choose between a customer type and call the relevent function to calculate the final price but it is not calling the functions.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double amount;
double studendOrPensioner(int&choice, double &origPrice);
double OtherCustomers(int&choice,double& origPrice);


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C++ :: Program Compiles But Refuses To Print Out Char Grades?

Nov 10, 2014

#include <fstream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const int NAMESIZE = 15;
const int MAXRECORDS = 50;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Write Program That Uses Function To Compute The Cost?

Nov 1, 2013

Write a program that uses a function to compute the cost of a pizza with given diameter and the number of toppings. Constant will be the cost per toppings and cost per square inch. It will contain a reputable structure as well.

number of toppings=3

//complier directives


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C++ :: Write Program That Asks User To Enter Student Grades?

Jan 21, 2014

Write a program that asks the user to enter a student’s grades on four exams. The program should display the four grades and the average of the four grades,rounded to the nearest tenth. To add the grades, use a variable called total_grade, which you should initialize to zero.As the program prompts for and obtains each grade, add the grade to total_grade using the += operator.

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C :: Program Doesn't Properly Compute Simple Polynomial

Feb 7, 2014

The program will ask for the user to enter a value for x, then compute the following polynomial: 3x^5 + 2x^4 - 5x^3 - x^2 + 7x - 6.However, when I double check it with my calculator I get a wrong answer for random values of x. To simplify my problem I'm using only integers.


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int x, polynomial;


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C++ :: Program To Compute And Print A Billing Statement For Each Patient

Oct 17, 2013

Community Hospital needs a program to compute and print a billing statement for each patient. Charges for each day are as follows:

a. room charges: private (P) room = $125.00; semi-private (S) room = $95.00; or ward (W) = $75.00
b. telephone charge = $1.75
c. television charge = $3.50

Write a program to get data from the keyboard, compute the patient’s bill, and print an appropriate statement. Typical input (nut yours do not have to be identical to this) is the following:

How many days was the room occupied? 5
What type of room? P
Telephone used during the stay? N
Television used during the stay? Y

Keep in mind that the user needs to know that the input can be any integer number of days for the length of stay, either (P, S, or W) for the room type, and either (Y or N) for both telephone and television options.

A statement (which yours MUST be identical to) for the data given follows:

Community Hospital Patient Billing Statement

Number of days in hospital: 5
Type of room: Private
Room charge:$ 625.00
Telephone charge:$ 0.00
Television charge:$ 17.50

TOTAL DUE = $642.50

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C :: Program That Grades A True / False Quiz - Data Available In Text File

Oct 14, 2014

You are to write a C program that grades a true-false quiz. The quiz data will be available in a text file; here is an example:

Quiz #8 (09/22/14) (corrected version)

The first line in the data file is a comment that you may assume can be up to 80 charac- ters long; it cannot be blank. The second line contains the answer key for the 10-question true-false quiz. The following lines in the data file contain a student's id number in column 1 followed by their answers for the quiz in column 2. A 0 (zero) on a line by itself indicates that there are no more students to process.

Write a program that first reads in (from standard input; more on this in a moment) the comment line and answer key as strings followed by each student's data. Store the student's id numbers in an array. You are to "grade" each student's quiz using the key provided fol- lowed by recording their scores (in a second array) in order to be able to print them out later. You do not need to use an array of strings or characters in your program. Write your program allowing for up to 100 students, and you may assume that at least 1 student will have taken the quiz.

You should create test data text files and provide the data to your program using redirection from the command line (see the sample run below). Your program should output the number of students who took the quiz, the average score, the best score, and a table showing each student's id, score, and grade. The formatting, spacing, and labels in your output should 1 match the sample run below exactly.

Your program should determine each student's grade as follows: if the score is equal to the best score b or b−1, give an A. If it is b−2, award a B. Give C's for any score that is equal to b−3 or b−4, a D for b−5 and an F for all others.

Alright So I'm just stuck at comparing the key answer with student answer here is my code comparing one student's answer with the answer key . is that right ?? One more thing for some reason when i try to print answer[0] the result is nothing why is that

int main(void) {
char comment[80];
char answer [10];
char studentans [10];
int n=0,i=0,x=0;
int ID[10];

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Program To Compute And Display Charges For Patient Hospital Stay

Dec 6, 2013

Write a program that computes and displays the charges for a patient's hospital stay. First, the program should ask if the patient was admitted as an in-patient or an out-patient. If the patient was an in-patient the following data should be entered:

-Number of Days spent in a Hospital
-The daily rate
-Charges for the hospital services(lab test, etc)
-Hospital medication charges

If the the patient was an out-patient the following data should be entered:

-Charges for Hospital services(lab test, etc)
-Hospital medication charges

The program should use two functions to calculate the total charges. One of the functions should accept arguments for the in patient data, while the other function accepts arguments for out-patient data. Both functions should return the total charges.

I dont know why but the result always gives me 0??? This is what I have.

using namespace std;
double in_patient(int Numdays, double dailyRate, double Charge_hospServices, double HospMed_Charge);
double out_patient(double Outcharge_Service, double OuthospMed_Charge);
int main() {

double dailyRate, Charge_hospServices,HospMed_Charge,Outcharge_Service,OuthospMed_Charge;

[Code] .....

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