C++ :: How To Make A Program That Print Out Factors Of Integer
Oct 26, 2013
I want to make a simple program that will print out the factors of an integer. My program right now only outputs "The prime factors of 221 are 221, 221, 221, 221"... Where it should be "The prime factors of 221 are 1, 13, 17, 221"
#include <cstdio>
int factorsOf(int x);
int main() {
int x = 221;
printf("The factors of 221 are ");
As an assignment for school , I've to write a program to find the sum prime factors of a user input integer.
E.g. 20 = 2 x 2 x 5 , Sum = 2 + 2 + 5 = 9 E.g. 10 = 2 x 5 , Sum = 2 + 5 = 7
My method for finding the result is as follows :
- Divide the number by increasing values if int i , starting from i=2.
- Once I get a value of i that can divide the number without giving me a remainder , I add this value of i to int sum and divide the number by i.
- I will repeat this process until the user input value is equal to 1.
My code is as shown:
#include<stdio.h> int primecheck(int n); // Function to check if i is prime int primesum(int n); // Function to sum the values of i that are prime int main(void) { int n; int sum; printf("Enter a number (> 1): "); //Prompting and scanning user input ,n scanf("%d",&n); sum = primesum(n);
[Code] .....
But for some reason I keep getting an incorrect result, it's as if it is missing out the last factor for each case.
Eg. 20 = 2 x 2 x 5 , the result I get is 4 , which is 2+2 Eg. 40 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 , the result I get is 6 , which is 2+2+2;
I am trying to make my program read an integer until a space, namely ' ', is pressed, and then move on to the next command. However, all my attempts hitherto with both scanf() and getchar() have been to no avail. Every time it proceeds to the next command only upon pressing Enter, which is not quite what I want.
I'm trying to make a program in C where the user enters a string and it prints a word for example (name) in lowercase then the same word again but in capitals and lowercase like this (NnAaMmEe).
I am working on an assignment to enter a number and print all the prime factors of that number. I have that working, but the assignment demands the output be formatted in a strange way which I can't figure out. For example, in my current program entering 10 gets me 25, which is actually 2 and 5. But it should get me: ( 2 * 5 ) but I can't figure out how to do this. On the chance you need it, my code is below:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { cout << "Number: ";
i am using turbo c++ my program is based on maths equations and my final answer is 918 or any 3 digit number only but i don't want 918 to print instead i want only 18 to print. this program gives different output for every different input so i can't just minus 900 from it and get 18. i just want that no matter what 3 digit number is the answer,i just get the 2nd and 3rd digits while printing it and not the first.
the final answer giving equation is:- f=2914-1996 where f is my answer and its 918 but i want it to print as 18 not 918
I have this program. I am trying to do this Circular List but i think something going wrong. The first of all is the list.The second is if my code for delete and select function are correct and the third i would like my program getting a "n" number of names and then make the circural list then print it and then when i select a number delete every node until give us the only one left.
Write a full C++ program that inputs three-digit integer, separates the integer into its individual digits and prints the digits separated from one another. For example, if the user types 549, the program should print;
Q1. Recursive function that receives an integer x and prints the alternating alphabetic characters.
Write a main function to test the function;
Q2. Define a void function that finds the smallest value in the array and number of its occurrences. Also, it finds the largest value in the array and number of its occurrences.
ENTER 4 NUMBERS: 1 12 5 41 41
The function uses a "for" loop to print the given character the number of times specified by the integer.
How can I make a for loop to do that?
So.. my code looks like this:
// cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; void printMyInteger(int myInteger, char myChar) {
[Code] ....
So.. here is my error:
Error1error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before ')'d:workspaceuniversity ools for games and animationworkshopsweek 6week 6week 6week 6.cpp101Week 6 Error2error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before ')'d:workspaceuniversity ools for games and animationworkshopsweek 6week 6week 6week 6.cpp101Week 6 3IntelliSense: expected an expressiond:workspaceuniversity ools for games and animationworkshopsweek 6week 6week 6week 6.cpp107Week 6
I need to create a code in c fits the description below,
Description : A positive integer triple (a, b, c) with 0 < a < b < c and a^2 + b^2 = c^2 is called a Pythagorean triple. Write a program in C which reads an integer N and prints
1. the total number of Pythagorean triples (a, b, c) with c < N, 2. every such Pythagorean triple, and 3. the triple that has the largest value of c.
Hint: you can enumerate all possible pairs (a, b) with 0 < a < b < N and check if they satisfy a
2+b 2 < N2 .
Example Input/Output
- Enter a positive integer: [3] There is no Pythagorean triple in this range.
- Enter a positive integer: [15] There are 3 Pythagorean triples in this range: (3, 4, 5) (5, 12, 13) (6, 8, 10) The triple with the largest value of c is (5, 12, 13).
- Enter a positive integer: [6] There are 1 Pythagorean triples in this range: (3, 4, 5) The triple with the largest value of c is (3, 4, 5).
I am trying to read from a data file that has input as :
12.0, 11, 123 14.0, 12.1, 3
And I want the program to read the data from the file and then make it into an array of structures and then print that array afterwards.
Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_INPUT 1000 int n =0; int i = 0; typedef struct { double x[MAX_INPUT];
[Code] .....
The program when run gives the following output:
Ishtiaque-Mohammed-Khans-MacBook-Pro:Comp20005 IshtiaqueMKhan$ gcc -Wall -ansi -o ProjectB ProjectB.c ProjectB.c: In function "main": ProjectB.c:59: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of "print_array"
What is the most efficient algorithm for finding how many factors a number has? I've just been doing brute force division up to (n - 1) / 2 thus far. How can this be optimized?
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
This is what I have. If I replace 600851475143 by 1000 (for example), it works fine until 2 divides 1000 to 500, 250, 125...but when it has to find the next divisible prime (ie 5) it cannot do that and the program stops working.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; bool find_prime(int number) { int factor, num; factor = 2; num = number;
I'm trying to write a program that will find all the factors and primes for a range of numbers. I have the inner loop working but I am having trouble writing the outer loop that will output the range of numbers instead of just finding the factors for one number.
int n1 = 0; int n2; int factor = 0; cout << "Enter a starting number: "; cin >> n1; cout << "Enter a ending number: ";
write a c++ program that reads an unknown number of integer values and then print count, sum and average of odd values, even values, positive values, negative values!!
find the prime factors of the number input by the user. This time, we are going to have the user input a number, and the program will find all prime numbers from 2 to that number and prime factors of the number input by the user
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std;