C++ :: How To Implement Mean1d Function To Find Mean

Nov 2, 2013

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//I'll be making a 1 dimensional array
int array1d[25];

[Code] .....

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C :: Implement Setjmp For Function?

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to implement setjmp for functions.

#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
jmp_buf arr[3];
void DISP(int x , int i)


Could I possibly use malloc to allocate memory for the stack too?

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C/C++ :: No Output When Implement Own Strcpy Function

Aug 20, 2014

I am trying to implement own strcpy function, but no output is being printed.

void strcpy_own(char dest[], char src[], int len);  
int main() {
    char src[15]="jeevan", dest[15];

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Implement Pointers To Call The Function

Mar 11, 2014

write a program which contains two global variables:

1.Account number (integer)
2.Account Balance (float)

and three functions :

A function called set values which sets initial values for account number and account balance,

A function called set values which prompt user to enter the values of the above variables,

A function called input transaction which reads a character value for transaction type that is D (for deposit) and W (for withdrawal ) and a floating point value for transaction amount which updates the account balance .

Implement a pointer to call each of the functions using C++.

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C++ :: Implement Simple Wrapper For Logging Function

Jul 22, 2014

I need to implement simple wrapper for logging function log(const char *). So the solution is below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
void log(const char * str){ printf(str);}

[Code] ...

So, according to standard the temporary objects should not be destroyed before full expression execution (expression whitch is not a part of another expression).

The question is: is StreamLogger() << "foo1" << "foo2" << "foo3"; full expression or not?

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C++ :: BEEP Function - How To Implement Morse Code Program

Mar 2, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

I'm trying to implement Morse code program. However, I cannot find any codes which make a time gap between the letters. How the time gap code?

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C++ :: Implement Quick Sort Algorithm Using Recursive Function

Feb 13, 2013

I have written this code to arrange user input array in an order.

//Recursive Quick Sort
#define ARRAY_SIZE 10
void quick_sort(int array[], int len)


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C++ :: Singleton Base Class - How To Implement GetInstance Function

Aug 20, 2014

I'm playing with the idea of a singleton base class, but I'm having an issue with how to implement the GetInstance() function in the base class. Since I'm trying to make this ridiculously simple for the child, I'd like to handle that in the base.

class Singleton {
static Singleton* instance;
Singleton() { Construct(); } // Private to avoid other instances

[Code] .....

It would be easy to use like so:

class Hello : public Singleton {
std::string hello;
void Construct() { hello = "hello"; }
std::string GetHello() const { return hello; }

Then the instance would be handled like so:
std::cout << Hello::GetInstance()->GetHello();

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C++ :: Implement Member Functions Of Class Function - Failing To Get Input

Aug 17, 2013

I am supposed to implement the member functions of class Person.

class Person {
Person(string pname, int page);
void get_name() const;
void get_age() const;

[Code] ....

The code I wrote is below. Where I am struggling is the program does not allow me to input age. Therefore, I cannot test if my temp for age works. It automatically defaults to 0 because it hasn't taken input. Here is my code:

// Program Title: Person function
// Program Description: The program prompts the user for first and last name and age.
// It then prints the output that was provided by the user.

using namespace std;
class Person {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Binary Search Tree - How To Implement Insert Function Properly

Nov 18, 2013

I am unable to implement the insert function properly, every time i run the program i just get the first value and name, I am not getting other Id's and name.

"(Header File)"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class node{
int ID;
string name;
class node *left, *right, *parent;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Find The Address Of Function?

Oct 14, 2012

find the address of function? mail the ans on (email removed)

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C++ :: Function To Find Out Iterator Of Certain Value In Vector

Sep 4, 2013

I defined the following function to find out the iterator of a certain value in the vector. I defined it as such so if the value exist in the vector then return a iterator of it, if not then return a pointer pointing to nonsense.:

vector<tIndex_t>::iterator unlabelTit(const tIndex_t index) {
for(vector<tIndex_t>::iterator it=unlabelT.begin(); it<unlabelT.end(); it++) {
if(index==*it) return it;
} return NULL;

But looks this one is not accepted by compiler, saying I cannot do this kind of comparison like:


so I just delete the return NULL; and then the compiler giving me warning about no return statement before }.

a pointer pointing to nonsense? how to do that?

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C/C++ :: Using Function To Find Mode Of Array?

Oct 20, 2014

My code seems to find the mode of the array I input sometimes. Sometimes it gives me the wrong number or multiple numbers. It just all depends on what is number is inputted into the array. I don't know what the problem is. I tried looking online and editing many times and can't find the answer. Maybe I'm overlooking something or doing something wrong. Here's my code.

#include <stdio.h>
void readArray(int arr[], int length)
printf("Enter data:


Maximum: 15
Mode: 2

As you can see the mode is clearly not 2 and I do not know why.

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C/C++ :: Classes - Find Factorial Of Any Given Function

Aug 2, 2014

I wrote this code to find the factorial of any given function ., works fine but when i put it in a class... it gives me an error ::assignment of read only variable fact;

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const static int fact=1;
class My_Factorial {
int x;
void Get_Number(){
cout<<"enter a number to find its factorial";

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Find Max And Min Value In Void Function Using Pointers

Aug 31, 2014

I'm having issues with pointers and relationship operators in C.

I need to find a max and min value in a void function using pointers. max and min would work if they had values. mul works, because you can just do math operations with pointers.

There are 0 errors and warnings; but max and min are never going to work as is.

Clearly I'm missing something.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void max(int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d, int *result);
void min(int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d, int *result);
void mul(int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d, int *result);
int main()


Your job will be to create a program that uses pointers. Your output must be done in the main function and the calculations MUST be done in the three functions. Therefore you MUST use pointers correctly.

You must declare and implement the following 3 functions. Below are the three prototypes that you must use in this program.

void max(int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d, int *result);
void min(int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d, int *result);
void mul(int *a, int *b, int *c, int *d, int *result);

The functions have the following meaning:

finds the max value of a,b,c,d and stores the largest value in result.
finds the min value of a,b,c,d and stores the largest value in result.
multiplies a * b * c and divides by d. Stores that value in result.

Below is an example input/output. This input will be read in via the keyboard (use scanf).

output (note that user input is shown in bold)
1 2 3 4
Enter the 4 numbers: 1 2 3 4
The max is 4. The min is 1. (a * b * c) / d = 1
100 3 201 103
Enter the 4 numbers: 100 3 201 103
The max is 201. The min is 3. (a * b * c) / d = 585

Your output MUST match exactly the output below for the input from above. Your program must compile, failure to do so will result in 0 points. */

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C/C++ :: How To Find Address Of Library Function

Nov 30, 2012

I want to find the address of printf() in c.

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Visual C++ :: Cannot Find Function DlgProc

Apr 9, 2014

The code is bulit for the x64 platform with unicode enabled.

class CameraExporter : public UtilityObj {
static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void CameraExporter::BeginEditParams(Interface* ip,IUtil* iu) {

[Code] .....

Error2error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static __int64 __cdecl CameraExporter::DlgProc(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned __int64,__int64)" (?DlgProc@CameraExporter@@SA_JPEAUHWND__@@I_K_J@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl CameraExporter::BeginEditParams(class Interface *,class IUtil *)" (?BeginEditParams@CameraExporter@@UEAAXPEAVInterface@@PEAVIUtil@@@Z)e:Jackydocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsCameraExporterCameraExporterCameraExporter.objCameraExporter

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C++ :: Function That Will Take 3 Ints And Find Sum Of Higher 2

Mar 12, 2014

I am trying to figure out the larger 2 out of 3 integers when i call them into a function from main program so far i have . How to write a simple function that will take 3 ints and find the sum of the higher 2?


int findsum(int a,int b,int c)// will find the highest int and return it to our main program {
int max,max2;// this sets our local variable max
// next we will find the larger of our first 2 variables
if( a>=b)


How to get the second highest number and add it to max...

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C++ :: Function To Find Out How Many Days Have Passed Since Last Birthday

Feb 20, 2013

I have to write a c++ program with my own function which consists of two parameters (day, month). Function have to return number of days since the begining of this year. Using this function i have to find out how many days are left till birthday (or how many days have passed since last birthday)

This is how far i am:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int cikDienu(int diena, int menesis);
int main()

[Code] ....

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C :: Function To Find Starting Point For Recursive

Mar 6, 2015

I am trying to create a function to find the entry point of my map.But my program does not seem to be working correctly. I am trying to place a dot there because I will have to use recursion to fill up the whole map. But I'm not asking for the answer. I just need writing a function to locate the starting row for the first column of the maze (first non zero element). My code seems to have a bug in it when I try and call my function FindEntry. What I am trying to do is read in column by column until I can find the starting point and then place a dot there with ASCII character 249. This is my code so far:

#define HEIGHT 21
#define WIDTH 78


If you try and run it, it will give you a bug. But if you comment out the FindEntry function in the main it will work and look like this:

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C :: Function To Generate A Number - How To Find Same Digits

Nov 15, 2014

I use rand function to generate a number which consists of 3-5 digits(e.134,1435,73463..). The user decides whether he wants a 3 digit,4 digit or 5 digit number.After that,the user tries to guess the number.Its like mastermind game.The user will enter a number (with the same amount of digits) and the program will calculate how many digits from the secret number he has found and also how many digits he has found in the correct position(e.if the generatir produces the number 32541 and the user tries the number 49581 the program should tell him that he found 3 digits (5,1,4) and 2 digits in the correct position(5,1)) so that after some tries he finds the secret number.My problem is with the functions so that i can compare the digit of each number,find the amount of same digits and the amount of digits in same position.

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C++ :: Recursive Function Which Find Partition Of A Number N

May 18, 2013

I am supposed to write a recursive function which find the partition of a number n ,, for example if n=3 , it should print 1 1 1 , 1 2 , 3

I wrote the program but i am getting the two partition 1 2 and 2 1 which are the same ,, how can i avoid that ?
this is the code :

void PrintPartition( int n , int A[] , int j ) {
if( n<=0 ) {
printArray( A, j );
return ;
} for( int i=1 ; i<=n ; i++ ) {
PrintPartition( n-i , A ,j+1 );
} }

the first call of the function is : PrintPartition( n , A , 0 ) ;

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C++ :: Find Function - Return Reference To A Vector

Oct 12, 2014

Okay, so for an assignment I need to write a function called find() that returns a reference to a vector. So I have vector <int> & find(string & key); If I do this, I get the obvious warning warning: reference to local variable 'lineNum' returned [enabled by default].

If I do vector<int> & find(string & key) const; I get a huge error that starts out like

In member function 'std::vector<int>& index_table::find(std::string&) const':
indextable.cpp:74:30: error: no match for 'operator='

Am I using the const identifier incorrectly?

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C++ :: Find And Replace Function For Text Editor

Jan 3, 2013

I'm building a find and replace function for my text editor I'm building the function without support from the algorithm header.

The function is written like: doc.find_replace("Word_to_be_replaced", "The_word_that_is_replacing"); I find this very easy to understand replace this, with this.

find_replace will both have char * as their arguments.

The problem I'm having right now if I replace a bigger word for a smaller word how do I delete the extra characters from memory.

So if I replace "Goodbye" with "Hello" how do I delete the last two characters? So I don't print garbage code.

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C/C++ :: Linked List Search Function - Find Specified Value

Feb 9, 2014

I'm have troubles with this program that requires me to make a search through a Linked List and find a specified value. It also needs to be a template function. I've completed the rest of the program fine and everything runs ok except for the search function. Code below:

#ifndef LINKED_H
#define LINKED_H
template <class T>
class Linked {

[Code] ....

I have commented out my attempt at the search function. When uncommenting the function I get several errors about <template> being incorrect syntax.

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C++ :: Function To Find Sum Of Certain Word In Text File?

Jul 26, 2014

I've written a function that has to receive a word as parameter, and then has to find the amount of times that word (uppercase & lowercase) occurs in a text file:

For example, if the word "the" is sent as a parameter, the total amount of times the words "the" and "THE" occurs in the text file, has to be calculated.

However, my function is not displaying the correct amount, what is wrong with my function:

int WordCount :: countWords(string wrd)
int counter=0;
string temp = "";


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